DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month - .50 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year - 9.00 Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion . .02 Local readers, per line, per insertion .25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 8S Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Monday, August 14, 1939. ffiTQRIALS PROFIT SYSTEM The profit system will be under fire during the com- ing fall and winter and, for that reason, it is wise sometimes to hear the other side. Russia is the only country today where the profit system has been abolished and it is too soon .to judge of the results there. The following comes from Boston, Massachusetts : "The prospect for profit is the mainspnng of economic activity and around this has centred our great industrial progress of the past 150 years. The release of in dividual energy under such a stimulus is the secret of the success of the great American system and the key to progress. Individuals will work hard and long to provide for themselves and their dependents. But take away personal incentive, then the contribution of individuals to the com munity at large is substantially lowered. This has been demonstrated over and over again in various attempts at collective living. Communism was tried in New England 300 years ago. "The Plymouth Colony adopted a plan whereby the colonists 'all worked for a common storehouse from which all were fed and clothed? But actual famine stared therr in the face as 'the emigrants did not labor' and 'paralysis yas affecting the settlement' In consequence of this situation Governor Bradford permitted the breaking up of the contract and assigned each family its own parcel of land to raise its own food. 'The cheerful effort of personal energy succeeded to the sloth of communal interest and plenty followed." In the course of time the spirit of the Massachusetts Bay pioneers built up a flourishing world commerce and laid the foundation for private en terprise in this country. Under this system the United States with less than seven per cent of the world's population accounts for nearly as much wealth as all the other countries combined. INTELLECTUAL PRIDE Lord Baldwin thinks intellectual pride is conceit and conceit is the most vulgar thing in the world. And yet Lord Baldwin is only partly right. Those people who are clever did not make themselves clever. They did not even make themselves industrious and able to develop their cleverness. At the same time it must be a wonderful thing to be very clever, except that there are so few other CHESTNUT HILL, Mass., Aue 14: Under a sun much hotter than the tennis displayed, play In the fifty-eighth national double) championships started yesterday on the turf of the Longwood Crick- et Club. With many of the top-; ranking tennis still enmuip (mm i Horn and Jack Kramer, and tit"! Stanford University team, Bob Low and Lam Dee. tween Two Great Teams New York Olants August 30. Armstrong Keeps Lightweight Title Lou Ambers on August 22 were dissipated today when the double champion scaled 135 pounds, the lightweight limit, after a workout. Plan Addition To Boys' Town Three Hundred More Youths Be Admitted To Colony MELBOURNE JINX To WINNIPEG, Aug. 14: (CP) Enlarging" Eoys' Town at Omaha, Nebraska, will enable 300 more abandoned youths to enter the famous home for boys, Father O. L. Demers, assistant to Father Flan- nagan, who started the colony In 1917, said during a visit here. The home for "abandoned, neglected and some wayward boys ' now houses 200 of whom only 10 percent are problem boys, he said. Two lads from Saskatchewan are In the "town" and 27 states of the union are represented. There are 19 different nationalities and more than 2300 boys have lived In the place. Fine buildings grace the lawns and there are spacious playgrounds. The football squad was unbeaten in five seasons and the basketball team has been Invited to play In Hpnolulu. Supervised self-govemment is the system employed. A mayor. civic commissioner and principal Judge and others are elected. El ections are held every six months. TWO IN ONE BERKHAMSTED, England, Aug ust 14: (CP) Berkhamsted golf club's second hole 149 yards was holed In one twice one afternoon when Dr. H. O. Skelton followed O. E. .T. Roberts in holing a tee shot within a few minutes. CHECKERS MARATHON MELBOURNE Australia, August 14: (CP) After nine months of play, Victoria's draughts marathon has ended with J. Boyles, national champion, defeating J. Arm strong In the 14th game. The game decided the 1938 title. clever people with whom to associate and to associate with j Sydney, Australia, Auzust