1 : PAGE POUR HEAR THE ECHO- Old Virginia Fine Cut i$ ihe mellowest, most satisfying tobacco you ever tucked into a cigarette paper! With a fragrance you'll like from trie start, and with a taste that satisfies to the very limit, you'll find Old Virginia is cut extra fine to roll a ciggrette that both looks and smokes right. Even a beginner can roll good smokes with it, particularly if he uses "Chantecler" or "Vogue" papers. jfi0IMKy7 TERRACE Package 1 0ff l2 lb. Tin 75 Poctet Humidor Pouch 15c" Three Teams In lie ror Cup In Miss Eleanor Moxlcy and Miss n e , i 11 j Elleen Oibson left on Thursdays, OOltDtUl LGcliniC train train for for Prince Prince Rimert Rupert after after! 0 spending a holiday at LakeLse Lake. Winning a three to two victory rrl..HM t-, i 11.1. t. Kitwjiuujjw rain, mis wees, The threat of war has to date af-Utr..i i.-j i ... fected Terrace by taking some ofjthe G Playground Senlor Boyj. ... " .. .. tnp vniinp" mm fnr ant no conHML. I '., w ' soitDaii League, all three teams with the militia. Two or three of jbelng placed on even terms. Mc-these local young men are at pres- j Clymont has been given a bye in-ent on guard duty at the bridge at to a final play-off round and wVl Skeena Crossing. meet the winner of a sudden death jgame between Westview and Ac- S. A. Cunliffe, public works en- ropolis. The winner of the final win uc ttwmucu uie - - .. , cup. gineer of Smlthers. was Terrace m The piay.0ffs are set for this af-on Wednesday on official business, ternoon. Enjoy the Advantages of Modern Kitchen Equipment with a McCLARY RANGE FOR COAL, WOOD or OIL Drop In an see the new Mc-Clary Ranges Inspect for yourself their many features of superiority. Beauljful -Enamel Finish Easily Kept Clean Splendid Baking 0vc!n-fFnn Enamelled Inside Highly Polished Top Economical Tjiel-CojiMrmptlon. j. i. .".,V A McOlary Range with oil burner installed will give satisfactory and economical baking, cooking and heating service It can be Changed back for use with coal or wood In a short time. For Satisfactory Service Get a McCIary GORDON'S HARDWARE McBKIDE STREET Phone 311 Household Supplies Clothes Lines Ironing Boards Mops - Tubs - Pails Paper Towels Clothes Baskets FLAX0AP A' Linseed Oil Soap for Household Use Mb. Can 25c Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. TODAY'S STOCKS (CourtMjr 6. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .12. Bralome, 9.00. Cariboo Quartz, 1.85. Dentonla, .02. Falrview, .02i. Gold Beit, .25. Hedley Mascot, .50. Noble Five, .02. Pend Orlelle, 1.51. Pioneer, 2.10. Premier, 1.20. Privateer, .B0. Reeves McDonald, .22. Reno, .30. Relief Arlington, .09. Sheep Creek, 1.02. Hedley Amalg., .01. Oils A. P. Con.. .10. Calmont, .21. C. & E.. 1.25 Freehold. .02 Vi. Home. 153. Royal Canadian, M'2. Okalta, .65. Mercuty, .05. Prairie Royalties, .18. Toronto Aldermac, .40 Vi. BeatUe, 1.00. Central Pat.. 2.00. Con. Smelters, 46.25. East Malartic, 2.15. Fenrland, .03. Francoeur. .29. t ' Gr1. Lake. .38. Hardrock, .80. Int. Nickel, 51.25. Kerr Addison, 1.68. Little Long Lac, 2.60. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.42. Madsen Red Lake, .25. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.06. Moneta, .75. Noranda, 80.00. Pickle Crow, 4.00. Preston E. Dome, 1.24. San Antonio, 159. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.15. Stadacona, .32. Uchl, .70. Bouscadillac, .03 Vi. Mosher. .09 Vi. Oklend, .07. Smelters Gold, .02 Vi. Dominion Bridge, 28.00. Another Unit For Defence In Prince Rupert Major C. V. Evitt To Have Charge Of New Searchlight Battery Operating On Coast One of the developments In connection with the defence system on this north coast Is the organization of a searchlight battery under command of Major C. V. Evltt. It has vacancies for approximately twenty-five men, dieset mechanics, electricians or fitters with preference for single men. The work Is said to be very Interesting