Tomorrows Tides. J ' Low v.-.i XXVIII No. 189 WRECK IS fjU sunaay To Sabotage " 4 Weather Forecast 0:58 am. 22.9 ft. we 13:35 pjn. 21.7 ft. 7:20 a.m; 0.9 ft. 19:42 p.m. 3 & ft. ,3 FATAL TO 20 PEOPLE : ,( i itrf imlinta Aouwiern racuic ttllar trsin in tenirai .-sevaoa it Z JJ a.m. suiiuaj. . rojuurr Jiry nd Uie raiiwaj rra'nj jfturt it a ueiiDtraiecawo: utarr. Ihe rui navinc oeen UvpfrMl wUh, a ihiny-iooi ec- . ttn hitint oeen rrmoiru, inc 1iln n drrallrd on a mall Mitt while travrilinc at so to (I milft per hour. The enc'ne ib4 trndrr were rarrird by mo Bfntm scroti the brIJte but the W((ir roach and other cars linced li fret Inld Humboldt' litff, The injured Include Mrs. Iijimnd Oruhbe of Montreal tti L A. Ilrown of Toronto. Tb rk of the Uo-milllon iDar train ocrorrrd nineteen nilfi from Carlin. Tbe toronrr" jury, hlrh met it the utnr. decided that the i'uttrr a raued by a ml-fkttd rail inUplitfd by a per-m r penoni unknown. lamllcation dlcWd that' oikM had been removed from Ktildr Ihe ra'li nrar Ihe at- "Mh of (be bridce acrwi Ihe I'tamlintr. one of the nation's mol luiurlous fast trains, fell ly I fret. The first twti cars, boulng diesel engines, and the 'hl'd, containing the light plant, "malned on the track as did the 't four cars of the train. The. othfr, Jumped the rails. Sabotage was established de-finltelr, T. J, Foley, Assistant uPftlnlrndent of the Southern Ftlflc, advjsed San Francisco olhorillM. Foley said bolts were tn from angle plates attached 10 ch side of ihe rail lo con- Ik. ... ... .iic ran lengths. The aio-,fur( he ald, prqpped an old tie plle t n angle against the '. plklng U In that position 10 Ihe tie. When the train wheels ),r"ck (his pute ai an anKir, ,he hftb lifted front the weak- rails and the train sped off the (rack. Mauretania Is London Caller Ntn. (f,"urd Whlio Star 0ret Ship Ever To lrP Thames River August 14:- PVnr I- .. Liner Sail Largest Hlvpr li. wmic UP ltl Thame? liner n.ew Cunard Wblto Star at L Ur.cUnla cn,lcd ftt Londo" To Ottawa Jobs Six Russian Ships Taking Coal Bunkers VANCOUVER, Aug. 14. CP) ! . . j v viPLnria mitnaTJn in rnii I trie VI K iway I'lumi 4 " ' . I CARSO.V CITV. Nevada, Aug. . i. ill. . .... I at-. L. ri and liny injurra in uic win UNION HAY. Vancouver Island.) Aug. 14: " CP i- Six Soviet ships are here for coal on their way from IW track and erased Into the lRuM,a Ior Mml)ar duty "wtf. all but four of nerrnleen t ttri hurtling nff Ihe tracks and 'linr UMed Info Ihe titer. tirhtftn bodies were extricat ed frm th rrnmptrd teel and !krn to Kmi. Two others were 'lible In (he wreckage but wld not he removed without 'pftial rqulpment. More than thrtt score of the swift trains 1U passengers and "5 crew men t injured, some of them triUrall-. and Southern Pacific officials said IS passengers were tnacrountrd for. There were xrncs of Indescribable sorrow as "vae workers moved among I on, which had tumbled ISO f'el into the river, a stream ''y fwt wide and only two 'et dwp. The cars were o tele-opd and amashrd up It was Impossible to count them. Other cars on the long sleek Is Drowned I At Alberni I"ORT ALBERNI. August 11: CP Gordon Pierce, son of M and Mrs. Percy E. Pierce of Van couvcr, was drowned here yesterday. Recently graduted as a Bach elor of Arts, he was working here for the summer with the Intention of returning to the University of British Columbia In the fall t take his Master of Arts degree. MAYOR WAS NEAR DEATH Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hume And Family of New Westminster Safely Rescued From Burning Home NEW WESTMINSTER, August 14: (CPI Mayor Fred Hume and In Train Wreck One Hundred, Also Injured Crash Which Was Due To Switchman's F.rror BUCHAREST. Roumanla, August 14: (CP) Fifteen persons were killed and over 100 Injured In the derailment of a passenger train sixty miles from Bucharest yesterday. The wreck was due to a cni'HrhmiuVa error. Many of the I t a report mat uon. John Hart whlte iympathizer was In. ur. ; amonc those being consid- dlghU) veral other persons suf ered by federal Liberal chiefs Iered m,nor brulw and a truck. ? ucd Charie Dun- i,oad of lron wa, gred over nlng as Canadian minister of tht roadway