Scouts Of Two iroops Join In Ihurch Service St.. day April 24, 1M9. TW rAGR'Tunnc' The Morning After TakinftCarter's Little L'ver Pis h ut Seal spci ml ceremonies for the rs were presented at the al George whose day it was. Scoutmaster Robert Yerburgh and Assistant Scoutmaster Monty Vlnebcrg were in charge of Prince upert Troop. Aaaiatant Scoutmaster Cecil Fitzgerald was In charge of Seal Cove group with the as-sittance Qf Kenneth Daktn. . n ... n r r...nM .. u n I. " 0.ft-,.. f, D.,1. fV. TW.r. L , j Uf Bov ScouU. to the num- ' " "y t W and Sea. Cove ftJ? ISKESft,. , , 1 J2 Legion Troop, number ng ' . I 7 , tended divine ry last , th JT !Z . adventure, ready to ndure and n i Cove ". where .u.r. there 1 1 ready run r hj urau. S7J.I5 AT T.(; DAY The satisfactory sum of S73.H was realized at a result of the tag r ly the color patroU o Jhc d Saturd b Quew Nl -xPs six flags in all blngich'tcr DaugV to r :Xip5 vue vaiwuwu nrov de for the unkeen and beauU- fha Union Jack, the Cana ficatlon of the soldiers- plot fr and the flag of 8t Fainrlew Cemetery g. it w '.i ts in and help us celebrate Come Kclvinator's 25th anniversary. For never before have we been able to offer such amazing refrigerator values as these big, beautiful new 1939 SILVER JUBILEE KELVIN-ATORS! Here's a refrigerator that will chahgc ay your ideas about refrig-enAors !. . just as the first Kelvin-at6r of 25 years ago changed the ideas Of that day. It's powered with the silent POLARSPHERE ... a sensational cold-making unit sealed away in a gleaming ball of steel! Uses current only 2Qc'o of the time . . . keeps operating costs down low. We're offering unbelievably low prices on these beautiful new 1939 models by Kelvinator, oldest maker of electric refrigerators. It's your big chance. Come in start saving NOW ! CONDITIONED COLD MM tM Mtt ccMHkctt dd to kwt LOCAL NEWS NOTES $10.00 A BUYS THE BEAUTIFUL 4, igjy JmmimmsaMBi McRae Bros. Ltd. - .. .. Editor. Daily News: It is not uncommon that scrap iron generally Is being used as a: useful commodity but, at the present time, the rush fdt huge quantities of scrap iron indicates that there is a sinister purpose ln its use. vr.. u...t.. A 1 4 vrry rrcriuiv a uuaiuuy ui . wholesale war. which ln size and ferocity will overshadow;the previous one, we should -dOj'our part for the preservation of world peace. We believe that the citizens in our community largely see with! disgust the destructive pollcy- of the Japanese militarists ln dealing with China. Therefore, we wish to, appeal for aid ln curtailing trade. in materials of destruction, knowing full well that such action will be the best policy for everybody ln (the long run. Thanking you for jj'our valuable space. CHINESE YOUNG PEOPLE'S ASSOCIATION "lluild It. C. Payrolls" I Prefer The Flavor JHFiMiTft, "I have tried several brands of canned," writes Miss K, "but truly prefer the flavor of Pa-! clflc Milk to all others. Diluted It makes a lovely rich milk for cereals. For coffee and tea I1 use It full strength. Another feature, It whips, which makes my desserts much cheaper than if I bought regular whipping cream." PACIFIC MILK Irradiated Of Course Tom McRostle sailed last night! Dr. Irving E. Snider. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. I. C. aibori",'wtio by the Catala on hli return to dentist, was a pasenger aboard me 'were marnea recently in vancqu- Anyox after having spent the winter In the city. Mrs. Captain lUUey of the Sal- Imakine the round trlD on the Prin-! vaUon Army left the Prince Rupert MARGARETS - Dre Special ceSs Louise Is Mrs. Mariorie Tlvey General HotptUl at the week-end and Wednesday. $12.60 of Mosman, New South Wales. wiui ner omuy gin. Hrrf t7.fl5: $645 dresses MJ95: ' Josenh Frttobera of Milwaukee. drewes $2.95. All new sheers who has been on a trip around the and crepes. M) world, was here aboard the Prln-' ' cess LoulSM yesterday going north Miss Grace McWhlnney R. N un- tThe Corporation of the Cily oi Irince Rupert "Town Planning Act" n a iirk rv tti avwv Mrs. B. A. Smith of Burns Lake 5 wishes to thank all those who help- - . sn nur nnn PTnrpvspii inpir svii'ii.i" scrap iron was shipped south and" . m!4nv (1nr5, tbp ,. 