THE DAILY NEWS. W. L. BARKER Truk SS. USE DOG TEAMS || Convention of Liberals! Lae BULLS Prince TQ GROUNDHOG itl Ove Westenacer Bron’ Offiee Dy MATHIEU rn LA . ialaindhinaimnninhinhasisstl hulle * PACIFIC Rupe < A conventic f British Columbia Liberals will be held at H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Latley s a oe \Eiritish Columbia Anthracite Coal O’Brien’s Hall, Hastings street, Vancouver, on February 29th, ' MUNRO & LAILEY Outfit Start Getting in Supplies 1912. Upon purchasing a first-class ticket to Vancouver via Sails Every Friday at 8 a.m. for F if - to Begin Development on Vast Cc. P. R. and obtair ta : ck of eine fton ; Architects, OF TAR | see VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATILE “Soar Fieid. Te deta eens tet a, eee fom hE See Saleh | | | i sh: bak ee ic et agent a sta rd certificate, and upon the signing of TES ae i ro oD - y if uy aio’ thatnieine "uate B.Sibs 0 Genes | During the week Frank Jack- ~~ Gertnoate by the Seohstary @t ehe Convention, the holder _— ‘ . : ie Charlotte Island points, For particulars! con of the B. GC. Anthracite Goal will be entitled to a return ticket at one-third the usual fare STUART & STEWART wh oy eee | Fr es vee cg, (ttle Seapets cea Than tener ata ‘ei ne rain Service to Van Arsdo 4Ud., espe et boggans, i aie i _— Mixed trains leave Prince Rupert| loaded with tools d supplies, now an ee Phone No, 880 i Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1 p. m Peat vie — Prince Rupert P.O. Box 3¥1 For all points East of Chicago travel via| /0 the Groundhog Mountain coal the 2 and Trunk Railway System for | fields, where the company has a ' afety, speed and comfort. liarge area of | sities ; SAMUEL HARRISON Vv. F. G. GAMBLE ‘ For full information, reservations and g e land, says the GOTAkY PUBLIC) ee ‘ ALFRED CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. . ; tickets to all points apply to /}Omineca Miner The valuable ; oud Meosinene eee Sean eal ae A. E. MCMASTER 'coal measures which have been : : berta Bars. GENERAL AGENT GRAND TRUNK |uncovered by the prospecting 2 CARSS & BENNETT PACIFIC RY. CO, operations of the last three sea- BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETC. Cures Coughs Aer att eames ae fob sl SON W U0. | esse = = | tifieally, in accordance with plans Mathieu's Syrup of Tar & Cod Liver Oil | faa ee a ( ea Real Estate and Stock Brokers WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D.D.S. Ss a i: eave shortly " ~ *. . " = . . is a great Tonic and not only stops » cough a < Saa Seabinaty work. The APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED oes ite nabten frail ice but enables the systern to throw it off. ey el Pt |river trail to Groundhog will be ° All dental operations skiifully treated. Gas and 7 should 4 " i oe 2 Lai | |b | kept open as long as the tobog- Prince Rupert - and - Stewart local anastheti etice administered for the painless ex- There should be a bottle of tt tn every home. | LIED bg |ganing is good, as Mr. Jac«xson Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. ii-12 : ~ snds se every available dog! = = — = — 817 | , intends to use every avai Large size bottle 35¢. Sold everywhere. B.C. Coast service — Famous Prireess| team for the transportation of OR wigy | AOKM-Manson n.4., W.E.Williams,B.A.,L.1.D j. L. MATHIEU CO., Prep, - SHERBROOKE Line supplies, in order that there may ; EA WILLIAMS & MANSON P ° M be no shortage before pack trains 7 To c ; Barristers, Solicitors, ete. can reach the upper Skeena camp. Box 285 rincess ay PP I i ‘ Prince Rupert, B.C Saturday, February 17th, at9 a. m. OFFICERS RE-ELECTED { | Fie Vinkdbla, “Vansosver andesite | wee j | 4 \ o P.'0. