'1 5J .i V.: .4.. . I t ft f: 1 ? 1 I ? L We Carry a Very Complete Line o Men's Working Boots Valentine, Greb, Storey High Arch and othpr leading makers. Priced from $2.95 up OOCHJOCOOOOOOOOOO Just Arrived Penman's latest colors for- spring and, summer hi crepe and chiffoa hosiery oooooooooooooooo Family shoe store ltD. The Home or Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - MUTISM COLUMBIA Published Every Aftenron, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert pajly News, Limited, Third Avenue H. E. PULLEN Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone 9 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION -4tjh MAKING PRESSURE FELT A. T. Turquand Young, who Is 75 years old, paired with W. 8ml-thers to win the Ouilford Alliance 1 . e , 1 ri 1 1 1 a 31 ...... ril 1 rl This advirtisemcnt is jjJl nrr ntrtt Nrw LOU GEHRIG WHO HAVE (TENNIS TO. MISSES ONE HELD CUP Ijlijkt Time, in, Game Hack Cnampjonviiu, va,. eunutan. aqo; rnwe ""K'.'i Spring Training UeuiUs Started in OfiJuntUpa. W Anf nual Baseball Pilrrimates Foe the first Urae sine vesterdav when the Yanks ri'aj w lUtfdeo of tte Stanley Oup 1925. Lou Gehrig. New York H was Yankees durable lira baiesnaa. Lord Stanley failed to appear, on the Hne-up Omn,r Cea4 Qoda a spring training game with Kaa- 13f5toolra AAA, sa. City. Thm be ended a record of not missing one game In 2.122. Tommj: Henry, tovk hi pt&ce. lb Yafiks, ' wen, the game. In another irtfer-league aprls training game yesterday Chicago Cubs were beaten 9 to S by Los Angeles Angels. Other results were: Washington, 7; Minute puft, 5. . Chicago White Sox. 7; Pittsburgh: Pirate. 4. Philadelphia Athletics 7: New YorX Olants. 5. Hoop Team Off On Premier Trip Prince , Series Rupert Playecs. To Open At Mining Town Tonight j 184 Montreal A. A. Ay. lki xitreal vytor&L -tn by Harry Cowan, during his visit Preston, then here with the Ketchikan batket- ia6 Winnipeg NTeterfas. IMt Montreal YtetftrtcU, lite-Montreal Vtetortek, raff-Montreal Vfctsrfat, Vm Montreal Shamrocks. I9fl- W.ruupeg 1g40rla. twe Montreal A A A J Ottawa Silver Seven: 194-Montreal SUver Seven. IMS Montreal Silver Seven. 9t Montreal Wanderers. 198V Montreal Wanderers. 1&68- Montreal Wanderers. 1989- Ottawa Senators. ItiO- Montreal Wand arc r. lttl- -Otuwa Senators. 1912- Quebec Bulkks. 191 Queb BuHdoga. 1914- Toronto. MIS- Vancouver MJlHon-alre. W16- Montreal OanacHefM. 117 SaUle MetroponUns. 1918- Toronto Arenas. 1919 Final aerie between Mont- HOTEL ARRIVAL Royal, C. Helland. city. Prince Rupert golf tourney at Branuhot. England. jTKS, R. O. McKenzie. Queen Charlotte . "HMIV, n5mey.v.y,tn.3ianu .4Iv ouAut- ana,iurit- dty: Mr. and Mrs. E. Pongs, Ma lujruuc. wiiM.uo.a 'J''"' inifC cncmeier. is consiaenng an 8ett; a R. Mallory, Port ClemenU- be struck by the undeveloped state of the country . and the offer to coach in south Africa Mr 8nd Mrj l. 1. oiscn. Queen need for a concentrated effort to make improvements in next, season. charlotte city. highways, farms, homes, outbuildings and fences. Then. - void nlon nppri nf imnrnvpmpnts of -various. Unable to gain a regular place kinds in addition to imoroved housimr conditions. And- ?:J! ye,t, whilhis condition exists, we have for a number of returned home,. years. been,.payng out millions of dollars in relief. Prince Rupert is tp. some extent an exception to tne general; ruie in. that those receiving relief preserve their self-respect by giving work in return for it. This js seen particularly in park improvements and especially in the development q 'tyanjage Rpad. Provincial relief is also, worked'out- by the. men. Xhe, gr,eat thing to stress is the need of a general scheme, of providing, for at least winter employment for alj who need it. Premier Pattullp has urged, tbe desirability of providing a five year plan for the Porninion, devoted constructive work such as the buiJdipg of an, in'te,r-pifovinpial; highway running from one end of the Dominion, to, the. other. In England and Scotland people are deploring: this system of waste and that in, a country where so mychJis4ajrea(J,y dpne. Here whore so.little.has. been 4one, every $qfor qfi mppey arid every ounce of effort shpuld badeyotedito. improving conditions. In, this; matter, of constructive effort we may well tcdje a lesson frpm.such countries as, Germany or, 'Italy, frqp$.wiUprlai(l " ' qr, Sw.edqn or even from, our 'neighbors ft.q.soA j LEADERSHIP' yhHe. we all admire real leadership and' look for it partipularly in high places, we do. not feel that leadership qatytye dripped; oy talHing abput it noi' by naming, a political parjty for it. Leaders are born. Many born, leid-ers.dp not ever-have an opportunity to leadi while some 0$ those. who. get the opportunity find out when it is too.la, tljab. they are nptj reql leaders. Noise does not mean lead-.i e,i;sjiip,. Crfti.qisp) dpea noj, mgan leaderbin. Now. and; tnjtbWQW see's Pien, appear, Ijke meteoris, flash, for a i'ei periodi gnd, then disappear forever. There is this toi be said for the. present leaders of the two big political; nar.ties tfypy, haV.Q.been nrominent for a number of years.! i.npy; na.ye, proyo vifiir; leawBrnip annjty supn 33. il is. Sonjpti.mpsj we. had, fancied they were too timid but Ujpy may then have been showing their strength. At any rate they are the best men so far in sight. Central Magne Rabbcn, city. Knox. has A. C. Flnter and L. Terrare, r K. foi- ball team this week, concluded .tentative arrangements for a series o4 tennis gamas between Kei- Serenader's Orchestra and Sever- In Dpmlnato was master of cere- r,nlyab.le Fortnlrhlly Affair Lat Mgni n.iin lwrniy isoie There were twenty tables of cards I at the fortnightly bridge party and dance of the Eagles' Lodge last I night, the affair being, as usual. I highly, enjoyable to afl, Prize-winners in cards were: lladlev first. Mrs. W. J. Davtea: sec-1 ond. Mrs. A. Noble: third. Mrs Sam Hougan: fourth. Mrs. Alfred Jacob-sen: men's first. Mrs. A. E Dickens: 'second, Thornas Baltlnger; third, oie Webstad; fourgj, Wllliain Roth-( w!l Winnar, of the door prize was Mrs. Angek) Astorl. imiiuiciit wctc iciitt mm limiting followed with musk by Mrs J. S. Black's Orchestra. Apgelo Astori was.raasitr, of cee- rnonlea for the. card tables and A. ; Ronald for Ue dance,. F- Ellison' :arejd(Jfid at the door. Elder Tnp committee In charge conslsu ' rd of WMllam Hutson. A. Montesano npd P. Smith. ' i! British Columbia INDUSTRIES' ('" paining iVi,;,iMr-imre In llrithlt Cnlnmhiit, Off, Tiiiirjitt IniliiMtry, note tnhe h-uiltnf iitiiceiinimig the, rrrrnurv prfxlnrern, the, province. I tiilc ftp. u rcA, Jnr, nut, yekqr, life nppriiximnlely $'32t1KMl,-1)00, unil It In mliiniilai thnl the pretenf yenr't totui trilt Jiir excj'ciljhiif figure. Wherever you. go, yoi, alyrjayi, ncq a, fjrciiL nuiiihrr of those who order Silvrr Spring mid reftiMj lo, m cqpl, any oilier- snltLiilc., Silver Spring li enjoyed 1 n;i,Lii)-v ropiilnllon for oyer two deeudeH. mvB.wmjar 1 1, not published or dijplayed by the Liquor Control Poard or by he Govcrrymcnt of Dritish CqlumbU; 4,';-H fe&joyable Tesi At Mrs. Tobey s Home Yesterday I The Women' AuJriWy of the A' gllcan Church held a tea yesterday 'afternoon at the home of Mix W .1 .11. j j H. Tobey which was wen auenoea The room were axtfatleaUr dKr feared with iMlne flower Those In Out. Of New York V inker or, Winner Since World'. Professional, IJome, anil, Home. Series, HwEnarge weri M. Tftomaa Andrew bEonvener. Mm, w 4 weer . . 1. . " lift r Mlai Bird. ITWrUTf ni Wlfc n. n. rniiunn and Mn. Oeorge Crloos Th.. i. f v A, Ji kitehen barf. Mi The home cookinc table wag In tetwwa. M .k.p.. nr vfn Robert Bartlett and Ml LM.. ... . " - . Mr. J P Cade while ute ladiea " 1 lervipg, were Mrs C V Cox. Mrs, jrd"n and Mrs. C E Culnp. The oan- c.hjkan and Prince, Hupert in tUej,tr-wai Mr, Thomas Andrew eonung summer, mc have.U)e tcnn)s srie in, conjunct njunc-j Uoq with, tht uual. series 01 ball games, between the two Thre would be play in Rupert on Dominion, Day with thef ttrtala- at, Katchlkan Ju)y 4, Sam Joy and. William BUUh are, eon- ducting the negolatona. from thltj v.iiiai; Lot).e Held, Succeufal and. B.ktbAH Dance ; Enjoyable Affair ' The visiting Ketchikan basket .bali team was entertained Tuesday night with