THE DAILY NEWS. “Not what we wish but what we want. ”.--Merrick. ‘The News W. ay is a Good W,, Way om ; ces apo ete ~~~ 39}! LAND PURCHASE NOTICE, | WE HAVE A CLIENT SSS For One or Two Good Lots in Section One. Submit Your Listings. _Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar ({|- “The News” Classified Ads.) 277 ™ { if ti fluence of Blackwater river with the Naas river about two miles south from the sixth Dominion Telegraph cabin. Post marked C. W. H. 8. W. Corner, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains | east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. CHARLES WILLIAM HAM Dated September 28, 1911. ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertio THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES’’ HERE— Pub. Nov. 2. Second Avenue P ATTULLO & RADFORD BE arses ra permease SIS SEE te ere: rr es oS Telephone 83 eee armas co eas REE Skeena Land District—District of Coast terre eer ere Dn ase e oe. + pgp notice that Seen n Agnew of Mon-| «,, 1 : , occupation spinster, intends to apply ne lot, block 5, FIFTH AVENUE SNAP; ForRee | WKEEN@ HUNTER eo ate ee ee A eH pa i eel | wi iness post of the horthwest corner of Lot! One lot, block 636, Range 5, Coast district, distant 13.73 cash, bal, 1 Three lots, t % cash bal. Saal ict omece nara cemncommeetne yes < anit Ste chains south from the northwest corner of Lot 6—Block 10- Section 6 FOR RENT—4-room house, 640 8th ave Horseshoers | the said lot, thence west 40 chains more or $1700—$800 Cash Apply Phone 318. Carriage Repairing thence southerly. slong. said east bank 6 | Two lots, bi 1 ence southe y alone saic eas ALL 0 0 1018 Ol i d M t | Th Tr ain an W m eral Work outh of Falls River Sloug ence fo cash, bal | $ e e or 0 an Law-Butler Co., 3rd Ave. | eee ere meres re ee Gen Hea Paes Falls Rive r Giiuat secserts aa ro cee | | } - - id northerly to point of commencement cash, bal. ¢ | less Who Rises to the Top of the Ladder ! NUMBER OF DOGS MISSING | Insurance | FRASER AND SEVENTH STREET, RATHUPEN AGNew. | 0m 04.) ok 2 Pree semmermesrmesrmaresrmsrmesrmmsrmeercsG | Dated February 1, 1912 One lot, block FRE Phone 59 Red Pub, Feb. 10. cash, bal. ¢ | | Believ A d for | OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just | : eved They Are Snapped Up Semneaneas We otteh cctcy caoea case of | One Jot, block Dog Teams Up River. Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. | } cash, bal. ¢ a ae le “ic rie Two lots, block aa eaee ots ooo. _—THE-— | Skeena Land anon District of Coast cash, bal, 6, It is good these days to be 5 | 7 . { ke notice that Augustus W. Agnew of)| One lot, block warned to look carefully after Wanted ernee Rupert, B. C., occupation civil en cash, bal . i er .\o neer, intends to apply for permission to| Two lots, block your dog, if you havea good sized 8 os Ps ss Fs Ps Ps purchase the following described lands ; cash, bal 1A - £ . , ’ | ss Commencing at @ post platted at the . one, or a promising puppy that WANTED—A general servant. Apply ta LIMITED |southwest corner of Lot 635, Range 5,|°™ Hoh, Block would make a good team d08.