h people who are not clever would be a bore. A person whoi irainer u. iiugnes oi uya-is clever should glory in the cleverness but should care-1 f1; int o?El , . J . . , .tracks. Twice in two years he has i i j. i -i tt i. ji i i fully avoid making any display of it. He should feel that 'taken heavily-backed favorites he is one of God's chosen people but should always avoid , there, in both cases they have showing superiority. Weiave known people who thought themselves clev--' versity, thus having an advantage over others, an advantage which usually isrovided at the expense of the com- monplace hard workers of the country. They often display a vulgar conceit. To be clever is wonderful but to parade it is snobbish, vulgar. , ....... I been outrun by Melbourne mounts. SOFTBALL TONIGHT 6:30 Lipsett's vs. Moose 32 vs. Acropolis MRS. BRASS AT OTTAWA OTTAWA. Auf II: CP hundred and fifty crack marks- urday. m m a k w a mm nil . a Capt Lucas, Capt. George Patrick of Ottawa and Mrs. Owen Spencer Hethey of Victoria Ued for first place last year. Capt. Lucas and Capt Patrick shot off for the med. al. Mrs. Hethey was not eligible as the medal is limited to members of His Majesty's forces. Baseball Scores SATURDAY'S SCORES National League Philadelphia 4, New York 3. Boston 3, Brooklyn 10. Pittsburgh 4, Chicago . Cincinnati 8, St. Louis 4. American League New York Z. Philadelphia 4, Washington's, Boston 9. St. Louis 17, Detroit 3. Chicago 2, Cleveland 3, SUNDAY'S SCORES ' National League Pittsburg 4, Chicago 5. Boston 13-8, Brooklyn 6-2. Philadelphia 2-2, New York ll-. Cincinnati 2-3, St. Louis 4-4. American League - . New York 20-1, Philadelphia Washington 1-6, Boston 9-3. Chicago 0-3, Cleveland 2-0, St. Louis. 11, Detroit 7. Deadlock In Golf Tounjey Gene Saraien, Denny Sliute And Ralph Guldahl Tie In Dapper Dan Contest PITTSBURGH, August 14; Three established stars of the golf ing world Gene Sarazen, Denny Shute and Ralph Guldahl battled winds and rain at Wildwood Country Club yesterday to finish In a deadlock at 287 for first place In the $10,000 Dapper Dan golf tournament. None was able to come close to par figures as a stiff cross wind and rain whipped across the course. Sarazen found the going more difficult than the others and, after i ii . , ' i . ,i . jieiiuiug uie paraae lor uiree oays, he came homei with a disastrous 77 on the par 70 course, SPORT CHAT the eastern tournament at Rye W. W. Maxfleld, British national New York, play was confined for Priin-e Rupert Voroan One of Three j cycling sprint champion, qualified Uie most part to the lesser tan-: I" Camp for D.C.R.A. Annual for the final In a London charr-dems. The best engagement of the ! Meet pionshlp event but tost when his lav rut fftuaht nut htsm thp! I Chain snaDUCd III the UUt lap. F Los Aneeles youngsters. Welby van FourP ...JW. Tickler won by a length. A selected Holland cricket team men irom au pans w wai re ,,, . a fjMim th. ,!rvie encamped at the Connaught Rang- bQne Crlcktt club at m es here for the annual shoot of thetftndm and tomorrow Dominion of Canada Rifle Assocl-I Some wwt ut of iivtauj auon wnicn opens loaaj. uatinai it.mt .lewarri. have A 1VTH PUIP A PA U,em hope to quallfy f0r UM pawed an amendment by which AilD LnlLAuU BWeJr tMra next yf,f the top welsht in the Grand Na Th("re three women amor ;Uona, nffd nol than lC3 Football Classic to he Played lie- he "j? pounds as compared with the pres- M.U. ,.v cnt Minimum weight was low P"1- lered to not less than 150 hounds EVANSTON, III.. Aug. 14.-Coach , WnlTn! a,nst lhe ioTmfr 140' Elmer Layden of Notre Dame has " c 7,vL7 . I issued equipment to 65 collegiate AJTT?.J "'"S ' Struck on the head by a cricket all-stars In preparation for drill to 15 rin ?c.h- ball during a match at New Cross, 1 numb come from the Ma rl- ,4 dled ljan. condition them for Chicago's sixth A, a annual charity game against the , , " " Aon h0 a iew nours addition, about 50 cadets from tarl- M4yof R j oubertson of Essen ous Canadian, schools are shooting don Alwtraiia, pays admission for prizes over the miniature rang- Jfts at six cents a head for 80 es- boyi whose fathers are on relief iTopmes .mi Mint leach time the Essendon rugby club The trophy room of the admin-'plays at home. lstraUqn. building, overlooking the( Scales 135 Pounds So Will Not Have rolling ranges. Is bare of interna-' Three new clubs Kidderminster To Forfeit Crown tlonal trophies. The Blsley team Harriers. Worcester City and Bur- : arrived - home from the NaUonal ton Town have "been admitted to 3.000 miles for the race, an Ameil- Intra- Empire flavor Is given by 'can runner, confronted with a mis- the presence of a team of cadets, placed hurdle during an Interna-chosen from- the public schools of tkmal track meet at Oxford, refus-England. They will meet Canadian ed to protest. cadet- In a duel for possession of I the Michael Faraday Trophy, now Babe Didrlckson, famous Amerl-held I by Canada. lean golfer, playing on the New (. Cajtt. A. C. Lucas of Toronto will j South Wales Club's course at La seek-to retain the Oovernor-Oen-Percuse. outdrove her male oppon eral's gold "medal when all marks-jents and was In deadly form on men go to the firing mounds Thurs-1 the greens. day for the shooting of the first. stage of the classic. The leading! Harold ATllng. 