li !ines Perhaps Tides i.auon ha been dl- there are to be 50 f r the trip during -ty will sometimes ame three or four It has been taken irie that her far- n DIM." as It U w.'.l predominate. uh Utk of the a now fashion .. combinations of be dove grey with I a mv fashion I . . i talk of a new deparure and a new ne Queen will e I harmony. iruUtlng In Lon- dlscuitfd at th Bmuh IndurtrlM without doubt are Fftlr the QufTn MMie , n of fact. Papers statement that It was not true that blf-toed warorooe, particularly succestftf But, it the cent spring show. Canadian dresses Uhe darker shade w Elizabeth Ilnds J monlzlng tlnU are appeared uncertain In view of lack of communication. There was a foot and a half of new wet snow at Tyee and beyond there It was believed to be even deeper. I Th train which was to have left for the East at 6 o'clock last evening did pot lee until 10 n.n . the rotary plow having been sent out earlier to clear the line. Lack au wnite was to be worn but every of a wire made It Impossible this coior with the exception of bright morning to indicate how tonight's reds, blues and greens In fact any i train, due from the East at 11 bright color that might clash with! o.m.. was running but It was ex-the uniforms and the crimson ear- pected It would be on time. peu. Hat Box Contents What hats her Majesty's hat boxes will contain Is difficult to fore tell. Hat fashions are as varied ar.d; A .rlff PofriAr Wsarre as would seem possible she ValllCl has been adopting some extreme' millinery. One hat with no less In ill Cost United States Over Kl.- than three perky birds with angu- OM.000 for Single Naval Craft ur wings - poked on toe crown was One Bid For Big I WASHINOTON, D. C. March 23: r was the Part HH Parts UU U again ttken Into wm-.The NirJ- Dfjlrttnfnt yfeterday a sue nnwiiw. siaerauon. u wui oe renemoereo i received one tender for the con- " one of grey Ucejthe most popular hat she wore wasittructlon of a new 20.000 aircraft Opera, one of era to the garden i' her to the state ;ew mode was . there are crlno- the w1de-brtmmed creation of the 'carrier. It was from the Newport garden party at Versailles. .News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock AeceMorlea will probably follow cc. and for $21,800,000. the rule set by Hartnell at his re- i Oloves Oloves match matcnj used XlMrs. Roosevelt f union. Her dress- tume or strike a deeper note 'al-l TkT . T I.y. however. that'ways In harmooyt with the hat.S llOt aAUniling . 'hete volumlnousiftocklng and shoes when one color J . t consider It nec- u worn. Handbaks. of course, match' Knr rfPCInPnf' 1 Ui 1 lc:IUCni e invited to the glove. insider themselves while the safe at Hartnell s still J did not do likewise. holds the secret of the Queen's' LOS ANOELES, March 23. Mrs. 5.1 fashion taken up by f wardrobe, no details will be avaU-; Franklin D. Roosevelt said here yes-, e suggestion of her able though thieves did break In.'terday that "nothing on this green' he long afternoon More loyal than any previous dress-! earth" could make her run as a sue-: worn with aVakei to this vow of secrecy. he,ceseor to her husband as chief ex-' This was chosen i will probably reap hi reward when j ecutlve, j in and also a cer- cables are busv as each trunk Is: for occasions that unpacked and the Queen-lmpec- j R aaudlnf superintendent en-i ' .'ure formaL Other jcably groomed charm Canada. glner for uie White Pass and Yu-i w wears with short-, I kon Route at whltehorie. and Mrs. 1 ,:nht wool and mat- n.K OOLI) ,Oaudln. after spending the winter w.'U soft fur at the lqndON. March 23: CP The In Vancouver and Victoria, were :erm ideal ideal for ior manv many . . . . u .i ... .i .v.. the n,in..r. Princess I Montreal price of bar gold on the ; pa.-sengers aboard ntment. There will r ? in the air during v ": Their Majesties will 'monial drive, review or and unveil statues )ucitIon of Furs : up the subject ot p.aclng her wardrobe ; arge of Hartnell, the' w irn luxurious capos ot wV.j'.e fox and Kolinsky. evening gowns to the; d opera. These will,! with her to Canada. Dwepr. she has not worn mut'h. She also prefers p rich elaborate sequlnnlng (work on her evening gowns ' tV hanrl tfr lnlrt U y la the appearance of the u a d in the fact It en-s fin- craftmanshlp and em- l- "' expert needlewomen. fr oior the Queen has al- own a marked nreference Knff orAtf enff Miio d pale green are among her f ades worn with furs tint s' h n in believed she will 3 these though there Is London market yesterday was off, Louise this morning going norm 3c at $34.94 per line ounce I ier or tie a they were relations with France," make hrr look stocky. t French n is certain aooui mc 4U.. .! ...ill I . -mc. tunc win uv a i of handwork on boUi day ; i is now t :d evening gowns. Her like touches of embrold- T ' l1 I' d tminz and fatcotlne on. ReOrPaniZaUUIl rir.K.. .t. ...tiki O The administration's government reorganization bill was approved yesterday by the Senate on a vote of 63 to 23.