In a clash bo'ween finance. Hon. Frank McPher jp,itce and Chlnee pirken irs- son. minister of public works. i,nf the loading of scrap irun on a has been approached concern Ior Seattle to be -en- ' Ja tn the vacancy on the Dom- Mn bv frelhtr The r,:.:e re - mwn ttoara or i ranspori uom- mtasloneric but he did not av '- what consideration he would Dive the nrrxtnaal trained from violence and d.d not i quieten the pickets until the track i had been disabled and the irsn j thrown Into the street. " The local embargo comJlt,.' t j meeting today with a view of ak..r.z stepf to prevent further such Uiip' being made. imenta The dock rompany at which the scow was beinK 'oaded said that did not intend to handle any fur ther shipments of the kind. 1ARE READY FOR JAPAN Leningrad via the Panama Canal to Vladivostok where they will be Great Britain and France Taking stationed in Arctic servl:e. The! Action to Meet Adherence to flotilla consis'a of three freighters, three dcepam tags and a dredge. The personnel totals 104 Including .twelve women one a doctor, two Humboldt nivrr. Tlie rail and othm atewardfttte, and cooks ill bren moTfd Inward and re- I P,.V.M ,h.r hi .r . Rome-Berlin Axis LONDON. Aug. 14: CP -Great BritaUn and France areUklag the necessary "arffton to hfet any slta-aUon In the Far Bast In ease of Japan deciding to adhere to the ..A.j n . . . . r- " - nrruatnevpiuncen irom pcCted hfre MoTt M1 route to Rwne-Berlln axU. Land, sea and air forces are being organized (or action in that arena. In Parts authorative French sources also said Sunday that Oreat Britain and France are strengthening their land, sea and air forces in the near east and the Pacific to meet any threat which might result from adherence by Japan to the Rome-Berlin military alliance. Britain has sent heavy relnforcr- ments to the Suez Canal and Singapore. During the last few days seven thousand troops from the Indian army and the second battalion of the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders arrived at Singapore. In addition to" a bombing squadron. the aircraft carrier Eagle and fif teen naval units are due this week. Scene Of Squalus Sinking Visited President Roosevelt There Yesterday In Course of Atlantic Cruise his family were rescued c-y nrr- PLYMOUTH. New Hampshire. men as their home was destroyed ,AP) pmjident Franklin A by fire early yesterday morning., Ilooscvcit, hTlcrlupUng'a holiday Trapped in their bedrooms, they crulse on y s g. Tuscaloosa, visit-sufferer from the effects cf smoktrd lhc )f salvage operations and fumes. The fire chief said that-over the sunken submarine Squalus had help been delayed a few more yesterday. The Squalus Is now minutes In coming they wouui have perished. Mrs. Hume, who Is an Invalid, was removed to hospital but her condition Is reported to be not serious. Fifteen Killed lodged on a mud bank whence si e will be dragged to shallower water. Weather Forecast General Synopsis The pressure appears relatively low northwest of the Queen Charlotte islands. Heavy rain has occurred on the North Coast and the weather hai hrrn fair in other parts of this province. West Coast or Vancouver isiana Fresh southwest winds, partly, cloudy, probably light showers. GUARDS IN BELGIUM LIEGE, Belgium, August 14: ICP) A band of the Royal Horsi Guards from London played hero at tho International Exhibition at the invitation of the government. Injured are expected to die. The In full uniform, the band was en-wreck occurred near Patrloa. thuslastlcally received. jHT rJftB sssB&'',iilivji ms-yfl LLLLh?'risflK LftEaibaviijftH DR. J, W MclSTOSH VACJUVER Ausus: 14 CP -Dr Johi) W Mcintosh, aged B'i . . . y medxai health olf c?r ai.d originator of the Ort .tcr Vancouver Melropolltau Health Board died Saturday. He servd with the Canadian Army Medical Corps and was a Member of the Legislature for a tew y.a: immediately after the war. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. MONDAY, AUGUST 14. 