35, wai killed In- 150 will enter the final stage Satt.stantly when struck by lightning on Birmingham's municipal golf links. Ayllng was with three companions on an open part ot the links. Tetratema. son ot the Tetrarrh.' who atamped so many winners.' among them Mr. Jinks and Royal Minstrel, with his characteristic grey coat, died In his sUble In( Leicester, England recently. Edmonton Wins In First Game EDMONTON, Aug. 14: (CP) Edmonton Clvls defeated Calgary Broncs by a score of 5 to 2 Saturday In the opening game of the Al- ,berta senior football championship final series. "Build B.C. Payrolls- British v Columbia's Good Milk if One reason we like to give UV tlsh Columbia credit, It's her due. British Columbia Is cause In part of this good milk's excellence. What makes the milk of this pasture so good? What secret holds this soil and I climate? PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed TIMilCR MLB XI mt I Beo)d tender will t received by th MtalAter. of Lands at Victoria. D. C, not later than nun on the 20th dar of Btiptlmtorr; 1M, (or th jkurchano U licence X2493S. io out 30.O8S.0O0 frt of ipruo. cedar, hemlock, txilttm on 'pru of Timber Uetacrm 17 IP, s?p and (7SP, Johnnton Crwt, Rivera Inlet, Rinr 3, .Oowt Land DUrtrtot. ; , fifteen ,fl5 Tr wlU bt llowd fqr rtmovgj ot timber, , rurtner partloulan uf th Chtitf For-' tUr, Victoria, B. o. or DUtrlct Tor. Wr, PrliW4 Rupert, B.C, I msl ewe 1 its! PAGE TWO THZ DAILY KIWI Monday, August U If Your Feet Trouble you See Us We Carry a Full Range of Wizard Arch Supports Foot Appliances For Every Foot Ailment Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes National Tennis Championships Doubles Tourney Gets Under Way At Chestnut HUM IS APPLAUDED BY THE"CRITlcs' lt$ irv ihM Tlar TiMt" li Ufa ef ttl tl kiti, tklUtUf Uniri i "urruJ, to k Vint ifrt laoodttni. Tni joar tout n4 y uTi U rM. 1L UV1C ML, KL -Si is on. h on.' CANADIAN RYE would be forced to forfeit his .cup, won by Canada last year, was' 28-year old Mabel Bujnet has de- tn an office, , WHISKY '330 itiu advertisement U not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government oi BritUh Columbti. lightweight title and oeiend tne t recapturea Dy tne mouier country. Aitnougn he naa come nearly finite Ideas on what part beauty "But too much at?f welterweight crown instead against last month. Beauty Handicaps Brains In Office Pretty Secretary Has Her )r Ideas About Beauty In llutlncs the Works Progress Adz offices here "Beauty cart be a Lx . iw. ' she said. "So Uvea think anybody (h ful cant possibly be ,:. -course there are exruii. plays In a business office. pea ranee la detrtmrv A fair-skinned, suit-voiced brun- the main thin m -ette with hasel eyes, Miss Sugnet want U Intelligent nr. divides her time between admin- people." the smar' t istratlve and secretarial work In secretary said. no i hii- exeeuUve bat they ure (e n I far betweefl." " She a kto oeheves btiu'j ti bralm can be succevsr,, nw WASHINOTON. D. C- August II: toeether. "Mavbe Id aa POMPTON LAKES, N. J., Aug. 14. Rule AssocUtlon with nothing to the Birmingham Football League. (CP Chosen as one of the six beauty so much a a '.s. rears inai nenry Armsirong picc i uispuj iuc rk.oiuie unngiiiB uie nicmocrsiup 10 u. preltlet government employee. Any nnart glrj can lock r":i i Mtri ' rxr Cj i The Morning After Taking Carters Uttle LverPilh MacKenzies Furniture AUGUST FURNITURE SALE BEDROOM DRKSSERS-Round and oval mirrors, watertaa design, oriental walnut facing with beauUful matched ooi Thrse will probably match your sulte'and they COQ 75 arc sold at a bargain. Sale Price ?tUiv rhone 775 Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc . One Package 8erve.s Four People Kepi for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert f Q British ClumH TIIK CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Hrand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Soperphw phates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Sliver, Lead. Zinc, Cndmlum,, BUmulh, Anilm