Thursday, March 23 1939. I'lione 311 Knjoy the Advantages of .Mpdcr;n, Kitchen, KquinrncnL With a McClary Range For COAL, WOOD, or OJL Drop in and see the new McClary Range-Inspect their many features of superiority. HWUTU UI, ENAMEL FINISH EASILY KEPT CLEAN sri.i;iMi), raking oven fully enamelled insiui: HIGHLY, PQLLSHIill. TOP ECONOMICAL FULL CONSUMPTION A McClaty Range with oilburner Installed wUl give aattafMtory uud ecOaomfcal baking, cooking and heating service It, n be :...n,:ed btck for use with coal or wood In a short tirm Tor SatKfaciory Service net a McClary GORDON'S HARDWARE McimiDf- street, 5Cv j'v-'ooooooooooooooooooccorocoooooooooooooo COMMODORE CAFE j . g 0 Newly Renovated. New Staff, g Improved Services. J, X. Kllla, manaeer, has just returned, from Vancouver wllh the lcsl Maff obtalnaltle. New Cooks, New Kvcrylliing, Up to the g .Minute, O g Special Hltic Kibhon Ilecf, Kspccially Imported for g Thip Cafe g Nothing; Hqrt; Hut the Hest. Try Our Special Sunday Dinners TUK CAHAKKT lias been converted Into an ur tn date dining room with special J provision for aflernpon, teas. Cards provided free. Ladies may meet their friends in thin room without obllnation. .Make It i DoHiitowii Headquarters J OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCIOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOpOODO ji Smoked "Rupert Brand" i I Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. i For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or IFprs (J.'oeuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps, for, Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish S Cold Storage to. LIU. I 24. I THE IUTLX NETf 3 Jules Seguln sailed this morning on, the Princess Louise for Dawson LOCAL NEWS NOTES ing .where work. he wil. be engaged in min Yqu, wUJ, fjnd, the new-old popjj- Gnaharh, Dance, Mposa Hail, To-lar game ofcchjneae checkers at the ( morrow night afc M, Snappy music. Dollar Store. tf. i Everybody welcome. tt AJlan, Macdgrmld and $on. Neil ' " , -i -- r- r Tv-rF l jf "?rvT vf) VH nyuaACi MasseU .Macdpnald, alled- this morning, onaiylvy8(J in the. city on, tj. Prince the PrlnceM Louise enrouje to. Daw.yjn. United Tea, Mrs. March 23. S O, N. Flherinn's Dancq, March, 23- Olngham March 24. for 8kagway For operatlnc a motorve hlcle I without a driver's licence, J. Klilxs I was fjned. s5,ln city police court this W. O. Ha was was fined $10 in clty, pw WQPurt thU morning on a wil M. AimZli chffff?. lie smajheiji ip a door at the, premise of. Edward Clapp. W. 3, Qavanaugh.of the Pigby Is Commander J. D. Heenan. insDec Dance, Moose Hall Hill 60 Tea March 25. Womon. Qf Moose Bridge and Dance, March 28. t Rebckah tea, Cr-stal Confection-ry, March. 29. Lutheran Tea April 6. "Queen Mary" Tea Mrs. Parkin's faster Monday. ' Legion Royal visit dance April 10. bridge and Prince Rupert Operatic Society presents "The Mikado" April 12, 13 -Capitol Theatre. Women, of April 19. Moose Spring Sale Presbyterian Easter Sale, April 20. C. N. It. A. Annual Hall. April 21. Ball, Mooia I'RINCi: RUPERT TO VICTORIA CHILDREN'S FUND EVENTS March 24, Conversazione, Legion Hall. March 28, Bridge, Ladies of thp Moose. Moose Hall. March 31. Dance, The Eagles;, Eagles' Hall. April 10, Bridge. Canadian Legion and Women's Auxiliary. April, 20, Amateur Night, Moose Hall. May 5, Qrand Dance, Moose Hall. Crystal Confectionery Now Open Tea, oni'osiTi: ononis Coffee,, Ught, and, I'oilt, I.unclies ; Special Chance on lJIg of qiipwlfljeji Kox" Mr. Clarenf. Martin, o& (Uoha last evening- and-prcseJeJ by jasrjfgnis trait), or),a Wain- CightaCW? throat, chat 0,1 with, Mrs, Charts Carpenter, off Mas- land wireless station sjaff will sail; who' hw been sRCnfHng the tonight on, thp Prince Rupert for, 9MU C0URlB " fieJ. in. U)0 city, Vancouver, enroute to San Francis- w,u 8011 bv thp Prince John tomor- no U) attend, the Expcion. taking a month's, vacation, He is row n,Bnt on n return to the vueen unanotte Islands, M;. A, J. Edlund is, a parent In -.9 IIarry Balngton and Capt the Prince Ruoert General HosdI- li ."Ington of the Barrington tal suffering from a, broken nose, "ransportajiqn Co, were passengen contusions and a general shaking abeard Princess Louise this lUas a r.esult qf. having been mom,n 8olng through to Wransell knocked dowabyA an. automobile on for tne wason after spending the Second Avenue near thp Junctlpn 1nter in Seattle. .cn Monday night. Mr. Edlund Is 1 confined to hU home with a severe olU) c Y(nns of the Prince Ry, 'cold. wrt Series Experimental StA- Ion was an Interestlnir wiore ine Jjoury Club at Its regu tor of -steamship subsidies for the l" w5e"? luncheon today, his pe parttnent of Trade and Com- 5,6jee bcing "n,e Preezlnj and mercq, arnvqa in, me city on tne . 7 ... . ""u,h . Prince Jphn last ninhL having come ae"1 .7 003168 was -In the chair knnrfh frrtm Vniu.nti l. V. ana mere wueen tnarjoae lsianos. ana pror Vancouver was a ecod attpnrtm of members with a few guests. ccoceo; thw, morning on the Prin- ce Louise to, make the round trip , yu5?n Charlotte Islanders visit- SHn tway and thence back to e ly- today delude A. L M A Tlnrv mill ..-..i i . . . - . Commander Heenan " . iinaent oi u the Ulp to the West Coast of ' 1 menU: R. a Xlackenzie Vjiuouver iver hdand to make before ueenriotte city hotel ppprie. . tor: tor: Frank Frank OiIa Gale rvm... sirtrW.... M...u . .cturninu to Ottawa. - - Announcements All advertlaernenu.ln this col-tmn will be charged, for k full month at wprd. jant, and L. I. oisen. provincial (constable at Queen Charlotte, and .'Mrs. Olsen. They arrived, on the Prin re John last evening and, will be returning home on the same vessel tomorrow night. Varicose. Yias W, T Kerglr sj UJrpr.C OU ,W Farewe'. w y On lei It I'r.mnlK Jl.olthr ir -r 1 1 i ' i rprenn n-i 1 1 etrarina anUspntic Kroerold Qi'l can iaii oe oouuned! at any drag stpra ine directions .. v.u.. are simple aiiuuic a and ny High Sehool Spring Plays-March 1" vour mPd. today 25. 'natvou are going to give your legs a, cnance to Bft upii simnit. vour; driRst for, an orieinal boUle of Moonps Emerald Oil and apply full strength, night and morning t() the swollen enlarged veins unti) the enlargement if reduced and the ulcer of. old sore healed, It is so.pen-etraung and economical that a Small bottle lasta .I Inner fim. JMoonc's Emerald OU is, dispensed by drugpists everywhere. If you're, wise youjllj Ret a bQttle today; Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printings DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 S DRESSMAKING Si Tailoring and. Remodellinc mi. Kim UYEDE . .... n . mas . j i none 1..111C :ui zvi ifa Ave. , Walker s Music Store ' Large Stock Music lleiiitzmaii, Mordheimer and Lesaee Pianos Plno Tuning, with "Resonosoopet. Phone Blue 389 218 Ith BU Emery. Thurber returned to th city yesterday on the Prince Rupert after having spent the winter; at his native home in Digby County. nova Scotia. He rerxrts that it .'ha been, a difficult winter for Nova. Scotia fishermen owlne to rouah hveathet I W. If. Fogg, assistant to. the su perintendent of Canadian National Steamsnlps. arrived in the citv on the Prince John last evening after waving made the trip north via the Queen Charlotte Islands and will sail by the Prince Rupert tonight on his return to Vancouver. Mrs, Charles Barrett, who has been in the Prince Rupert General Hospital for the. past few days re ceiving treatment, was able to leave the Institution yesterday and will leave by Monday evening's train on ier return to her