I DAILY EDITION 0 Saturday, R PAQS TWO THE DAH.T mi . r -i I VNNSVSSVYSVVWVVwrirr.-. wYtt Waterfront School Shoes Whiffs W. R. Johnstone Girls and Children's Jack and Jill Little Pal Hewston Make BOY'S AND YOUTHS . . - Greb Sisman & Valentine Make these Shoes Have Stood the Test Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert 0- Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor By maU to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations WHAT TO DO NOW 98 86 9 DO D2 .25 Saturday, September 2, 1939 Now that we are near the war, the next thing to consider is what we can do to carry out our part ot the pact and help prevent the use of force upon small nations. The voUhg men are doing their part splendidly. They are joining Up in large numbers but, before it is over, we shall all be asked to bear our part. We shall have to see that the fighters are properly clothed and fed and provided with plenty of ammunition. We must also keep them cheered with the thought that Canada is with them. HOW ABOUT AMMUNITION? The government has in Prince Rupert a splendid siU and part of the facilities for the manufacturing of ammunition Shells might well be manufactured at the dry dock and other constructive work could be done there. We suggest to the government that utilization of this plant to the full might help to solve the ammunition problem and give us all an opportunity to do something to help forward the settlement bf this great dispute. MEN STILL WANTED There are still some vacancies in the militia and alsc in the regular forces which might be filled by local men Doubtless, the great adventure overseas will call some Canadians but bur first thought is for protection of Can adian territory. One local ladyj speaking of the local situation said it gave her a feeling of confidence to think Prince Rupert and district was being protected against stray raids by the npr of thn local battery and. by the lads from Vancouver. She said she felt that Prince Rupert owed them a deep uec. ul gratltUile for their voluntary work and she thought this appreciation should be expressed. We are glad to express it on her behalf and on behalf of the community generally. There has been no holding back or the part of the members of the regiment. The difficulty has been for some of the yoilng men to get away from their Work. EFFECT OF UNIFORM It is Wonderful hov well some of the men look in uniform. In some eases it transforms a lad altogether. It makes him take a pride in himself. The drill sets hirri up, keeps him fit and makes a real citizen of him. Just notice the s'-itig of the men after they have been in the battery a few weeks. I tAJCWAV I I COMMUNICATIONS I , MOTU I Baw J CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental transatlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports BJ3. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pjn. To Vancouver Direct 85. PRINCESS LOUI8E SJS. PRINCESS ALICE Aug. 5th, 16th, 26thf Sept. 6th Aug. 9th, 19th 85. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE Atlg. 2nd, 12th, 23rd, 8ept. 2nd Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert B.C. Heavy Landings of Halibut This Week Limited Including Incidental Catches in Company Area Mo. 2 and Several Large HI American Vessels The last week of August saw landings of halibut at Prince Rupert which might be considered as being unusually heavy in view of the tact that only one area the more remote No. iJwas still open to fishing, only small catches incidental to black cod fishing coming from nearer in u titers. During the week landings totalled SG9.400 pounds of which 345.400 pounds was from , twentv-eieht Canadian vnvlt nnH closed season in southeastern Al- 524.COO pounds from nineteen Am- ask waters. erican boats. A feature of the weeks business was the consider- Qul'e heavy deliveries of salmon able number of larger American "ae been coming Into Ketchikan boats which put in with catches. In during the past week. There has spite of the heavy volume of land- been a falling off In the run around jings. prices continued fairly firm. Sltka 0111 red saM have been For Canadian fish the high price of mnnkig in good quantlUes between! the week was 7.9; and 5c naid the Ketchikan and snow pass. Keteni- with 4.984,650 pounds