V 5 Si PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NUTS Direct Importers of: FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE Hotel and Restaurant White and Green Band Vitrified Ware Various Sizes of Glasses for Beer Parlors HALIBUT OUTLOOK BASLMEXT STORE Max Heilbroner (Continued lruJi Page One) Diamond Specialist fishing. Vancouver boats. Including salmon and other vessels engaging in early season halibut fishing, were also getting an ever Increasing proportion of the Canadian halibut catch. ibut was decreasing. Indicated a possibility of further expansion of halibut export from the Pacific Coast. In connection with steps being, made to ensure an Improved pro duct on the British market, Mr. Jhn ' Winslow mentioned that a new type of refrigerator car. embodying , improvements made through the, studies of the Prince Rupert Fish-1 preference would be reflected adversely. Further salmon produc tion, i; might be anticipated, would jbe lower than it was last year. The well ahead of the low mark or 4c jsockeye run on the Skeena River and 2c In 1932. However, the dlvls-was not expected to be heavy, es-lbn per-man had not risen so preat-.tlmates running around 50.000 cas- eries Experimental Station, was at' NEW YORK, March 23: John thlr time in Prince Rupert for load- u Lewis, president of the Congress l?1 nf Industrial Organization riwlar. Salmon Situation ' , . . , . . . . it ed yesterday ihat he would never Turning to the salmon situation, consider disbanding the C. I. O- in Mr. Winslow did not appear to be so order' to make peace with the Am- hoceful for the coming year, erican Federation of Labor. He Under the eld trade agree- charged the Federation with en- ment there had been a 3c prefer- deavourlng to expand its organlza- enc? for British Columbia salmon tion while professing to be at-n'n the British marltpt . TlnriVr thp temntlner to brine industrial neace Avoid Disappointment ORDER NOW (or Easter He sure to order your Swift's Premium Ham for Easter in good time. There's bound to be a ruth for It this year became, to the delectable flavour that Swift's Premium Ham has always had, has been added sprini-chkken tendernettl CENTRAL HOTEL UOOMS and CAFE Thone si For Best Household Coal MKS. C. K. 11 LACK TOTEM WORK IS RESUMED Kltwanga Natives Are Pressing Representations Upon Authorities KmVANGA, March 23 - Aftei ia week's suspension owing t ! weather con<ions having been 'unfit for Concrete and pamUrj work, activity in recondiUonir. the historic totem poles of Kr-wanga as a tourist attraction s about to be resumed following i visit by the Indian agent. Cap G. C. Mortimer of Hazelton Assist -ling the engineer In charge of thn .work, whose arrival Is being awai' -ed. will be Chief Matthias Bright as foreman. In charge of the v carving work is Crales A. Derrick ' who Is an expert. The totem polo) reconditioning work is expected to! be completed by early summer well In advance of the commencement of the tourist season. J Word Is being awaited from the1 management of the Canadian National Railways In reply to the request of the Kltwanga natives' that they.be given employment asi track laborers and tie makers onj the railway as recompense for thei use of their totems as tourist at- ly since there had been more boats es. It was also expected to be an 1 tractlons w H diTlsj0nai and more men employed in the off year for pinks and the very large v,rin,.nd.nt to wh0m the re- cawn oi cunuc imi jcar iiau un . ,hTr,lttci. has sent a unusual reply stating that the matter had Closing his address. Mr. Window. TteTTeA to management briefly referred to some improve-jand at SOQn M he recelved menu the Canadian Fish A; Coldi rH frnm hMrfnart.r, he would " " " " " 1 I - I. 1 4 J.. i storage nau maue mj i pwik uu.- lmmediatcly transmit the decision A gratifying feature of halibut jing the past winter.. To give the Meanwnne, Harold S. Sinclair has business had been the winning of a greater British market, Mr. Winslow said. This had been to a great extent due to an improvement In the quality of the product in connection with which the Fisheries Research Board had been an Important fac nsnerman ice un me greats -'been appointed to act as secretary frtgeration properties, the inter- ;n cormpondence on this subject ior of the company's Ice house had jn muon ,-uh chief Matthias been rebuilt and the ice room re- Bright and chle( oeorge H. Moore, piped, ensuring that only matured Tne Kltwan3a natives are also Ice of zero temperature could be continums to press their claims supplied to the boats. A downward