INFANTRY WILL WIN td I (v weeks before the present tit broke out I from sn active retirement, says 1 1 ittte r in "Oversea" Sir Ar I thtf hi J been persuaded to give Ifoj tt-'ir.i of his life and ad Itcatsrtt through 52 years of sol- Irin Lt 'hat time he has trav-j t Empire over, fought in Iiti I ismber ot wars, served In a ly.cdi. .u commanded Division.' tsTrrps and the British Army! Ka " many heart at this Icrc' : f uneasiness and tension" nfc reviewer "when General (Mil ars down hU pen with Looii trtS: It Is my firm belief 5a? tf 'u'ure war will be won. anstlvays have been won. by b separable and Indomitable Sttal the infantry soldier fisOrnf Britain or the Dom- ssat h flat ferwreldlng lire, tr i's modern equivalent. nS Cj tame deadly elfect. and I ta the ume skill and valor as I it wielded ta bow and arrow at Cftr; md hu musket In later Tut the considered opinion of lk wr.lng soldier who entered fi Brh Army at a time when t Atnidlfk atit ff fl Clankanf Pnrthatfri At City Auction This Morning Fire ioU werp at the r ANY WAR': Ttttrin General Puts Ills Trust In Trwpt of Mother Country And Dominions ' 't L0KDOK September 30: CPl !.. .'"ATTiiuDie inaiviauai. we- I:.. tisoci . '? regiment and the But tours jf Olbraltar and spent ROMS. Sept. tTtmn n the Rock." 'stands todar as rp&mti i. it .. '.ROME OUT : 1 V 1 ! : POLAND IS Polish Gov't J Reorganized PARI8. Sept. 30: (CPl -Oen-eral WWdyslaw Slkorskl has been named Premier of a new ! Polish government formed on French soil. At the same time ' Ignace Mosclcki resigned as I president and Wladyslaw Rac- ts 4.. - -. ....,. .... - tfintrr soJdier irom ureal uniain T ".. iwract irrswni, suq- t the BrlUsh Dominion will win.4" cec1 hln- There Is speculs- 4 X'j Mare war" according to1 tlon " to whether there may (Xnl Sir Arthur Oodley in hU,4" change In attitude by Po- 4. nf Irish Soldier" oubltih- lnl toward Otrmany and rttiuia been concluded during the past few days will shortly be formally signed. It was announced last night by the Turkish government. The signing will take place following the return of the Turkish foreign minister from Moscow where he has been negotiating a an trade agreement with the Soviet loHot uusposai oi mo gotiauon Halibut Sales Pacific. Canadian 28.000, 12.11c and by Turkey of military Drnnrtla 4 V-. I . . n.u. i i t4 . . . HiuiiuiiB. nirccmenis wiui urwui ii Au 15' 8tlon 5 Lu's France. 4VF. Kit Lot si k i I i ne oojcci is 10 prowci uic m- ilo tiai 15' scctlon 5- Louls dependence ot the Dardanelles and. Lot i' . complementing the 'Russian' trade . " w. . . i. DlfVlr 1 .lt K ..!- it. l nadin mY. """n "".agrecmcni, 10 preserve mc o. 3,78. Irallty of nalkan nations an( and Aaadi; 'a? ,r.22' $fctlon 5- Louta em Europe, bl0ck 8tl0 5. ' M ''Pheni ttion Win. $122.29. case Inf h Dardanelles. neut cast- There are still reports that Rus- M-'sia alms to obtain partial control M. M. the upset prices In nut Here's The Catch It was reported today that the trcatlc with Great Britain and . . I ..AIJU. ikatM raclcs. Chnrlcs Graham, Inspector of mines, sailed this morning on .me Cc, Cardena for ft trip lo Buledale on ; official duties. Germany and Russia Share About Equally in Spoil Defenders , March Out of Poland Fifth Partition Onre Great Power Has Been Sear-red By Many Previous Splits BERLIN. Sept. 30: CP- lng out of Warsaw In surrender. 1 Conquest of Poland by Oerman I and Ruilan trooos result In the OTTAWA. September 30: CPi-jthe ,a$t vllh a populalion of 35(. wv" wh". "ii. u '-l000 Austria nhtalnwl "red by men who had aatlle j newspaperman . ... .i..ii and confl- portion of Oallcla, . ... . . j , . major without Cracow mea ana me in- unve m u..ain pouwcians. o.eaan arpa of j. 710 square mllss and a UwMutlrr and who left It after today after a brief Illness. He was nUMon of aisooo ont rjghthe mostmomen- "resident of the Parliamentary: marlUme pa,atlnate and e ;J in Wie transition 01 vmr nu loursiwiiurui northern half of Great Poland, a Jttrr- with IU final mechan- of the Toronto Star. He was forty- arfa o 620 mllesind.1 ae ar.d jl bombers, tank, gaa nine years of age