a; Acrimonious Commons Session; She Fight On For Political Kudos OFF TO TORONTO TONIGHT j OTTAWA, March 17: (CP) The public accounts ! ... ll f t P SI ... m Edillllllltiv ui mi iiuust ui .iiiiiiiium.i, iiiiiMniiiii: in lifty mcmlHirs, will journey to Toronto today where ; i inspection will be made tonight of the John Inulis ant in connection with the investigation by the com-ttce of the Brcn gun contract. Decision that the ' immittcc should make the trip came with a 137 to 50 ivision in the House. Conservative and C.C.F. mem- rs saw no necessity for the trip which they dubbed riously as a "useless joyride," "waste of public oncy" and "junketing expedition." . Hy TOM iu:ii .M.P. up lo me completion of the tun ubiic somewhat be- company. what It is all about. ..it something is . administration of Defence Department with the facts of right be advisable to , the IncidenUs leid-1 T.qulry and also the Lt. Col. Oeorge A 6a. at the time aspiring 1 : hip of the Conerva-party of Ontario. u;n article for Mac-:nc which was pub-- number 1 of last year. enUtled "Cfcnada's Mystery This article ii i ontract entered Into i.n InalU Company and mrtit to supply a certain I Drfu machine guns and 1 v, umrrnus allegations and reining to the negotla-"'x te rms of the contract. i" In question made no u.tlons U'.uiins or or statement siaiemcnui The Judce's Finding ue only hrm done The Investigation was a most mouth but It Is ev- hausUve one and the following are rral motive behind the Judge's own words at the con- leave the sinister elusion of the enquiry' I think lt right to say that there (Continued on I'aye Four) crated only as a Appeals of Canadian Fithlng Co.t Satisfied by Provincial Court Of RevMon Satisfactory downward menu oi the assessments Canadian Fishing Co. 1 t f m wmi r nannitrv adjust- on the :i!Uek for several mntrart n4 alcs Into th. .h.. BTOOertM OI IiaYtpOri. UCCaniC a DeMonal attack holding and trannarUnn a( Uw ud Porcher Island were arrived there was a possibility that Porcher Island might again be operated as a cannery at some future date. ; wiw., - -, . .d but left it to the read- tish public at large but among art increasing number of ratmn to draw inferences. PnrHmnpntnrv and governmental leaders is the leeling nd articles such -j'.c are the worst r.da to circumvent I lit IIHHvn- ,f n as uoi. aininrr rrround that the time nas come wncii a ihuch ium-' kKd of er stand must be taken apainst the dictators of Europe, Adolf Hitler of Germany. Develop- nnncaf cusations fnns 111010 more 11 particularly hipmanli nr ikr-n made In thn article these mcnts of the last foriy-eigm nur,in.anv novprnment suDuorters. and V two hnnn aM.nM onrf are Said to haVC COnVinCCQ Vne rvi- .. . . fh mlrlir nro llrJ t. ht awav hut the lnslnu- elgn Secretary. Lorc1 Haiiiax, ii . It Is hint wr-ft ,if urh n rharortpr the this effect. Yesterday Lord Hall-1 ....... f th nriti h n t - . ..M.WW.. , . L V VV - r rrnt ,feit some Immediate fax had a conference wltn --nP1- 5aasador to Berlin, Sir Neville Hcn- wa:- necessary so that the Anthony Eden, former foreign o-der90ni may be a step In this dlr r Of the nennrtment nf Nft- retarv. this Rlvlllg rise to "Ports. nreat. nrltflln had instruet- Dcfennc and of thasc In that Eden, who has Ions been con- ambassador to return to! :f i'- administration would vlnccd of the necessity of a Hrmer. . . the jfcu ab.; Il'red of all these insinuations, nollcv and broke with Chamberlain. .. . nnhemla. Moravia and p Trlme Minister, rather than on the Issue, may soon be taken j sloVRWa and Hitler's eastward "is matter for n few months back Into the ministry. L.nM. in central Europe. French P farllament met. Immediately Public feeling In Britain contln-sources sad that the question of! 