- The Wheeler amend ment which would have curbed nowers elven the President, was eliminated 1 for the season. !M0RE FRIENDLY RELATIONS BETWEEN ITALY AND FRANCE MOOTED; MUSSOLINI TO TALK 'ARIS, March 23: (CP) A representative ofTrem-enito Henito Mussolini is in Paris 1 111 lO to J discuss lllkT.Upa "more friendly ritOPAGANDA INQUIRY OTTAWA Minister of Justice Ernest La point intimated yestey-day that a Parliamentary com- mission may be appointed to in- vestigate propaganda and undemocratic activities In Canada. A. A. Heaps, C.C.F. member for Winnipeg, had complained that a number of undemocratic organizations were operating in Canada and were working not only against democratic institutions but against the Empire. 31 r. La-pointe agreed that it might be necessary to inquire into the source of some objectionable RIG SOIREE OTTAWA There were eight hundred guests last night, when wives of cabinet minister held their annual reception. Prime Minister W. L, .Mackenzie King, a bachelor, was surrounded by the wives of ten of his ministers. The ntw hostesses were Mrs. MrLarly wife of the Postmaster General, and Mrs. J. J. McKlnnon. wife of a new minister without portfolio. One thousand daffodils were used in decorations. WARM IN LLTIIBRIDGE LETHBRIDGE Lelhbridge had its warmest March day since 1906 yesterday when the thermometer registered 3 above. VANCOUVER CITY RANK VANCOUVER Mayor Lyl Tel-ford is Investigating, thclposst-billties of establishing a municipal bank. He is studying a plan of this kind operating in Birmingham. CADDIE SHOWS UP AGAIN VICTORIA Spring weather has brought "Caddie'' back to play in the waters of Oak Bay. .Many persons report having .seen him disporting himself yesterday. He snorted like a bull and had a head like such an animal, his color being like thai ot a deer. His length is estimated at fifteen feet; NEUTRALITY FOR JAPAN TOKYO The Japanese govern- ment it Is reported, has agreed omorrow s 141 Capitol 2:53 a.m. 21.1 ft. TAXI 15:25 pjn. 18.0 ft. 0:26 a.m. 4.0 ft. , ':23 pjn. 6.1 ft. Maccy's Coffee House NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1939 PBICE: & CENTS ,la's Royal fitiests- Is Moving Towards America BAD SNOW lEEN'S WARDROBE GIVES rnNniTinN E , . . 1 Vil VIDE RANGE FOR VARIED!" CLIMATES DURING TRIP! Much is Assured and Talk in Ixmdon is of Her Ma- (y's Many Costumes Through Real Details Secret .O.NDON, March Z: (CP) Hidden away in a great Norman Hartnells Bruton Street establishment Ires Still Down and Train Traf. fic On Local Railway Line Is Slewed Up j Exceptionally heavy snow con-' !dltlon for this time of year are reported In the lower Skeena Valley . with the result that train moTc- menU are slowed up and wires are still down. Between here and Tyee there were eighteen breaks In the, telegraph line. "" It " was reported - -V- last . , it. it.. r ai ... . t.v -igns ior me wamruue me vjueen is laKing lOmiht following a patrol, what the Mready groups of expert needlewomen are bus-1 situation might be beyond there V 1 A MI t 0ft t '00 . 1 . - -J I i i r .: i ring lustrous bhks anu inmy enmons witn :.rg metallic threads and beading with glittering j , arts Yet not one Bulletins KEEP OUT OF EUROPE Wisconsin Representative Warns Against Having Anything To Do With Conference ! WASHINGTON. D. C . March 23 Representative Stephen Boles of Wisconsin against i anv fairs. Such would savor too much of a League of Nations and would tend to Involve United States' In a world war. Boles said he would do all In his power to prevent Tuch ah entanglement. Placed at $19,090,019 on This Coast Last Year. Lirsest Since 1910 CAMPAIGN PROCEEDS Establishment Of Air Bases On Iceland Is Sought By Nazi Chief unitedS?tat euurinTin- Canadian Parliament Hears of Project and Defence m Ew-jean if- 'scr Says Aggressive Action Will Re Taken Der reuhrer Enters Memel Pact Retween Germany and Rnumania ' , ON BELGIAN FRONTIER PARIS, March 23: (CP) While continuing to strengthen the manning of the Maginot Line on a! wartime basis, France today watched German troop movements towards the Belgian and Swiss frontiers.! There wcrc rePi"ts that Hitler might extend his stra-; 1 T k T TP mn V A I I I r KIli tegy 1 Relgian border country which was lost by Gcr-YrXJUUJ-i many after the Great War. OTTAWA, March 23: (CP) Reports that Germany icae pnrloavnnrinor tn ocaKlicVi a?