lire The verardah was ( rem the OoUschcnla school! ' irury to the teacher. W11-! !?.e who was In the" living w. l the time. F rks f-f i.l UNERAL OF ny rM Tribute at Obsequies Litl Friday Afternoon Jens:- JAKE, April 24. The re- f ,;e late U. A. Smith were ;C br dlan men's championship. "BUN" SMITH! alibut Sales w . i Excel out of the leading men 5ic xi ana nui jovui pre-miued by many. Detp- - : was expressed for his the many beautiful ; d I lowers which both ls:d hurounded the casket. i M C umtck conducted the vice which was held In Church. wo o'clock the church bc- r and by 3:30 one hundred ? wrre present. The opening Ur L-ad Kindly Light." was, Hot' i by a prayer and psalm. McC irmlrk gave a beautiful -. z of hit annealing hn, , F v M r-' Years Shall Roll ' The 'revs by Rev. J. MrCormlck ?, he cerulnty of life after irlicvlng the sad tension of " phere with a strong note r The service closed with : f Ages" ing with great tv the congregation "W V Jin 1nnkrt nllrr the Seat- iKnttlp rruiMT attached to Che Dmmlteu: -.V- . f.. .7., V 1 awkward age Hnllaiu hiol failed tr Ti: mill there ea fired' DOMINOES WIN FIRST nnip imc arnrs nun ninuiui Cloe Affair ! . ... . . j i M A mn .1 ....a n i a1 i nr. i n(i i k lunutuit. rogatives lait week er:a Mrs. Wilson acwiiii .criCBii .... , ... look I her movements but me cxprtu. Leader Says Reserved Royalty Horses nave such For Adult don"t know what it is r,lng at the organ. Is expected to visit me . . . , makcs tnm looU cracrsslon of cars following summer, being due at tsouirnau Queen. I br trains to the graveyard was rarly in June. Naval authorities & Jaw forblddlng peopie Cutest In Burns Lake lor here have nothing ouiciai jiw . . Sunday. Horses rars practically the whole Pmrr.i::,iv attend nir with many " .2 from outside. PaUbcarers were H. Brown. H. C. rr.zr.-Ms. A. M. Ruddy. J. Brown, R Brown and M. F. Nourse. .Wrraths and flowers were prc- 'nifd by the following: McCrca Mr and Mrs. H. J. Jewell d family. Guy and Joe . Mr. n,ndj Iwd David. Mr and Mrs. J.H. Keefe. and Mrs. C. F. Loner, the Tal- '" Mr and Mrs. Neil Van de Veen, tlve Sons of Canada Burns Lake semblv Mr tnH Mrs. R. GerOW. e McKenna family. Mr. McWatcrs a Malkln's. Prince Rupert). Jim l(e and Locke Quey. Oco. Gulp a Jack McLean, Mr. and Mrs. E. Trousdell and family. Mr. and lion Is that she will pay a visit to , Prince Rupert. Australia Seeks jHer Own Defence R C Commons, Dr. and Mn. And Heady to Aid I llesl r l.m Hnlmi.. Holmes. Mr. r nnrl and Mrs. Mrs. Oland Olandl plre to Live and Wage ar C lluvenlle status Wilson. Mr. and Mrs, A. . her own resources mr an "" mch cnvPrness ... 1 4 tittf v nnrP oiUVW" reminder of her Is the nickname Lllvbct" which she has not yet 'shaken off. She has been known ' since her baby I as lilybet ever 'tongue failed to manipulate "Elizabeth" property. ; Elizabeth's transition from girl hood to womanhood Is being reflect ed in numerous ways. In her education, for instance, she is now be-lne introduced to such stiff sub- . 24: ,rru CP)-Aua- ahs- Jects jecis a as constitutional history and BRISBANE, April BPOgraphy she trail, could "01 again send an a fdjUnWr my to a European war., said Post havln master-General Cameron oi . d exclualvely to perus- Commonwealth government, ... - ,tl$h Isles, , spi ,h"e;. u .mnled Probably she will continue, to be ? instructed by various visiting teach- . k. Henend on , U5irUllU WUUIU n'v r ----- Par.;on and family, Mr. and Mrs.jpcrioa. Australia s w ford and her mother. Marlon Craw- van Norman, Mr. and Mrs. J.lforc, aeiena nereeu "" " . slx.vear plan for finishing her wans Mr. and Mrs. D. Oerow second was to supply own. ua. ypn rirnwn n and nd Pnmll,, n T nt i.minrli with the mCOnS Of living , caul tti , ii iraae Dr and Mrs. L. King, Mr.! and waging war. r d nt,Dr0val. N Mrs, oians and family. Mr. "We have neither the resources dePr;tood that whUe her ln. uj, i: i. smith and iamuy, nor me lncunuuuu telltftcncc Is "very satisfactory." tne "n Mother to Bun," Mr. and era, but wc arc migmuj u... . H, D. MacNell, Mr. and Mrs. A.'to derend our own. with Pto X?: to ie rf. RurlHv mn ..i.