|paimer, cor. 4th ave. and Hays Cove| Boas t district, thence south 40 chains more if s TI od , ; for th Circle Telephone 200 or less to east bank of Hocsall River, thence} Two | block To fit your son or daughter for a business career you must give hey are short on dogs for this : o ( O A | jfollowing said east bank northerly and $50 cash, bal i ini >» 2 " j : ‘pose aze é ite ¢ ANI hase 3 — “ | Westerly to mouth of Falls River Slough,! Two lots, block them a business training. The best place to send them to is the : purpose in Hazelton, and quite al WANTE Do Servant girl; other maids kept $8.50 Per Ton, Delivered lthen following bank of said slough easterly eye mahi tar number have suddenly disap- Apply Mrs. L, W. Patmore. a . to point of commencement, to contain 60) 146 Jots plock 16. « acres more or jess e75 Sash bal 61 . e e ¢ peared from this city recently. CLEANING, pressing and dressmaking. Mrs. ‘ So sieeiin Wy. kotendy, Nanaimo Business College so FREES aa en ner Lumber and Mou Ings | Dated February 1, 19412, One Jot, block 40, sect neck: 29S: | Pub. Feb. 10. cash, bal, 815 per m FREE SPEECH AGAIN | WANTED — Restaurant outfit, especially All Kinds of Building Supplies FOR SALE. Grace ta toe Tb. O ban 186. | Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar.| Aestaurant on Second aver abo s. P. O, box 105. | Labor Men Talk in Vancouver and ott. ra ee First Avenue Phone 186 Take notice that erro, Oe c | Farm land at Lakels¢ 00) ; . PHS QE SE TADS DPE ED) Are Not Arrested. attle, Wash., occupation eeSsese KES COKE Es GES iE ischadac |LADY wanted to introduce House and tends to apply for permission to purchase | FOR RENT : . | Home (the woman’s magazine}. Make = Ue, SCONE Cheortoee eats od ' Store, corner Second av Our shorthand course includes tuition in Special to Daily News. | Bae te 920 weekly. No money required. miles east Of the Nash River and about| street nf Pri R >; Vancouver, Feb. 19. Free ea et cs Teccatidiny < aaeik aes ger, . . five miles north of Alyansh, thence west; Store, corner Second ave college to Prince Rupert. The Ben Pitman System of ; re 3 Bo ok i "ones seins He ak "8 - “namtee creeet | Exclusive Offerin s eighiy chains, thence south eighty chains,| street It’s fees are within reach Shorthand speech speakers were allowed to} eat, Veneonver S.C. my thence east eighty chains, thence north | ’ | Re ee etree |eighty chains to point of commencement. of everyone. Its tuition is Business English and Let- talk to their hearts’ content yes- —in— CLARENCE BOWEN | eee — 4 ter writing terday, and about eight thousand|WANTED—Good general servant. Apply | “H. P. Rutter, Agent. | - individuality of the pupil. 2 atic , ; mornings, Mrs, J. Lorne MacLaren, 875 Dated Oct, 31, 1011. | e em t Room and ‘board is nap eee tic people heard them on the Powell Borden st. 6t REAL ESTATE Sab ec. 14. r ] . u er, 4 in Nanaimo. The pupils Spelling | street grounds, no arrests being} {, Block 27, Section 1, $2,50( Ph 317 are away from the distrac- Typewriting made, ots 54 and 52, Block 1 Land District—District of Coast, | " i > itie: : c oh; q pee ee — , eena an Jistric Stric 0 20ast, tions of the larger cities : Penmunship i as laa i | i * ’ 100 pair ae terms Take notice that 1, Paul Curtiss, clerk at ps es ‘ 3 and 24 k 23 C 3 ry ria, intend to apply for permission Princess Beatrice northbound } 0 pair Terms to pure the following described lands; | Phone 150 is expected here early this even- | Lot 30, Block 1¢ ctior ial mmencing at @ post planted on the : ¢ boundary and about five 5 chains | MARRY—The Ideal Introduction Club toads | cash fr 4 e southea corne oO ) } to happiness. Strictly private, high class t 5, Block 28, Sectio - , alt | then rod th 60 chaiee ‘the ci . Neat oe e nsurance cop e | 8 Fire ns cash, bal. easy aS meen | and reliable. Best in the West. Address cash t 3, thence south 60 ¢ hains, thence west 1. C, Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B. C.