i f c 'id? t 4 Z r s 4 m 1 .fT' 4i M 3 4 .i. ' EDITORIAL WHAT IS WEALTH? :Discussions in this paper in retrard to bonusine pro duction of wheat and production of silver lead to the natural 'discussion as to what is wealth- Is wheat, the staple food of the nation, wealth or is silver which may be con-, verted into currency wealth ? Some argue that silver is not a necessity of life and, therefore, is not anything like as -'Valuable as food. Others argue that silver, being convertible into money, is more nearly wealth than wheat or, ST. PATRICK JS HONORED ' Moore. nr. nu.ni . LeOd. Fine Dinner .Last Night 6t. Patrick's -Day was celebrated tna fitting wev last nisht when the The'hall was tastefully decorated In a way befitting the occasion un-tder the supervision of Mrs. William Brass. "O Canada" was sung following which Rev. Bishop Bunoz O.M.I., 'pronounced G race. 'Following the supper a very en joyable program was given under the supervision of Miss Margaret McCaffery. It was as follows: "Vocal solo, Miss Yvonne Rlffou Irish Jig, Miss Anne Stevens. ; Piano selection, Miss Frances j Vceal soto. Leonard Cripps. 174. Individual scoring was as 'lows: North Star 1 2 D. Wick .150 Howe 157 Hill '132 J. McLeod 141 SamueLson 154 .149 145 U79 133 Handicap . 5 -5 ' Total - .733 752 Parker's Carafe '1 2 D. Wick 1C7 186 F. Montesano 140 149 W. Smith 171 181 jF. McLeod :144 173 McMeekln 137 154 Handicap 2 2 Total 761 853 The league standing to date: Parker's Garage 20 10 North Star 19 8 Rupert Motors 18 12 Royal Lunch .15 15 Pioneer Laundry 12 15 Gyro Club - 12 18 at any rate, more easily convertible into somethingthat wejElectricai workers 1 1 . 1 V. VI. One line of argument is that the first need of man is food. AVe may have all the silver in the world yet, if there1 were tio food to be bought with it, we should all starve.1 We could not eat the silver. Usually an exporting country is looked upon as a wealthy country, because other countries pay money or other goods for what it has to sell. Ability to buy from others is based on the ability to produce something for . i t .i T-Vii The league standing to date: W D L F A Pts Boston Ratvsers VToronto wnicn uuiers are wuuiig to pay casn or goous. tanner. Americans wheat or silver may be exported and neither is in very Detroit great demand just now. That is why the government is'caadiens Jl l i 1. 1 j?; 1 i? IfWAOirn -- j- i . 35 25 .18 .17 17 15 12 2 6 9 10 6 9 8 .10 20 Canadian Legion 7 17 10 149 71 15 142 101 19 110 100 21 119 104 24 105 125 23 110 139 27 89 104 13 Hockey Standings sensed bv the euests on whose be ta- half John Hremner atted. A spee-MlKlft from the family consisted 3 of a fhro-iieee slrrer tea and -offee !C" rtn?e tn.s premiUUon being 19 ma by Ole V:lderhH. brother US, of Mfs. Hanson. Spewhiw were al- 1? ao made bv A O. Mowe. who was 140 15,beat naan at the weddinc. Sam Hou- 5 an and G W. Rndderham "1 3 The'oarty ended with the stnglng 3 of "Pw They Are Jotlv Owd Fel-, I'w.Iows' and Auld Itny Brrie" 12 - ...... Presbyterian Tea And Sale Held This Afternoon 13i .el The social parlors of First Presby terian Church are the scene this jo ,2 afternoon of a St. Patrick's Day Union steamer Cardena Is due ln,c- 0 IIam- port at 9 o'clock tonight from the jouth and will sail at 10:30 p.m. on. ! Receiving the guests are Mrs. H. G. Funston and Mm. H. M. Fodte. Mrs. John R. Mitchell and Mrs: Duncan MacKansie are pouring with Mrs Edgar Saunders. Mrs. . ." ,. h tpn tn .vinr unit m. iimfv nnurnon, amvca in. ll,u IIUHUICU tJ ' ' . ..... . Olt.nHi.Ml Ladies' Aid of the Annunciation lal chairman. Church held a successful supper. Following the program commun-There were about 200 present and ,tv an&n was enjoyed under the the 'many guests were received by leadership of the