and the Am erican 7.222,300 pounds as against 5,297.400 pounds. Bringing In a fair-sized list of passengers CP.R. steamer Princess . Adelaide. Capt William Hughes, ar- 1 l i A & r . r 1 . . I ncu ui pun m a: is last evening from the south. The vessel tailed at 10 pjn. on her return to Vancou ver and waypoints. Although the calling out of local men for service in the army and navy and other causes materially cut down the demand for accomodations, the C.N.R. steamer Prince George. Capt. James Watt, when she sails tonight for Ketchikan on the annual Labor Day week-end excursion, will have a larse list of oassengers. The vessel will be back early Tuesday morning. The Prince Oeorge arrived In port at 10 o'clock yesterday morning after her final voyage of the summer season from Vancouver. After the Ketchikan excursion she will tie ud at the lo cal dry dock for the winter. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. John Boden, arrived in port at 10 o'clock last night from the south, sailing at midnight on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Now that the falmon canning season Is closing down, it is expected that the Cardena will be making better time than she has been for the past several weeks. CaDt. John H. Hansen has changed the name of the well kown Seattle halibut boat Llahona to Ma-onlc. The vessel 1? well known as a frequent visitor to Prince Rupert. A fine of $200 was lmposfd at Ketchikan this week on a Petersburg fish trap for fishing after the DEPARTMENT. Or M tll.lC WORK Nolle To fontrartorn STEWART CilMF-HSMENT nULMMi SEALED TENDERS. endorned 'Tmdcf for Stewart Oovmcnnt Buildings, ' will fee received by the Minister ot Public Work for the erection and com-pletUn of a Government Building a? Stewart in the AUtn Electoral Olatrlct. B. V.. Plana. Bpaciloatlon. Contract and Forms of Tender may be n on and after Uie 28th day of August, 1939, aru! further information obtained at lie Department of Public Wort, Parliament Bulldbte. ohd t tbe office of Oovernrnent Agent, Vancouver, Prtnrt Rtrpert, Stewart and Bvilldef Exchange. Vancouver. B. O. OopW of plana, pacifications, etc can fee obtained from the Department cn payment cf a depcnlt ot $29 00 whlca will be refunded at return of the plana, etc., in good condition. Eacti tender mut be accompanied by an tocepted bar cheque on a chartered bank of O&mdi, made p7 able to Mm Honourable the Mtnlcter of Public Work, for the aum of 11.500.00 which khaU be forfeited If Uie party tendering decline to enter Into col.-tract wlien called Mpon to do to. Tender wUl not bfe cohAldeied Unit made cut on the forms aupplled, clgned I with the actual denature of tbe teu-j deter, and enclowd In the envelope Tenders nkM be in the hand Ot the MlnWWr at or before 13 noon of Wedneaday the 13th day of beptember 1839, and will be opened In public at ill dtlcck tnbn tan that dr In th Parliament BuUdlnga, The ioveat or any tender not nee-tarily accepted. A. DIXON, Chief n(1,nrer. Dept of Public Work. Partlafnfnt Building, VlcUfla, B O, be posted for patrol service. Baseball Scores National League Chicago, 6-1; Brooklyn, 2-3. Boston, 6: Philadelphia, 0. American League New York, II: Cleveland, 8. Boston. 10: Detroit 14. W8u Neptune for 1800 pounds and the kn prices have been fifteen eentsV low 7c and 5c which several boats or lar8e 9e tor a11 received. For American fish the and seven cents for whites and co- J high price of the week was 9.1c and hoe- 6c which the Eureka received for !s j 1C.0OO pounds and the low 8c and As everywhere else, the war situ- f 6c which was paid to several boat atkm has been the mam topic or Landings at Prince Rupert for the waterfront dl-UMlon this week.,? 1839 season up to September 1 had eclipsing everyinmg ei.se. war win v reached a total of 13,359,800 pounds make many changes of conditions, In comparison with last year's 10,- the fishing as well as all other ! 