JUdz FOUR DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen We Hare a Large Assortment of the Latest Designs in ENGAGEMENT RINGS, WEDDING RINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or, We will make to order, any design that you prefer, in rings or any other piece of jewelry. We have in stock rings from $1150 to $1200.00. We Invite Your Inspection FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Whifflets From The Watcrfrcnt season on the Yukon Route. CPU. steamer Princess Louise. Capt. S. K. Gray, was in port from 9 to 10 o'clock yesterday morning north- southbound Friday afternoon. The Princess Louise had 132 passengers on board. Six persons disem barked from the vessel at this port onH n similar nninhr ttnlt nataaffc motorshlp liner Len Williams. Northland, was si port REHEARSAL 1 OF DANCES (Outstanding Display of Terpsich- oran Art to be Shown Here I This Week Parents and friend of the dancing pupils of Mrs. H. H. Hodgson and her daughter. M1m Nona Hodg-son. witnessed last night at the Ca-' Ditol Theatre the final area re hearsal preparatory to a public recital to be staged later In the 'week. It was quite evident from 'the reheasal that this revue is to be one of the finest presentations of ,1U kind ever offered In Prince Ru pert. Mrs. Hodgson and her daughter have been engaged for several months In preparing the pupils for the show whkh Is both large and colorful. There Is a splendid variety of classical, comedy and novelty numbers, depicting much ver- jntinr.i uaiiwotre n f tor HicrViiro-iMiuiiv in me wrawnoran n. ine which she left ia continuation i Some twenty-five talented and 'of her voyage to Seattle. The Ton-! graceful local dancers, rapping up-gass arrived In port at 1 o'clock !ards from tiny tots, take p. rt and this afternoon from Ketchikan there are numerous and varied cos- iwith similar cargo, also sailing for tumes. some of which are very elab-Seattle after having discharged, .orate while all are most attractive. j There are seventeen numbers In 1 1 . i ft . '.11 J i ft l t L. W ft Making her first voyage of the xu," "u" uu. "u tt,,u J"""1 7w VMiiauMii nuiuiiai uwsw, sssw id iat v ui an nvrvii auu a nan . t i i caused considerable discussion dur- several .solo numbers, ballets and ' lng the past week or so, was ship- ensembles are featured. There are ped at the end of the week for two general groups, one consisting Vancouver. In all there was lest of smaller girls and the other of tas J!J l The repertoire U well bal- iciiai. iaiiiksiiuicuu:.! uiu tuk ancea ana me routines are in ex- handle the material which loaded by ship's crew. w,cellent shape. There Is sufficient , J variety to provide especial Interest for individual tastes and general There are unconfirmed reports appeal for all. It Looks Like 1 Five Years From Now 0 Highlight numberr of a two-man Petersburg fishing include "Snow White and the Seven from" here for the north aboard her. ; boat having been lost with two wans." wun xvonne kiiiou as a, With a fair-steed list of passen-'men off Chieagoff Island. There sweet and capUvatlng princess. Ha-gera. Union steamer Catala. Capt. have been rather distressing ru- waOan and military numbers, a James Flndlay, arrived In port at mors. due. no doubt, to repetition beautiful scarf dance by Miss Nona. 7:45 hut evening from the south, and exaggeration but, apparently. Hodgson, a highland fling and sailing a couple of hours later foriWie incident. If really of much ser- ord dance excellently done by Stewart. Anyox and other northern lousness. has no particular local imle five-year-old Heather Brew-points whence she will return here end. .er- tomorrow morning southbound. I The Increased depth of the stage which was recently effected greatly Northland Transportation Co.'s A. L. Stewart, manager of Bute-' enhances the presentation. Special Cart. daIe cannery, is paying a brief Hgnttng eliects have been arranged. V... -4 ft V- - J ft . IT- m n. n . n , . Jat "tirew Twit, uj me uijr. iic ! uic r.ii.te