- Kocao in Tnolonrl 17fW1 Vancouver. March 23: cp miles from Canada, led D. J. Hartigan, Liberal member Major j. a. Motherweu. chif sup- for Cape Breton, yesterday to urge upon the Department ervisor of lisherie for British coi- 0f National Defence the importance of speeding up air de-lumbia. te. the value of the ma fences on the Atlantic Coast. Hon. Ian Mackenzie, min- i fisheries catch for the coast at ,- Wero, ti defence. said that 1- - iuuu.uuu. uie largest iigure suice 1930. pggretttve steps were to be taken: i to strengthen air bases on the AU lanUc. Dispatches from Iceland had said that the Premier of that , country had announced Germany had sought permission to establish! commercial air bases but had been ! told it would no&be- giveivprlvliegeil i . other countries were not accorded. 3Iny Event Planned toIleljs-Send -Hit!erMs 'In "Memel I Children to Victoria MEMEL. MarVh a: CP Chan I cellor Adolf Hitler arrived here to- I A meeting of the re-5reseiitatives day aboard the battleship Deutsch- the various organizations In the land to take formal possession of Iof city which are co-operating efforts Memel for Germany Led by a to have worthv reorrentatim of vanguard of troops, he was accord- upon a policy of neutrality in the reporting back to his organization, years Is entered Into between the -tough' event of a European war breaking out. TALKING HIGHWAY WASHINGTON. D.C. Repre Seattle, chairman of the United States International highway commission, said yesterday that there would be an early conference with the Canadian commission and that it was expected to open preliminary negotiations posed highway to connect Un ited States with Alaska through western Canada. EXTEND ALBERTA EDMONTON By a Vote of 50 lo 1, thelbcrta Legislature yes terday inu authorized ftUIIIUlHTU the IIIC provincial MUHllll nrovinrlal free port privileges to Italy at DJ1- boundary of Abta wouid be ex-butl, the port of Ethiopia, and give. ,ended to ,he Arctic 0fean certain rlghU in regard 10 me use of Tunisia. Jt Is questioned, how-! ver. whether anything less than . , ictual territorla I concessions would 10 fJceS In :atlsfy Premier Mussolini. I King Victor Emmanuel, speaking W RronL-' yesterday in Rome, pledged the: T allLUUVCI onrnilVAf Dl CdK, tupport or the Royal Family io n 11. j Premier Benito Mussolini In his ter- elllUCJ s iieaVV rltorlal demands. Next Sunday.) Mussolini is expected to outline hU: demands on France. VANCOUVER, March 23: (CP) An amicable settlement between Unsettled International conditions! France and Italy, It Is pointed out .caused a general wave of stock sell-in some quarters, might tend toilng on the Vancouver market yes-weakeh the strength of the Rome- terday with the value of practically Berlin axis. jail Issues lower. HALIBUT OUTLOOK NOT BAD Market Conditions Are Dis cussed by Local Fisheries Executive S peaking before the Prince Ru pert Gyro Club at luncheon yester- the city at the forthcoming visit of ed a rousing welcome by the pre-1 day. R. M. Wlnslow. assistant gp-i Their Majetie? to Victoria was held ponderant German population of jeral manager of the Canadian Fish Mast evening In the Legion Hall, the former Lithuanian port which, & cold Storage Co.. hazarded the .Very satisfactory progress was re- yielded to the Nan demand that It j opinion that, despite uncertainty iTorted. return to the Reich. Memel was j and some disturbing factors, the . Final figures of the Tag Day last by Germany after the Great outlook for the halibut business In i rhowed a substantial return. This War. Hitler's visit follows the sign- 1939 "does not look too dlscourag- has been augmented by a generous mg of a treaty last night In Berlin mg." Mr. Wlnslow based his pre-donatlon from the manager of the between Germany and Lithuania diction on the fact that the whole roller skating rink who donated the for the return of Memel. Under Pacific Coast had now been cleaned proceeds of the first night's skating, the treaty Germany agrees not to out of frozen halibut and already Other support was promised by the Invade Lithuania and to give that ' some demand was developing In Soar of Norway whose representa- country free port privileges in Mem- Great Britain, tlve was In attendance and who Is el. 1 A non-aggression pact for five The past winter had been a one for owners of