1939. n VICTORIA DISORDER Rioting Rreaka Out Over Shipment of Scrap Iron to Seattle Lnroute To Japan Train Is Dead DANZIG IN REICH SOON Expected It Will Be Taken Rack Into Germany By Process Of "Natural Gravitation" BERIIN. August 14: Albert Foerst-r. leader of the Danzi? Nazis, speaking his native BavaHa, said bluntlv w s-iiiH-v that t'je itoration of Danzig to the Ret-was a ipr ach.n ... sdrted that It was none of Great Britain's or Fra? r" s bu''n if th people of Danzig wished to return to the Reich. The ties of blood we- more hnnortant than nolltlcal consideration Had it not been for Oreat Britain and Poland, Danzi? would already have been back, in the ReUh. In official Germany the return of Danzig to the Reich "by natural -vitatlon" continues to be antl cipated. ANTLNAZI CAMPAIGN Roosevelt Names campaIen agaInit Vice-President For Presidency ! HYDE PARK, Aug. 14 In an important announcement I f on Saturday. President Frank- . lin D. Roosevelt indicated that he would not be a candidate for a third term but that he would throw his support to the candidature of Vlce-Presl- dant John Nance Garner. ENVOY HAS GONE HOME German Ambassador To Leaves For Berlin After Refused Entry France: Natl I I PARIS. August 14: (AP) The German ambassador to France left yesterday for Berlin following refusal of the French government to :-eniry to France of -a Nazi agent, & tlo Ahmz. The ambassador. Count von Wel-czeck, went precipltably last night almost directly from a personal Interview with Premier Edouard Dal-adler to a train for Berlin. DRIVE ON BRITAIN Japan Continuing to Instigate Campaign Not Only In China But Internationally SHANGHAI, Aug. 14,The antl-Brltlsh campaign in Japan and North China conttnues unabated. Japan Is said to be Instigating an International antl-Brltlsh campaign. The movement, as far as China is concerned, Is not spontaneous but obviously organized; Mrs. David Ritchie Is sailing this afternoon on the Prince George for a visit In Vancouver. Mft TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Jobostoa Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri. .12. Bralorne. 1155. Cariboo Quartz, 2.18. Dentonla, .02 Vj. Fairvlew. .03. Gold Belt, 20. Hedley Mascot, .76. Minto, .02. Noble Five, .01i. Pend Orlelle. 1.40. Pioneer. 2.45. Premier. 1.85. Privateer, 1.19. Reno, .461--;. Relief Arlington .13'i. Reward, .02. Salmon Gold, .03 Vi. Sheep Creek, 1.18. Cariboo Hudson, .03. Hedley Amalg, .01, Oils A. P. Con.. .13. Calmont. .30. C. & E., 1.88. Freehold. .03 't. Home. 2.11. Pacalta, .04 V2. Royal Canadian, .17. Okalta. .92. Mercury. .06. Prairie Royalties, 5Uj. Toronto Aldermac, .31. Beattle, 1.19. Central Pat., 2.45. Cons. Smelters, 4450. East Malartlc. 2.64. Fernland, .03 V. Francoeur, .59. Gods Lake, .41. Hard Rock, 1.05. Int. Nickel, 4925. Kerr Addison, 2.03. Little Long Lac, 2.95. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.85. Madsen Red Lake, .33. McKenzle Red Lake. 1.27. Moneta, 1.00. Noranda, 82.75. Plck? Crow, 4.55. Preston E. Dome, 1.54. San Antonio. 1.92. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.00. Stadacona, .50. Uchl, 1.08. Bouscadlllac, 04. Mosher, .12 ft. Oklcnd, '.07 ft. . Smelters Gold. .0214, ' Dominion Bridge, 28.00. FRANCO IS MADRID. August 14:-General Francisco Franco has Issued fur ther decrees to give effect to hlsi national program. There Is one, party government with Franco en-1ovtnR practically dictatorial powers. There Is a cabinet of eleven which Is subordinate to the de fence council. What Spain needs more thar anything else. It Is officially stated. s peace and, no matter what happens in Europe. It will be endeavoured to keep this country neutral. 'WAR' OVER 'FREE CITY' Hull Will Represent Danxig in Latest British Manoeuvres t LONDON. Aug. 14. Great Bri Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh southerly winds, cool with scattered showers. PRICE: 5 CENT3 Catastrophe Rat VV:TALK5 ARE lI'i LUlNtLUUtU i n n in iio rasn ' RIO DE JANEIRO. Aug. 14. A Pan American Airways fly- lng boat from Miami crashed into a dock crane and broke were killed and two survivors were seriously injured and may not recover. The dead include Prof. James Harvey Brazilians. Another Imperial I Airways Plane Is Safe At New Yorl Italian Foreign Minister Returns to Rome After Meeting Chancellor Adolf Hitler ROME, Aug. 14: (AP) hL pnnfprpnrA at RaWhnrr into two pieces while landing Ih jaermany German Foreign yesterday. Fjurteen persons JoaphIm vnn nihu.n with whom he met Chancellor Adolf Hitler at Berchtesgaden, Count Galazzeo Clano flew by alrpij.e VMtPrrtaV rvn Ylw ratnrn fn Rogers, eminent Yale Unlver- t. "",:, . . . Rome and immediately reported to sity economist and j five other ,l ,. ..... v. . .rrcmier Aiussouni. no statement .