'P a Royal Commission to In- ucs to warm up Wuh the question summoning home the French ample the allegations and plac-' bassador had not been considered, preparing, nmcr on everv " every llp' "a entire handling of this ln whole , , of - Europe? Tr,r- what Wh.l W Will He Next Move? w the of one of the greatest W dominate Hun.arj. March 17 ' in the province of Ontario, Certainly everyone now agrees that BUDAPEST. r ' Mr Justice Davis, a his signature and word are worth- - p!1!. f-fiu-r, .. i..- xr. u. nf iciest de-1 nletelv under Hungarian suDjection mil-ouDreme uounoi wan- cao. . , , j. ku. !"nd one who had been annolnt- velopments. can It longer be said last nignt i"h l IB the henel, nnU.,rv. tht rarlnl feellne is In anV W.1V res- ter fighting cenweu uuunu v..,uok, h admin,; ;; Z ' Z. .hie r;rhlf0lBnDoltcy. Even the ancient capital city. Hungarian fire on the city was louow- was determined that, in Prime Minister Neville Chamber-1 artillery lotion of the commissioner, lain admits that his latest "snatch- cd by a bayonet cnarge oe.u '-tlon cou,d possibly arise In e." can In no way be attributed tojwMeli i the town fell. demad,R'e the de- . u. vu " oroKen ienaers, that diplomatic relattons be ":;"," d of the irn-,...t . . ..r j rveehx. were even greater. --v nvciiiiiiviik 111 uuvvti. nn wiin ucrinanv ana siriu uh; u , " v.v., - 1 ways and Hon. A. Wels Gray, minister of lands, yesterday discussed settlement of refugee families from central Europe in the I'rince George district. Following the conference Mr. Gray said there was nothing definite to announce but added that the colonization department would submit a scheme later. The number of families mrolv-ed was not announced but government officials believe that an extensive scheme may be proposed. This will be in addition to a settlement scheme for 200 Sudeten families for the Peace River and Fraser Valley districts which was announced recently., Cause Of Mine SSSi Disaster Not P ..1 1 V Hou ever stnee Col. company and further to see If any " br lbe 01 "v""n " inc , OCIL1CU 1 Cl article for Mae- member of the House of Commons 'PrOYlncUl a"1"11 rol1 eRler" !p had any cannectlpn reUUac to Uwi John Dybhavn acting as . .u. 7lZ UikImP T-W-Brown acted as coun- TORONTO March 141 Capitol in;. 11 :5b, It. TAXI 6:03 fc. V. 1B.ZJ PJV. Vi. Macey's Coffee House NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 1 K -A XXVIII NO. o. V PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1939. PRICE: 5 CENTS atest G n i r i a i lib uiiit i umi iu buni; mm erman Snatch Condemned Bulletins JEWS K EJECT FLAN- LONDON Jewish delegates to I the Palestine peace conference here jettcrday unanimously re- I jceted the British plan for an in- dependent state in Palestine dominated by the Arabs. The Jews decided to quit the conference in which the Arabs had refused from the ouUet to participate actively. ARMSTRONG WINS ST. LOUIS Henry Armstrong retained his lightweight and welterweight Utles by knocking out Lew Feldman of Brooklyn lat night In two minutes and twelve seconds nf the first round. OTTAWA, March 17.-There is every evidence now,, V AT T I ATIftN i. . i i ..." x one that will be very acrimonious. Iiclievincr n ight be an election year the Opposition parties' :I- it abundantly clear they are out to oppose ev- .., as vigorously as they can and to make as much a.f they can prev- tion. Evidence offtembcr I and the Commission was v ren in we uren set ud on ScDtember 7 The attack made ;pally around the i nnal Defence Hon. w ho. previous to hla . v had been aubject- i J iit ice Dirts' Irutructloru from the government were to enquire fully Into all the preliminary dls-cuwtoru and negotiations leading ADJUSTED SETTLE AT PR. GEORGE Refugee Families From Central Europe Are Going Into That District j Chamberlain-Roosevelt Unite In Bitter Denunciation; Will Resist Forceful Domination virrniMA Morh H. irm "i immigration department