ALICE ARM IS ACTIVE Vrespeetors Had Busy Year And .Number Were At Work In I Field i ALICE ARM, September 30: Ifany mining engineers nave visited Alice Ann district during the past season and have commented favorably on the properties exr iimlned. In the field there has been considerable activity by prospectors In developing their holdings. Anything in the way of an Improvement in the silver price situation would undoubtedly be reflected In some measure of comeback for the Alice Arm district. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, .resident mining engineer, and hU assistant, S. B. Townsend, were here recently" and Inspected a new gold discovery in the Klnscuch Lake district.. .They stated they were much Impressed with the showing!. 'd. Welch and A. Smith of the British Lion Mines Ltd. have been paying a- visit to the Homestake property on which considerable fp'rfc has been done this summer. "Hie season's work has been al most completed and It is expected i diamond drill will be used next year. . Another, visitor to Alice Arm this SCOUTS ON DUTY BENTLY. Eng.. Spt. 30: (CP) Lord Sptners. Deputy Chief Scout, has a?ked that all English Boy Scouts wear uniforms during the war. He. has appealed to employers to-permit the uniform in offices, as the organization has a program of national service. r riiicieniiy mobilize our resources in the cause of peace and justice. As individuals, we stand On Guard ready to make personal sacrifices prompt to renderwhat service we ran for Canada and the Empire. Let us lie On Guard against the petty distension which weaken national elTort. Let the same spirit which lead Canadians to enlist for active service, inspire those who serve on the home front. Meanwhile, Life Insurance stands On Guard over the interests of Four Million policyholders and their beneficiaries. The record of Life Insurance in every previous national emergency commands the confidence of every Canadian. SMITHERS New Canadian Captain Jas. T. Harvey of Prince Rupert, who has been on a recruiting mission as far east as Prince George, arrived In Smlthers Tues Year Book Out day afternoon on his way back Latest Addition Of Informative home. He reported great interest! Volume Is Published At Ottawa by the young men of the district In' the situation that exists today and i thinks that there will be no lack off The publication of the 1939 edl- volunteers whenever the call Is Uon of the Canada Year Book, made for them In numbers. At a 'published by authorization of the meeting held in the Village Hair Hon. W. D. Euler. Minister of here Tuesday evening he spoke to Trade and Commerce. Is announc those assembled regarding such cd by the Dominion Bureau of matters. Capt. Harvey left Smith- statistics. The Canada Year Book ers by motor car Wednesday morn-1 is the official satlstlcal annual of ing for Hazelton and took Thurs- the country and contains a thor day's train there for Prince Rupert, oughly up-to-date account of the natural resources of the Dominion The orovlncial tax sale was held "nd their development. Uie Smlthers on Wednesday morning tory of the country. its institu- j at the Court House by the Provln- Hons, Its demography, the dlf f er- rhl Tax Collector for Omlneca dls- ent branches of production, trade rrict. There was a good attendance transportation, finance, education and a numb-r of parcels of land etc. in brief, a comprehenslvr !anH of town lots were sold. Some s,udy within the limits of a single nlr!tpd bidding was made on some volume of the social and economic of the parcels offered and good condition of the Dominion. This prices realized. new edition has been thoroughly revised throughout and Includes in . . . . , . all its chapters th.e latest Infor- J12 Johnn7 J"nlPand matlon available up to the dat Gordon Wll lams arrived back home of golng to on Sunday from an extended motor , 'rip to Vancouver. San Francisco r- -r- - ind other points In the south. It in the sunny state and arrived back Tas the first time that these young home without mishap of aiy kind. men had been on a trip to the States and they were much lm-' The hard surfacing of th. Main iressed with all that they saw In, Street of Smlthers and also bout the many places visited and with two and one half miles of road the wonders of the San Francisco Fair. They found the heat of Call-'ornla a little oppressive as they had not been used to 105 degrees in the shade but. by discarding oractically all of their clothing and 'doing as the Callfornlans do," they managed to survive the days spent GUARD TODAY, as in 1914, we stand On CuartI in the defence of our homes and our freedom. As a united Canadian people we face the fact of war with courage and with fortitude. Only through unity of effort ... can FT .1 irom the Bulkley River bridge to the brick yard hill has now been completed and the work crew has moved on to Terrace to carry out similar work there. The road is now In excellent condition and it Is hoped that the winter weather will not be too severe on it. (iuanl'uui nf V.anudion Humes for over 100 Yearb JC Jfc Theatre. Waterfront Whiffs Canadian Halibut Receives Hcttcr Trices This Week Than Last Willi Season . Nearinp; End, Only Scattered Catches Now Coming In HER LAST PICTUREi Kay Francis Retiring From Screen MIth "Women In Wind" Fast Comedy Also On Program "Women in the Wind." a novel story of aviation theme, and 'Hard tq Get," a fast moving comedy farce, are double-billed on to night's program at the Ca'pltol The story of "Women In the Wind" Is mainly concerned with the efforts of a young and very personable avlatrtx to win a women's transcontinental air derbv , The leading role Is played by Kay the hope that, by winning the 115,000 first prize, she can hire a Treat specialist to cure