and had been UnopuUtlon er37g000 fcl Hr flee' U worthy of the newspaperman for thirty years, j fpti fotiiu " nifjt pebble recognition through i w. r.d, I0 he was offered the ap- Ws'-aif-' of General Officer Gaaur.dir.g New Zealand Forces. Bmf U asmclated lnsrnarablv I 3i With srat Hlitlni-M.n nrlth ,Amc All in all he snent nine iwn with the New Zealanders Ir pre war and five years thfn on active service. Five Lots Sold For Taxes Today TURKEY IS SIGNING UP! MlllUry AuUtanre Part With! Allies Ai )Vell As Russian I Trade Agreement I ANKHARA, 30: Mutual Remaining nominally an Independent state. Poland attempted to , reassert her Independence after the death of Frederick the Great, In 1776. Prussia and itrla and Russia la VICTORIA. B.C. Expected Statement Will Be Made On Poland. Russian Relations And War With England And France BERLIN, September 30: (CP1 The Reichstag will be called some time next week to bear a government statement, it is announced. the accord completing division of ln war- t conauered Poland between tier- Chancellor Adolf littler confer- ,many and Russia, the vanquished !red wlth hU Reneralsjand admirals country Is partitioned about equal-itoday but Informed circles said ilr. The new border elves German v s waa of n0 poi"cal slgnlfl- more territory than the recent line I o military occupation provided. CflD DC A 4 p U j The mlllUry mopping up of Po i VslY 1 JLtrVJLi!ln(l It is announced. Is now al .most completed. Utile Hope Is Held of Great! The defenders have begun march Britain and France Acceding to RusM'Germsn Plan cance. t t - Is Acting Only Temporarily As Works Minister 30: (CP)- Italy fifth partition of Poland In less' 1 a frlendlr Dower.than 200 rears. With a history as' ,,TTOniA Rot. 30: CP I The t'Tr and confidence shoyld ready to co-operate in bringing theU kingdom extending back to M.i taking over by Premier T. D. Pat- war to an end but there 1 not much Poland was a great power from the , tullo of the portfolio of public hope In official circles that Oreat Hth to the 16th centuries. She work to replace Hon. F. M. Mc-Britain and France will accept Ber- conquered Prussia and resisted lheiPh"on who resigned' to take a poll n-Movrow peace terms. onslaughts of Couack. Tartars and sRlon on the Board of Transport Count Oaxeazzo Clano. Italian I Turks In 1810 she even occupied 'Commissioners 1 only temporary foreign minuter, is due to arrive In the Kremlin, a fortress of old Czar-' pending the appointment of a per-Morcow tomorrow for conference Is- Russia. Internal dissension manent public work, jnlnlster the with 8oviet authorities. weakened Poland and ln the 18th identity of whom halt nr yet been -centruy he disappeared as an ln-N-eloed by the Premle'r. MriVQP A PCD MA W dependent state. ....... J - 11JU ff Jl fVl Lavnmil In that century. Poland was par-nionrn A 117 i T7 llUonl th" NmPS. In 1772. 1793 rAMhb AWAY,antl 1795 ln m y Robert Upll. Preldent Of tawa Pres Gallery, Dies treaties, was forced to give up one iimn 01 ner territory ana one ot' fourth of her population to Rus sla. Prussia and Austria. Russia took 1,588 square mllej In War Census Taken 'In United Kingdom Will Be Used As Rationin; and; Of Man Tomorrow' -X 'Hides Ol Weather Forecast 14:3. & -1.0 ft. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte to 8:3i -.9 ft Island Fresh south to south-vest 2110 tL? ft. winds, cloudy and cool with j northern and central British Columbia's newspaper showers. .3.-. rxXVUl No. 229. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 0, 1939. PRICE: I CENTS T Dictators Are Angling For Peace REICHSTAG BALTIC IS HALVED UP IS CALLED CONTROLLED BY SOVIET Agreement Northern With Esthonla Brings' Sea Under Sway Of Soviet MOSCOW. September 30: CP As a result of the conclusion of It Js assumed that, the statement j sweeping military and trade agree will be on the subject of the par-iments with Esthcnia. it little Hal tltlonlng of Poland. German-;ie neighbor which was once a Soviet relations and) the stand to-1 part of Russia, the Soviet Re- Under ward W Britalrf and France. public gains firm mUltary and