r. Fiiday. March 17, 1039. The Quality Tea "SALAM rden- Play March 17. Jted Tm Mrs. W. 1 23. V1 JE.A. Miijor W. II. Stone, alter hating Miss Marian Conyers, Tacoma en-1 bi n here for the past wrelron bu- tertalner, who ha been at Juneau . .. v. in connection with local de- In connection with the ODenlne of' woru. aaiiea by me rrtncess the newBarenof Hotel there, was N i ill yesterday afternoon on his a imsengrr aboard the Prince , i ui ii to Victoria. i Norah yesterday of ternoen return - ji uth. -INTACT HUKS I . mley Wrathall. five-month T, Kergln's I U s Ilridfe March 22. !iran Tern. Mrs. Tobejrg March I! h School Spring. Plays March CO Tea March 25. brkab ta, CryateUCfinfccUonT, John R Warri and .rialtth t o,.. . of Mr. and Mrs. -Jack son 0ffictals-bf the ncp , Western Qec - ii rr. I J A .. . . . . ....... ; this morning. Funeral ar-i menu are In the 'hands 'of 0 Undertakers. Announcements All advertisements la this ec-U van will be eharced'fort'foll month at 23c a word. Pr sbytenan Shamrock Tea h 17 trie Co.. who have been In June-au In connection with litigation, were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon returning to the United States. Rupert for Victoria on official bus-' lneas. Mr. and Mrs. R. McDonald of Phelan Killed last night on the I Prince Rupert for Vancouver where Mr. McDonald, who is seetlon foreman at Phelan for the Canadian i National Railways, is to receive treatment. EL A. Plamonden. engineer for the (Department of National Defence I from Ottawa, w ho has been here for O N. Fishermen's Farewe'l the P"1 utfk ,n fonnellon ' March 2. i local undertakings of the depart- k'ham Dance, MoMe ' 24 I " Jment. leaves by this evening's train Hall. on his return East. Hotel Arrivals Central W. W. Ourkey. Seattle; A. n Mr-Donald. Smlthers. rrinre Rupert " " ""' j Charles F. P. Faulkner and Mary" r? Monuay. Tea MrsParkln's J)hy u Mjrf; Mr. W. F Eve and Mrs. J. N. Hueston, Anyox O . TTT .. o . H. Tycho. Smlthers; 11. 8. Kerser T 52pfw.wrrii,e 8,eX Inverness; Mn. A. H. Clark. Tcr Mikado- 13 "rnts "The April 12. net r.pitol Theatre oral Presbyterian "Easter Sale. April' J- ordln. city; Roy Larson. Port p ,vEdward I Savoy C N R A. Annual nail. Moose R L 8tewart Stewart: Erl k April 21. Conn and V Sourle Terrace lollies' Flannel 'Slacks Pure wool flannel slacks. Zipper fasten ina wU tailored In shades of forest' t.recn brown and navy. Sizes CJO CA 14. 16, 18. 20. Dollar Day. pair V Ladles' Pure Silk Hose Pure silk hose. &eml service welht, ub-tandards from the regular CDc quality in all the newest spring shades. 9Qf Sizes 8'i to 10, Dollar Day. ipalr Pure Silk Chiffon Hose Pure silk from top to toe. All 'new spring shades, all perfect merchandise, crepe and chiffon. Sizes 8"3 to 10. Qf AA J.W Dollar Day, 2 pairs for Cclenese Taffeta Slips Celenese taffeta princess slips, bias cut. neatly trimmed tops, All sizes. Tea tose and white G-f A A j Dollar Day. 2 for ?X.UU ft A A MOST a trip to Vancouver. lltutiuai cuctMsnici ryU ft mB . n . tw 0 irtU NH CAPITOL Monday for 3 Days ei. after a brief visit to the city, lled by the Prince Rupert last nht on his return south. j Truman A. M. Hsney. well known . rt - a . .iciisiuins nicer oi uawttm. waa , 'D. McN. Lowe, engineer for the Pwnter aboard the Princess Nor-Iprovlnclal department of publJh "yesterday "ftrrraon ?olng ' works, who arrived in the city orijtnrn 00 a tr,P 10 Vancouver. Tuesday night's train from Smlth-ii ! A . - . . . I . . . . J tf fl.kr.,1 1 f Tl. - ...