asents Turtprr ulncic Filmc I Hcaas f Two Great Democracies Are Thoroughly thr Canadian -National Kail- cuiudiw l lima . C(j as indicated in Utterances Today Daladier Impress Members Of Service Clubs The Importance of and happy results which may be obtained from an early diagnosis of tuber-' culosts condition was effectively visualised in a sei of talking pictures which was displayed to Ro-tarians and Gyros by Dr. R. G. Large at the Capitol Theatre yesterday afternoon. The sureness by which the once dread malady may be arrested and cured by modern treatment, particularly if caught In the early stages, was also shown. The dlsplay.of the pictures took place at the theatre following a Joint luncheon of the two serrire organizations in the Boston Cafe. The two presidents. W. L. Coates of Rotary and W. M. Watts nf Gyro, acted as Joint chairman, both both expressing expressing appreciate appreciation to i . 17rrCP Dr. Large and D. O. Borland. man- i own hhi uwi it "' "" " . - , ... nml fif.hll TlMihurn an- aer nr Uip thpatrs OiimLk wpra sei nt. ne cannery ouiiimi'j lanoMk It was Dolnted out that nounced yesterday that Investlga- Henry Whittaker of Victoria. Dr. had been de-ilion was proceeainc inio ue tutu- . i muc. y. n. nuHi-muiia;, moilshed. Oceanic was to be op- burst in the Lakeshore mine at Richard St. Clair. S. E. Parker an J ruh xtatlnn while Klrkiand lAKe wnicn caused me -mm r.ieaaows. deaths of two miners last week John Dybhavn was appointed but that the cause of the double rnatrman of a Rotary Club com-fatallty had not yet been deter- mlttee on nomination of officerj mined. ..Will latest European develop ments bring him back Into Brl- Adolf Hitler has sum-j.-tlsh ministry? "tide first at least. Chancellor appeared on Sep- lacking that, privately for the coming year. Will Great Britain Stiffen Its Foreign Policy? Lord Halifax, Said To Realize Need Of Changing Stand, Meets Anthony Eden In London Parley 4 With Hungary Completing Conquest of Carpatho-Ukrainc, There Are Sitrns That l)er Fcuhrcr Mav Advance Further Eastward t nMiifiV Mnrrh 17: (CP) Not only with the Bri- moned Admiral Nicholas Horthy. reiulted fatally for thn e -nntr1es. regent of Hungary, to m?et him in with the absorption of Czechoslo-Prague It is recalled that recent vakla by Germany, there is now no conferences of Hitler with heads longer a buffer state between the of central European countries have Reich and Hungary. There Is a . , growing fcelaig that Der Feuhrer Anthony Eden may .not much longer delay a coup tc annex Hungary. This would make Roumanla the next !n line. Meanwhile at Warsaw Poland was renorted to be celebrating the achievement of a united front with Hungary through the conquest of Carpatho-Ukraine There were cries. Incongruously enough, of Down With Germany! Down With the Jews!" t Masaryk Square In Prague, named Rfter the first President of the Chechoslovakian republic, was yes- which will take at least a arrive. Asks For Special Defence Powers LONDON, March 17: (CP) Led by Great Britain and the United States through the heads of their respective governments the democracies of ihe world are uniting in condemnation of the latest exploits of aggression by Chancellor Adolf Hitler in Central Europe. The rising tide of resistance against any attempt to dominate the world by force is rapidly gaining momentum. Speaking at his home city of Birmingham tonight Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain bitterly condemned Germany for absorption of Czechoslovak-ian territory and pledged Great Britain to resist any attempt to dominate the world by force. Chamberlain asked: "What reliance can wc place upon any assurances from Germany?" Events of this week in Central Europe, he declared, raised the question whether German's action in Czechoslovakia was a step in the direction