PAGE FOUR W certainly enjoy the fi fascinatinq flavor I uB I of WRIGLEY'S )1 jlZ juicy fruit 6UM!jy j Mrs. W. V. Tattersal sailed this morning on the Princess Alice for a visit in Ketchikan. Thomas A. Kelley, well known Millions are enthusiastic about the delicious flavor of Wrlgley's Juicy Fruit Gum. They chew it regularly because it not only tastes good, it helps keep teeth bright and attractive, and aids digestion, too! A simple aid to keeping fit! Always keep a package in purse or pocket ... and at home for the children they just love it! Small in cost but bi in benefits. Get some today! London Signs Blood Donors Queen Charlotte Island logging operator, arrived in the city Satur- Transfusion Volunteers May Regis day-afternoon aboard the company ter And Be Tested boat Tanoo from the Islands and, sailed on the Prince RunM-t that LONDON. August 14. (CP) evening for Vancouver. Nazis Touch Up Czech Histories Ate Being Itemed To Suit New Proprietors Of Country PRAGUE. August 14: (CP) Czech school books are being revised to suit the German proprietors nf'Bohtfnla anri Mru-a via "Blood transfusion volunteers may register and be tested here." say placards outside each of London'r big hospitals. Over 60.000 donors ready to give blood in wartime have been listed in the London area, but the Em ergency Blood Transfusion Service says that isn't enough for London's wartime needs. Donors, aged 18 to 65. would give blood as .soon as a "crisis" came, to build a big reserve for casualty hospitals. British medical experts say can ned blood, kept in cold storage ' effective two months at Of 90 books inspected. 60 have been ordered either changed ta'ter being "toPP' from a dnr- , ullT If. ,1 A. O. R1x. district manager of TiT L k tuljj ana the Imoeriai Oil Co.. saUed on the KrJ" Saturday evening for ZT' l , , a brief business, trip to Ocean Falls, ersjor their own referent, I Z2 special attention was paid to R. M. Wlnslow. assistant general books describing Czech and Ger-) manager of the Canadian Fish tz man history and the relationship j Cold Storage Co., sailed Saturday between the two nations with an; evening on the Prince Rupert for a eye. to presenting matters more as tin to Vancouver and elsewhere in nazjs see mem. the south on company business LOW in Price LOW n operating cost HIGH in va'ue Thi Remarkable NEW RCA- Victor Battery Radio 6 tube., Outstanding performance Beautiful tone Smart appearance and Amazing y Economical to operate. New Model B.I Only $44.95 Complete With All Batteries Other New ICA. Victor (IfciMery 'Models from,$.95 Complete Sec and Hear Them at J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bid. Fresh Local Haw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Prominent Screen Figures Take Mr. Herrlde and his New Democracy seems to have caused merriment in some quarters. He seem to be against everything and everybody except the Communists , and the Social Crediters. Where did you come from, Baby dear? "Out of the everywhere into the here." Tell me. my Sweet.' what your name may be? "Dad calls me The New Democracy." And who, may I ask, is your papa? "He's Major Herridge, of Ottawa." What means that smile In your bright blue eye? "Tim Buck kissed me as I passed by." And why are your little cheeks', so red? "Aberhart patted me on the head." What la that cute little song you sing? "Down with Manlon and down with King!" Well; I hate to discourage you. Baby dear, But you haven't got long to live, I fear. MUSS ALLEN'S CONFECTIONERY The Pioneer Store In town carrying a large and up-to-date stock of Box Chocolates Chocolate Bars Candies Ice Cream Soft Drinks and .Mixers Fresh Milk and Cream-Calces and Cookies all kinds Fresh Fruits in season Serving Coffee Tea Toast-Sandwiches and Fancy Ice Cream Dishes Sodas and Milk Shakes Open 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. way. Monday A.. THE DAILY NOTTS IACT0RS ARE ruTZ i From The Waterfront Part in Hollywood Union Mass - J Meeting Seattle Halibut Landing Keeping I Up Catala Again Very Late HOLLYWOOD. Calif., Aug. 14. , Prince Robert Rushes Into Port A noisy mass meeting of several! With Sick Passenger thousand Hollywood stars lastl night welcomed home a "fighting Halibut landings at the port of mad" committee of actors who flew j to Atlantic City to protest a Jurisdiction dispute to the American federation of Labor. The movie people Jammed Into Hollywood's stadium to hear Ralph Morgan. President of the Screen Actors' the International Alliance of The- Latrical Stage Employees to "take sableflsh. 