choir. O. P. Lyons the president, Mrs. C. P. BalagncPre1 at the door. The tables were heavily laden' Mi Jean Dal"H was the lucky with food under the supervision 0f'wlnner of tne of twenty-five :the ladles of the parish. The young ' theatre tickets with ticket number ladies and men of the parish acted as servlteurs. To discuss float accomodation here for the fishing fleet with a view to possible future expansion, representatives of the Canadian Halibut Vessel Association In the persons of Capt. David Ritchie. Capt. Jack ChrlsUansen and Capt. J. M. Morrison met this morning with C. F. P. Faulkner, assistant district engineer for the federal department of public works. Float accomodation for the fleet here Is raid to be quite Inadequate and It will be necessary to Increase It. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 9 o COMMODORE CAFE Newly Renovated. New Staff. , Improved Services. i"5 JN. Klllas, manager, has Just returned from Vancouver wllh the Jbest staff obtainable, New Cooks, New Everything. 'Up 'to the 1 ' .Minuie Special Blue Ribbon liecf, Especially Imported for This Cafe Nothing Here Hut the West. Try Our Special Sunday Dinners THE CABARET illastbeen converted Into an up to date dining room with special provision for afternoon teas. Cards trovided frre. Ladles may meet their friends In this room without obligation. Make It Downtown Headquarters 8 o OO00000O0H0O000600OCH)0000OO0i'bDO00OO0060000doOOpl C. P. R. steamer Princess LoulteM -2l . a J - . ..f a I Cfc. Vine Cut Too, rints ,nnnt John Bodn the re- P01 at 2:15 afternoon .from I COMPLETE household the Is back JJ and salU at 10 pjn. on Short talk. G. E. Phllllpson. ular master of Cardena. vucai fcciecuuu, .vu s. jarvis wc- . , . . .. ,. time he was relieved by Capt. Ern- ' -" wi uie i Accompanists lor tne evening k o"vvm were Mrs. J. S. Black, Miss Margaret McCaffery. Miss Frances Moore and Charles Balagno. Rev. Father Lantagne was gen- iuii uwt-n uric Hitu 'Vuii- cctiver via Ocean Falls while the i Princees Louise goes on the Alaka The Dally News is an A. B. C run to handle a large movement of oaner. 'northbound passengers. One of SCOUnNDS . FINEST 'X RUNTS SCOTCH WHISKY OISTILLCD AND BOTTLCD IN SCOTLAMO This advertisement is not publithed or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Wanted Middle Aged Woman For Dental Office IVIust have j?ood references and executive aliility. Last party held this position 10 years Dr. Joseph F. Maguire Box CCC 7, 8 and 9 Smith Block 4CC0 The Letter Box 1 : SEE THE KING AM) QUEEN Editor Dally News: ...... .. ..jI if t ,Tre a bov oaaln how I wouM , Laair aw. me rooms naving Deem, - - - 7, WprUtly decorated for the oc- "ke a MTX" 1 .1 !L . and x shamrocks. .k ,v. 'see the King , and Queen! Ooahl trip and everything! But so many kids cannot afford the trip I was thinking thla over and suddenly got a brain wave Why not some John McLeod. Mrs. H. N. Brockles-J01 ",c u' T' " I I bv and Mrs. T. W. Brown serving 45 Mrr. Samuel Leslie l cashier and 44 in charge of the tea room are Mrs 40obI. Strachan. Mrs Nell Mar-39Doria1B and Mm. W. L Sandlson. 52 In charge of the home cooking 'table are Mrs. M. J. Keays and Mrs penscs oi a ruim :nwn in vii goods for sale, evenings. Phone Red 413. Fryers They ro delicious. $2 00 per 100. pay old chicks, order now Moffel Bros.. Cloverdale, B. C. t WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED Oirl wants housework Phone Red 444. 04) CLEAN. Well - furnished moder.) apartments. Phone Red 444. It ARTICLES FOR SALE RUBBER GOODS. SUNDRIES. ETC . mailed postpaid in plain sealed wrapper. 