-..,. ...., . . Americans including the plane . ,. , r .'was made regarding the conference .i ciew. The other victims were , .u,.u ..J...."! . ui mm uuius u unuersiooa to have played an Important part. Hungary, Jugoslavia and the Far J East were also discussed but not, it was stated, a German-Hungarian military alliance. j A united course of action by axis powers on all problems of com-jmon interest Is reported to have been reached. I High German sources reported i Sunday that Germany and Italy - iln the conferences between Chan- I NEW YORK. August 14:-Suc- ceor HUler the German and ! Wully completing another In- ;Italian MlnUters have laid rl? Airways mall fligr carrying down a united course of action on line living doii caoot tanaea in. ; all urgent and less urgent problems Tension In Hungary Is Increasing! T V"6, , . T "lc affecting their countries. Germans p ct"re he Clty ,,-reat exolorer. Jchn Cabot, aft: ! which she was named and whose I?1 J Th thc Relcthas played an BUDAPEST, Hungary August- H: , Wrthnlace BrUtol was. The Cabot !iurnJ to, -Tension between the Nazis ani crossed Irom Southampton to,taiwrtaunt: letduri",g thf, cn" other parties In Hungary Is In-1 Boucherrille, Quebec, in 29 hourslence3 but tha no tlme 11x1111 for creaan.5. ine Hungarian- govern-iand 45 minutes, bettering the meni is pressing a new ana ecntlme or the Caribou, Air express she carried included a crate of grouse for President Roosevelt. settlement of the- problem war jsetr Ciano Is described officially as having confirmed Italy's readiness to support Germany in forcing a solution' of the burning question of Danzig. As the dapperly uniformed Clano stepped aboard the private plane at Salzburg Airport a com munique was Issued by the official IlIlT A fiO Geraian News Agency saying that If II. I A I I lltVi1116 powers of the Italo-Oerman Issues Decrees To Give Further Effect To His National Program Military Alliance are convinced. tha( "a solution for outstanding problems must and can be found." Dunning Is In England Minister of Finance Lands At Liverpool Already Feeling Much Better LIVERPOOL, England, August 14: (CP) Arriving here yesterday to pay a visit to his homeland cf England In the course of a holiday for the benefit of his health, Hon. Charles A. Dunning, Canadian minister of finance, said that he was already feeling much better following the relaxation of the sea voyage. Mr. Dunning emphatically denied that he contemplated taking up future residence in England, have no such idea," he said. tain's next military manoeuvres, I ' starting tomorrow and continuing n vr l extensively, will deal with the prob-1 OlX IN SOOnS! lem of defending a city like Danzig against invasion. According to plans announced here a "Free City of Hull," comprising the towns of Bridlington, Great Driffield, Market Welghton, Northumbria and England. The excerclse, which will last one day. will test the Royal Air Force's ability to spot troops who have good opportunities to take cover. 1 Baby Girl With External Heart Dies In Manila MANILA. August 14: (CP) Af ter a week of life, a baby girl Guards Killed "I Lost Their Lives At Fort Knox, Kentucky, Yesterday When Shell Exploded FORT KNOX. Kentucky, August 14: (CP) Six National Guardsmen were killed yesterday when a shell which ther were carrying In from a range exploded. It was believed to be a dud. All the victims were young National Guardsmen from Indiana taking artillery training. Three others were Injured slightly. W. J. Sully of Ketchikan was a passenger aboard the Princess Charlotte Saturday afternoon going born here with her heart exposed through to Seattle where Mrs, Sully on her chest, died yesterday died on Friday while on a visit The Bronchial pneumonia was the! funeral will take place at Seattls cause of death. tomorrow. .