before Eeonon Tllllti) AVENUE ..A. COAL Grain. Feed Seeds and Fertilizer I'UINCE UUPEUT FEED CO. . Phones 58 and 051 Williams Collie, Uis.. will lead ImtTtuL of Fxonrxalo " lrl of 'Political .Ji.n Canadian ReUn Opinion In a Democrwf - it m ,ind rolitlcm Now In be the flrat of three lecturei by r. t . . . .. ''4,,ti.. 7 Am. ..lf- , , .chih annual UvmUv . . . P" i tik, Couchleh. M Uter meeUng, Mr. Massey ft UT l" . . ing, today Prominent Canadians scheduled to takf part are Premier Angus M:Doiwd, of Nova Scotia; Den-tar musty M, P.. Toronto; Agnea C UarphaU M, P for Grrj-Bnice; L toi George A, D:'. Ontario CarjervaUve Irader: Aruiand Vlau. Department of Mines, Quebec; R. i, raider K C . and Mrne. Pierre Casgrain, Montreal; Dr. C. A. Cur-t and Dr W A. Mackintosh. Queen i University. Kingston: n. K Sandwell, Toronto; Dr. B. WU-ilxwn, University of Turonlo; Dr C E. Ph-ilip. Ontato Collie of Mutation Toronto; Orattan O- Uary Ottawa, and Dr. S. F. Milne University of Western Ontario. London ThJ years gathering will deal with the theory of democratic gov- f-nmrot revlesr Its virtues and corUomlngs and perhaps even r-Umate Its future under the riding pressure of world forces The C!e given the discussion Is The Cr is of Democracy.' wui dal with the question "Un der what conditions should Canada support British foreign policy?" and Miss Macphall will examlte The Problem of Onvemment Efficiency In Canada," Col. Drew wlil speak on The Question of Party Government in Canada." A prominent speaker will be Dr. Hans Simons of the New School DEMOS BOWLING SOUTHAMPTON. England. 14: iCP -E. T. Johnson, In a commercial cricket match r, i mki .tudrata mx theihere bowled the first and last landed shores of Lake Couchlcl.. I thre batsmen and finished with j .:i ijiteo to anme of the con n average of 075 per wicket. ELIO'S FURNITURE Prince Rupert Used Kitchen Ranges And Reconditioned 1 Only t'awcet with hot water jac ket 1 Only I'lndlay I yly (Jurney-Oiford 1 Only Majestic , 1 Only Monarth 1 Only Canada Trlde 1 Only Monarch - 1 Only Monarch Lane Assortment of round table to choe from S20.S0 S2U0 $ttso S3U0 110.00 M OO ap All have extra leaves 1 Only Full Sire Beds Complete Ud Bed. Coll Spring and Cotton Felt Mattress J,0M 1 Only Used 3-plece Chesterfield Suite t360 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Lear rrlnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.8.S. CATALA EVERY TUKS. T.SA CARDENA KBIOAT, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:50 pjn. Doe Vanroutrr, Thurs. a.m. DM YanrouTer, Monday a.m. If Conyenlent, Tlease rurehaw Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations, and Tickets From FRANK J, SKINNER. Prtnre Rupert Agent. Third Ave!. Phone SM SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling it 0CEAM FALLS Ii4 POWELL RIVER Slramrr lenven Prince Hupcrt every SATUHDAY, I uu MONDAY, 3 p.m. Truins leave l'rlnce Hupcrt for lhe Kwt Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. PuHeeuper Express For faret, etc., call or trrite City Tickrt UJJice, Jni Vta" NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. fhone 81 P.O. Poa IW It's interesting to know when reading the Daily New? 'WW.the people of the whole diutrict are doing the wiine. Father P. Champagne sailed Saturday morning on the Cardena for a trip to Butedale on ecclesiastical Mrs. N. Sherwood arrived In the city on Saturday afternoon's train (juruss ,UM".T times In an oom! talk .for a brief vUSi to the city from UM! STpSiE iX."1""" Examined." jTerrace. Mrs. Stanley Mills being with her. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown and daughter. Ann. and Bruce Brown returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Terrace, Major Eva Lav-cock, formerly commandant of the Salvation Army and now stationed In Windsor, On for Social Research In New YoK.j lhe course of a furlough She ar-Dr. 8tant. who U a former dlr- rVed this morning on the Princess , Deutsche Hochschule Alice from Vancouver after a trip fur PollUk In Berlin, will give fo-.r WfSt through the Unlted statej ectures reviewing reo-nt political and will be here until Friday morn- mZ !f ' ,dt!?u Pmfn, . ln hfn she will proceed East by He will dearth the main as- traln. 8he accompanled by of the slow shut of pecu power Young People's Sergeant Major ,.,n.lrlm,n,U" ln th!.!Te"U Pth Summers of Windsor. Dur- L' , T,,u r ; T " ln lhfU" stay ey are the k V? , .k1 ,nnQ?! VieU of Mrs. H. L. Pierce. Market brought to th interna kmal field plaJe. MaJor u k u rcce,?, ' 7,u.rH a hfart welcome back from m - local friends. I Hotel Arrivals Central Mr and Mrs. J. Donaldson, Wll-,day. -M liam WlUon. J Noltes. J. Anderson, M. Lelghton. T Flewln. J. Richards, Alphonse Oagnon. Leo Oagnon, Frank Armstrong. Alan Mack and, C 8wanson city; Miss Pauline Oos-i nell and MUs Molly Dadoward Port Slmoeon. C Blaln and C Owens. Wlnnioeg: P. Robinson, Metlakatla: V. Wells. Claxton; W. M, Mclndore. city: Howard Herbert, Terrace: Mrs. H. Lund. Dlgby Is land: H. Olanter. Shirley: W. M. Snedden. Barrett Point. Prlnre Rupert R. Bartlett. Blllmor: Mr and Mrs. William V Burrlll, Palo Alto. Cal; Mrs. D. M. Baker. Engand: Miss K.1 Tugman. Ponoka. Alto.: J. S. r.el soil. Port Simpson; Mrs, N. Sherwood. Mrs. S. O. Mills and A. P. von Hoik. Terrace: Thomas A. Va-long. Columbus. Ohio: A. H. S. At-trec. Victoria: Miss B. Bishop, Ta-coma: Mr. and Mrs. George McKay Anyox: E. O. Kington, J B. Thomson. A. W. Artlndale. H. M. Stevenron, Mrs. E. Ooodln and Mrs. R .McDonald. Vancouver: R. B. Jones. Seattle: V. E. Bet. Sookane; Mrs. Lillian M. France. Chicago; Constable W. B. Irving. Arrandale; M, Myros, Haielton: R W. Sinclair., . . ' a r n inTerneM; Mr. ana Mrs. Mcuann, Ketchikan; C. W Watson, Edmonton: Mr and Mrs. F. W. Hutchison and Robert. Huntsville. Ont; Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Oarrlson, Jobs- town. N. J.: Mr. and Mrs. J. Bishop, Flynwood. Pa.: Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Finlayson, Ottawa: Lee Larson, Port Edward; F Tepoorten and O. D.F JoJmer. Vancouver; Chester A. Turner and family, New Bedford, Mass.: Mrs. W. R. BJerneke. Ketchikan, Alaska. Ilojral Mr. and Mrs. J. Davidson, Peter Plitka and Joe Salsburn, city. I Dally advertising ni is sure to bring SNews stilts. the Dallj dally re- MUSIC Miss N. Lawrence Violin Teacher of Theory Classes Commencing Sept. 1 niONE 380 MISS YUM Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Thone GREEN 8S0 727 FRASER ST. LEE HUNG CHUNG Chop Suey House Open Day and Night Second Avenue George II. Greenwood, formerly chief of police here, is now engaged In the publishing business at Vancouver. He Is getting out a new monthly magazine. The Prospec-. tor," which U devoted to the, min ing Industry. It U s bright publication containing news of mines and mining In British Columbia and the Yukon and receiving i 'goodly measure of advertising sup port. t Lionel Holtby left Saturday night on the Prince Charles for Massett where he will Join his family at 'Sangan River for a two week's holl THRIFT Cash & Carry We Deliver Phone 179 Serve Youmlf -And Save Granulated Sugar- C4 n 10 lbs. V1-1 Nabob Coffee, Maxwell Hou&e Colfee Regular or O 0, f p t drip grind Lb: Pork and Brans ot. tins. 3 for Christies Kits. Cheerio Biscuits Packet All for Heinz 11- 25c Christies' 15c I large package Super Suds, 2 bars Coleo Soap Ol p Eggs Grade A large. 9QC Dozen Soda Biscuits MacCormlCks' SS, 20c Prune Plums 2 lbs. ISc Jewel Shortening, Silver. Leaf Lard 9? 3 lbs. Pels Naptha Soap 9QC 3 bars Ketchup Heinz, 8-oz bottles. 2 for Prunes Sunsweet' 25c Minute Tapioca 4 4 p Packet Paragon Tissue Roll 7c 22c large. 