an enjoyable dance 'in the Boston Hall which was wqil fHled for the occasion. Excellent musk: was furnished by the g?ARH FOR FISHERMEN It Calebaon and Mrs. J. S. Black,' ARTK LKs FOR with violin and piano. sHpplled the. -dan-e rouMr to the (trains of whjeh RU B B K I riftv rounlei en loved theaiisiveai ETC . . .. until 1 30 a m,. " ' At ll 3D pjp, dglklous refresh-j menU were served and. ln aottc oft the lights going out tor sotnc. Urn Thursday. March 23, 1939. Consisting of Sonny Beynon. real Caiiadien and Seattle wa Followlnt the dance thejn the midst of the banquet. Oacar! MK. NEAL AND PRINCE RUPERT Iferb Morgan. Angus MacPhee. Art halted by an eptdemk of tnfluenEO, of basketball teams Murray. Jimmy Currie. Frog Le- tourneau, Jack Campbell and Heie W. SL Neal. vice-nresident of the Canadian Pacific Hpikeitad and under the manage Railway, thinks Prince Rupert was one of the country's J1 the 1. jiiajui eAtivjjtiin;ea. in iuun.i vy. basketball team of Prince Rupert member when the C.P.R. was looked upon as a crazy left last evening for Premier wher? scheme and terrible waste of money. Yet the C.P.R., tonight and Friday evenings the I sweetened by large land grants and cash subsidies, was two games of a series for able, to pay good dividends for many years. So large were JpiS dividends that hundred dollar shares well, the were selling Uam u due home at the week-end abpve. the two. hundred dollar mark for a long time. and the series, win. be resumed m I.t really does not matter whether this Canadian Na- Prince Rupert on Thursday and rational Railway, as, originally conceived, was an extrava- Friday-ot next week. ance" or hot. It was built and is steadily extending its usefulness and not even a rival rauway official would dare snggset that it be deserted so why look back? H would be quite easy to find mistakes in C.P;R. manage-. ment if we. were to look for them. We. would like, to suggest that the forward view is the correct one. Let us all see bow we can consolidate the country cantured fr,om nature and, develop it so. that Can-jul.may, become a countrj' of which we shall be proud. SPORT CHAT I I 199ft Ottawa Senators. 1931 Ottawa Senators. 1923. Toronto St. Patrick's. 1923 Ottawa Senators. 1924 Montreal Oanadiens. 1925 Victoria Cougars. 1926-Montreal Ma room. 1927 Ottawa Senators. 1926 New York Rangers. 1989 - Boston Bruins. 1930- Montreal Canadlens. 1931- Montreal Canadlens. ISM Toronto Maple Leafs. 1933 New York Rangers i34 Chicago Black Hawks. 1995 Montreal Maroons. 1935 Detroit Red Wings. 1937 Detroit Red Wing. 1938- Chicago Black Hawks, the local captain. Art Murray BM:e Larern amused the gathering with . coa e fiats WI1MK V VTUI ItLSAN. v, On Taeaday evening Vi4haJ tzxn Lodg.. Scandinavian rtffr f lV0UNO ft America, new a rarewwn rani m: -onneoUon with the dparts of) the fishermen for the hajtbutj treiinda next week. i daughu ; as hou-. Apply B SaaJed v retail L. Bw were entertained at the home of-jbla funny stories and. A. O. Morse 1LO8T Eagles' Bridge Party And Dance I by a Kmg Mr Qakbasn rendered! Compaq ' offl lovely rtolln solo which were) ai y : 'much aooreclated. Community ai ! -loging added a, final touch to the Irepart t I The committee reruoruthle for the Tr urceMful ever'.T'ig coniUt'd of Mrs vrtwrreri Oryaui King f flgl. Fter Ui--. Cack, plamond? A Tni Will Come ta V Phone op CS2 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd UNION STEAMSHIPS, Steamers Leave Prince Rupert f r Ts.S. OATAI.A KVi:lt TLT.S. T.S.S. t ltl I V1 I1AY. 1:20 n.m. t 2 P1"- liue Vancouver. Thun. a.m. IJiif. Vsi.roir rr furthe- Information Regarding neervatl! l A. W. NF.WIAN. Prince Uaperl Asent, ThM t. Music Uulli Nelson A.r.C.M. Teacbtir of Piano, Theory und Harmpny. HIMIM: OjlKKN, 310 SOUTH TO t HUM' I Mrnii' If Convenient. I'lese Purchane TUarts at OfM : .. - .... --.1 l)fMr.aiM Phone 13 Tax T MA7I viNcoyvER! calling at. OCEAN FALLS and POWELL Blf-I Slcuiicr IcttvoH Prineo Unprt TIIl'RSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Triilna Icnvc Prince Rupert for Monday,, Wcdicnlay, IViilny, 6 1 U' jV AIR-COiNUnJLN,:U VfESH SLKIiPlNO tK Uajp -I City Ticket imice, -