economic hold over the North Bal-' tic and greatly increased influence over the Gulf of Riga where! Ifltvia's port is situated. ! The Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia are both vital commercially to Sweden and Fin-1 and. I Under the agreement Rusla won the riaht to fortify two strategic: Esthonla n Islands and th main-l land port of Paldlskl as a naval air base. It also gained the right, to garrison a limited number of: roops In Esthonla. ADVANCES BY FRENCH ntt VIia-- In Germany Have Been Captured Meantfme Hitler Is Moving Up Russia split, and Aus-l1 FoL M"nLh W" "00. Bring-today arter the began a war with ,nr ToUl frVr Up To general staff reported Turkey. Poland raised an army, al-' lied it-self with Prussia tn a mutual ! Assistance pact, and, with Its fron- . i tiers guaranteed, recognized Its Turkey. September, v.p,nt , a i,, . military assistance;,, u i 1 v. lng lng a a total total naets between Turkey and Oreat . n.11.1. j . . Ipermlt was V i-uijsii nuoit-a ana w-ainennei" ,. . Britain Britain and and France France which which ..ww have have:,. L w. . ,. Iconstn mam b -my tax sale this morning, received Dobrzyn, Kujav- J- government. A Turkish military', "T, llJl turned " SSTSt for London today. "i!S PS"? S 'of Oreat Poland, with Thorn and rnr. aty meion wch Treasurer D. J. u WM announced that Russia conducted the sale had made no objection to the ne- (Danzig, Poland was reduced to i one-third of her original size and left with a population of about 3,-500,000. 1 In the third partition, which followed on unsuccessful revolt led by Ocn. Thaddeus Kasclusko, a hero ln the American Revolution, Poland was destroyed as a nation. Austria took western Oallcla and southern Masovla, Russia got western Mas-ovla and Warsaw. Russia took the rest. In Napoleon's Time were added to the duchy. But the Congress of Vienna, ln 1815, after the defeat of Napoleon, confirmed the 1795 partition and Poland dls $71.(50 Building permits In Prince Rup ert during the month of Septem been oocu!ed around the Westwalr1 of the Siegfried Lirte Pressure li being kept up all along the line with artillery fire continuing. Basis For Food An advance yesterday carried Conscription th French I'n's to th outskirts Pwer of thf villages of Hpsch and Borer. I A German counter-attack half, LONDON. September 30: (CP - a miie east of this sector was re-Census takers have completed a 1tt-d rerulscd. register of 46,000,000 persons In chancellor Adolf Hitler Is re-Fn-Tand. Scotland and Wales to ported t0 m0Vme 750.000 more provide a basl for food rationing troops toaether with thousands ef and conscription of .man power. Building Permits Lower This Year tanks and hundreds of planes up I to the back ot the Siegfried Line. ' There are also new reports c German concentrations on the Dutch, Belgian and Swiss fron- ! tiers. I Oermany reported artillery ac tivity on the western front "a little value of $7,500. One caarbniecken for $7,000 covering himIIam nf n rs attf Kn rtnaea II. of Russia brought an Invasion block on Avenue by J. N. rom Russia and Prussia declined to. Kl.las othcr WM teken out French a night without Incident, adding, however, that patrols were active through: the region east ot the Saar River on the northern half of the front. Apparently this zone Is south ot - I , French Reports f.. . ? ,u . by O. P. Tinker for repairs to aj A,,. firfitiefJ This ed to the second parUUonbulwln on Slreett amount. ArC UptimiSlIC on September 23. 1793 ln which , to $500 Ru. la obtained all the eastern Thc loUl of $75oo this Septem- provlnces of Poland, from Livonia k,,. rnn,n9rw1, tn tn th-. PARIS, September 30: CP 1 War News ! PREMATURE REPORTS MOSCOW Reports that Russia has asked Roumanla to restore Bessarabia to the Soviet are described here as premature. Russia lost Bessarabia to Rouman-la after the last war. PASSIVE RESISTANCE BASEL. Switzerland A secret anti-Nazi radio station, presumably in German), was heard broadcasting yesterday. It urged Germans to passive resistance tactics in an effort to slow up the pact in munitions factories. "Down with