| ; ots 15 and 16, Block 9, Secti 5, 82, 0 ot I ) point of commen out D- It May Mean all the Difference Between Success. and Failure lo You f24 “pair. ‘Half cash, Bal non failing 180 dona mite or ieee ‘if : | two years PAUL CURTISS. | Marine Jwenty-four hours ending 5 |J. W. SHIRLEY, 773 Taylor st., Prince Ru-| Lots 21 and 22, Block 11 ion 5, $4,0 : ; ore oan E. Cowell, Agent. Accident i oe elie Oe a ow ms ie - 2; - pert. Locator and timber cruiser; govt. palr $1,500 cash, bal , 12 and 1s yaied O¢ 31, 2 Ask at Daily News for our booklet teaching how to write shorthand a.. m., February: 90, 1912- Bar.,}' ‘lena’. tor preemption or purchase sith Pub. Dec. 9. s F late ie ) Lo. ; Nursery stock for sale Phone 305 " 29 Ss 5 Y S mpioyer 8 29.9 ¢ . ) ; ‘ : Lot 11, Block 3 ection 5, Terms. } | 3.940; Max. temp., O; min. P. O. Box 993. 4t : Contractors’ ar id Per | I . Lots 4 and 5, Block 2 10 , $2,800 r ° . o lemp., 41.0; precipitation, .06. 2 Pg , Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar. > * THE NANAIMO BUSINESS COLLEGE " nih: | ‘ pair, $1,300 cash. ' Take notice that James Ewing Macrae, | Policies Wr ae | omer ermermermermermecrmermmsommeome® | rots 114 and 12, Block 5, Section 6, §3,85 of Vancouver, occupation real estate agent, | { pair intends to apply for permission to pur- M k R alty ‘g I ORANGEMEN GATHER | j Lost and Found Lot 20, Block 13, Section 6, $2,500 chase the eee at TR ontat Dike a Ae ac e y nsurance ‘ © Commencing 4 )05 ) abe 0 Rear 30 feet of Lots 13 and 14, Block 4 § . . seven miles distant and in an easterly + Section 6, with six-room house, with direction from the Naas River, and about P.S.—Houses and Re bath, $2,500 Easy terms eight miles north of Alyansh Indian village, LOST—One diamond sleeve link between| Lots 19 and 20, Block 34, Section 7, $650 thence north eighty chains, thence east corner of 8th ave. and McBride and Cen- each. $250 cash eighty chains, thence south eighty chains, tral Hotel. Kturn to Peter Black, Cen-| Lot 4, Block 23, Section 7, $600 thence west eighty chains to point O! | prone 301 1 | | —- . Soe ee eee eee eee eee eee Special to Daily News. | tral Hotel, and receive reward, Ce Too he atte pe Bkeunn o Bann Guarter | commencement, a De la a lls ‘ . 40 3, oO », SECM $600, Quarter : Vancouver, Feb, 19.—Over one} cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 months, SO ear matin gees PONY EXPRESS | . | | Itis the nearest business ! l l ! { { l l l l ! l C. E. Perry, Principal Nanaimo, B.C. een ae er ree er teers re Grand Lodge to Open at Kamloops LD PPO ORD WPDARA ows" : Tomorrow Morning. COMPAN hundred delegates of Orange} aie eee nae trate tha Drexel foume aie sig Pao aa ob ath ehh Pub “Seer 4. on | Cae P : | fi stwee § 5 11 alr, ‘ub. Dec. : Grand Lodge left here in special {noone Peretade a. m. and, 2 p. m ea Lot 3, Block 24, Section 7, $525 Baggege, Storage and Forwa cars today for Kamloops, where |} Lots 1 and 2, Block 26, Section 7, $900 Rigs or Motor Car pair, Easy terms. rraanl Seventh Ave. and Fultor No Man Need Use Poor Printing Unless He is Willing the grand lodge will Open S@S= | Peer erermermerermermerrmerer a a Lots 8 and 9, Block 20, Section 8, &75¢ For Sale pair, Half cash, Lakelse and Kitsumkalum farm lands in sions tomorrow morning. LAND LEASE NOTICE | | TEN ACRES FOR DEAD l z large and small blocks r . sy | Stock in the Prince Rupert Building & | sieena