80 less than retail. Write for mall-order catalogue NOV-RUBBER CO.. Dcpt L Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. It HELP WANTED i WANTED Man with some know-, lcdffe of office routine and book keeping Applications statin? age and experience to Box 2. Dally News. 05 WANTED IWANTED by young man. room and I board In good home. Apply Dally News 64 THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy lied Sockeyo iPINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only islmon canning company wltb an all the rear round payroll la, Prlnca Rupert Too. cco Hz LB. TIN NOW vei Why not1 And it so. why not .ny company. Kelly Douglas ii Co Ltd ? So I have decided to set before X change my mind. Kelry looglas at Prince Rupert will hove . u I" 7 TrW, It- fill. IIAII V NEW i iU JACK & JILL SPECIAL As sole agents for this famous line of misses and children's footwear we are pleased -to nnnounce that we have received pennis-sion togive 10'. discount on this nationally controlled line for G days only. Have Your Children Fitted lWith Our XKayiFittlng Sjstemfaml Avoid Mistakes : t" i 0000000400000000 ' Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes 'Silver WeMing MOVES UP Is lebraied .Men Defeat North Sla Tu fiaraje s fUf ,,arty ua silM 0. Hssume Leadership in Com- or of Mf anJ Mfc ans ,an. ( mercial Rowllug iLeatue ( Hf(h ATfntie i i Parker's Oarage took over the leadership of 'the Commercial Some eighty friend a Mr. and Bowling'Leaguc standing last nht .-Mrs. Han Hunwn gathered last by scoring a clean sweep three evetttag at thtr howe on Fifth Av-game to nil victory over North -entre I Bast In a au?tHs party, the Star. Olie margin of the garaterae ceeaiimi buik their atlver wedding over the bottlers Is a single point, innhrersary Dancing and com-Rujiert Motors defeated Gyro mualiy singing ware the -order of Club two games to one in a post- the evening s entertainment and. ,poned fixture. Oyros are now Ued'at mlnht. deHelows refreshments with Pioneer Laundry for fifth were served A handsome tthree-place. Pioneer Laundry vs. Can- tier wftldtm cake. trttwmttr'toyMW. adlan Legion was cancelled. High L.mway. was dnly eut'bythe bride average scorer for the evening was of tMnty-fie ywrs iftfo. iDan Wick of 'Parker's Garage with; Many girts of sliver vrere pre- MORE TOBACCO IN THE 10? AND 15c PACKAGES AT NO EXTRA REDUCED TO that every a Nabob e i :: should be no uv( Nabob P 80let' g ,i! 1 their boy or girl representative Utq eieoted for a Nabob Kid" and we will pay lrie ver. sxpenses up to 176 with two eon- Full irtKUl solaUon priaes of SIS ana no lor ed in every . x: 1 i VI A QkTTR A! KETCHIKAN vs 'tt the second and third winner. How h . l l will we appoint the luck boy Let Ft: ' t U the children vote their choice by ballot The only condition we make It Try a IXUv icrOfi . STANDARD OIL TEAM ltpref ntlnr Trinte Rupert MONDAY and TUESDAV Urh b AltMOL'KY at 1:00 p.m. TlrkeU on Sale at W. E. Stone. Grotto and llen' SrwSuf MacKenzie's Furniture Bissell Sweepers Vou need your sweeper every day Aiwar. and at no expense. 8ee us today for your Bl Prleed CC nn R 50 Each Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 Phone 775 5 Opening f N' S Kerlre snd V'f 3 Phone m m sa rw PATMAE r PMt Office. 4l r ...a JLA.WY" UNION STEAMSHIPS Due DAY, 1:30 p.m. Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. t a f A n m. Due Vaneourer, III BUamerg Leave Prince Rujiert for Vanccurcr T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TliES- T.8.8. CAUHENA B i .1 If Convenient, i Please Purchase TUkrts st Offlf irther Information nenardlnir Refiervallons and THe a. w unvniAN Ptinw nitturt Arrnt. Third Ave. rh01" CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE I'hone 81 'For Best Household Coal MKK. C. E. BLACK Fresh Local IUJ Pasteurized P PTsITlNDAl vr at V - ruoNt-,T If you have something to sell, a classified aclve tn this paper will soon let you, know n uiu. t the city. - . n : t -