ED1L11UIN CAME TRUE nllo TtlU of Friendship With i. anil ill I nnr Fathers Before Tiiem -i fi Pattullo of British lUlI.vioi " - . it. .nMivrtirv rflnnrr fur u . .1 I . tl'llttAM WAN i. i irinr txfct nlrht tM It In tilm tniirh mnrf mere politic, event rttullo nid: The Prime - - - r I have perpetuated that ran clfarly recall my fither .1 1 . I. it m r. il f nf .w.11- A . , IU. ..M. lima I all tn v ino, . ........ 'that boy King will be Prime rRssinN TALK OFF f Kitif and Qoren Hat wtn, Prrmler of That frovlnre Declare :.t '.he dtnner marking the 1 ' vrunr nf Ui alnr NATORQ BAT HARD v .'irm rtwr ni pim 1 aril sir. irj Usihlritton Defeated New York Vankeea ACH!NOTON. D C . Aug : E "ry member of the Wash--ators club made at least ' : t terday as they defeated t ;-;e iradlng New York Yank- S1 ! . thru Th Tlr.dr.ri Pl a full game further up on Ycik as they defeated the f:t National League, the Cln- .nil. . Kill ..(th C..:ra.o Cubs and held their, 1 seven ana a nan game Cf Louis Cardinals who were w I if 1 1 u iuiii 111 ri k o arvest Work t innui 01 irattMcnis in i rm- EOINA, Aug. B: ( CP Large m va V ntlOtUIIkO - " lno Saskatchewan In gets fully under way. i!.og YY1U ve In France nr Ruler of Albania Arrives In Veraallles' to Make future Home EKSAILLE3. Auc. 8: (CP) Af- havlng wandered around Eur- unce the absolution of his ntfo .. ... . .... "vme manins ago Dy uaiy. In" King Zog of Albania has 'vi'd in Versailles and will take M'manent residence here. Zog fcompanled by the former queen lr baby and three sisters of the King. Mawivenzie King Drops No Hint Regarding Election; Is Accorded Great Ovation TORONTO, August 9: (CP)-Leading Liberals from all parts of Canada to the number of nearly 4000 including federal cabinet ministers, provincial premier and mem- oers 01 I'arliament and various legislatures assembled here last night at the banquet table . ... to do honor to Prime tf!2..A, tlffll! V m uinisuT wiuiam i,yon wacnenzie King on the occasion me iwrnueui anniversary 01 ru j selection as Leader of the Libera Party of Canada la succession t the late Sir Wilfred Uurter Tiv toast to Mr. King was proponed by Rt. Hon. Ernest Lapointe Mm ster of Justice and the Premier chief lieutenant. 80 great was h ovation accorded Mr. King by r. dmlri arri supporter tr.a'-was several minutes before ho w. able to start on bit addnv It wa an unprecedented tribute t Prime Minister who was praised ' his contribution to Canada n wt 'are In more than twenty spec -V by Liberal leaders from Charm -own to Victoria. The date of the general . and the personal future of tr Prime Minuter were the qurs-i r In the minds of h. ! I'lppremost eners a well as followers of pol,: ,ieai auaira in we aauon am I neither subject did Mr t Prime Minister WUham1,nr lUnt hltoe.Tr leren mentloneG the w v.. .1. 11 , 11 .1 . . . . .tion " KinK dr-" r 3f Saskatchewan said! " w,"uo" w ta nl .? of the Kln and' tt ' ansd tr4r than been f r many yeara. He tev world ele . . .. ... . (Canada rrJahi or nuaht not do un eircunuxanoea 01 no . j province Although he,w adluaUnenU were nht at the Ume know nothing ... ... 1 1 The Prime Minister declared h net iww nor at any futarr r' hat there was a . 1 r-. 111 r an iinnniiBi i n i - v ' I . . . . . . . I atari a towara a nrunwHrii Munition thit mktht arise In some oth- jer part of the world. The Libera' party always prepared to take a firm stand when cireumatanre-; demanded it "But I do not think it would heln the rue f tntrri. ."nn' eace if we seek to chanac 'the form of government in other 'lands.- he said. The Premier dlacuased with mucr feHine the value of Liberalism U the maintenance of orderly government and urged continuation of the two-party system. Mr. Kln paid feeling tribute tc the late Sir Wilfrid Laurier. hir illustrious predecessor, whose po litical protegee he wm and whosr cabinet he er -red at the age of thirty-four. WOULD TAKE OVER YUKON Anneiatlon by British Columbia is ny No .Means Dead Issue, Declares Pattullo OTTAWA. Aug. 9: (CP) Annexation of the Yukon by Ilri tlsh Columbia would result In development of the district lo an extent hitherto undreamed of, Premier T. D. Pattullo of IlrltUh Columbia said In an Interview here. "The Yukon is similar In every ; respect to the northern frontier of Itritish Columbia and lis annexation would permit of more direct administration of its affairs than Is possible from Ottawa," Mr. Pattullo asserted. "Kc-onomlcally, British Columbia and the Y'ukon form an cntlly." Mr. Pattullo said he did not know whether he would be Riven I permission to take over the Yu- kon but It was still a definitely . . 