-.. rii-irpH Mr. Cameron, preiers w and Jugoslav Foreign Minister Clnca-Markovlch ended yes- ny WILLIAM McGAFFIN and Oermany. Associated Press Staff Writer j LONDON. April 24: CP-Ellza-. beth Windsor has rcacned the Week-end Venice be- Minister Ciano SS uprs Department Of discovered in time to be! 737 'acin with dignity becoming thejT f rP D. '.rl Ties weie burned at L VICTOniA . . Apr" 2.. . ' (CPl . . . 7 probable future Queen. 1CieilCe 10 DC and an attempt to' v,cw"f uT Q"r,c, T" Du.rins the absence of King' n . n jllc church at nearby "'A"m.u. 2I .?ltta.T George antl 9utcn Elizabeth in (jlVeil UtiatTerS t ied. ,,l,s"fc "'.."c . Canada and the United Stales In nut nf flv ur(M for thi Hflna- ... . . .. ... . senior basketbill Tl of National De- ,n tnc Umted' KlfiRdotn wln bi- Department Summary American 6,000 pounds. and 5.5c to 73c and iic. Canadian 91.000 pounds, and 5c to 6.6c and 5c. American 15.000. Pacific. 73c 7.4t ua A ik. Hm in thkDlanned to accomodate the Govern nubile mind. Princess i as helr-presumptlve to the throne. ' i . . il. . MM u. wui emerge one ui mc uum portant as well as popular royul narmniiM In TlritUh Isles. 7 I Princes Elizabeths behavior al-' ready suggests the queenly man-'nr Rh it fast becomlne aderjt rorrmojt, uoyai. i.-m mm at lRe puuaf backhand wave 5C used bv "mummy" and "crand- Frtday attemdon Mr., 11 Uranto, KfiOQ&M Storage Me mamsT'queiW' '10 "aclfhbwledge the ... u.. ,a. ..'nd S-50- . DlaudlU of th crowd. She U prim and .nj Mmvi tvvnnri her vears. hi miu svwasvws v vivid contrast to her eight-year June. 6.000. Atlin. 7.4c and 53c. old jj,tcr. Margaret. Graduated j viiu..m rrnm me nursery a si"" Slma. 11.000. Atlin. 63c and 5c. wai promoted from half socks) Joan W. II., 36.000. Cold Storage. to tonK jtockiags. She has dU- 6.4c and 5c. C8rded her hair ribbon. She wears Southend. 14300. Cold Storage. Speller shoes. 4 6 6c and 5c. . In general. Irs consideration of ( Balsac I.. 9.000. Pacific. 6.4c and tne fact the Princess is rapldlv 5c. growing up she Is only an Inch I Bum. 4300, Booth. 63c and 5c. .'shorter than her mother) she ls( Atli. 12,000. Atnn. o.ic ana oc. beginning to enjoy some u ...... Doreen N 4.000. Booth, 6.2c and , prerogatives reserved to adult roy-l H.M.S. Orion Is Expected Here ItrltKh Warship From American. West Indies Squadron Is Expected on Coat This Summer . iL. rt 1 1 1 ti nlty. But she Is not old enougn ioi inccompany her parents on their j overseas peregrinations. Hence s!m VWt be able to go to canaaa ana the United States this summer-much to her disappointment. I Lover of Animals Elizabeth, who HkCi animal and horses best of all- . .already has a law In mind "f ever 'I am Queen." Armrrtincr k the story, once in H MB. Orion, one oi hic ,-.. shP exclaimed: the Am- "'" i ' . . ,k(;.. ment Tcleerarjhs. TODAY'S STOCKS (Court S. D. Jotuuton Oo.l Vancouver Big Missouri. .18. Bralorne. 10.00. Cariboo Quartz, 2.11( DentonU. .02 Vt. Gold Belt,-.43 askK-e-Hedley Mascot. 1.13. Mlnto. .011.. Noble Five. .02. Pacific Nickel. .12. Pend Orielle. 