2-lb. package ' . Canleloupes Large size 7c THE SEAL of QUALITY many GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packtd by the nly salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert DROWNED IN ! NAAS RIVER Tor prompt and courteous ser-(Chjtf Alfred skadeen of Alyanah vice Phone 13 TaxL tf. Hi. tii, while Flshinr William P. Stone returned to thei Alfred. Skadeen, well known In; city on the Prince Rupert Saturday jdlan chief of Alyansh on the Naa evening from a Week's business trip "River, was drowned Off Ten Mile to Stewart. Point in the Naas River off the Mrs. D. G. Borland and daughter. Anne, returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train after spending a few days visiting at Terrace With Mrs. R. L. McXntOth. Miss Dorothy Orlmble sailed this morning on the Princess Alice for Stlklne to join her parents. Mr and Mrs. Fred Olmble, who are spending the summer there,- Mr. J mouth of Ka&oga Oulf at the end of the week. His body was brought to the city by Provincial Constable Irving of Mill Bay Saturday night and will be retained here until the end of the fishing season when it will be sent to the home village for Interment 8kadeen is believed to have fallen bf f his boat while engaged ln fishing for Arrandale cannery. IBs boat was found empty and the fact Olmble In his capacity as customs was reported to Constable Irving officer. who instituted dragging operations. The body was found ln fifteen feet of water Skadeen had been subject to fainting spells and It Is believed he had been seized with one and fell overboard. The deputy coroner was satisfied that drowning had been accidental. Deceased was sixty years of age. a widower and Is survived by a son, Reginald Skadeen, Last night there was a memorial service over the body at the chapel of B. C. Undertakers with Chief Alfred Livingstone ln charge and the Alyansh Band, under leadership of Benjamin A. Munro, taking part, Organist was Arthur Mercer and there were speeches by Chiefs Oeorge Robinson, Titus Minesqu, Arthur Derrick, Isaac Wright, Mat thew Ourney, James MacKay (Port Simpson). Stephen Skadeen, Frank Talt and Paul Mercer, the latter pronouncing the benediction. The band again played a dirge over the body this afternoon. Mail Schedule r'or twe East-Monday. Wednesday, and Friday A pa rom the East-Tuesday. Thursday and Sunday 11:00 pm for Vancouver - Monday 2 pjn. Tuesday 12:30 noon Wednesday 4 pjn. Friday 9:30 p.m Saturday 4 pre From Vancouver- Sunday - 4 pjn Monday am Wednesday 10 ajn. Friday . 10 pjn. I Vor Anyox and Stewart- Sunday 7 pjn. Friday 2 p.m. From Anyox and Stewart- Tuesday .... . 11:30 aja Saturday 5 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-' Sunday 7 pjn rrom Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 ajn. or Queen Charlotte Islands-August 12 and 26 9:30 pjn From Queen Charlotte Islands August 10 and 24 a m For Alaska- Monday and Friday ajn. From Alaska- Wednesday and Saturday .... pjn. R. Carter-Quest, Inspector of civil aviation, and his assistant Norman Terry, are passengers aboard the Prince George today re turning to Vancouver after a trip to the Yukon on official business. Notice TAKE NOTICE that alter the 1st day of August 1939 I shall not be responsible for any debts contract ed In my name otherwise than by mrself personally. C. M. McINTYRE. (193) Announcements All advertisements in this col-tmn win be charted for a roll month at 35e a' word. Hospital Bazaar, October 4. C.C.F. Bazaar, October 7. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. ger and Better. CENTRAL HOTtU ROOMS and CAH f bona 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK ssssBBrslt 'SPEtt IT BACKWARDS Rev. Canon R, B. MrElheran, For merly af Winnipeg, Dies la TorwnU No Need For War But Britain Can Not Be Defeated CANBERRA, Australia. August 14: War ln Europe can be avert ed, declared the Premier of Aus tralia last night, but, In any case. Great Britain would be on the winning side. Hurricane In Florida State Considerable "Damage" Done By Gale Which Visited Peninsula Late Saturday "And you get the word MILK", point out Elstt.the Borden Cow. "And that's Jurt what KUM it pure, fresh, whole milk with all the errant eft in, powdered by removing the natural moitrurc content. Simply add KHra to cold water whitk with beater sad you have an instant supply of creamy patew red whole milk. I cant recommend anything better for baby, home or camp. " MIAMI. Florida, August 14: A tropical hurricane with gale of sixty miles per hour swept over Florida late Saturday, doing con slderable damage on the coast and Inland. "fr U't lerdtn'i If ' COT to b good' iWycliffe College Principal Passes Letter Box V. A.nust 14, 1939. PAu'E THHSlk TALKING OF Unenfs leading thinkers and er.-l ter debates in open forum follow-! Ing each addrtu. I rvrnffAPD A PV Dr Lfrnfr former ltr I IF. VllJL,iVrY 1 ,w waiW)n nw Prudent of A-"- " LOCAL NEWS NOTES THE MANAGER PLAN Editor. Dally News: Referring to the Item In Satur day's News with regard to plebiscite on Cltv Manaeer Plan, tnav we TORONTO. August 14; (CP) affaln brWlv outline the nlan nro- Rev. Canon R. B, McEUreran M. A.. posed by Jojnt committee. D. D., principal of Wycliffe College A rn..n.n nf iv. mmtrs would since iMO and for many yean .irtd for a three war term. rector of St. Matthew's Anglican -,ithnt nav. A Mavor to Church in Winnipeg where he became noted for the number ot weddings he performed, died here yesterday. CANADA GETS NEW CAPITAL Reflection of Influx Is Shown in Increased Trade Securities OTTAWA, Aug. 14. A new Inflow of capital Into Canada of unusual proportions during the first six months of 1939 is reflected in Canada's international trade securities. Total sales of securities to all countries were $1,975,570.00. be thosen from the members of the council by themselves. The council would appoint a trained municipal administrator as city manager, who would have cori-trol over all civic departments and employees. The council would not Interfere In any way with the employment or removal of city employees or ln the operation of any of the departments, their poweri would be restricted to matters of policy, acting ln an advisory capacity to the manager and passing upon matters of finance. The manager would prepare an annual bud get estimate to be submitted to the council and would also report at each monthly council meeting. The Joint committee feels that this plan Is far preferable to the old Mayor and Council system and would result ln reduced cost of operation with Increased efficiency in all civic departments, because the manager is specially trained for this work and is not, like the mayor and council, a part time amateur. G. WILKINSON, Chairman, Joint Plebiscite Committee. Constable Fraser and Constable Hanford R.CMJ., after a visit to the city and district on special duty, sailed by the Prince Rupert Saturday evening on their return to Vancouver. Major R. Lahlff of the Post staff has received word of the marriage In Dublin, Ireland, of a nephew, an officer in the-Englneers' of the National Army of Ireland, to a lady doctor. In addition to herself, the bride's family consist of, two sisters and three brothers all of whom are doctors. It's the cumulative effect of advertising that counts. r COOlOOOOOOOOOaOOCHOOOoOumHaOOOOOOOOOaOOOOOOOCOOOO s "Crescent Canadian Shows" Blg- FREE 15c Ponds Cold Cream When you buy 35c bottle Drene Shampoo Both For 35c Ormes Ltd. "3he Pioneer DrtM&iats Tot RexaU Store Phones: 81 A 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 p.m. 1 p.m. till 9 p.m.