5 already a bigger quantity Is to be e husband's illness and ? collected according to Information especially Dr. T. C. Holmes. J we have received. Be It far from Us " to try to the Staff of the Burns Lake HospU meddle In private business. We wn0 took cha e of fun. certainly do not wish to obstruct, , , ! eraI arrangements. It but, as members of a race which , Is menaced by rapacious powers, we wish to do our part in shortening this malicious war and secure peace. Independence and prosperity for our friends and countrymen who are suffering unbelievable hardships through a war of I which they are entirely Innocent. I The increase of the Junk iron! trade spells more blood on the hands so callously are they hand Announcements All adverUwmenls in cmi amn will bt charged for i full month at Jw ra Moose Bridge, dance, April 25, 3 'p.m. sharp. ling it. We believe that a free and- Jack j s happy China stands for more and , . ., r more substantial trade for the Apm ' American continent than the short . u and Insecure war profit which ls now being piled up by very few ln-i" ' dividual concerns. And so thess hod Dancin Rec,u days when the whole, clvilized l . April 27, 28. world Ls shocked and ln fear of i Dance. St. Peter's Hall, April 23. Baptist Missionary Tea, May 1. United Spring Sale May 3. Eagle's Bridge May 3. St. Peter's Bazaar. May 4. Milk Fund Tea May 6. Eastern Star Tea at Mr&'Sgt. Gammon's home, May 9th. Presbyterian May 11. 12 Tea, Mrs. Lakle's Cambral Spinster's Spree, May ORANGE. Spring Sate, Metropolo I Hall, May 17. .18. Hospital Tea, Nurses' Home', May Navy League. Ball May 19. PRINCE RUPERT TO VICTORIA CHILUREN'S FUNII EVENTS May 5, Grand Dance, Moose Hall. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rales $1.0Q up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Fhone 281 P.O. Box 196 Princea Louise yesterday returning ver, amvea in ine city on me to the Yukon after a trip to Van- Catala List night following a pouver Dr Monty Franks of Van- honeymoon trip to California and Misses Forbie and Alice Sullivan, mhn will nraetlse dentistrv will take uo residence here. Mr, B. Irvine, radio inspector from W. E. Drake returned to the city who are in the newspaper business ln the Yukon. was also going north Gibson has been transferred here Vancouver, Is ln the city. He ar- on the Princess Louise yesterday m "Wagga, New South Wales, A us- on the same vessel. in the Forest Branch service. rived on Saturday night's train morning from a two veek'r.trip .to tralia. were here aboard the Prln-. a: after a visit to Terrace. Vancouver and' elsewhere, in the cess Louise yesterday going north) ; I '. mL. south. for the round trln to Alaska. Also1 for the round trip to Slragway. "l recently a memoer oi me nurs- lng staff of the Prince Rupert Gen- D. C. Sfaarpatone, manager of the eral Hospital, was a passenger Polarts-Taku Mlntns Co.. and Mrs. aboard the Princess Louise vester- Bharmtotw wer ncuuenaen aboard Haw onno thrnnsh frnm Vnnrnuvor ! NOTICE Is hereby given thac the Princaas Louise yesterday going to Ketchikan. She Is Joining the the Council of the Corporation of north to Tulseouah from Vancou- 4taff of the Ketchikan Hospital. itne c,tv ol Prince Rupert will Ter. hold a meeting on Monday, the At fi-40 last pvenlnir an mitnmn. first day of May, 1939. at 2:20 