139. Pioneer. 2.40. Premier. 1.90. Privateer. 1.07. Reeves McDonald. .21. Reno. 32. Relief Arlington. .10. Reward, .02i. Salmon Gold, .10. Sheep Creek, 1.06. Cariboo Hudson. .25. s Hedley Amalg., .04. Oils A. P. Con.. .13. . - Calmont. .33.' v " C. & E.. 2.03. Freehold. .03?k. Home 2.15-Pacalta, .05. Royal Canadian .17 Okalta. 1.02. Mercury, .06. ft Prairie Royalties. .19ii. Toronto . Aldermac, 30. Beattlc, 1.14. Central Pat.. 233. Cons. Smelters. 47,75 East Malartlc. 2.20. Francoeur, .5V. Gods Lake. 54t.. Hard Rock. 1.00. Int. Nickel. 46.00. Kerr Addison, 135. Little Long Lac, 2.70. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.91. Madsen Red Lake. 1.15. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.15. Moneta, 1.00. Noranda, 75.00. Pickle Crow. 4.75. Preston E. Dome. 1.29. San Ontonlo, 1.40. Sherrltt Gordon, .93. Stadacona, .48. Uchl Gold, 1.20. Bouscadlllac, .05. Mosher: .15. ' Oklcnd. .08. Dominion Bridge. 26.75. than by reading. Her lessons begin at 9:30, Include the three R's, scripture. French, Spanish and Ger-j man. She's crazy about geography, hates arithmetic Physical Side The physical side of her educa tion Is taken care of largely by the Girl Guides. She is an enthusiastic member, second In command of her not a bookish girl and patrol, which meets every Monday learn by doing rather (Continual on Page. Four) Tomorrow's Tides 141 Capitol TAXI High 4:42 a.m. 19.1 ft. 18:05 pm. 17.0 v Lew 11:39 a.m. 4f Maccy's Coffee House 23:52 am. 8.6 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVIII No. 95. PRINCE RUPERT B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 24, PJ39. PRICE: I CENTS international Situation Now Quiet ouks In Southern Interior ;HER WAYS ': : ASSIGNED Marling Un Kampage Again; QUEENLY ! JT S . t TO ROYAL I w I 1.1 I I m 1 II l L. A .... Domoings ana rirmgs uenerai , Princess Elizabeth Has Grown Up " fail Likes Geography But NELSON, April Zll (Ll'J Une SChOOl Was burned, Has Simple Pleasures J il .... . . , r- Lm lSw1 IIHnllAAtnnfitl x-l?4. aau.n wa n 1 a ir . pr, rr? c -.1 ; ured In any jf the lncl- nplon Creek 4-!iool was Now nun With invtt Axis iimw lOTIier 8 uuiuuvu lino uiisuitcaniui ciiuits wkib iiwiuc Rome-Berlin axis, 'it the week-end to hurn and bomb two other schools, a At Awkward A (TP ' conversations at laninc miu anci a Lainoiic cnurcn in ine uouKiiooor sei- . .... ---- tween roreign m (1 districts of West Kootenay and the Urand rorks vrr the week-end. None ,s Already Enjoying Some of Pre- " - ' ,4. . . ROME. Anril 24: CP Italy vice SERVICE claims a new victory lor the over Two Thousand C.N.R. Em ployees to Work for Klnj Members of Train Crews Named MONTREAL, April 24. More tcrday with a statement that than 2ooo men of numerous classl promised "laitmui eonaoora- ficatioruj of employment will bs re tion" of Jugoslavia with Italy .rpi. tnr fh. nn(.ratlon and ser - For the actual operation of the royal train there are now beln selected thlrty-lx enslnemeq and an equal number of firemen to form locomotive crews. Of that number fifteen individuals of each clatslfl-catlon will be engaged In the cen tral region of the nation! system admlnUtered a Council of "nee. u u now reponea. win nave by Slat;, whlph CQTfn, a larRe part of which His Majesty brother.1 officer in that part c. the new Fed- pr0T,nfe cf Ontario and Ou. of the ieb;. An the Duke of Gloucester. wlU he the ' uu,g u.c.. Uf,smu, pqual number uin be -.ted for the western resion which Includes the oralries and British Columbia. Then for the Atlantic region, Including eatirn Ouebec and the mTitlmes. six