her brother who has been Injured In a Diane crash. It U announced as Miss Francis final role In motion pictures. The part Is a nice compound. It is said, of the svmoath- etlc femininity and the almost masculine directness so character istic of her. William Oargan plays! the leading male role and others' .'n the cart include Victor Jory Rosella Towne, Ila Rhodes, Eddie roy jr. and Maxle Roscnbloom, In "Hard to Oet" Dick Powell is an ambitious and aggressive young business man and Olivia de Havllland Js a spoiled and petulant heiress. There are many farcical complications with the cast also including such favorites as Charles Winninger. Allen Jenkins, Bonita Granville Melville Cooper and others. INTERIOR THRESHING If Prices Are As Good As Crops, Farmers Will Do Well 8MITHERS, Sept. 30. Thrashing Is progressing throughout the Bulk-ley Valley but is Interrupted at times by showers of rain. Yields of high grade grain and timothy seed are very satisfactory as crops were very good this year throughout the district. If prices turn out to be half as good as the crops the farmers should find themselves in very good circumstances this HOUSES FALLING LN BRIGHTON, Eng., Sept. 30; (CP) When a tunnel Knllf. manv vaqm I ago for flint mining subsided here, I occupants of three houses In a ter race had to leave hurriedly and plied their furniture In the street. I.K.A. BUSY BELFAST, Sept. 30: (CPJ-A Belfast Territorial, R. J. .McCultugh, was attacked and shot by a number of men believed to be of. the Irish ; Republican Army. ' He was wound-,ed In the side. Smart smokers During the past week better prices were paid at Prince Rupert for Canadian halibut than American fish eceived. There were only five American boats in with matches during the week, the most of the larger Seattle boats going straight through to the home port from the inks. It is rather unusual that higher prices are paid 'or Canadian fish. With the fish- ng season oractically over, land- wefk wai lc which the Olacler ngs at Prince Rupert during the ' Plr for H-000 pounds and the veek totalled only 259.500 pounds ,0 & and te whlh the Vansee f which 185.500 pounds was from weired for J5.00Q pounds. Only about half a dozen or to local boa Lit from American. This brought the're MU on tnc bankj now. grana loiai ior me season up to 15.172.200 pounds as compared with C:PSL tmer Princess Adelaide. 12.108.550 pounds at a correspond-1 CaDt- William Hughes, arrived in ing date last year. Canadian land- Prt.t 3:30 yesterday afternoon Ings this year to date total 6,815.900 ,rotn ine ulP ana sailed al 10 oounds in comparison with 5, 02.-IP-01- 00 htT "turn to Vancouver ten , . onH wflCTtnlntc T"Vi a vc1 V.-xti n V. I w pounas a year ago ana Amen- " tan 8.353.300 mnniit n aaintf In some twenty or so local passen- '.81,350 pounds. High price of the 5fri . week for Canadian fish was 14.8c ' tnd 5c.whlch the Tramp and Un- J- canograpner of the me received for 20.000 and 2.50C Nanalnw Biological Station, arrived winds respectively and the low ilen Dn we Princess Adelaide yes- tl.9c and 9c which the White Hope tfrday afternoon from the south, va paid for 24,000 pounds. For being here on official duties in con-"imerlcan fish the high price of the nectlon with his work. Five thousand Rupti people read the Dally News, it pays to tet them know what yot have to sell everywhere know the richness, flavour and fragrance of Canada's finest cigar smoke a Punch today a,jfVf u . . ClM PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on 8awmlll , and Mining Machinery 4, All Types of flas Engines Repaired and Overhauled IALICE ARM j HAS FLOOD (Market Garden of W. Bower Hard- ctt lilt at Remit ALICE ARM, September1 i0:"-H This summer has been 'ery wet at Alice Arm, reaching a "climax ion Tuesday last with 24 hours 'of; I drenching rain. The Kltsault River rose rapidly and went on a. ram-' I page, doing considerable damage to local gardens. The market gar den of W.D. Bowers appeared to be the worst sufferer as the river cut through his property, cutting off a substanUal slice and forcing' the occupants to seek safety on; higher ground. CENSOR I.KTTKKIIEADS MANCHESTER, Eng.. Sept. 30: CP)-nritUh firms have been asked not to use stationery showing a picture of their factories or workrooms when wrlUng abroad. Brock Hats Styled by Stetson, the new Brocks for Fall in the smart, exclusive International Colors Will take your fancy the moment you see them. Drop in Today KENSINGTON HATS- At I tlliMVOI I iw.Ml.HT O.Nry. DICK ro ILL In "Hard To Get' With Chirlt, Wlnni,w (At t:0S and 10 U, nts KAY FRANCIS "WOMKN IN the 1 WIMP (At 7:00 tni i Coming Mon.. Turx Wi EKROL H.VNN I, "DODr.ECITi-.Tuh.i. ON SUNANAlrt $ 5 $3.50 Watts & Nicl erson 50 TIIIRI) AVENUE SPECIAL Mattress Trade-in Offer rbwi iu Boxsprlng and Innersprlng in one unit Regular QQi fffl price 13950, less for your old, 15.00. Special OoOM Elios Furniture moose niin.ntNo THIRD AVE.M1 CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pifie To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way V :J BS. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.::: To Vancouver Direct ! PRINCESS LOUISE September 16th, 2th, October 6th, 7th. 2V '.: j Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian ParT Cerflj Tickets and Reservations from C'OATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert, RC SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! "Hint at OCEAN FALLS md POWELL RIVER Steamer leare Prince Hupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trnlni leave Princa Rupert for the East Mondnj-, Wednettlaj, Frhlnjr, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketclilknti Stewart every WKliNKSDAY, 2 p.m. For fnre$, etc., cull or tnito Uty Ticket Office, 528 3rd vin