nuppri duj nana. rlvpH fnm rinnm .tsiaftt nn tH imr.tw A t inn f D.nJ .m n Saturday night from Ketchikan r....,- Catala ., Dni ,,.a .. . . kv f, uft.M " v ftkuucib ukmiiftctu, ia oetdkuiK ill llu "cail anu lluocn ian ior returning to Butedale on the same, connection with the recital and transshipment East over Canadian vessel tomorrow afternoon. the accompanists are Mrs. J. S. 00K over the pasting parade and you'll pot McLaueh- lin-Buick as the one car that's excitingly new and tliiTerent. You'll agree "It's the Beauty" with the brilliant styling that befits the most advanced car in the world. This new McLaughlin-Uuick looks like five years from now and it xvformt like the car of tomorrow. Here is vividf vital action that you get only with a straight-eight, valvc-in-hcad Dynaflash engine. Quick, eager power that will add new thrills to every happy mile. Come now for a ride in ilcLaughlin-Huick. Know tlio luxurious comfort of roomy interiors ecIMianking Knee-Action Ilear-Coil Springing. Know the convenience of Handiihift transmission on tho steering post. Know tho delights of wider-vision windows. And know why McLaugh lin-Huick is famed for fine craftsmanship and skilled engineering. "Iluick's the Buy" and convenient to purchase on the General Motors instalment plan. See your dealer today. M-771 ( IllclflUGHLm-BUICK wf ROYAL MOTORS TOT DAILT NT.WS Monda U I DLb nnil tit.,. A i .".At The 1'rogram The full program is as follows: Period. "Minuet of I860." Monica ter and Ray Rlx. The Gay Nineties," Marie Boul ter and Mrs. Hodgson. Juvenile Up, of 1939." Monica Holtby. Nina Youngman. PaUy Moore. Martesa Wtndle. Lois Thompson and Ann Stevens. Ballet. "Walt In White." Nona Hodgson, Margaret and Englna Christensen. Thelma Edlund, Joan Watt. Patricia Love and Marie Boulter. Highland1 Fling and Sword Dance. Heather Brewer- Juvenile tap. "Baby Military." Monica Holtby, Nina Youngman. Patsy Moore, Martssa Windle, Lois Thompson and Ann Stevens. Toe dance solo, "Baby Fantasy." Jean Murvold. Military routine. "All's Fair." Margaret and Bugina Christensen. Thelma Edlund. Joan Watt, Patricia Love, Marie Boulter. Nona Hodgson and Mrs. Hodgson. Juvenile novelty. "Blue Hawaii." Monica Holtby. Nina Youngman, Patsy Moore. Marissa Windle. Lois Thompson and Ann Stevens. Tap novelty. "Stage Door Johnny," Sonny Boulter. "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs." Yvonne Rlffou. Margaret and En glna Christensen. Thelma Edlund. Joan Watt. Patricia Love. Marie Boulter and Nona Hodgson. Toe dance. "Valse Mluette," Iris Edlund. Classical. "Skirt Dance." Donalda Rlx and Patricia Love. Novelty. "R1U Brothers." Joan m.n ways qur.&NLY (Continued From p&kc One) i afternoon at Buckingham Palace. Her sister Is a member of the Junior organisation, the Brownie. The fact that BHsabeth Is only second in command U evident, they say. of the hard and fast rule the organisation follows on royal orderagainst giving her preferential treatment simply because of her status. Another example of the -sensible I way- her parents are bringing her iup Is that she is allowed only a 'shilling a week pocket money. Principal playmate of the heir- Holtby. Jean Murvold, Sonny Doul- J presumptive to the throne Is her sister. They spend many hours playing house in a toy bungalow a pursuit the elder princess doe not Broadway Babies, feel is too childish despite her ad vancing years. She goes domestic there even to the point of washing dishes and scrubbing floors. But she has many other ways of amusing herself. She rides a bi cycle around the palace gadens. Is I an expert horsewoman, tries fishing! when she is In Scotland and practises gold under her father's coach ing. Elizabeth closely resembles the King but has a robust appetite. Among her favorite dlshr are boiled mutton and caper sauce, stewed rabbit, calves' liver and bacon and steamed puddings. She sees lots of films at private showings In the palace, knit, swims, collects stamps and national dotls. plavs tunes on her miniature piano and takes cooking lessons from the royal chef. Plans Advanced For Leadership Training Course Plans for the leadership training school to be held in this city under the direction of Bert Fid- A M ba rs n rv f lKs Tl t v trW W.U. Nona Hodgson and Mri. S --w. 