frozen The Fraternal Order of Eagles re- two countries under the treaty. ; halibut. Mr. Wlnslow stated. Pro- ported plans for a dance in the j German-Roumanian Pact 'ductlon of frozen ' fish, including Eagles' Hall. The Canadian Legion, BUCHAREST. Roumanla, March pacmc coast halibut, had broken with the Women's Auxiliary la ar- 23: t CP) A trade treaty between: all records In 1938. More and more ranging a bridge In the Legion Hall. Germany and Roumanla was sign- competition had to be met In the sentatire Warren G. Magnuson ot ;An amateur night by the Moose al ed today, eliminating for the tjme : marketing of white fish, including so promises to be very successful, being at least posiblllty of conflict the growing volume of Atlantic had- Final arrangements for a conver- between the two nations. Under -:azlone at the Legion Hall under 'the terms of the treaty Roumanla the auspices of the Prince Rupert maintains Its political and econom-iFlre Department and Toe H have 1c Independence. Gepnany did not 1 been completed. ! Trie Introduction by the dock and cod flllets from "machine caught" fish by means of-quarter-million dollar trawlers equipped with dlesel engines and all the most obtain as extensive concessions as . unto-date devices as well &a a local . demanded. In fact. It Is stated that . iarge production of-- lake fish. soon for the building of the pro- branch of a Vancouver firm of a It receives no special economic ad-other factors bringing about low commercial advertising stunt lnto vantages and that Roumanla Is left .prices for frozen halibut had ln- jthe movement was condemned. It free to trade witn other nations, eluded the general xheap food prlc-was felt that the full co-operation Hungarians in Slovakia es, unsettled business conditions of outside firms with local branches BUDAPEST. March 23: (CP) jand disorganized Prlce cutting, should have been placed at the dls-! Hungarian troops are reported to with fancy medium halibut selling posal of the committee. . . a y Yesterdav he conferred with the government to enter into nego- i Hynni ArahS In !.. e nllinrrViim flinf tlin "iimo tiations with the federal govern- j r minibltTOi ": 7" b ""V.""; V ; , ment with a view to ta ripe" for negotiations with this end in view . m lmlt lncludlnjt valu h(ire are reports that r ranee might be willing to give , lne areas by whif h the Bill Is Passed Contentious .Measure Finally Gets Through United Stales Senate WASHINOTON, D.C. March 23. taking over T TwJM, ablemin- , 1 1 dlloJUI Udllln I British Authorities Said to be rian I ning to Clean up on Sore Spot There JERUSALEM, March 23.' It was 1 1 1. .1 hIhKI lUnf T)f4 H cVs oil. WINNIPEG WHEAT PRICES WINNIPEO. March 23: (CP) Winnipeg wheat futures were Tc (closing at 613gC. have entered Slovakia at three at jjic and 124c In box lots in points. From Prague come reports the eastern cities. It was obvious that Germany has ordered the com- .that some one was taking a loss. plete and final disbanding of all Czechoslovaklan military units. Not Giving Up Office MONTREAL, March 23: (CP) Following the example of the con- Prlnce Rupert and Queen Char lotte Islands Fresh northeast The trend and development of world conditions from day to day affected the fish business, Mr. Win-slow told his listeners. Events oc- curlng during the past winter and suls In New York and Washington,, which might occur during the com- the Czechoslovaklan consul general ( ing summer had an Important , to Canada has refused to yield his , bearing. Export business was risky consulate up to Germany. He has these days and the whole European refused to accede to orders rroml market, which had been develop-Berlln to this effect. Czechoslo-iing In an encouraging way, depend- lvaklan Mlnl5ter Hurban at WasMed on world conditions. I h" " !S ?2,S J mgton refused to turn over the le- Mr. Wlnslow mention mentioned been a sore spot In connecUon with persistent Jewish-Arab disorders In Palestine. Much of the trouble has been fomented there, It Is declared. gatlon to d'affaires. the German Weather Forecast how the charge Canadian fleet was now getting a gradually Increasing share of the Pacific Coast halibut production. In 1938 It had been larger than in 1937. Of the coast total In 1938, twenty-five per cent had been Canadian as compared with fif teen per cent In 1932. Halibut prlc- winds, mostly cloudy and moder- es In 1938, although YzC to 34c lower to 3ic higher yesterday with May.ately cold with some light snow or In average than In. 1937, had been sleet. (Continued on Page Four)