AN WEST 'Legion Women .1 1 .a.. . v .el 5 j. E so. ttft. IS IN WARlBridge Party Mr 01 Dorto dauanter or Dr,' West, formerly of, juid now of Van-j , t( ; nanru i enlist or wan .. Women's Land Army, is now in uie viu . ,c to operate a , ra her mother de- 5.1. . and University of - Jia. , money, ehe had - s? tfelrrj the slghU Mfiitfty to the un-f war talk iti the .r-:et tftitt ttittl 2- he 1tih Tiflr-. i Succe-sful Affair Held Lat To Aid Red Crow Fund Ari6(her successful brldg party and darfee was held by the Women Auxiliary of the Canadian LTglon. the proceeds to $0 to the Red Cross fund. The affair was fully enjoyed by all present. Prfze-winrtera at cards were: lfidles first. Mrs. Prank Ellison; secdnd. Mrs, Peter Solus u I ways "restlesstrlrst. Thomas Priest- second. don?e (hat she was go-Howe Winner of a door bti? d She had been i.,u.h lobs In Van- I .erpool. she hiked' . across the sum Miss Betty Barber. Mrs. Robert Mn graduation graduation from from of the Auxiliary, was general con vener and Mrs. William Rothwell was tn cHarte of the card tables. After cards, refreshment r v t every quaricr ot -served and dancing followed with i .. .started off wth music by Mrs. J. S. Black and irly tn May whenfHugh Smith. jig. Bhe Is quite satisfied, however, and believes that she Is doing very well In hej effort to K3lp the Empire. In an Interview wlfh a t'elxiiiet Once 'ikfit- "itie le 'toridfih if?ffpaper Joan V? men's larfa Army tated that her father would be - tr oYe'r lb Fotslll I Joining her Immediately following rvf 're she Was signed the declaration of war. personage than E Mott wife of the :'lh Dr. West doein't thlifk he will. Meanwhile ioa'n Is trijfcylns In her breeches, jrffeen pull- but fl few days over and slouch hat she cuts a F '-ibeth -visited the natty iigure. sne nas aucauy ae-; . F tUl Street. Joan veloped a sound working know- i t a Canadian girl: ledge of the mechanical parts of j -rt t Jbelh Inquired from a tractor, she feels fit. she writes i h Mm name oiien ana ooes uai especi id Joan proud- Ut see Vancouver unttl after Hitler j chased over the rim of th- Met Queen ocean. ecalled that Van- Her trlother Is tfdlie resigned ., beautiful city. She about her daughter's career inH thf "Jmn IlkM 11 " ah said idrr.nlv. zci. Jonn If she "aha as long as sh? is happy there j homesck. Joan I think that Is sufficient ." LTiy pangs, she In- In Vancouver she operated an elevator for some time and also nreent Isn't ex- worked In a candy store and In had In mind when the Oeneral Ilosottal. Bat she . rsd She has had craved excitement and llurope - r;nce In the looked like a likely spot for flre- dages and she works last May. Her prognostics-, aviblv secure Mon then correct. She hopes natun 8f nurs" iter to visit France WAW.'AV.V.Vrtn. -WV WW 'WaW.VAW.W Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For 'Lunch an Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvrc One Package Serves Four People K-eps for Weeks In Refrigerator . Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Harnlrl Havv Teacher 61 ian6 J'puhr MuMc 20 years ethArf.T,.'. t Co, Lid. Muslc'SLn'o I e 1 ova if h "e ly guaranteed course Enrol kv : f"- 5 ruews.. 111 RrltUh Cotufntilk (NION STEAMSHIPS LTD. - - i inn -rmm T?iirrt for VanrouTer: a w a iMiki. - T CATALA EVERY Tt)KS T.8Ji. CAHUENA HtlDAlT. I hay tse p.m. t0:30 p.m. i Du Vanrouvfr ti,.,. m Hue Vanrauver. Mitd -m- aiiuio .sia I lt tfiiiitnt, IMre rorchaie Tlckeli l Offlft P'Wier Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From i'HNK J. SKINNi u Prinr. nntu.rt ArnL Third Ave. Phone 5C8 COAL M ff ' Grain Feed. Seeds artd Wtiliftr PKINQE RUPERT FEED CO. rhones 58 and 558 J' H. BULGER Qptomeirist kai Bri mK. : Fresh Locil tltfwJiitTd tetcnirizcdXiim TODAY'S STOCKS ( Court r 8, D. Jabcton Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .09. Bralbrne, 9.90. Cartboi) Quartz, 1.75. Dentorda, .01 li-Falrvi-w, J0't. Gold iJelt, 32. ifealey Mascot, 3k. Mlrtto, .01. Jioble Hve, .03. Paclfh Nickel, .13. Pend OrleUe, 250. Pioneer, 2.10. Premier, 155. Privateer, .85. Reevtis McDonald, .45 (ask). Reno, .46. Relief Arlington, ;i3. Salmon Oold, M (ask). Sheep Creek, 1.08. Oils A. P Con., .24 fask). Calmont, .45. q. Si E 235. Freehold .03. Home. 2J50. Royll Canadian, J21. Okafu, 157. Mercury, .07. ' P"ralrle Royalties. 