home at Barrett Lake In the Bulkley Valley Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pongs in the city on the Prince John last evening from Massett. Tomorrow evening Mr. Pongs will leave by train for- the Eat enroute to h?s native land of Germany where it in his intention to remain Mr ?ongs may Join him there later. Rev. F: A, Anfieid. superintendent, of, the Iidian. residential, school, at Aler Bay. arriyedj In the city on the prince Jphtj last evening, hav ing come north via the Queen Charlotte Ldands and will sail tomorrow Inight by the Prinpess Norah on his 'jtum, to. AJert Bay. Today Mr. Afield Ut visiting Kltkatla. with Indian Agent W. E. Colllson aboard the Indian. Department Phone 63 Butter- Fi;;t Grade. 3. lbs. Vork Butts-Lb, Butt, Chopsr-Lb. Pork Tenders-Lb. Pork Hocks 2 lbs Phone C3, 83c 25c 27 c 35c 25c Ay.r.e., Bacon 9ftr Sliced, Lb. . . AOC Diamond A Bacon Lb. XJLf Garlic Sausage. Lb .Liver Sausage "OoTrrnmfnt, Llqqor 29c Swift's. Lard in OCp cartons. 2 for Boiled Bst. Veal Boiled Sho. QOp loml, T U JmlOV Sho. Veal-Trimmed. Lb. I Bing Bolognar- 18c Lb Fr,esh; Cottage Cheese IflSUtSPECLVLFOR r,Qsiy, 3Iaqltqrali and , Haddock Remeniber! You. Can Get It at The. Sterling Act" (StvUon 37) Not Ire of, Application for Consent To Tranitr rrr Llcfnce Notice la hfTfby .riven that on. thJ signed liit'sulf, "x ftpy, tQ, th liquor Control Board tor consent . tq, tranter of Br, I.1CM1C No. 4433, UaUd In arwet. oti ttetol& belne Dart of building known 4 Bavor Hotel, b.Uumo! at Fraer Btnwt, ujxin ths lands de-nr-rlW. &a LoU No. la ml 14. Block 33, 6oaUoa, 1, Map, 023, Print Rupert Land Rt9tntttaa District, In the Pro?. tnc of BrtUh Oolumbla, from Alx andtr Jupra ItaidhgoimA to, Oaxl William Z&Mli of Prince Rupert, Brttlifl CblumbU. thA trari&ferM. I Dtd' -t Prince, ' Rupert, B. C 8th day at March 1039. thU CARL WILLIAM ZARtLI Appllotat ejut TnxuUttt. Thevre Still Tflllritiri About My Luncheon by Maty BUke And I don't mind. Because what they're tilking sbout is the fooASpeciaJIy the creamed shrimp and peas. If I do say so myself, that was really something! But its an. oU -story with, me to.have things turn out extra well when they're made with Irradiated, Carnation Milk (see recipe below) Qrnation Milk glorifies so many precipes particularly, cream soups; creamed, vegetables and meats and fish,"and desserts. Then, it's just as good for creaming coffee and cereals; Carnation is just whole milk with part of the natural water taksn out; scerilized. keeps on the' pantry, shelf indefinitely, homogenized to give every drop, equal creamy smoothness; irrjj- " iated for extra "sunshine" vita- f min D. jg I rim. .1 '. I tt Irradiated Garnation Milk: so, good, make.ix-'mote digestible, more unifornv safer, for babies. And lifextra "sunshine" vitamin D that all babies need. Write for tne beautiful Ulusr trated Carnation Cook Book. A host of ideas and recipes for 1 5c 'postpaid). Carnation Company Limited. Abbott St. Vancquver, B.C. RADIO listen'todhe "Contented Hour" every Monday night. See your local newspaper for stations and time. ... nrsn BASK-- 2 cup. W ..U, K - & rstef , .11- rfinina connauj. Hikes and F41 , ..4 lisADurcii'Bt in Aaa r QI. Set,, Sen. CANADIAN PRODUCT "from Contented Cows" I NOVELTIES Prices From 5c to $2 We will gladly reserve any item till Easter 25c I Symphony Easter Cards g An Excellent Selection 5c and 10c Ormes Ltd, Jttti Pioneer Drtu2pt3ts The, Rexall Store Phones; 81 & 81 Open. Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays anL Uplidays from. 12; noon till 2' p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. I j Now On Display I Smiles n Chuckles Easter i 5. S MacKenzie's Furniture 200 Window Shades Colors Cream and Qreen. 36x72 inches. Each . S Thone 775 85c