'Council of British Columbia, are v, ii..u. .rapidly nearlng complftkm. ; I- . ' ' T I At a meeting held In the Pres- Moore. Marissa Windle. Lois Thompson and Ann Stevens. Tan novelty. "Swlni Hlth." Mrs NOTICE ! Commencing; Saturday. April 15th, our CONFECTIONERY STORE Hill Open Until 10:00 p.m. Mussallem's Confectionery Opposite Canadian Legion bytertan Church hall on Friday evening final plans were made- for the Youn Peoole's rallv U b held nut Runrfiv In Miniunllnn wllk Hodcson. Nona Hodrwn. Marsaret .k- ..v. j.-j.j nd Enelna Hstensen. Thelma that a V0UnB p,,,,,, ,n lnf 1C Uuth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE filtKKN 390 2i HOURS THAT EXCITE! h's hfl Ths wondrous icrttn irama that surpasses th mifHtistl productions of all Urns I Romanco I capture your heart I Spctac!a to dpzzls your omaisd ystl 2 hours of sxcHs- mnt fllmtoi at uniold.cot! EXTRA ! EXTRA ! Walt Disney's Famous Cartoon "FERDINAND THE BULL" (At :U, Once Only) at thU rally will be Mr Flddts while greetiais will be brought from each of the groups. On Friday evening the committee appointed to make arrangements for the Boys rally met Ir final plans. It was decided tht the rally would be open to boys from the ages of 18 16 Inclusive who belong to Sunday School, hoys' church ontanrallon or Boy Scouts and would be held In 8t Andrew's Cathedral HmI A pro- Edlund Joan Watt. Patricia Love . ,nl.rwtrd ,n vngth !.. M,ram of eonskierab'e .ttraetlon to and Msrie Boulter Classical. "Srnrf Hodgson. If vou for it. lose Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block 'Phone 234 .be invltrd to attend nd that th- all bovi was wared under the Non iratherinr hniit (ah nlaro a 4tMu J n r If rtm. - . . - - ' ' - ' I 1. MV.I 10 ft V ft ft. O-A-H. the Presbyterian rhnrch Amn-1 ford. ,PlenU wrr" niCflS ,n " hand, On Sunday in the A acne n Uni- anythlng. advertise J " 5!"" col,,,sUn M,Mted. Baptist and Presbyterian .Winnie Cameron a convener ni-l ted bv Jack Hopkins Ted Moore. rhurcnM the llntn 1 the eon- jB. Bashun. Ned Tobey and If j gregatlons and Sunday Schoo's Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE GS7 Lamanaka, The principal spcakrr was drawn to the training school THIS IS THE TIME OF YEAR To Consider Building Your House PhilpottEvitt & Co Ltd. i i Tfertrsarrt? MitMVSf IF Will He Pleased to Quote You On All Kinds of Huitdinsf Material PHONES 051 and 052 Musi DAY and NK2IIT SKUVICE Phone 13 Taxi PAT MAZZIE (Inn lnt ft firm ill. St. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.8.S. CATALA KVKHY TUI.S T.S.S. CAHDKNA Fit I DAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver. Monday a.m. If Convenient, I'leane l'urchae Tickets at Office Further Information ReRardlng Reservations and Tickets From I IIANK J. SICIN.Nnt, I'rlnrc Itupcrt Acent. Third Ave. I'hone 588 s wm J sK S JOHN BARRYMORE ROBERT MORUY ANITA LOUISE JOSEPH SCHIIDKRAUT CUsntlMtt irtRTtTmini DbK4 j W. t VAN 0 II fr.S" kr MUNI trm A Mr-GU.)r Mrj Tar, (At ? M ind ilii a -days -J T0.Mf.HT TUBS, and WED. latt Compttte Shv 3 Walker's Music Slw Lsrie Slack Mrtt lleinltmsn N'erdht'nxf S Uce rUnst Puno Tunlnt hi "Keenewop' ' rhne nLI T. S T'JAVL COAL drain Feed and Fertilizer PRINCE KITERT FEED CO. I'tiortft Ji snd il THE SEAL of QUALITY COLD ,SI. l Fancy Red PINK SLAL Finest Pink Salr.;on Tacked by the only ,n"J cannltu company B the jear round payro" a Trlnre Kuptrt " ..r nstiTto ix Tin: xi rut. ms n cm .run a ln Ih, .Mllrr .f the And , In lb Mallrr i.f ht M' ? Arthur llnin, ijP TAKE . NOTICE wr , , ' Ainil. A. D. lM. I ill' T mux '! miniatriklnr at ttw n' ' mft having cJlm ' ;' tit ar Ixchby rrqinrocl prri-rlv Vfrail W H I3Ui tUI lf Min v' ..( trquimi to jnj ' , DATKD st rwt S""',,.. UU d.y of Af.rU. AJ JANET KVfr, ot Artt,flti1rin