enlnemen and six firemen are beinz named. For service In the three regions named, nineteen co"dnctoTs are being selected as well as forty-three Tbe-men required for -th-dlretthaf operation of the royal train number In n'l 13 nd form but a small nmnortion of the more than 2.000 jniM'tala whose services will be requisitioned. Some of these other men wll! ride the roval ''" Thi'e larrr number? will have their appointed places and duties at stations and terminals where the royal train will be serviced each day dur-inr scheduled stop. Officers of the national system perts in charge of the air condition British Ambassador To B IS erlin Of Returns There; No Significance i Great Britain's Recognition of Czechoslovakian "Snatch' Not to be Implied, Says Premier Silent on Russian Negotiations T.riNnnT. Anril 24: rCP Prime Minst-r Neville of the royal train durina; Its i , ... al. tt i? r namDenain louay ioiu me nouse oi vuiiuiions mm xt- prozress over the Unes of the Can- adian National Railways, according turn of Sir Neville Henderson to his post as British am-to a rtatement made today by n. b. bassador at Berlin during the week-end in no way meant waiton vice-oresident in charge of (Jreat Britain had accepted the German annexation of operation ror me nauonai sysiem. Czechoslovakia. "No special significance" should be at- . ... i tached to the return of Sir Neville FRANCE IS FOR UNITY Nail Propaganda In Alsace-Lorraine To Be Suppressed Urges Britain To Adopt Military Conscription PARIS. April 21: (CP) The French government struck propaganda in Alsace-Lorraine - todav bv outlawinc three or Ionizations including that of the Prusmn-born autonomy leader. Herman Bickler. Spokesmen said. the a'ctlmr .was. the fore"- runner of widespread measures to assure French unity during the internat'onal crisis. France is said to have urseil Great Bri'ain to adopt military I censcrirtion as the quickest war to obta'n Russian support and ensure peace. TODAY'S WzATHER PHnf Rnrifrt Rrnlcpn r-louds. actually rldine on the roval train nathtiA slxteen miles per win inciuae uie re. hour; barometer, 29.68 in" the electric Ughtlm and other 50Utheast wind, ten miles per rri'Mnlejil features of the train. hour: barometer. 2939; tempera- The railway staff on the royal ture, 40; light swell, train will also include telegraph op- biiu Harbor Showery, southeast erators. wind, three miles per hour; baro- service functions on all long dls- rometer. 29.95; temperature, 38; tance trains operating in Canada. sea smooth. ,For this special occasion the num- Estevan Raining, northerly iber of men ordinarily required will wind, four miles per hour; baro- be ureatly Increased In order to ex- meter. 29.86. pedlte the movement. Vancouver Raining, easterly At divisional and terminal points wind, ten miles per hour; baro- where such service functions are meter. 29.96. performed, these forces will attend , Victoria Cloudy, southerly wind, to the replenishment of the water ten miles per nour; Daromeier, j.-supply, the Ice supply, cleaning of 96. the exterior of the cars and a com- J Prince George Cloudy, souther r.iBf KTamination of trucks, wheels lv wind, four miles per hour and all operating parts of the train, barometer. 