and is confined absolutely to home defence. This Is true of all the local services. It-Is officially announced here that no man will be sent overseas from the militia units. Should any be sent overseas later it will be only those who enlist especially for overseas service. Headquarters troop will be in Prince Rupert with Lieut. Cecil Fitzgerald in command. There will be two troops at Prince George Old Country Soccer Scottish League, First Division Arbroath 1, Kilmarnock 2. Ayr United 6, Hamilton Academicals 1. Celtic 1, Clyde 0. Falkirk 2, Queen of South 1. Hibernians 3, Albion. Rovers 5. Motherwell 2, Hearts 4. Partlck Thistle 2, Alloa 0. 8t. Johnstone 3, Aberdeen 0. St. Mirren 4, Cowdenbeath 0. Third Lanark 1. Rangers 2. Harold Davey Teacher of Piano Popular Music 20 years experience In Vancouver Free Music with Lessons No Scales The only guaranteed course that benefits you financially, playing for parties, etc. Enrol Now! At the News LEE HUNG CHUNG Chop Suey House Open Day and Nieht Second Avenue lloliday Matinee Monday at 2:30 Feature at 3:00, and 9:33 THS DAILY NXWS Btturdty.Stptfmbtra m, 7:30 EXTRA ADDED Sportlight "Diving Rhythm-Cartoon Torky's Picnic" "Dude Ranch" IX TIIK SI THKMK t'OCKT Ol IIKITIMS (OIXMIHA in r-Koum: In Ihe MaUr of the .ldminltratlon Art" twl J In Hip M(trr of tlip KiUIr of Itrbrrra "in, immsrii TAKE NOTICE Uw on th 38th daf of July 1M9 I ma uppoftitett Admlni-ttoc in BrttUh Columbia with tap WIK annexrt of the &tt oi th Ul Rfbccc KKJi, dcceml. formerly A Oeltut, NorUwrn Irflaud. nd Prlnc RurwTt. British rvijumsi. n u I having olUnui aalnit the said EttUt - , . w me viirjii wiwn irr I properly verified before the 80th div of Sopu-mbcr 1939 and ii person ". dtl to the wild Estate we required 'o I pay the amount of their Indebtedncv icraiwiw to me. DATED at Prince Ruprrt, B C, thu 28 Mi day of Aujrtut 1939. T. W. BROWN Box 658. Prince Rupert, B. C VACATION FARES TO THE PRAIRIES Tickets On Sale SEPTEMBER 9, 10, 11 From all points In British Columbia (Kamloops, Prince George and West). Kcturn Limit 30 Days Going and returning via same route only. Stopovers allowed at Jasper and Mount Itobson In either direction Special Low Fares Good In coaches, also tourist and standard sleepers, upon payment of regular berth fare Ask any agent CANADlXU N AT I O N A'L V-75-39 f nn ft furm EVEN GREATER THAN THEIR DANCING! . . . THE HirECT STOXT TOI ASTA1IE AND ROCCRSf Re-creating the Glamorous days when the Castles were the talk of the world I IRENE . . . who set new world fashionsl VERNON, debonair dance creator . . , who won glory as a British flying Aero Their story . . . screened in a blaze of glory and glamour . . . with all the excitement of a near yesterdayl A FABULOUS TREASURE OF DAZZLING ENTERTAINMENT A CAVALCADE OF ' The Story of VERNON AND IRENE CASTLE starring Fred ASTAIRE Ginger ROGERS EDNA MAY OLIVER and WALTER BRENNAN SHOWING TONIGHT ONLY PAT O'BRIEN, JOAN BLONDELl, in "OFF THE RECORD- C.t 8:11 and 10 36) aALLt I.ILr.KS In TIIKY MADE A SPY" f.t 7:00 ami 9 !S forts made io save peace. "It is a lie," he said "to say that Poland rejected German proposals localise it was never advised of them." He added that, if attempts at conciliation were renewed, the French government was ready to join them hut he declared that "France and Great Britain cannot watch the destruction of a friendly people. In effect this is a new phase of the march toward world domination by the Hitler dictatorship." Daladicr said that the Kovjrnment places no faith in German guarantees andjthat France's very existence is threatened by thcK.'erman attack on I oland. Daladier paid tribute to the Italian government's efforts to maintain peace. Daladier was granted implied authority by the Chamber of Deputies to declare war on Germany I ower was vested in a war budget bill of about one billion and a half dollars which the Chamber of Deputies adopted unanimously. Edouard Hcrriot, President of the Chamber, declared after the session that there would be nd need to summon Parliament again for the purpose ' a war declaration. MINMltl, ACT Nollre To trllniurnt Co-ownrre To John tV. Allien and (lander lllfle-lanil of .valilf. Maj.ilnston, U. , WHEREAa there are omnera other than myself to the extent of mm than one quarter Jntrrent in each and all of the Star No. 1. Star No. 2. SUr No. 3, Btr No. 4, Biar No 5. 