Land District—District of Coast Range & ran ote oo lp " . investment Company, Lid., at $10.01 per Take notice thatl, Alfred Christian Garde of ee |FOR SALE—3 Collie pups. Apply Drexel] share Call at our office for prospectus | p » Rupert, B.C., occupation mining engin- : : | Rooms, city. 6t and statement of earnings for the past} nd to apply for permission to lease 7 Workingman’s Home ! year t of land described as follows oa dhe: ; nmencing at this post planted 1-4 mile east Free Labor Bureau in Connection of the Tyee Station, G.T.P.Ry. and approximately zs 9 i Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. —IJINSURANCE— 27 1-4 miles east of Prince Rupert, thence north | Phone 178 City Engineer Davis has _ rec- } Take notice that the partnership here ‘ | 40 chains, thence east 20 chains, thence south 2f GEO. BRODERIL | ; I : RB f the tofore subsisting between Thomas St wart 4 chains (more or less) to railway grade, thence ommended that ten acres OF the /and the undersigned, known as the Hay cla ery 1 ONS | westerly 25 chains (more or less) following said Inew cel ary site be cleared in | Ceve Fish Market, carrying on business on we -ENTT grade to point of commencement and containing ow Cometel U ars _ " | Sixth avenue, at the City of Prince Rupert, THIRD AVENUE | 70 acres more or less 4 |}order that it may be devoted to hereby dissolved as from the first day ALFRED CHRISTIAN GARDE CARTAGE an . os sane mm ;Of February, 1912, Date Jan. 81, 19 purposes of interment. This} dnd take notice’ that 1 will-not be re . Pub. Feb. 8, 1912 STORAGE work will be done, according to] sponsible for any debts incurred by Thomas Stewart in relation to said part- | resolution of Council. nership after the said first day of Feb- } Skeena Land District—District of eee G,. T. P. Transfer Agents jruary, 1912 Charlotte Islands. | — 7 | Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 10th Take notice that William Moore, of : ‘ Clearing of a Portion of New Cemetery to Be Carried Out. The man who 4 and ‘Satisfied Most people would able to buy any kinc a refer a man’s en- of pene. is able al character “and oe oe to lo So personality to be in o. nee eee keeping with his anything else it in- aco dicates to people who see it that he doesn’t care. let { ! | printing—so its dis- astrous not to care about your printing { Sa ) FOR HIGH CLASS | ‘PRINTING OF. AL LL : "SEE THE “NEWS Jc l { ! e 144 |} day of February, 1912. : Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, intends Orders promptly filled JOHN JOHNCOX, . ~~ a 9 af to apply for permission to lease the fol By His Solicitor, Lewis W. Patmore.| 29, lot, Block 20, Section 8 $1.36 wing described lands: OFFICE—H. B. Rochester Two lots, Block 90. Settion 2, $1,000| Commencing at @ post planted at the . 200 sae as : 2 3] southwest corner of Lot 48 sset in each; $302.50 cash, balance 1 and jet, thence east one rs a thence Daily News Building PHONE 98 Thira Avenue ee re ts ele te a ln 6 ten a ps sd Ps Ps Pe OPEL rE LP ALAFIA DOrnnr0 tree ts rs st Gem PE PPP kp rR Take notice that the partnership of with 7-room house and cabin, $2,600; beach, thence along beach to point of a | } Two lots, Block 45, Section 5, $800; half} 86. x Black Collie Pup. Answers British Columbia, as general merchants, i , f | WILLIAM MOORE per cent Dated Nov. 14, Plumbing, Heati: one having same kindly return Dated at Prince Rupert this 18t day of . aa oma commenceme containing s "e I Ching, Now Company,” carrying