th. Drovmclal and Dominion tor. Scientists and operators had revision had also been made in the governments lor aboriginal rights been able to get together and ef- charge for formalin service for hold 0j trapping, and fishing along the fectlvely meet the problem of im- ooais wouia oe aDie ra avau skeena River, proved product. In 1937 some two themselves of this service which It Efforts are also being continued million pounds of Pacific halibut was conceded definitely improved to reacn an understanding with had been shipped to Oreat Britain the state of the landed product. tj,e cannery companies whereby and in 1938 over three million The thanks of the club were ten- tne natives who go each summer pounds. No longer complaining dered to Mr. Winslow for his ad- to work in connection with the about the quality, the British mar- dress by President W.M. Watts. H. salmon fishing at the mouth of ket was now capable of taking even S. Meadows was named chairman the Skeena River may be ensured more halibut from this coart par-' of a club attendance committee. a reasonable return for their work tlcularly if there could be still fur-' ther Improvement in the quality of the product. -The fact.that off the ,',TIr Tf TV VI XT' Norwegian coast production of hal-. Vtf I 1 1 1 1 II V 111 I 1 V A. 1 XX Jk DISBAND IT Lewis Has No Intention Of Sinking C. I..O. In Interests Of Peace Instead of returning home each fall with empty pockets. Lowe: boat and net rentals or increased natives are carrying on their ne- sotlatlons through the Native Fishermen of British Columbia or ganization, having not as yet toined up definitely with the Native Brotherhood of British J. M. Cohen. A. E. Flneberg and J. Wilson of Montreal, who have become Interested In the Silver Stan i fish prices or both are being sought by the natives who claim that the canneries are profiting their expense. The Kltwanga dard mine at New Hazelton. arrived n the city, from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert yesterday and proceeded to the interior on last night's train. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY new trade agreement this dropped to the United States. Efforts along I to 1 Vic and it could be taken for this line to absorb the CJ.O. he J TOR RENT Downtown, three-room granted that the reduction of the dubbed as dishonorable. suite. Apply Empire Baths. 74t NOW. . FIRST for TENDERNESS! jury tests prove . . . In recent blindfold tests, when Canadian men and women voted Swift's Premium the overwhelm-Ing flavour winner . . . they also rated itjrif for tenderness! Exclusive Swift experiments have successfully given to Swift's Premium Ham the tenderness of spring chicken! All good dealers have Swift's Premium Hams. Place your order early. Swift Canadian Co., Limited. So time to cookT Then get Swift's Premium Ham Quick' Serve ready to eat in the Red wrapperl J Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rUONR 7 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Kojal Bank Itldf. Whifflets From The Waterfront v J Naas River natives are again foregathering at Fishery Bay where the annual oolaCjhan run Is now under way, It Is reported by a par ty consisting of J. O. Nelson. Charles Leeson, William Leeson and Patrick Derrick of Oreenvllle which was In the city today. They arrived yesterday afternoon and left this morning on their return north. Ice has commenced to break up on the Naas River and there are floes moving downstream. C. P. R stamer Princess Louise. Oapt. William Paimer. taking over the run for one voyage in nlace of the Princess Norah owing to an exceptionally heavy northward passenger movement, arrived 'n port at 9 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and sailed at 10:30 for Skagway and other Alaska notnts whence she is due back here next Monday afternoon southbound. The Princess Louise brought In 216 passengers and added nearly thirty more from this ort. There were none disembarking here. The Princess Norah wltl be here tomorrow afternoon on the Vancouver-Oeean Falls-Prince Rupert local run. Landings at the Boston fish pier for the month ol February thh year totalled 17.916,000 pounds. The captain of the Prince John, on leaving Massett. smiled down on his dozen guests. There was a heavy sea and. old hand as he was. he nearly stumbled when he rose to greet his guests. "My KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Pepletc Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know It. The bffllmi Oiiiut about low blood count b that rii can wrixh tboat a much u you trrr did rrrn look hralthjr