-11 I . era, saiica ia.n nigiu on me rrinee' uinvrnnwu, r khowu. Whltshorwi rinmlci a-o a miwi.l ger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through on Th 'Indian 'DejKirtmerttls power cruller "Naikeetia, with Indian Agent W. E. Collion and Dominion Constable A. J. Watkinson on board, left yesterday afternoon for Kln- eolith and other 'Nans River points. They are due back tonight or to-) morrow. A sedan, driven by D.'C. McRae. and a wrecking ear. driven by Douglas 'Sutherland, were in collision yesterday afternoon at the comer of Second Avenue and Second Street. Mr. McRae's car turned over and was quite badly dam-aeed. He sustained wratrhes and a rhaking up although he was not xr.ou-l.v hurt TIRED FEET 20 Dozen Pure Wool Ankle Hose Pure botany wool with lastex tops. Samples In all Uic new spring colorings. Sizes 8', to 10',. C-j A(j Dollar Day. 3 pairs for "'1,uv 'llaysuede 1'aniles, Briefs and llloomers1 Tailored and lace trimmed styles In shades of tea rose and white. All nay-suede non-run quality. G-t A A Dollar Day. 2 pairs for ?x.vv New Season's Prints 25 designs, all fast colors. 36 Inches wide nenutirul new spring pat- g AA terns. Dollar D.ty, 5 yd.- for vv Drapery and Curtain Fabrics 15 pieces Imiwrted silk curtain nets., New designs, all In the popular Honey shade, Dollar Day. S 1.0 01 3 yards for THE DArtT NWS PAOE THRrt LOCAL NEWS NOTES Varden Presents 3 art folk com-dv 'Vfcrt I FrllnW March 17 at 8 30 Metropole Hal), adm 60c. Restaurant. Everybody welcome. 02-4 See the display of snappy hew buttons at the Dollar Store, 'If. Men wanted at Fashion Footwear with narrow feet to buy Astoria shoes at bargain prices. if. O. C. Holroyd and party of Was-terers, who have been working 'on the new hospital here, sailed bV he Prince Rupert last night on Jlelr return to Vancouver. , , Arnold Outfield, cashier for the White Pass and Yukon Route at Skagway. and Mrs. Outfield and child were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to Portland. Louis Schulz, well known pioneer Atlln merchant, and Mrs. Sehulz were passengers aboard the Prin cess Norah yesterday afternoon go ing through to Vancouver. They will also visit In Victoria with their daughter, Mrs. Walter Oosse. John Garrett, well knovfn Atlln merchant, arrived In the city bn the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon from the north and will nay a visit here with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garrett, before proceeding to Vancouver on a business trip. Soda Fountain Tea and Coffee, Hot Soups, Candle. Tobaeeof.lFreih "Slilk and Cream Mussallems Confectionery J. H. BULGER Optometrist RoyslBsnk'BWf. Walker's Music Store : Large Stock Music llelntiman. Nordhelmer and Lesage Pianos Piano Toning with ''Itestnoseope,, Pbone Blue 389 212 4th St DOLLAR DAY Saturday at Fraser & Payne's Just a Few of Our Specials on Sale Saturday Dollar Day See Our Windows Friday Displaying Numerous Other Items for Dollar Day Selling .Mlscn Manuel Slack Pure wool flannel slacks in shades of brown, foreit green and navy. Well cut' anu linlshcd. Sires 8, 10, 04 QC OM.uO 12 years. DolUr Day. pair Silk and Linen Table Cloths 52 inches by 52 inches, assorted colorings. All last to washing. Excellent si.oo Frilled Clip Dot .Marquesette Genuine Swiss clip dot marquesette, extra wide width, dots absolutely fast colors. All shades in sto-k. 0- A A Dollar Day. 4 yards for v?iVU Hand Looped Floor Mats In a variety of colors suitable for all' Ui-es. Size 18x3G. Hand O-f 'A A made. Dollar Day. each Bleached lied Sheets 100 pairs fully bleached bed sheets, full : size. 81x94, linen finished, hemmed eady for use. Extra good quality. 'C1 JAA Dollar n.iv e.irh 't J.VU; Linen Finished Pillow Cases Plain hems, linen finished, full .standard size, excellent quality 'You have got to see this line to appreciate '(g flA quality. Dollar Day. 5 for "yu" Turkish Towels Itun nf flip mill nil nnrfert itrmrolirmrtlcn in plains, patterns and Jacqliered styles. K . . . . . 