W. D. Oordon, superintendent of blje driven by G Lr. Taylor skidded Pm- ln tne Council Chamber of the river dhrfsfen of the Whtte Pass ,nto a ralljng ln' tne middie 0j'the City Hall, City of Prince Rup-and Yukon Route at Whltenorse, westvicw Bridge and carried a .crt consider a Bylaw which 1 was a passenger aboard the Prln- ienirth away FortunateJv. the car proposes to pass, and which 1 cess Louise yesterday going north .t!.vA nn ti, kriAv anH nn nnn based on a recommendatiori of. for the season. wa. nurt nor wa. .h vchlla'the Town Planning Commission rf damaped the City of Prince Rupert, ant?, A. w II. smith, agent or the car- which contains the boundaries or rlngton Transportation Co. at cu Commlssfoner W J Alder the districts ln the City of Prince Wrangell. and Mrs. Smith after vm ln tetgJon U)morrow mom, Rupert affected by the said pro-spending the winter ln Seattle, were pased Bylaw, and the appropriate ,ng M a cIty to Mt the passengers aboard the Princess u recrulatlons and restrictions to be U Louise yesterday going north for law Drovjdlne for the nromulea- enforced therein. the .season Uon of regliiatons under the new A copy of the proposed Bylaw is i j- . -' - - Prince Rupert Town Planning Act P0-"51 n the Public Notice Board will receive its final readlne.. In the city Hall, City of Prince THATT00K25YiARS TO BUILD The Letter Box SCRAP inON SHIPMENTS v--- . ..... Rupert, and may ne inspected a,t i any hour from Thursday, the 26th day of April. 1939, tq Monday, the first day o( Ma v. 1933. AH persons who deem themselves affected by the proposed Bylaw shall be afforded an opportunity I I to be heard before the Council at jthe said meeting on the mattcn contained, in the said proposed By , law. D. J. MATHESON, City Clerk- 0VERWA1TEA LTD. CASH or C.O.I). Tropic Gold Grapefruit Qp Juice Per tin t LlMis Tomato Juice DC Cf Per tin No. 1 Sweet Clover Honey 4-lb. tin 5 prince Rupert 49c Sunkist Oranges 2 25C doz. sweet and juicy Lemons Full of 1 9C iulce. Per doz. Grapefruit 7 for 25c Sunsweet I'run 2-la. pkt. Free Delivery on Orders $3.00 and Over ...... LUAVUMAV WfTr- . . T i - - NEW AND BETTER Phone BUTTER-First grade, 3 lbs . 75c Shrimps Wet or dry pack. Per tin Palmolive Soap 4 cakes Oxydol Fruit Bowl Deal I Fancy Fruit Bowl for 1c with a large pkt 9f Oxydol at 23c. Both for Lettuce Per head 23c 17c 18q JLV 5C Fresh Tomatoes Ifin xv Per lb. Bunch Carrots Per bunch EGGS Grade "A" Large. 2 doz.. (j5C trays COLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Salmon Fleeti Following the investigations oi the Fisheries R'; extensive chansps and Improvement completed the Company fcae jut in ice storage qnd Ire delivery methods. ,cf fop the boaU will ail be old ice, tr Ied at ew fa temperatures. It III be delivered Int weather, as cold a H.e the hold, even in the hottest storage room. Fishermen are invited to inspect the new system. 5 Betterice Uian ever before at no increase in cost, means economy i to the boat and improved quality in fUh delivery. I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd, Krillsh Columbia SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEN Steamer leave Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR , For fares, etc call or write City Ticket Office, 616 3rd Ave. v-n-:9 MacKenzie's Furniture KITCHEN TABLES 7.50 Drop leaf JOfl KITCHEN CHOIRS-Double rung Windsor, eastern JgQ hardwood, strong .and, sturdy. W W. Each w Phone 775 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Hrand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Thosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos pbates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tatlanac Brand Metala Gold. Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium. Bismuth.