on busi very easy terms munencement, © ntaining six hundred and SMITH & MALLETT lissolved All accounts owing to the part- | a | Pub, Dec. 15, { " » | February 1912 6t per cent to News Office and no ques- WONG CHING, Two lots Block 27, Section 6, $1,500 each; Office: 8rd Ave ea e al ews tions will be asked, but any- YUEN NOW half cash, 6, 12 and 18 montis; 7 Per! sxeena Land District—District of Queen|§ Phone 174 one A . ie cent. ; Block 93, Section « Charlotte Islands . , oi 0 " ‘ ' " LOST OR STOLEN NOTICE. Ono lot Block 22, Section 5, 8th avenue,| > juth sixty-four chains, thence we sit to the ness at Kitsumkalum, in the Province of | forty (640) acres, more wre , ? a cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months; 7 George Young, Agent, THI to name of ‘‘Toodles. Any- j nership will be paid to Yuen Now | Two lots, Block 27, Section 5, $900 each; half cash, balance 6 and 12 months; 7 ° Sheet Me one harboring him after this | =/One lot and house, 25 Take notice that Arthur Tremaine, of $7,000, rent $35 per month; easy terms Saanich, B. C,, occupation farmer, intends | notice will be prosecuted. . . | FAVOR HOME RULE One lot, Blots 29, Section 6, $900; half] to°anniy for permission to lease ‘the fol And Get All the News | — — cin loci "a, ‘Secon 7, 9700; ‘hal Wilk, deserved lands | One lot, Block 6, Section 7, $700; half Commencing at a post planted at the Sunday Crowd Pleads for Gen- cash, balance 6 and 12 months; 7 per) southeast corner, being eighty south ce ‘ of u orthwest corner 555 s- erous Treatment for Ireland. Two lots, Block 15, Section 8, $500; half 3 intet; thence west forte daaioa hie, cash, 6, 12 and 18 months a north eighty chains, thence east forty i Repairing a" : 5 Double corner, Block 34, Section 8, $7005 chains, thence south elghty chains to the Dressmaking and ms Done Special to Daily News. ae Sere balance 6 and 12 months; 7 point of commencement, containing three | Cleaning & Pressing Work v0 a ver cen und an . y acres (820) re , | London, Feb. 149. [werlly | Alberta farm, 160 acres, for sale or trade joak Ser oe arene Seen SOO HOPE | thous ind persons congregated in|. fF Prince Rupert lots, ARTHUR JREMAINE. Ge 3 rent. | Trafalgar Square yesterday after-|LOTS IN THE BUSINESS SECTION OF Daiad ates 1oh4e oung, Agent NEW HAZELTON Pub, Dec, 16, 1914. | noon and adopted resolutions lurging necessity of granting| 40% i Fort George, right at the boun ltr ‘ > daries of the G, T, P. Reservation reland a generous system = of Skeena Land District—District of Queen | self-governme SERA NRETY Charlotte Islands, | Fovernment, Take notice that Alfred McGregor, of 533 8th Avenue | Th. COLLART Victoria, B, C,, occupation broker, intends to apply for permission to lease the fol CANADA'S POPULATION Sole Agent lommng Gescrin < lands: seas Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0. 7 : Natural Resources Security Co, Ltd. three-quarters of a mile southwest from | Official Figures Refuse to Run to! ecx 805 225 6th St. Phone ge1| {ie southwest corner of Lot 1548, Masset No. 63 Meets in the He | | Inlet, thence east forty chains, thence | | Sight § Millions. south to the north boundary of Lot 1557, | Every Tuesday rt] ne thence west one hundred chains, more or ita alia ~ | less, thence north ninety chains, thence Ottawa, Feb, 20, Mr. Burre!! east to the beach, thence along beach to \ : : 4 point of commencement, containing six} AJ] members | i day stated that the final census hundred and forty