. r 4 " ) I f ... v- PAGE FOUR GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE BRIDGE & FLOOR LAMPS, READING LAMPS, BED LAMPS & SHADES LESS THAN COST! : A REAL BARGAIN. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist FLOWER if GROWERS ANNUAL ; Ninety garGen enthusiasts sat down together at the annual banquet of the Prince Rupert Horticultural Society last night at the Boston Cafe, the highlight of th! evening being a lantern address by Fred Cole of Seattle, a graduate of the Kew Institute of London England and now a garden architect at the Puget Sound city. Mrs. J. T. Mandy, vice-president of the society, presided in the absence of Charles Balagno. who was unable to attend. Dr. Mandy operated the lantern. Dr. C. II Hanklnson. who brought Mr. Cole to the city to plot his garden, had ' a seat at the head table. There were about two hundred pictures shown, mostly photographed in their natural colors, of various scenes In the famous Duffy Gardens at Seattle which; ' 5? figiHi )')' itn iden was open to the public every 'SIGNS STILL roiNT TO LONO Wednesday and was visited by AND ACRIMONIOUS SESSION large throngs of people. It was aj - common thing for as many as six (Continued irom Page One) hundred people to visit It In one talk, the business meeting was ad Jounred to Wednesday. March 29, Mr. Cole laid out. The speaker when the election of officers will told how he transformed this take place. iplece of steep wild woodland intol Mrs. Neal Carter and Mrs. C. J. I a beautiful .garden for the mil- Norrington were in charge of ar-'lionalre owner. He got his insplra-1 rangements and decorations. Itlon one evening from a wonderful sunset in which there were splashes of radiant color extending In every direction in the evening sky so he set about to Imitate it In the garden. How well he succeeded was Illustrated in the views he showed. Many of the views shown were little dells and splashes of color formed by the use of the most common flowers, the seeds for which cost only a few cents. At one moment were seen the blues of massed hydrangeas, the mauves of candytufts, the creams and pinks of astllbes, vari-colored go-detias, the scarlet of azalea, walls covered with aubretla. Evidently one of his favorites was the soft blendin? nepeta, heather, lavender, thyme and similar flowers Most of the pictures shown were of common flowers easilv grown in Prince Rupert. It was the way in which they, were used to create uch a succession of pictures that iproved Interesting to local people. Mr. Cole said this famnus gar- - -v t Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 DID YOU KNOW THAT.;. the Sea Island Airport, rotting $626,000, is the largest Municipal Airport investment in Canada? II ri full Columbia' expenditure in Municipal Airixirla exceed the combined totals of all other provinces! More air-liners are scheduled to arrive and depart daily at Vancouver's Airport than any other flying field in the Dominion! that the minister or the deputy 'discussed after the showing of the ntotr or any officer or official pictures, the speaker urging the " ipaiunem 01 use of small quantities of f ertlteer I 'e 8 "lUy of any act of cor- at frequent Intervals rather than rupUon or anything In the nature Urge quantities at one time which of corruption. oftMi wasted. Wood ashes' Despite thla definite statement. were lust as eood as artificial fer-1 however, every attempt is and has tlltaers but they should also be 'been made by the Opposition to Although no member had read their sincerity In the matte. That most of the speech made by Opposition members were made before they had read either the contract or the documents relating been L... rt nf iitnr MiiM cm, u no evidence (nor is there in theithrrpto was evidenced during the I Alice I Udj . WU VI W vwm.v.w w j - - - - . . u.. ..,,. leirMn evidence nnv any trnuml ground for for suspicion U404CKinl irtoRitw debate. Many, Minr including Inrlwfinr the the Lead Lead- The oupstlnn of fertilizers was er of the Opposition, and others were accused of not having done so and there was no denial Minister's Policy Here let It be said, that the Min ister of National Defence has never departed from his own views, that the manufacture of guns and arm- aments should be In a government used sparingly. ned f,.nrv hut vhn on " evl A vote of thanks was passed to 'nuendos but with no definite charg- actory. . VI the speaker and after the meetlnales. adjourned many crowded around I The motion by the C.C.F. mem-the visitor asking wore specific ;ber. Mr. MacNett, to refer the con-questions, all of which were an-1 tract and the entire matter to the dence the government was inform ed It would cost ihlrty-ftve or forty million dollars for the government to do so. it became a serious mon ev question and It Is daubtful In swerea. air. ivic lf .., hv vot- " if ever he had the opportunity he cepted right away. The prime Mm- - " ,, .,1 . 