8tr No 8. $tr No. 7. Star No. 8.' Star No U and Star No 10 Mineral Claim altuate on Ue north aide of PorcJier blan.1 In ChUmore rWi, aixrut iOO ft from the beach in the Skeena Ulnlnt DlrUton. Province of BrttUh Ooliunbla TAKE NOTICE ttt iitvI. . tWY arUkln an rf... .c. j . of the mm r aiKiTun vi r rxpcnianura required for the w 1937, 1938 and 1939 by Section 2S rJ LK Mlnr.l A-l n J B. C 1936. Chanter 181 h. all obwU of thu nrrtlr ' isi ,. Igned. the reaUtertl owner nf n tllneral ClilnuL Mlrraj OaJm ahall be forfeited a.nd wrome vested in the underafcned whi n.4T rrTulrM PndlUirea s'n a. cl.u H.I. iTirwa i r i 1 1 1 ii i i n 8U day of July, 1939.' E S. BERNEY, TIMItl'lf tit It O. thia 5 MliUMr of UtkU At Victoria. B. O.ijl w. vatvjy VkII U4J ay" of Sflptembcr, 1939. for the DurchunV of Llnence X2433S, to cut 30.08S.000 ttvt of upruce. cwWur. hemlock, balatm J on pnrta of Timber Ucencts 871 p. J72P '5 and S73P Jolitutran r,..v r i t,.. i j - - . HIH. 1UIII, , Range 2. Coast Ind Dlatrtot. K fifteen I5) yer win be ajlowei for removal of timber rurther partloulara of the Chief For-eter, Victoria, B, c. or District For-U, Print Rupert, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Alining Machinery All Types or Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled Beginning .01t 3 m& Monday Sally l : i j arm Britain and France Ready SPY FILM (Continued from Page One) Information to the g .v Roundlng ou ton.i; bill i Off the Ilecc rd IS SHOWN .' story PatOTi- arc eo-Uarrro ,r drama of two star rnw fall In love -Off the R EJIem is Star -Newspaper , however, far removed frc Story Koundi off Bill ual 0( newtpaper j. eatu lu Interot Is tv Patrlotlm and perwna, erme '7""' "P'''s on the part of a heroic Rtrl U thejJ J" ' Jl, V dual theme of Sally EUerf drama-1 i'llVl , ! ' .at the Capitol Theatre ton. ht. Te hnl ..tory deal. In vtvw fwhton wtth the f?. .ur' street Ramln portrayed mtH service agencies to combat It! tr7. m . . . .Joraan. ian uicib im can as a young laayi , who volunteers her serrkes to the' At an exeeuUve merhr army milltory lntellience dlvtolon ! Relljtious EdueaUonal f r when her brother, a lieutenant. Is In the Baptiu churrh killed as a remit of an act of for- nlng. It was decided ' elgn sabotage. At the risk of grave j young people's rally m ?. , personal dancer and deprivation.; Church Sunday of nrxr w she Join a foreign espionage ring.lrally will deal wtth h. aids It in IN nefarloui actlviUes youUi In present dav and secretly divulges incriminaUng fairs b: Elio's Furniture PIUNCE RUPERT Come Look Over Our Lare Stock Of HATTLESIIIP LINOLEUM, CORK, INLAII)7 FELT RASE FLOOR COVERING Now on Display HEATERS, STOVES, ETC. ace uur used Hirnlture Department Smoked "Rupert Brand" I Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or , Hors d'oeuvrc One Package 8ervea Four Tcople K.epj for Weeks In Itcfrlgerator ' 1 i r k r ' .-1 I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'rlncc liupert Co. Ltd. Drlllsli Columbia ,-'m'mmm'&mmMmmsmamismmmiimmmmMss- UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave rrlnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUE8 T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY. UAY 1:30 p m- 10:30 p.m. n i. uue Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday .m. " Convenlen. Vase Purchase Tickets at Offlco Further Informnllnn n.irii. n...n . m.i..t. cvnm l ltAlNK SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Are; Phone 568 V