acres (640), more or | ; jreturns give Canada ¢ f ‘ T 1084, | 1 i ve Canada a population LADIES’ SUITS TO ORDER. ALFRED. M’OREGOR. Ge , : representative of the Sali a mecnee Young, Agent, Evening q city are re lof 72909 R227 Lhe }of 7,203,837, Quebee province The : having 2, 002,812 "| oa p B «, ~,812, Guarantee ‘Tailoring Com- Pub, Dec, 16, 1011. | } | ae | oe pany of Seattle and Vancou- | | | 4 BE. C. & ALASKA LINE ver left, for the south Skeena Land District—District of Queen : ies Charlotte Islands, Friday. The six suil models Take notice that Malcolm Wright Young, 7 Saanich, B, C,, occupation farme in Construction to Commence Early which he brought here hay JUB ave tends to apply for permission to lease the , op ih} hea a en ; ' | in Spring by Reorganized Co. been left with us for a few following described lands: LAND PUR LEFT TO RIGHT, STANDING-—J, A, HEYDLER, WILLIAM LOCKE, MRS. HELEN HATHAWAY | —— days and we have full in uthoast corner, bein about Gue’ mile BRITTON, CHARLES W, MURPHY, G, EBBETTS, | (Canadian Press Despatch. east of the northwest corner of Lot 1561, SEATED—E. A. STEININGER, ; ) O'BRIEN |) resin ny 7 . . | . Viet 9 The . thence north to the south boundary of | Skeena Land Distr i1ER, J. D. BRIEN, TOM LYNCH, HORACE 1} OGEL, J. G. GAFF LY. | oria, Feb, 20, The British urements. Orders given us Lot 1550, thence west to the east boundary Rang ae ; |Columbia & Alaska Railway Com- i] : of Lot 1550, thence south along the said Take notice that | oman is working her way,;annual meeting of the National;resentatives of owners prese wi taken on the under boundary to the southeast corner of said} driver, of Victoria present|pany, recently ized, now ree int Ver branct , : Baseball League { J ‘ ’ : y: TOOTEan ’ Standing that a perfett fit is Lot 1560, thence west along said boun- | apply for permiss! mtbo eVypry ranch of business|aseball League of the United|were I. A. Steininger, president| states its intention of starting | é mB 1 dary to the east boundary of Lot 1549,/ lowing described lan enterprise and even into sports States a woman appeared as onejof the St. Louis club; Joe 0 Brien, | construction of a line to Fort! Guaranteed and we invite the the Oe Rate Of ae {sen thenee enuthiebet Orne) of the team managers. This is|representative of John T. Brush|George e r fr lannnuwar on|e. locies of Prince Rupert to east to the northeast corner of Lot 1552,| east 80 chains, the! | rush|George either from Vancouver o1 ne Mrs. Helen H. Britton of Gleve-|of the Giants, and J B. Gaffney, |] om Va thence north to the northwest corner of| thence west 60 obalt ii, We have yet to see a woman | jand and St, Louis, the manage1 F unehaser of the Bc ss ew om . witon early in the spring. ah EE er Be eR uy re ayo RT aes TORTI TE 4 8, the anager) purchaser o e Boston club, of =i peecper ee sae sg we rae of the St. Louis elub. | which John B, Ward has been The steamer Getriana is ex- H. 8. Wallace Co., Ltd MALCOLM WRIGHT YOUNG. , coming to tha ora e las xr one ; “rs or re i , ' . ; mn y mine at, 1 as Other new club owners o1 re o- Areoen d president. | pee ted here this afternoon. Dated Noy. 16, reorw Soung, Agent Dated Oct, 81, 191 on HAS! structions for taking meas- when there is a business end ti : call and see these smart, up- Shpiwstes aera een owns, | acres, more or less, taining THES } to-date man tailored suits mencement, containing six hundred (600) | 80 chains 0 Dara! : 480 acres, U Pub. Dec, 15, 1011 Pub, Dec, ¥