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT on MAAW, J. G. McNab i. General Agent | Northern interior Land Company i OHN E. DAVEY ; ‘ $ ee amen | Holds Annual Meeting. sa ae ; ne 7 ae aaanie OF SINGING } When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the 3 ——— General Merchandise — - - Largest Stock ‘ 3 PAPERHANGING | The Northern Interior Land = —— SS PUPIL OF WM. BOKON, BSQ.. A:R-A.M., 1ON., ENG 7 CARLTON HOTEL 3 ee eel > > ‘ ‘ ee . eG : 4 $ | mip eT | and three, held their annual Lowest Prices in N th m B C GEORGE LEEK & CO. 3 | meeting in New Hazelton on last / orine . . MERCANTILE AGENCY Finest Cafe in B.C, European Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. 2) HIGH CLASS Friday week. Secretary-Treas- l COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Hot and Cold Water in each room. $| urer C. W. Peck was present and * ~ +++ +4 Fire, Life and Accident Insurances 3 SIGN WORK he presented his report for the) gen, eemeee shh she msde “ —~3i | 618 3rd Avenue Phone 208 and Green 252 , CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS + : past year and it was entirely sat- PRINCE RUPERT Jancouver ‘ 2 OUR SPECIALTIES isfactory to the shareholders.| = = - — - ——- Vancouver, B.C. > 7 > —— The capital stock of the company n Sony: ‘ oi Aw > SILVERSIDES BROS is now paid up in full and as ZogeteastSESSES HEDIS ESS EES ee seasea see seaseesenseesees cs ; A. M. BROWN . a my Ya Cee why am 3} sy HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER P.O. BOX 120 HONE 156 GREEN P@bers & 9p COT Ss Same eae , j 1 iri i P.0, Bo PHONE 156 EN ne ed at ® TABLE SILVER a Sterling and Finest Plate 3 Revsiring Speciaty, THIS MAN TAKES HIS OATH Second Avenue, nest Teheihe | The same officers weme re- ghee eee {33 Outside Orders Promptly Filled. elected: President, Angus ‘Stew- ee ~ Tg purchased at manufacturers’ | fisherman is known to be the most “exact” person in the world and ii Se ae Ris TIS , Moe ; : “S336 | 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts in still draw the “long bow,” but our customers are so con art; vice president, D. McLeod; prices through our MAIL SERV- 694 t secretary-treasurer, C. W. Peck; ee ae : * ee se | THE GREENER IS THE WORLD’S BEST GUN New directors, the officers and A. L.| ICE, Each working day in each Gi ¢ no opportunity of advertising this fact amongst their fellow McHugh and V. W. Smith. year our factory runs to its full- $32} JOHN DYBHAVN Mb toed CARDEN C RUAtREAT De Ot 848 eek mnaariead iny's . ——_—___— est capacity in order to fill the iad Real Estate — Loans and he has por t eaaaaten before Mr. W. U. Gane, J. } | nox SILVER CUP MINE demands of all Canada. CG and Insurance r new gun will be a “Par Killing’ Greener, no other can give wee | ume msistent shooting combined with hard hitting and lasting ran ea Te er ‘nish al . f 3 | 319 , te Rae ie ; 1 Fine Ore Recently Struck on the We can furnish all the popular h | 319 8rd Avenue Phone 884 ‘ DOW eae describing 38 grades will be mailed free on receipt H Duke Vein. patterns in hollow or flat ware. | W. W. GREENER MONTREAL, P. Q. | 0 @ | ae MZ See our Illustrated Catalogue for 3 THE IROQUOIS On Monday one of the men i ees ° EPT. A.P., 63-65 A ae : SS Pes ” we BESNER & BESNER, Proprierors|f’om the Silver Cup mine came a The New Knox Hote! is run on the European into town and he had a sack of plan. First-class service. All the Latest Modern| Ore @S @ sample that he brought eee re rae mee in from the Duke vein on that | FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER' | property, says the Omineca Her- ald. The samples were excep- tionally fine specimens of the Cup ore and the directors of the - Church Services - company here were particularly] Fara Ta fuller descriptions and price quo- Henry Birks & Son taiions. Write for this Catalogue. POOL —Limited— It is sent free to any address in 4¢. English and American Billiards Jewellers and Silversmiths = i),¢ Dominion. We are the larg- $2 | Twelve Tables SECOND AvE. seteeiancwerenas est manufacturers of STERLING Vancouver -: B.C. SILVER in Canada. oyseeshes eee. i? se SRESSESSESSESS Hotel Central °o; FirstAve; | RePhePae Phe FRO PRO PHROFKe FHOPES, .o, o PRO