4 He, 200 halibut, 12c. over" the field in the studio in- Booth: Rctrect, 6000 sable. 4c, dustry. lins, 3000. 3c; 7.500 red cod, 3 tic, "We are fighting mad over some halibut. 600. 12c. Whiz. of the developments at the Atlantic City meeting." Morgan said, "but Delayed again by being late In we are confident of ultimate vie- leaving Vancouver and having tory" heavy freights for waypolnts. Union Adolphe Menjou presided and steamer Catala. Capt. James Eddie Cantor acted as master of Findlay. arrived in oqrt at 2:45 ceremonies to introduce Lawrence this afternoon from the south and Tibbett, the opera star and Presi- sailed a'eouple of hours later for dent of the American Oulld of Stewart, Anyox and other north-Musical Artists, and Emily Holt. n Doinnts whence she will re-secretary of the American Feder- turn here tomorrow night south-atlon of Radio Artists, who return- bound. ed from New York with the ccm- nlttee. VERSATILE TRIO DURBAN. South Africa. Augus. Seattle last week totalled 664.000 pounds. Prices ranged from a high of 14c. which the Kingfisher was paid on Friday, down to 9Vc on Monday. Sales at Seattle on Saturday, including 123.000 pounds from four western vessels, were: Guild, and other leaders of the ac-1 Resolute. 40,000 pounds. Whiz, lMc tors' unions tell of their wrangle with the executive council of the A. F. L. over asserted attempts of and 10c: Diana, 12.000. Booth. lHic and 9c; Trior, 35.000. Sebastian, 10c and 9 Vic; Unlmak. 18.000 Rushing into port some ten hours ahead of scheduled time in order to land one of her tourist passengers who had developed a serious case of pneumonia requiring hospital treatment. ON.R steamer Prince " .: tui'iine smeinursis are a , , . nortinr f.mii. iir. ,. M 'Robert, Capt. H. E. Nedden. arrived man play soccer in South Africa Tests and Bernle has been selected to represent Natal in a boxin',' -ontest against Rhodesia. Man in the Moon Some people spend a good deal of their time sniping at the Premier of British Columbia. But what does it matter to the Premier? The rhott either go wide of the mark or they glance off his back. A man who was given to snipe And who Deddled stale pudding and tripe Took an aim .at Pattullo A oretty good fellow But it back-fired and hit the poor glpe. in port at 10:30 last night from the south and sailed at 1 o'clock this afternoon in continuation of her final voyage of the season to Skag- ivui mc Troeci spceaeu in ,ada nere at twenty-six knots per hour. Ambulance and dootors were on hand to meet the steamer on ar-Ival. Mr. Leslie is accompanied by his son. Harry A. Leslie. The Prince Robert has in all 322 passengers on board. Notables include FecJeral Judge John H. Druffel of Cincinnati and Mrs. Druffel; Dr. Frank O. Nagle. prominent Philadelphia physician, and Mrs. Nagle; Ray L. Riley, member of the California State Railway , Making her final voyage of the-eason on the Alaska tourist route.. UP.R. steamer Princess Alice, Capt John Williams, arrived in port atl :45 this morning from Vancouver I and sailed at 10 ajn. for Skagway ind other northern points whence' sne will return here Saturday afternoon southbound. The vessel had a list of 135 passengers, five disembarking at this port and thirteen going aboard. Aboard the C.P.R. steamer Princess Charlotte, which was in port Saturday afternoon southbound from Bkagway to Vancouver, was a capacity list of 242 passengers. ueven persons disembarked from the. vessel here while three took passage from Prince Rupert for Vancouver. C. N. R. steamer Prince Oeorge. Capt. J. W. Watt, arrived in port at 9 o'clock this morning from Skasway and other Alaska points with 213 passengers, mostly round trip tourists, on board and sails at 3 o'clock this afternoon fo: Ocean Falls, Powell River and Vancouver. Ten persons disembarked from the vessel here. Northland Transportation Co.'a motorship Northland, Capt. Len Williams, arrived In port at 2:30 this afternoon from Alaska, After discharging fish from Ketchikan for transshipment East by rail, she will sail in continuation of her voyage to Seattle. Frank Vaterhouse freighter Northolm arrived In port at -4 ocJock yesterday afternoon from Vancouver with freight for discharge locally. Keep up to dateAdvatsc.regu I.trly. 