2 (ask"). Toronto AloVrmae. .41. Battle. 1.00. Central Pat.. 2.i0. Con. Smelters, 49.75. East Malartlc, 2.16 Fernlarid, .02',. Frahcoeiir, 33. 0)CS Lake. 37. ttirdrock. SA. IriL Nickel, '47.00. Kerr Addison, U5. Little Long Lac, 2.65. McLeod Cockshutt. 1.60. XUdsen Rl Uke. 1.08. Moneta, M. Noranda, 72.00. Hckle Crow, 4.05. iTMttm e. come. 133. flan Antonio. 1.70. Kherrltt Oordon. 134 Stadaeotla, 4. UchL 75. BdusckdlUac. .04. Mosher. Oklend, .05. Oklerid. .Ofl. Smelters Gold. .02, D6tnlrtldh Brldg. 4175. SteamKip Mad Is tity Visitor II C W Haltermah general manager tit the Union Steamship Co.. A- Public Notice .... . tfirl Private ot Class instruction Be'irihers itbin .iire-idHdol ag also Teachers' Training Class Twelve Years' Experience Phone BLUE 997 all. ui Notice is nereoy given ui property wlthlh the City wmits, subject to Tax Sale will be, sold at Public A(iMI6n ht the City Hall, oh Saturday. September -Oth. at 10. a.m. unless the i937 taxes are paid nrpvlnus to that date. i List of the property to Be sold' can been Seen at the Collector's Office. City Hall. 22tf) too66o6do6C'tfobo'6'o6'iiooii6'oO X.t!cSi. odOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMOOOOOOO -kB 4 DANCING Hodgson Dahclhg Academy. 'Cla'ss'es Commencing Sept. 1 Specializing Ballet, Mexican, Tap, Baby work fctudlo 121 2nd Ave. hide 898 Violin & Guitar Wesfcrh Academy of Music R. Sluw l'hone BLUE 993 TIQI plXLt WIWi LOCALS Cash for Old Gold. Bulger's, tt For prompt and courteous service Phone 13 TaxL if Cookies arid Coffee Shoppe opening Tuesday October 3. (229) The National Day of Prayer wlil i be observed In St. Andrew's Cath edral throughout the day to morrow. zm Mrs. A. J: Parkin returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yes terday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Dr. and Mrs. H. L. A. Tarr re turned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. A. jilntbn returned to the city 6ft the Princess Adelaide yes terday afternoon from a trip to Vdricotiver and Victoria. Mrs. Lance Stiles and daughter. Mlsi)0r6thy SUles, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yes terday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. tinlon steamer Cardena. Cad J&hn Boden, arrived in port from trie south at 5 o'clock this morning arid sailed on her return to Van couver and waypoints at 7 ajn. R. S. Sargent 6f Hazelton, who has been oh a trip to Vancouver, arrived hi the cljj from the south ori IhY'Prfncess Adelaide yesterday aftehftn arid poceeded by the evening train to his home In the ! Lieut FroStt and tfyee men of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps arrived In the city on the Princ'eM Adelaide yesterday after noon from Vancouver. Lieut Frost It here to succeed Dr. J. 1L Carson as medical officer of the local mill tla unit Dr. Carson left ibis week for a trip to San Francisco. Decree absolute was granted yes terday by Mr. Justice Denis Mar phy in Supreme Court Iri' tne 'di vorce petition of Peter Wlkdal vs Matilda Wlkdal in which Harold in the course of a northern inspec- arindstrand i-as cited as tlon tour, arrived in tne ciry on respondent. T. W. Brown CO the Cardrtta this morning irom counsel for the petitioner. Dls- Vtinc'oHiver drtd will be hee uritfl posal of this petition concluded the dmfrow eVefilrig irleh he will sail business before the court at its on the Catala to make the roiirid fan session here. trip to Stewart arid thence sou'th. - - -- . Mr. Haltermnn retidrts that this hai Been a busy year fdr his cdm-i pany In th'fc passenger builness arid , ilso Vlth logging and sklm6n canning freight Speaking of the future. Mr. Hal-terman said that his company had had dans In hand for soriie time fbr the 'building tif hew earners fbr It" northern services 'biii shlp-billldlng costs today were Such that it was Impossible to proceed. CANADIAN LEGION 1J.E.S.L. Funeral Of Our Late Cdmnide Chief Petty officer John Gibson n.SJU. From B. C Undertakers Mohdav, Octbber 2, at 2 'p.m. Comrades Please Attend LEST WE FdKGET Announcements All BdrLst:ift'iUi inthu toi ttmn will be charged ior a full month at 2b. a word. Hospital Bazaar. October . Eagles Bridge Octdber 4. Empire Dance, Oddfellows' Hall October 6. C.C.F. Bazaar, October 7. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. Lutheran Bazaar, October 14. Plays, Presbyterian Hall, Oct 27. Anglican Bazaar November 9. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 18. Country Fair November 2f4. NOTICE OF SALE W. J. Alder, Conmilssioner for the City of Trince Kupert, vs. Royal Alntnrc Tenders will be received for the nnrrliQ if th Eniilnrrlent. Rtnrfc. In-Trade, and Chattels of the above nnmprl' rfnvnl Motors, as a eolnir concern, until Thursday, 12 o'clock noon. The hlnhcst, or any tender not necessarily acceoted. Address tenders to the Sheriffs Office. Prince Runert. B.C. Any person de slrotts of tendering can . see the equipment, etc.. by calling at the Sheriff's Office. l S. A. NICKERSON. . onentt. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 30th day of September, 1039. WAR HEAD OF FRANCE Short, Reticent General Gamelln Is Born Soldier PARIS, Sept. 30: (AP In the gray shadows of the War Ministry building on the Rue St. Germain, Paris, a child of less than two plays .Model Student Before he was out of the Catholic academy, where strict dlcctpllne treated a military atmosphere, he was studying the campaigns of Na poleon. The story Is that even today he can pluck from membry very order, word for word, that Na poleon issued. At St. "cyr. the Trench Thmisry college, he must have been a model ind scholarly student, for at 21, In 1893, he was graduated first In a class 6l more than 400. This iieat. chubby young officer was not 'look ing fot any sott oertn, nowevjr. ne plunged into three years of the roughaiid-tumble Algerian cam paign. From then until he was called tn the war college In 1899, voune'Gamelln Indulged in a'hobby which1! its like a coat of varnish his genius for military strategy. He was mapmaklng and surveying In the trmy geographical corps. In recent years he has been tailed "map crazy." but no mania ever aided a man more in his profession. It Is said his photograph!: memory fbr topography permits him t6 describe in detail every Inch of terrain he's ever been over. . Tactics Win Praise This memory stood him well in war college, for, when he left Lieut. Col. Fdch, later to become mitrshai of France and Gamelln's drily pre-decessdr In supreme commarid of the allied forces, wrote across the record high prake 6f Gamelln's tactical flair. In 1906, Gamelln was tislgned tb flenera1! Joffre's cdthrharid arid al most Immediately Jdffre began to; lead heavily On his aide's strategic ability. When Jbff re becdme cdm-rriander-ln-Chlef In i&ll. he took Gamelln with him and in the pre- Great War days it was the smooth, quiet little rnajbr who stddled his maDs and warded 6f a possible at tack through Belgium. Still more lmDortant it Was Gattieiln who urg ed and wTote the order that start ed the counter-offensive on the Marne in 1914, rolled back the Ger man flank and put Kaiser WI1 Madame Pilsudski To Live In London at war. He beats an irregular, plan to reside. march on a toy drum slung oven the lace-trimmed shoulders of his: lt the chan ot a "ghtnlng vic-UsUflve steps of his father's famlly-whlch French generals. tory and perhaps cost Germany the He is Maurice Gustave Gamelln, war- Oamelhi came out of al the war a first sold- 65 years later to become , divisional general He headed the ler of France and supreme com- mander of the gigantic allied mill- W notary, mission to Brazil tary machine when lt rolled for the - five years there he built second Ume against Germany. uv "uw tu'"lucI- In the years between, the ad- aa'.Z tKl ,n .ra- tttM "nnlet. reticent retirlne. ier,ca- ln 1B" "c tt3 CI". ?r sociable, methodical, colorless." Were used to describe him. But the French and the British military authority looked at the little (five feet four Inches) general's record, nd were satisfied. He may not be. as many insists he Is, the greatest ioldter in the world, but no one could deny he's one of the greatest. la to batter down the bloody Druse revolt. By 1931 he was chief ol France's general stiff arid extended the Maglriot line io the English Chan nel along the Belgium border. With the rise of Premier Daladler. the gray-haired gray-muitiched little man Was giVen a free hand in raising the French army to its mightiest, and was made commander tif the arriiy. navy arid air forces, thus giving him more military authority than ariy Frenchman since Napol eon. aiUSSALLEM'S ECON03IY STORE 317-319 Third Avenue West Where Dollars Have More Cents Qualify Prompt Service After '(he, show drop in arid 'fry our milk shakes, sodas and ice cream. We also have a complete stock ol fruits arid vegetables. JpHiihe 18 & j9 P.O. Box,575 OVERSEAS frock. He Is little boy Gamelln. I Mr. and Mrs. William Oalr left AS"bmztd He is imitating papa, who was on last evening's tram for Guelph DIVISION Widow of Former PoIUh Premier Composition of First Canadian Arrives in England Expeditionary Force Announced By .Minister LONDON. Sept. 30. Madame Pil- wounded In the slaughter at Solfer- Ontario, where It is their inten ino (1859) in Napoleon III.'s war tlon to take up future residence, against the Austrian, and now Is ' : - -- : controller general of the French army ?dC ? iT Pm" n- in Rogers, irilnliter of ler of Pola-nd. and her daughter, ,TNJ moi yu- have arrive in Londoh where they th(f coinpostlon Hf ihe first CanKdlan division for overseas service. It will consist jBf c6m- pieie units irom me mimta now volunteers being 're- attesied for the exp?diilbhary force. , t Included in the units selected are the 111th Field Battery 6t He Is marching In the foot- army In a "t"atlhlost dljla and Winnipeg, the Seaforth High landers of Vancouver and Ediridh-ton and Saskatoon regiments. R0UMANIA CALLED IN , BUCHAREST. Sept 30: (CP .'. Foreign Minister Grlgore Gafepcu arid staff expect to leave for Moscow oh Monday to confer with Russian officials. It is said that he will participate in talks already started "by "Russian, German and Turkish leaders. TOO XATE TO CLASTFY FOR SALE Whole chimney sweeping butfft. complete. Apply Zum-khr at hospital t'f. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH Organist Miss Swanna Olafson A.T.C..M. Leader Senior Chdlr J. S. Wilson Leader -Widr 'Chtfr II. T. Lock Minister hey. j. 'C. Jackson Sunday, October 1, 1939 11:00 an. and 7:30 pjn. The speaker at both "servlces will be "Miss Mabel Carrol, Secretary of , YounJ Peoples' work for the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada. . At 3 "pjn. Miss CarrOl win hold a meeting of special interest to Women arid Girls. ArftHem in the triorrifng by the Junior Choir "Praise My Soul U19 King of 'Heaven" H. F. liTte. t . ArfHem fh thefverilrig by the Senidr Choir "Jesus, Word of God In-carnkte'-Charfes Francois Gounod. " 'Sacrem'ent 'it the Xord's Su'jjper at Ee'nlrig Service The Salvation Army Special Thanksgiving Services Wiil 'Be ile'ld Tomorrow. 1 11:00 a jn. and 7:30 pjn. Spec'lkl iiuslc and Songs Appropriate Messages All Are Heartily Invited to Attend These Services Harvest Sale Will Be Held On Monday at 7:30 pjn. B. C. FURNITURE Used Furniture Values 1 McClary fta'tigeIn troM shape 1 Majestic Ila'ngfe-In gotxl condition 7-Piecc Dining Room Suite- Ih im 'dSk . 3 Vacuum ClchrttrS Vp 2 Sewing aclifiics- Up" ,,...c.. Thdne BLACK -321 17,50 6.50 $7.55 ) NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. JPhoneZS! P.O.Bozl. 2 3-Piece Chester-field Suites $36.00 t0 $39.00 1 Stewart Warner CIO Xft Radio Special ifcUU lle'F'6ri,est-Cf6s1ey Long and Sh6rt Wav-Catiriet, late 4 9 5 Q walnut Special ?UOV Next Door To B.C. Clothiers THIRD AVENUE.