1 o mweis icr 4 uweis ior j loweisnort S1 Oft Q1 no Q1 Oft t ii 5HW m rill ( HUI'liB.'! fill '4 ?::! Mil t X MiMi MJ!lg'KTgir. ox a i p m Pi H HELLO HELLO! iHere We Are Back Again! 'Strong as Ever! Ladies arid Hcntlcnicn, Citizens of Prince Uu-pert and Residents 'df the Neighboring Towns and Villages We welcome you again after our nlx weeks' rfcU, the 'firdt ve have huil "In Tf if tech' years of continuous night and clay service. Tomorrow the Commodore Cafe Reopens for'huSiness with a thoroughly renovated building, -new taff, new ideas, new eats, and a neU 'desire'totpIeasc our customers, new and old. J. "N. Killas, the manager, has. just-returned 'frdm VancduverWlth;the:bejit staff obtainulile, new cooks, new foods, 'new menus, nCW prices, eyerythlng'Uto the latest moment in food and service. He Wants to welcome back his oltl p friends and hopes everj'body will come in and give the iplace 'the onceover. 5 The cabaret has been converted iritoan up-to-tlate dining room With'spec-ial arrangements for dfternoon teas for-ladies. Cards are supplied 'free'to'those who wish to play bridge. Ladies-may meet their 'friends or wait for them without any obligation. There is a new team heating plant installed so that the room is always warm and comfortdble. Make your dates.for the Commodore tea room. Come in out of the rain. Arrangements have been -made to serve special Sunday dinners. A -special Blue Ribbon young beef has 'been specially 'imported !fdr the opening days and nothing but the best 'foods dre servetVthroug'hoUt. "Why cook at home when you can get nice Sunday dinners at the 'COMMODORE? -Meet 3im once more and try out what he has to bffer you. 'i Crystal Codfedionery mT f j9 Now Open OPPOSrTE'ORMES Mrs. Sutherland 'Introducing the New Zdtos Permanent Via I: -SfL o a o n Tea. Coffee. UM 'Lunches A I; and Fruit O 5 :IS .: sneriai unanre on iwr kox k,o of Chocolates TOWSV.W.VAVWKW.V.V JO , g I'm tm w i writ M-l 1 ELITE Beauty Parlor j P !fiy an amazing color change a the guardian eye signals the "hi g Instant this exquisite perm- "lg il anent Is complete. This pre-'fjfo . . . .. . . 1 i :iJ O y- cision liming assures longer -p 5 lUe, greater depth and far g ldveller curls. ,U 1j :Phone '499 for Appointments :4l l DRESSMAKINGl Tallorlns and 'RemodelllnR .Kiail UYBDE hnn hln llfi 203 3rd 'Ave. 5" "OrtTMnmrrit 'pqnor 'Atw 1 (Stction 37) Notice of Application for Constnt To Transfer Beer Llcenee 1 Jtotlo b Heretty gli that 'on th lOUi day f April next, Uw undr-uletied Uitenrls to wly to the Liquor Control bcurd far consent to traasfet BDrcs H wruum uruuc van, ui bullJU known 'Savoy Uatrt, sltuito cribM ws Lota No. 13 and 14, Block 33, BreHlon 1, Map V23. Prince Rviqvrt Land 1Bel9tratton ; District, In th Ptot- tnr of 'Brttvai 'ColumtkU. from Alex ander James 'PrUdhomm to Oarl wll Ham Zarelll of Prlrvco Rupert. Brltl&ti Columbia, umi Unalere. Du,ted at Prince Rupert. B. C. thU 8tb uy or unti 1939. CARL WTXXJAM ZARItlJ . 'AppUeant nd TPaotfefe. Try Dally News classified ad Tertlsemenf. for best rciulU. O o a I c I Smiles ji Chuckles Easter NOVELTIES Prices 'From Sc to $2 We -will gladly reserve any item till Easter Symphony Easter Cards "An Excellent Selection 5c and 10c OrmesLtd. "Jh 'Pioneer Druggists The Itexall Store Phones: 81 8i 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.'ra. Sundays and 'llolidajs from 12 noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Hil Omn FALLS and POWELL RIVEI Steamer leaves 1'ri nee Ktiprrt 'every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leate Prjnce Tttipeft for tlie lEaot Monday, ednestlay, "Friday, '6 !pm. AIH-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CA1 For "fares, -etc., call 'dr "Write 'City Ticket Office, '616 3rd Ate. V-17-C9 1 V urn' O1- O' a a a o .1 a