'NAZI SPY' FILM HERE Daring Exposure of Espionage Activities Is Showing At Capitol Theatre "Confessions of a Nazi Sp:. dealing with Nasi espionage art vlUes in America, is the feature picture for the first half of Uv week at the Capitol Theatre her. The picture has attracted consul erable attention all through country and has been awaited h -i Although the particular chara ters and events are fictional, i and 9c; Ilene. 36.000. San Juan. He plonage methods revealed in tlv mm are Dasea on ikw oruuKi. out at trials in New York Lo Angeles and the Panama Car. zone. Edward O. Robinson prtray t ) "O" man who breaks thr ring and brings four of its mem ben to trial and conviction Pa Lukas plays the part of the doc who heads the spy ring Fran Lederer is a bundling Nazi nf mer. Lya Lys. beautiful b'.or. ' European star, has an Import a: part Miss Lys was herself borr. : Oermany and suffered inrnr, venlence at the hands of the Nazi there before she was able to leav the country. Production of the picture wa carefully guarded. Vancouver Has Royal Visitor Prince George of Denmark. Sisth in Line for Throne. Is on Coast VAvmitvn? a . ii. iro. 7116 rtn" R.obert had on Vancouver is again entertaining board more than 300 tourist passe n gers. The stricken passenger Is Preston II. Leslie of Los Angeles, a member of the California State Railway Commission, who took cold while motoring north to Vancouver and whose condition suddenly be came worse yesterday while the royalty in the person of Prince Oeorgc. sixth In line for the throne of Denmark. He arrived here yesterday by airplane to rejoin the Itn -er Canada on which he is making the trip to the Pacific Coast His father. Prince Axel, is managing "l,u'""",u,lu"" a company which operates the Can- Legion Convention Of California In Oakland Session OAKLAND. August 14: The annual convention or the California section of the American Legion is Commission. andi,n ton here, having opened on Mrs. Riley, and Mrs. Anne B. Jack- Saoturday There are delegates jian and mrttr nf i-k. ,from a" Part of Uie state. f jvi ouiia worn Hamilton, Ohio. CUSSfflE CONNECTIONS WANTED WEST African Importers and ex porters seek connections with Canadian producers or manufac turers. Samples, offers for mer chandlse of all descriptions, nrin clpally fish products, and terms solicited. The Colonial Fisheries. umitea, Benylwah House. Wln- neba, Oold Coast, British West Africa. if FOR SALE KITCHEN Stove, Oil Burner, and pump. Bedstead. Restmore, 8t Drawers, Vibrator. Phone Reo 388- (190) CLEAN well - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444, 19l MALE HELi WANTED AT ONCE A man over 21. preferably with a car, to represent an all-Canadian Company In Prince Rupert and surrounding district. Must be steady, reliable and a good worker. Earnings average $40.00 a week. Write J. M. Robinson, Mgr. Wear Ever Brush Company, 408 Lum berman's Bldg.. Vancouver, B.C. (189) AGENTS WANTED NEW kind of heat bolls water almost Instantly. Make up to $30.00 dally. Pocket size minute demonstration. NO RISK SAMPLE OFFER. LUVICO, Elkhart, Indiana. (189 Kffy smashing m H&tvm v Ml or A GIANT M fg&&- SPY RING BY "G-MEN"! JgM KSsSiSK' Not n years has the screen ifiaflj BfiflHN presen ted such an ac''ori H HCigH jammed dramatic KBfm kj3H thunderbolt SKH u: Zii and 9 :s Mrffijflrff ,j ' i ') !t wjftjH Tt).ltlIT I TUESIIAY juMTAi Lv WEDNESDAY 1 L FURNITURE CO. USED FURNITURE 1 Larue Size Lawn Mower 6 50 Ji-piecc Chiwtorfield In tap'oitry and Q5f flfl valour Od.U 1 Reconditioned Kitchen KanRc Tft With hot water jnctoot ''J 3 Vacuum Cleaners Oft r ft From, up fV 2 Sc.. ins Machine 2V 0 Kiom, up petlu : Larjrt Sued Draper . . GO HO F.oni, up tPO.UU . Steel Hcda and Sprites In walnut j J jQ NEW FURNITURE .1 Rufrs--ixG. Wonderful 8 00 G Chesterfields In tapestries and velour $69.00 t0 $89.00 Phone 1JLACK 321 THIRD AY Iv.M'B Next Door to II. C. Clothiers f AAVA I I tTthMSHlM I I COMMUNICATIONS I CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SB. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 P tn To Vancouver Direct 85. PRINCESS LOUISE S.S. PRINCESS Af W Au. 5th. 16th. 26th, Sept. 6th Aug. 0th 1" 8.8 PRINCESS CHARLOTTEAug. 2nd. 12th. 23rd. s-- ' Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pu U" W. L. COATES. (icneral Agent, Prince Rupert U.C Tickets uiul Reservations from If you have something lo sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is n buyers the city, aa': I H2