1 live issue. Anion niu dcch meantime postponed pendlnr the report of the royal commission on Dominion-provincial relations. The Y'ukon had a great future as a gold producer, the British Columbia Premier said. Union of British Columbia and the Y'ukon would also simplify arrantemcnls for the construction of the British Columbia-Alaska IHshwnr. Mr. Pattullo declared. Says Little Is9P2hIIIIIIH 1 f!iA(llKllllllllllllllB pulmiei: KINO lODAYb Bethlehem Steel, 60.' Chrysler, General Electric, 36?8. STOCKS Tancouver Dig MiMourt. 12 Bialorne. 1130. Oartbue quartz. 2.10. Den Ionia. .OIV Denlonia. .024. Fairvlcw. M. OoiA Belt. .26. Iledley Masost, .73. Mlnto. .01. Noble Five. XIV,. Fend OrWk. 1.42. Pioneer. 2.40. Premier. 1.88. Privateer, 1.13. 1 Reevea McDonald, 3. Reno. .46. Relief Arlington .12 tt. Reward, .02. Salmon Gold, jOC V. Sheep Creek, 1.18. Cariboo Hudson, .03 H. Oils A. P. Con.. .15. Calmont. iOVt. C ii E.. 1.85. Freehold. .03 Vi. Home. 2.12. Pacalta. .04. Royal Canadian, .18. Okalta. .95. Merucry. 06. Prairie Royaltle. .21. Toronto Aldermac. 32. BeatUe. 10. Central Pat.. 2.46. Cons. Smelters. 44.75. East Malartk. 2.67. Fenriand. .03. Francocur, .63. Oods Lake, .4m. Hardrock, 1.10. Int. Nickel. 48.75. Kerr Addison, 1.97. Little Long Lac, 3.00. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.90. Madscn Red Lake, .40. IScKcnzle Red Lake. U6. Moneta. 1.00. Noranda, 82.00. Pickle Crow, 4.65. Preston E. Dome, 1.54. San Antonio, 1.90. Sherrltt Oordon, 1.05. Stadacona, .54. Uchl. 1.15. Bouscadlllac, .04. Mosher, .14. Oklcnd. .07. Smelters Gold. .02i. Dominion Bridge, 27.75. New Y'ork American Can., 102.. American Telephone, 166. I Annrnnrta. 2G'i. I Lumber Exports From Province Hit High Mark : VICTORIA, Aug. 9: CPI British Columbia lumber ex- 4 ports, totalling 117.000.000 4 board feet, struck an all time high in July. The United King- dom Is by far the. most import- 4 and market, having taken 91, OOOOOO board feetf making the total for the year" to dat 514,- 000.000 board feet. 4 4-4444 SENATOR INHERE Comment! On Laclt of Electiou ..nnounifmtnt To Visit Gold Mining Operations r1 That will be a great dlsappolnt-aeru 'jo a lot of ppie." eommen led Se lator A. D. McRae this mom- 1 v m tald as he arrived in Prtnc Rupert that .prime Mlnlstr W: t - Lyon Mackenzie King Md .a red ast n'nht to make any hln as t-i when a federal election! be eitpect-d. .Oenera'. Mc-j ae t (ue to be drawn into anyl wLUca) discussion. "I am throuil with palitlcs." said the fonr; 1 1 .i .!ii:au:i ConservaUfe organizer. I 0ura! McRae was a passenger J aboard the Prin--r George go r'.i through to Juneau whence he wilt , ..y to Fairbanks to visit two gold drrdg ng operations on the Y'ukoa River three-quarters -of an haur' IHght from Falrbsnk Next yeat.; he saidVhe hoped to. Juveat leav'-i I one tiredglng 0r" dragline o?era Mm going on the Stewart River in the, Dawson district. Poland Blamed For War Spirit Berlin Newspapers Claim it is Trying to Start Conflict Over Danzig Issue BERLIN. Aug. 9: CP) Berlin newspapers yesterday again a ecus- over the Free City of Danzig. The newspapers sun predicted mat there would be no war. They again referred to the policy of Chancellor adolf Hitler to obtain a peaceful setUement of the issue. W0RKLESS QUESTION Import Recommendations by Labor, Committee of Chamber of j Commerce 1 The., labor, committee, of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has reported In favor of endorsing the suggestion that the report of the National Employment Commission. The committee also recommends: That the government be requested to pension unemployed men of sixty years and over who are phys ically unfit to take their places In ,the ranks of labor and have no oth er means of support. This report came before the Council of the Chamber at Its cent meeting but It was thought too Dig a question to De aeait wtin by the executive and was referred to the first meeting of the Chamber In September. WINNIPEG WHEAT PRICE N WINNIPEG, Aug. 9: (CP) Win nipeg wheat futures were H'c to Standard Oil of Ney Jersey, 4U. closing at 521,c Tomorrows Tides Weather Forecast 9:23 a.mt T2 ft. . Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte 21:22 piaf? It. Island Moderate- winds, 2:48 ajo. H partly cloudy and cooler, fresh southwest wind tonight with mitt 11M UJUitf. :tVt 1 1 and light rain. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER - A PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1939. PRICE: 5 CENTS FINAL BULLETINS HITLER'S LATEST ORDERS DANZIG Albert Foerster, Nazi leader of Danzig, is returning to the Free City today with the latest instructions from Chancellor Adolf Hitler and will speak to a mass meeting in Danzig tomorrow night, it was announced today. KING REVIEW'S FLEET WEYMOUTH. En.land The King today reviewed 1J3 warships of the reserve fleet which Great Britain is tuning to active service pitch. BITTER INTERNAL STRIFE SHANGHAI A bitter internal struggle in Japan over whether the Empire shall conclude an outright alliance with Germany and Italy may cause the fall of the Japanese cabinet, an informed traveler from Tokyo said today. VICTORIA -MAN KILLED LONDON The air office announced today that Leslie Phillips, aircraftsman, killed with two other Royal Air Force men in the crash of a bomber near Eastbourne, Sussex, was from Victoria, B.C. The crash took place during the great aerial NEW ZEALAND ARMING WELLINGTON, NX Defence Minister F. Jones announced Tuesday that the peace time strength of the New Zealand territorial has been increased from 9.500 to 16,000 men, in case of war. Some 40,040 trained men are standing by in addition to the regular army. POLES STAND READY WARSAW Orders to wear full uniforms and carry rifles while on duty have been Issued to Polish customs officials, on the Danzig east Prussian frontier, the newspaper Kurjor War samski said Tuesday. There was no official confirmation. HUNTING OUT LOYALISTS IIENDAYE, France Spanish Nationalists were reported Tuesday to be hunting thousands of men, without a government, hiding in the Asturian Mountains of northwest Spain. Advices said General Franco's men had arrested hundreds of civilians accused of giving former Republican soldiers food and shelter. CHRYSLER VERY ILL WHITE PLAINS, NX Walter P. Chrysler, automobile manufacturer. U.crUlcaUj.iU at ills Long Island homc . FREAK BABY GIRL MANILA A seven-pound baby girl was born with her heart completely outside her body here and lived through her second day of life Tuesday, as physicians pondered what to do. A thin stemless cocktail glass protected the exposed heart resting on the infant's chest. It helped maintain body heat for the heart and guard against infection. MORAL REARMENT? VATICAN CITY Papal secretary of state. Cardinal Maglione, in a letter to the president of Canada's Catholic annual social, stated that forms -of government or social organizations will not in themselves save world peace, if the spirit of sacrifice and equity is absent ENORMOUS WHEAT CROP ROME The International Institute of Agriculture predicted today that world wheat production for 1939 will be the highest since the World War, except for last year's crop. STOCK MARKET WEAKER NEW YORK Declines at the close wiped out initial gains running to a point or so on the stock market Tuesday. Transfers were around 450,000 shares, the smallest turnover for a month. STRENGTHENING SINGAPORE SINGAPORE One battalion of British troops and two of Indian troops arrived Tuesday from India to strengthen the Singapore garrison. A squadron of planes arrived Monday. Arranging For Wheat Disposal federal government make an lm-pPderal Director of Marketing mediate attack on the unemploy- Winnipeg Central Selling mcnt problem and follow