29.62. The men being selected for this , work are being chosen with the' ... , lmi rare exercised in the choice VVaofhor HnfOraCT ductors and trainmen and this care In selection Is being extended further back to numerous other workers who perform duties In connection with signals, crossings and the maintenance of way GETS ONE YEAR Edward Shannon of ' Port Cle PurnIhMl throush th courtesy oi the Dominion Meteorological Bureau tt Victoria und FTinre Kuperi. irns ictt-c Ait la compiled rom otwrratlons to- n at 3 a.m. today ana covers m so hour period ending 5 cm. tomorrow General Synopsis The pressure Ms low from Vancouver Island northwards. The weather has been cool with rain squalls on the Brl ments pleaded guilty In provincial tlsh Columbia coast but mostly fair police court this morning to a ana miw in me interior. jtharge of Indecent assault against I Prince Rupert and Queen Char- a child and was sentenced to one iotte isianas rTesn to strong soum year's Imprisonment. Constable D.. winds, cool and showery. vv Tavlor. nrovinclal police, prose-' West Coast of Vancouver Island to Berlin said the Prime Minster. Sir Neville who was ordered to London a month ago to report on the German absorption of Czechoslovakia, had been given a short leave of absence and was now going back a normal way. Iin The Prime Minster refused to dis- Anglo-Russian negotiations i'cuss despite Labor plea for a statement "in order to Influence" Chancellor I Hitler's speech on Friday. (ALL GAMES ARE PLAYED Full Big League Schedule Ron otf At IVeek-end Boston Bees Are Toppled NEW YORK, April 24: (CP) Improved weather enabled the j playing of full Major League base ball schedules over the week-end. All teams which had previously been unbeaten suffered their Initial reverses of the stason. The Boston Bees dropped ons to the Giants at the Polo Grounds (rising1: here Saturday and another yes- enw. caiu temperature. 38: light chop. 'terday. Prior to the week-end. the throughout his own Jurisdiction. Triple islandci0udy. southeast Bees had taken three wins In a Accomoanying the vice-nreident ,nd 22 mlles per hour; sea row without a defeat thmuehout assigned territory will chopFy New York YankeM sufIered the be a eeneral sunerintendent. Langara Island-Sleet, overcast season's first defeat at the hand? In ddilon to these officers res- southeast Wind, ten miles per Lf the Washington Senators In the nnns'ble for the operation of .the hour; barometer, 29.49: tempera-1 National Capital Saturday but got train mere wm oe nuint-i ca.- ture 35: moderate swell. .their revenge yesterday. The Vanks Dead Tree Point Light showers, are .still sitting at the top of the heap which is the position that the most of baseball experts predict they will still be occupying at the end of the season. "School Bdv" Rowe led the De- Speclal Service Functions meter, 29.70; temperature, 39; light itroit Tigers to an eight-nil shut- A' all travellers are aware, it sweu. cut victory over the Cleveland In- ncary to perform a number of Alert Bay Light rain, calm; ba-ldians at Cleveland yesterday. It took the Phillies twelve Innings to eke out a 5 to 4 victory over Brooklyn yesterday. The Chicago Cubs and Cincin nati Reds are at present sharing first place honors In the National League. New series commence today as follows: National League Pittsburg at Chicago: New York at Philadelphia; Boston at Brooklyn. American Philadelphia at New York; Chicago at Cleveland; Washington at Boston; St Xouls at Tyrone Power And Annabella Marry Moving Ticture Stars United Quiet Ceremony Yesterday In HOLLYWOOD. April 24: Tyrone Power and Annabella, both top ranking moving picture stars, were married yesterday In a quiet ceremony. (Power Is the star opposite Norma Shearer In "Marie Antoln- cutcd and W. O. Fulton acted as Strong south to southwest winds, ette." current feature picture ai defence counsel. cool and cloudy. the Capitol Theatre here so