PRO PRE, ‘ pena ~_ | pleased to know that this class of | Seasessesseaseateaseaseaseaseaseaseasenaaceaseareane oeaseoseaseaseaseaseaes ‘ Se ees » as uropean an merican pian, steam FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ore has been found on the Duke heated, modern conveniences. ®a $1.00 to $2.60 per day. : 3 Peter Black - . Proprietor Services every Sunday in the vein. Empress Theatre, 11 a.m. and | 7.30 p.m, Sunday School and All winter the men have been} ptee eeee nae driving a tunne! on this vein and} REV. KERR, M./ ” *ASTO! e ° Be EN EEA ra ee en ton wet rn || Australian Government Curing THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH vein at this point is a foot and a} ss s MCINTYRE HALL, 3RD AVE moO ST. half wide and there is at least| Drink Habit Adopts Famous or ant Cie ae ones four inches of solid ore the same} E. L. FISHER School 2 30 p.m Baraca as the samples brought in. Tt was] te E REV. WH. MeLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor not expected that ore of this grade | Funera! Director and Embalmer would be found in the Duke vein, | CHARGES REASONABLE THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH : naan inka te a * m be : THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. Th e Best IN CENTRE ST, AND 2nd AVE pso that the ee oN “. mor || Sending Sunshine and Happiness Into Hundreds of SIRT h te lamanT Ch P Sunday at ll promising than ever. 1e¢ samples i ; 2 } ie perf ly ae will be assayed as soon as Mr.| Darkened Homes Instead of Inflicting Fines or Frocurable. REV. C. R, SING, B.D. Pasron [/McLeod or Mr. Smith can get) Prison Cells Upon Her Unfortunate Citizens |hold of the assayer. | | pie | The government of South Australia | selves of the Neal treatment in private | has set arn example worthy of imita- sanitariums in Australia. NEARING THE ORE tion by the other nations of the world Scientific research and investigation HAYNER BROS eres | Owing to the extent, enormity and the | of the centuries has recently culmin- . Harris Mines Making Good Pro-|] awful consequences of the drink habit, | ated in the establishment of the fact UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS ress in Big Tunnel they have for years past been investi- | that the drink habit, so called, 1s Funeral Directors 9 gating its cause, effect, treatment and | caused by the poison of alcohol stored 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No, 86 | | ly re y Des 2) (ee) DE D LASS) (al at A AY) (E & + The Paper Si res >) ZT BRE By | possible cure, up in the system by the long continued ] f i E K Progress the Harris mines In the year 1910 Rey. A. C. Rankine, | or excessive use of alcoholic liquors, ' Nil tunnel, neal zelton, shows the | commissioned by that government, | and that the a or worsen ane sts Bc aN Seams sae eea tae ord . | ; o74} site 2 U > States a flicted is aS much in need of and mus Ar q work to h t ached a point 27 a visited the United States, and after a have medical help as if suffering from 66 { R) A hl nproximately 50 feet thorough investigation of drink habit | typhoid fever or other serious allmept iS IMB) feet in, a t even a treatments, returned to his government | Dr. Nea! has solved this problem. He C) O from the The intervening |f jast September and gave a detailed and pee pot ome .Gemenatre tes ae sahowe, \ E e has fo 2 dr y - A r BR) distance w probably be covered longthy report recommending the adop- | qoies this poison, and, combining same T E R R C \p | before the « if the month. Fol- tion of the NEAL THREE-DAY DRINK | with other well Known neutralizing and : ae ig) | Petore , id HABIT CURE. The government of | &liminating drugs, he has originated the fag) | lc g the expected disclosure a ; = Neal treatmont, which, in thousands o ‘ i! 99 (ah on ‘i aes ne tt ae South Avene adopted his report, and Ved ‘sey perfected absolute and satis- (The Place With a Future.) ‘ 4}; depth o 5 VY Snoot, established