out other, Under Consideration recommendations contained In the under consideration. Pla Ian in WINNIPEG, Aug. 9: (CPt A. W. Weather Forecast Oeneral Synopsis The baro Mine Development Going On Nicely F. W. Guernsey Here Today After meter is falling on the northern shipment. British Columbia coast and is low, from Vancouver Island southeastward. The weather has been fair and quite warm in nearly all parts of B. C. West Coast of Vancouver Island Visit To Ecstall Property ALL MUST REGISTER fteieh Demands Record Of All People Between Ages Of Five And Seventy BERLIN, August 9: (CP) A new scheme of national registration raa decreed In Germany yester-lay. Under It, every person In tht lountry, male or female, between he ages of five and seventy, li required to register, giving details rgardlns physical condition and ill other personal particulars. Alberta Vouchers Are Not Wanted Road Workers Go Out on Strike in Protest at Their Being Given Vouchers For Wakes BLAIRMORE. Alberta, Aug. 9: CP-Seventeen men on govern ment road work here have gon on strike. They refuse to accept tweni ty-five per cent of their wages in ;ovemment vouchers. PINCH IS NOW FELT import Cuts Imposed by New Zealand Having Bad Effect Upon Trade "AUGKLAND, NAUgust'9PfcPffa!"- New Zealand Is starting to feel the pinch of the import, cuts imposed to conserve Dmlhtoris overseas funds. Supplies of many goods ire running short, and at the same Jme numerous indentors and agen cies are dismissing their staffs and closing, as they cannot obtain stocks. Canada was the first country to nake a reduction in its official representation. As a result of the import cuts, Canadian trade to New Zealand has been greatly curtailed and the post of assistant trade commissioner in the Dominion has been temporarily abolished. The commissioner will remain to maintain contacts, but the assistant commissioner. R. O. Bower, has been transferred to Australia. Actually In the first three months of the year the value of Canadian goods imported Into New Zealand rose from 146S25, New Zealand currency $4,293,654 in the same ! period last year to 1,642,500. This 'was largely because an automobile I company started shipping from it Canadian instead of Us United states plant, and because the full .effect of the Import bans had not then been felt. It Is expected that ' later "figures will show a heavy drop. Traders Protest The Canadian-British Traders Association of New Zealand has protested against the bans on Canadian goods, which are more severe than on articles from either Britain or Australia. It pointed out that although New Zealand buys more from Canada direct than vice-versa, Canada also Imports much New Operations are proceeding stead- Zealand produce, such as wool, liv and satisfactorily at the Nor-, woolen goods, skins, sausage casings Shaw of Ottawa, federal director ( tnem pyrlte mme on the Ecstall and grass seed, via the United Klng-of marketing, Is here to confer -Rlver accordlhg to F. W. Quern-1 dom. gardlng the marketing or the 19391 well nown Vancouver mining ! Meanwhile there has been a rush wheat crop. A central selling plan man wno operating the prop- to buy what stocks remain of pro-among the various co-operatives is'erty. Mr. Guernsey sailed by thethibited articles. Brands of cos- Catala today on his return to , metics, English women s shoes, can-Vancouver after visiting the mlne.ned fish, breakfast cereals, popular Mr. Guernsey stated that no .sauces and pickles. English biscuits 'plant construction work would be! and American cigarettes and to- undertaken this year on the prop-lbacco have been in particularly crty nor could anything be said n heavy demand, and supplies c: regard to early production for many lines are now either running Thirty-two men are employed. LONDON GOLD PRICE LONDON, Aug. 9: (CPlrf'.The Moderate northwest, shifting to Montreal price of bar gold on the. lic lower yesterday with October southwest winds, mostly fair and London market was steady yoiter-? I warm with mist tonight. day at $34.77 per fine ounce. '7c. Halibut Sales , American; " . . Western, 40,000, Royal, 105c an i