0.. D onH ,h, if Mr Mac- ed such a sum of money for thu WUUiU iCIUlil W k 11 IV. U iiutk pvni meet the local people again. I Neil did not proceed with the mo 1 In order to give the visitor thetlon. the government Itself fully In whole evening for his pictures and I tended to do so. of tkn but no attempt was made last the contract or knew anything the')" by the Opposition to avail the details of the agreement Conservative Party, not to be out- themselves of this opportunity. The done by the C.C.F. party, imxncd-lukdihood of an election, however lately moved an amendment that this year has evidently changed' the agreement be cancelled, the ef- their attitude in the matter. , feet of which would have prevented the entire matter going to the public accounts committee but which amendment, however, was ruled ( out of order by the Speaker. The Leader of the Opposition challenged this and so the House witnessed the spectacle of the C.C F. and Social Credit Joining with the Conservative party In voting against the Speaker's ruling even though that ruling protected the main motion of the C.C.F. 1 Later on the same day Harry ! Stevens moved another amendment j to the effect that the entire matter be referred to a committee of the : whole House rather than to the i public accounts committee. This 'shows to what an extent the Conservative party went to steal any political "kudos" from the C.CJ party. When the vote was called on this, the Conservatives stood ! alone and. although the govern-ment was most anxious that the whole matter go to the committee a soon as possible, they forced a vote on the final motion to show YOU SHOULD KNOW that British Columbia produces the finest of Canadian Ilyc Whiskies. That the mellowness andquality of "H.C.D. SPECIAL" comes from ten years of natural maturing in wood, fThere Is no substitute for afte. ASK FOR AND GET miMm iiTwriiiMiiirmn w utM m T H 'I rnoDucTS Kl 'V: w 1 This advertisement b not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. DRESS UP For Easter Nothing promotes a man's sense of wrll-hr:nr so much as being property fitted with a well made suit of clothes Clothes that refleet the latest style modes and reveal the touch of expert craftsmen. Newest patterns for 8pring are now available and include Harris and Herringbone Tweeds. Diagonal Weaves. Chalk Line Stripes and Triple-ton Worsteds. S25.00 10 S33.50 And Up fie Measured For Your Suit NOW and Have It Delivered For Easter Walls & Nickerson Phone 315 51C TIIIHI) AVE, NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY t'KOM HOME" lUtes 91.00 up SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. D C Phnne Zdl I'.O, llo H A Hot Time Is What You Want Thli Winter You can Ret It by using our famous Edsnn, Uulklej Valley or Nanalmo-Welllnxtoii roal. PKINCti HUPKHT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 5S8 Alex Gordon. known chief j engineer of the steamer Princes I Adelaide 00 the local run between Vancouver and Prince Rupert, ha. transferred to the Princess j III successor on the Ade- lalde Is alien Mathoaon from the, PrlnccM Mary. ! With spring travel now in the northerly direction, there were only 1 specific purpose. I Hon. Ian Mackenzie has repeat-' edly informed the House, that all contracts were available for inspec-, rift v. air nuiMiNi aboard me Princess Norah which was in port yesterday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. Four persons disembarked here The vessel too one passenger from this port. ITCH s...7Thm"'Lm STAT?'"?. W5k Fridiy Mir I ii iiL j Tm 1 I LAST TIMES TONir,T BOOKS Are all season friends 2 Shows, 7:00 and J J KENTUCKY land romance . . beautif . t: chivalrous men nificent thoroimhbr. aristocrats all! And : '. ed Kentucky Derby max . . all color .r" "Kentucky" in Ti:ciiMcoi.(m With Loretta Younj Illchard Greene, Waller Hrennan (At 7:36 and 9 l ,Mo Motietone New fc Sfrr.it COMING HATl KD.W ONLY llalpli llellamy. lay Wrijr "Smattiinf The Sp? Hint Keep Up With the World' Heading Willi New lifxtks Give HooksThe Ideal Gift for Any Occasion THE PATRIOT- Pearl S Duck DAYS OF OUR YEARS Van PaasMH DISPUTED PA88A0E Uoyd Dottgtaa DERELICTS Wm. McFee BONO OF YEAH8 lies 8. AMftch ROYAL REQIMBfiT Fiaaka A PBCULIAR TREASURE Bdna FtlMr IN8ANITY FAIR Rd THE FLASH I NO STREAM Chatv M MADAME CURIE Bve Curie ALL THIS AND HEAVEN TOO -Hebt FWd NEW8 OF EWO LAND Hevertf Nichols SERVICE OF OUR LIV-8Unlty IMMwtt) THE SWORD IN THE STONE White MY SON, MY SON 'O AbwUml-apriOa V.'A ? t? 'A j:t 'A :.. rw tl.M All the Above and Many Other New lUtoks Carried In SlwV Ve Shall be Glad to Procure Any of the Recent al lie: lihers Advertised Price 1'rumpt Service Crystal Diamonds j" Ilut they only glitr liht Kmc Coal Diamonds fhrht For they sparkle in . Black Diamonds? A Ton Will Come to You If You Phone up 633 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. -.V.V.VA Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Ilors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Rclrlcerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Prlnr Ifin.rl llrltlali (TOlUfnUi It's intorpfitlnir tn knnw vclmn rmiflfnn' thP Daily News J'tbat the people of the whole district are doinc the wine.