the cure in a large govern- factory cures in the short space of TEN ACRE TRACTS y ! x ylanned a new tunnel at ment sanitarium, where those addicted | time of only three days. TEN ACRE TRACTS AND K ) plan x to the drink habit are treated at gov- The Vancouver Neal Institute is one TOWN LOTS | \ e NY a point w enough to give 500 ernment expense, instead of being fined | of the many that is carrying on this f ! the vein x sent to prison cells, good work, and grateful patients every Choice Farming Lands in the Lakelse 4 i feel at 1¢ 5 f During ed $y ninety days a9 per- | day attest to the efficiency of the Neal and Kitsumkalum Valleys in Small 1 4 (ah) | The tory condition oO sons so affected were perfectly cured | Treatment | : My ' rh . oa a aarvengrn by the Neal treatment rt government | ‘If in need of help yourself o, rif you || and Large ame Rient Prices That It oives . : okt kon es eee aoe » areeken tet ine ‘ . | 1e companys treasury, © expense and restored to citizenship. In | have a friend who is losing his grip | , t gives you all the news of your own city and district as well as the principal happenings jjthe compa nahi ah mentale fa cuuition to this, reports ahow thet more | write for booklet giving full informa: || iepdisnias me ; : : ; iy) |economica ven ® than double that number availed them- | tion. f all parts of the world. The news is well edited, its news columns are clean and whole- | Fi) tration a i, should enable the 7 ak : = . : ; ; . . : \ ie pest Be cnc errace, B. C. some. It is a paper you need in your home. The advertising columns of the News bring oh Harris mines to place me pro} ) i +48 , : : fern ; Bene Rlierty on a shipping and paying |] , i! u in touch with opportunities for getting the full value for your money, ‘ basis without the sale of addi-|I | }O O j || basis i t : i | al treasury stock. ——— K a) onal . 1250 Broadway W., Vanocou ver, B. C. Phone Bayview 686 || } — | seat q ay Bilver Standard’s New Manager. ‘~~ " een . se Ni — agkina. former os ss — | rte et Pe Rater In Commercial Printing } 7 W. 58. Haskins, formerly super = ; ( se0rgetown } { f Cc » Plate > ) j we have a large stock of jintendet { Nickle Plate mine al | mf i } Rossland, arrived in New Hazel- | a i ‘ “2 . ’ | 4 { Bill Heads | Letterheads b} ton last Wednesday and reported | Sawmill ( Oo. Lid. \ } / (8) ready for | new duties as super- yo) Price Lists ] Stock Certificates W | intender t of the Silver Standard l|mine on G Mountain. L es ‘ Memorandum Forms / Articles of Association : Da uiseeee umber ; ‘ py) ’ i and Commercial Cards t We handle Blank Ledger ! Illustrated Pamphlets MP Aidermere Is Booming. { | Forms for Loose / | Jack McNeil, the Aldermere M di P ! Leaf System } ih] | merchar t. was in town early inj oul ings ‘ O-mcommrmnsomnertimsiik ion ian Fett tetera | the weel He reports hotel ac- \] | Nic odat s taxed every day at Ke A) 6 OF rae ; . Te tas Me : If comme ha ' : e 1 a: here is | A large stock of dry finish- \ ” society printing, we ensure correctness of style and taste in Visiting Cards, Wedding ah | the valley town, ang says then ing lumber on hand. Boat r ———— : aeenrews . “Tana > «= every indication that the coming lumbe ecialty. Deliver; Vitat sf . ‘ We . ‘fr 2 > ” jpevery ina “ | umber a speciaity. elivery ations and Dance Programmes. For any kind of printing from the humble ‘‘dodger’’ ed Tots will be Saemanetnat Alaeee mie my Fat: 4 pov It ° < ° ° ONT aie ” } the highest grades of multi-color printing consult the ‘' News Job’? _ “iimere has yet seen,—Omineca | R ' . ~— {OR}| Miner Our prices are as low as aay, Se |S . | | a Call on us before orderifig, Daily News Building = - Third Ave (f° .scrissis agi ages OFFICE: esa , PHONE 98 PHONE 98 bruary P Liberal Association of Hazelton k EW DEED = lelected Duncan Ross and Frank| EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. . CES PY SBS DL PPD) DAU) BIPREDAA) | MeKinnon delegates, or. and 2nd Ave.