and ttronf, yrt yoo ran frrl a if yuu bad Irad la you bttfa, doorjr. tired an'l Kfim. Low Mood rount mvaaa you hairn't lot raoutrh red Wmd rormwehra. It U their IUl lob to taxrr llfe-civing oIfn from your lunaa tkrouakoat your body. And Juat aa It tafcea oiym to xpl"d cawliM In your car ari.f maVe the power to tarn the wheel, to y,u m'it have plenty of csyaen to tildodc. th fwmi in your body and fl you colnc 1 "c"'l)r. WillianM Pink n today. They a world-faotoua for the help they In Inereawinff the number and trerurth of red corpuarle. Then with your blood count up. you'll feel like boundinc vp the italri at if you were (loatina on air. Atk your drug flit for Dr. William, rink fUU today. THE SEAL QUALITY r r- 'tnoirj iinvr J GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Tacked by the only salmoa canning company wltb an si) tne year round payroll la Prlncs Rupert Modern Music Is FILM OF Topic Of Interest enson. English songs of travel!. Mrs. J. O. McKlnley. Piano solo. "Rhapsody In Blue" (George Oershwin, American), Mrs. HAWAII Mrs. T. A. MOV.ters In Char, Of . -- ,:,"n' n7" Yesterday Modern Musk.- with Mrs. T. At Capitol Theatre Eanor Powell. Robert ilsh- Mrs. Bernard Lundahl """" l T , J the planter ..u. -t. rv rK, stranger, Youw. AU'it A WTJ tallE - d U the Capitol ;ram and reading an Interest ng tomorrow in paper, was the subjeet of e . J" "J ft, noon at the home of Mrs. Mc- "" . . , Waters The PrMldenU Mrs. Shel- ,,c " at " an openln y ford Darton. was In the chair. At .nr the conclusion of the meeting tea Y?un' 'I .... rTpd ,U to make a personal appearance ? An auraph-hanU crowd mob, program was a. follow,: in th h a Vocal solo from Twilight Pan- 'lea Suite." .Frederick Detlua, En.inb,w.?,m ottnB' with !Z the to trad rli Scott. English). Mrs. W. L. rlJZ 'lhelr mutual amu""1 Enrout SUmford Vccal solo. "The Roadside Flrr" VntK!n"tthfe J"'1! music by Ralph Vaughan-Vll-!dane jboalrd f,nd ,f Hams, words by Robert Louis Stev love with her In Honolulu ne finds that he Is mistaken for h double and has also acquired ht troubles. Including a girl and a eharse of embewlem-'t The H. O. Johnsen and Mrs. J. C. Oll.,tanglc. ? "M,lf"y '""f"1 ker lut with the planter's return to. Piano solos. "Orand Canyon ,h? 'ln.d . . , BM and dsnring num- Suite." -Ferde Orals. Amrican. "On the Trail." Mrs. H. L. A. Tarr.,- u M " comtd1 ofl Durn and Oracle Allen "Sunset." Mrs. E. J. Smith. Gwre are worked Into the story as It . . ' .progresses. Miss Powell has several friends," he said. "I hope all new dances and there are some twelve of you will have a very P'al song hits, pleasant trip. It is indeed nice to The cast also includes Andy( look down on your eleven faces Iona's Islanders, the famous Ha-, and think that for the next few wallan Orchestra. Rita Johnson, hours all eight of us will be sitting Clarence Kotb. Jo Ann Bayers. Ann I here together. I can assure all six Morris. Willie Fun. Cliff Clark., of you that It gives me and my Edward Oargan Eddie Anderson officers a great sense of responsl- and Slg Rumann. , blllty when we know that not only i the safety but also the happlnes Harold Dahl sailed by the Prin-' of both of you are In our hands, cess Louise this morning on his re-Steward bring my dinner and clear turn to Dawson after having spent away the other places ' the winter at his home here GOLUKX I.ANTAM COHN A tnoat enjoyahla Vitamin A tilth . . . full, fresh flavor, and aa nourUhlng as It U pleasant. Extra Special! Blue Lined Envelopes (Size 7 only) 5c package Per box of 500-Soc Fancy Boxed Stationery Odd lines of fincat quality jjift stationeryReduced 25 to 35 Per cent These Special Prices Are For a Short Time Only Buy Now eMtaeMvs.Mi Thursday Ux At 7 1! L 9 IS Added Attractions TONIGHT and llHDAr 2 Shows Nightly. : 00 and J; HILARIOUS 'HULA HAPPINESS!) 193tT hut lojovt m:; ad-Halod? bill In atari ..ir got Bii" if( aot las . . f got lomtKt M'l got tftjtklnj tot BUiuianar.t y 41 MAItlll OF TIME Iraturint -.State of the Nation In I TS Cartoon "All's lair at the lair FOX .-MOVIinONi; NtMl George Hills PAINTIM. and DKCORATINd Sljn Work of all Dwrlpllom EntlmaW Funvw Thone IlLl't: T-l Soda Fountain Tea and Coffee, Hot Sonpt. CjiidJe. Tolarcov 1 rr ' and Cream Mussallem's Confectionery NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarcllk rr- ' T -A IIOMi: AWAV n,M IIOML" lUIrs $1.00 up 60 Itooms Hot U C " i Wat Prince Rupert H C pi,n, 281 r.o no. I A Hot Time Is What Vou Want This Winter Vou can Ret It by ut fanwus ftlson, HuIUey f or Nanalmo-Welllnittoii PRINCK RUPKUT VRVAY CO. .hones 58 of Mj.