of an attempt to dominate the world by force. He charged that Hitler was "taking the law into his own hands" and shattering British European appeasement policy. "In our own country wc must review our own position," he said. "Nothing must be excluded from that review which bears upon national safety." . rrr ROOSEVELT ALSO SPEAKS OUT At Washington the United States government expressed "condemnation" of German "wanton lawlessness and arbitrary force" in occupying Czechoslovakia. Earlier President Franklin I). Roosevelt had said that European developments demonstrated the need for revision of the Ignited States neutrality act at this session of Congress. There are reports that the administration would like greater freedom in imposing arms embargoes. .Meanwhile at Paris Premier Edouard Daladier asked the French Parliament for a free hand to govern France by decree until November 30 with a view to bolstering up national defence in view of the collapse of Czechoslovakia. Officialdom here is anticipating the customary vitriolic outburst from Chancellor Adolf Hitler in view of the latest criticism that has been directed against him. BUCKAR00S ISCOREFEST Prince Rupert and Queen Char-wrilch Harvey holds. lotte Islands Fresh east to southeast winds, becoming strong, cloudy and mild with occasional rain. WIN FIRSTS IN HOCKEY Scored Shut-Out Over Seattle Sea Hawks In First PacificCoast Play-off PORTLAND Mareh 17- IfTPl terday renamed for Adolf Hitler co- In openlng game last night of Inrident with the visit of the Ger- the playoff finals for the Pacific man chancellor. Hitler arrived In Coa8t HoCkey champion. Vienna today after a two-day Jour- shln portianrl RnPkflPO(v5 defeated ney through his new protectorate Hawk3 by a score o( of Bohemia and Moravia. lhree t0 nothing. Minister Holds Out j WASHINGTON, D. C. March 17: I 1JM TJ i DVf?V CP-Loyal to the last to his antl- Ljlj O..Tli Y El 1 Nazi convictions. Vladimir Hurban, Chechoslovakian minister to the. IQ 'IX'I'MTJCD United States, yesterday Ignored ( jj fV II 1 ll cabled Instructions from tne uer- man Foreign Office to relinquish Scored Seventh Round his office. He said that he would Over Larry Gains In t-irf rAs en until hr un In rpcplnt flf 1 LONDON. March written instructions from Prague i Larry Gains of Knockout London i seventh round of a scheduled fir ' teen rnnnri hnnt here last nlcht. Kanges Win 11 to 5 Over Americans Canadiens Down Black Hawks NEW YORK, March 17: (CP) In one of the heaviest scoring games of the season In the National Hockey League. New Yorf: Rangers defeated New York Americans by a count of 11 to 5 at Madison Square Garden last night. In the second fixture ,last night, played at Chicago, the, Black Hawks lost five to bne to the Montreal Canadiens. The season's playing schedule concludes this week-end and Interest will then centre In the 17: (CP Len Play-ffs. The week-end scheduli knockout over Is as follows: Toronto In the Saturday-New YorK uangcrs at Toronto. I Rnnrlriv HnnnHlens nt Ttn.tt.nn' WpnHlPr Fnrpmst iThe defeat 01 tne aSinS ncsro Toronto at Xew York, playing Ran-H CdUiei 1 UI LLtlM gers; Chicago at Detroit. wa$ complete Tne bout was Ior tne British Empire heavyweight title 1 i: After conducting examinations The bylaw providing for the set- here for candidates for masters' ting up of a Town Planning Com- and mates' papers sent up from Uie mission for Prince Rupert was fin- school (or navigation held here Mr. and Mrs. W. Fraser and son I any reconsidered and aoopiea oy aunng the past winter by capt. J. arrived In the city on last night's . City Commissioner w. J. Alder this R. Elfert, Capt. J. C. Barbour sail- train from Hazelton and sailed on 'afternoon when in session us a city ed by the Prince Rupert last night the Prince Rupert for Vancouver.jc council. . on his return to Vancouver.