282,05 pounds at a corresponding mausines. ine nsnermens wavai j date. The Canadian total this year BtSfrve Unit, to which many local, was 6,137.500 pounds in comparison. njnm& Doats belong, wiu. no doubt. CONNECTIONS WANTED WEST African Importers and ex- porters seek connections with Canadian producers or m&nufae-1 turers. Samples, offers tor mer-i chandise of all descriptions, prln-! clpally fish products, and termrl solicited. The Colonial Fisheries,: Limited, Benylwah House, Win-'6 neba, Oold Coast, British Westlg Africa. tf.g FOR SALE CLEANING UP ESTATE of deceased John Beckett. Must sacrifice CABIN CRUISER "WANDERER." Excellent condition. Enquire Armour Salvage. (2061 LARGE double desk, Laren's Music Store. oak. LAND for Sale. Right near school: 10.63 acres. Apply to Joe Bright. Cedarvale, B. C. (209) GOOD business connection fir sale, apply to Box 276 or William Galr. Florist. Nurseryman, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. (211) FdlUtENT FOR RENT 8 room flat. Reasonable rent. Good location. Apply 733 5th Ave. W. (207t FOR RENT d room flat above Prince RupVrt Feed Store, 2nd. Avenue. Phone 53 (208) PERSONAL HOW TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk, Customs Examiner, Sten ographer Free Booklet. The M. C. C.- Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. No Agents, tf. YOU can run a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. Manitoba. tf. AT v E N TSWAN T IT" PREMIER Art Guild, the largest personal greeting card Company In Canada, with branches from coast to coast, Invite you to ap- . plj for an agency to sell printed to order Christmas Cards. Sample book supplied without charge Most complete line of boxed assortments which pay our sales staff up to 50 commission. Experience unnecessary Write Premier Art Oulld, 576 Seymour St.. VWOijyer tf I Presents . . . I The widest selection of samples they have ever shown. Cloths from the world's greatest wollen mills and patterns according to the latest decrees of fashion. Every Johnston garment is expertly tailored by skilled craftsmen trairt 1 ..; accordance with a tradition that hag made this hotwe famous for over : u f century. MUSIC Miss N. Lawrence Teacher of Violin Theory Classes Commencing Sept. 1 rilONE 580 poooooooooooooooocoooooooo $ . o KLSIE F. HEAPS g A.T.CM. Piano and Theory ALL fill AUKS Private or Class Instruction Beginners from pre-school agt also Teachers' Training Class Twelve Years' Experience Phone HLllK 997 SWAN A OLAFSON A.T.C.M. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Piano, Theory Harmony, Etc. Enrolling Students for Tall Term PHONE M5 in 1. I ' THE SEAL QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prlnrc Rupert I' Prices Range From 'JET STOVB POLISH Clean Hot Stoves In Perfect Safely At All IIC Stre $25.00 to $33.50 Select Now From, the New Fabrics Watts & Nickerson Exclusive Dealers W. R. Johnston Co. Ltd. Five thousand people read the pays to let them have to sell tit jt. Rupert Dally News. It know what ym. CENTRAL HOTEL" ROOMS and CAFE rhone 51 Tor rteit HouHbtU Coal MRS. C r. BLACK SCHOOL SPECIALS Exercise Books- Regular 5c 10 for 88-page, regular 10c 4 for 120 -page, regular 15c. 3 for 200-page, regular 20c. 3 for Loote laf I look -Extra value "ClMBle" Refill- -4 tor .. Pencil- Faber s Made In Canada. HB. 3 ffer Ie Faber c Special Drawing. 2B, Bit anal 211. Each Automatic I'mcll -New 4 -Inch lead Set with extra leads and era Fater's At-c Compass Complete Fabers School Erasers Pencil, ink and pencil and Pencil Companions Complete e4 Wood I'enc 11 Boxes -2 deck. Very special at Wax Crayons 5c, 10c Reeves Trrrachrome Paste 10c Rulers 5c Mapping Pen Card 15c India Ink Ink and Script 10c, 15c Paint Kefllv-2 for Reeve's Paint Regulation box . Celluloid Set Squares, Protractor Each Drawing Portfolio 10c Scrap Book Music Dictation Books Eatle Fountain Pens 50c Waterman's School Hags-Special value with ouLrtde pocket SPECIAL PRICES NOW IN EFFECT 25c Complete Slock of All Required Text Books Buy Now Save Time, Money, Inconvenience V V IV !Jf Ik it IV Vt lie I. ') U soc :v ij iv 10c IV IV v JV Ik it and IV Ik $1JUP LlrJh - 1, i SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at OCEAN FALLS and. POWELL RIVER Trains leave I'rlncc Ituircrt for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 0 p.m. Steamer Leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11:15 p.m. AIU-CONDITIONK!) SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc., call or wr City Ticket Office, 528 3rd A. V IT-3' If you lose nnytliinj:. ntlvvrtlse for It. . It's interesting tc know when reading the Daily N that the people of tho whole district aro doing the i8