Hitler! Long: Uve liberty and peace!'' the station is alledeg to have said. NEW UNIFORMS CAIRO Feypl Is solidly with 'the British Empire in its efforts to suppress international lawlessness. The outbursts of toy-ajtj in all parts of the country and among all sections of the populace have proved most surprising. ROME At an audience here today the Pope spoke most sympathetically of the fate of the rolish people and said he hoped the people would remain faithful to the Catholic religion. ATTACK IS DRIVEN OFF i OTTAWA Canadian troops are J gresslon. to oc pui inio new uniforms. There will be no buttons or pat-tees. The uniforms resemble skiing outfits with tunics like wind-breakers and loose fitting trousers. Caps will be something like those worn by the air force. especially in Scandinavia. From these ports news of all sailings and the cargoes .carried are sent to captains of German submarines with the result that they are ' well informed of all shipping on PAR18. 8pUmrjer-3a(nustheN4rrjrSeaJlt -is-nnderstood French sources cltim that somr that steps are being taken to fifty German villages have already correct this. ANSWER TO HITLER IS AGAIN "NO" ! Generally Believed That Latest 1 Peace Plan Will Be Hatty Rejected I LONDON, Sept. 30: (CP)- It Is j generally regarded a certain in in-i formed sources that Oreat Britain . and France will flatly and une-jquivocally reject the latest peace plan of Germany and Russia based on the partition of Poland between ' the two nations. Neither Britain or j France can be intimidated through obscure threats of "appropriate action' or "Joint measures" should they not can off the fight which jthey are resolved to prosecute to a I finish against Hitlerism and ag- Authorltlve sources declared that Great Britain would emphatically a Hitler' peace at the price of a partitioned Pj-land. The government Is with mobilization of it entire flzhtlng power for a fight to the " i finish with Germany. LONDON Reports have been Premier Edouard Daladier. for receired here that espionage is . France, will give the off lcial answer prevalent in ail northern ports, W his countrv ln a rariin ftrfrfrt but. meantime, the French minister of propaganda indicated the reply last night by declaring that :tt was only an attempt to blackmail the Allies into surrender. "The real reply." he said "will be on. the field of battle"and that answer-will ' oe rar to the finish." Premier Daladier called his foreign affairs advisers Into session yesterday after receiving word of the German Soviet friendship accord which was described In France as a peace ultimatum to Great Britain and France. It Is believed by some In Paris that a secret military entente between German and Russia already exists. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain will give his answer on Monday or Tuesday, it la expected there will be a secret meeting of the British and French war council to con-alder the situation. Possibly, the Reich-Soviet proposals may manifest themselves lh more definite I form. Last night German Foreign Min ister Joachim von Rlbbentrop, following hi return to Berlin from Moscow, conferred with Chanclllor Adolf Hitler, supposedly discussing 1 1 A. mm. me Desi memoa 10 iouow in endeavouring to clinch the triumDh Germans Claim Another Failure m Poland without further fit-hUr, By British Aircraft Today -it is believed there will be a pro- posal forthcoming that Italy, Hol- .iand or Belgium may take the lead BERLIN. September 30: (CP) ,ln calling a peace conference to dls- !A German communique today cuss various problems except that j claimed that twelve British war of Poland. Premier Mussolini of planes had been repulsed ln an 1 Italy would appear to be the most avtempt to penetrate German ter- likely choice for the role of peace- rttory along the Norm sea coast, maker. Even Oermany, it Is be- It was claimed thaa the Germans . lieved here, has not any very con- ' had shot down five of six British fident hope of any aboul face on and Moldavia, about 250.000 square' nm mouth last vear'and hmncht French war confidence was buoyed aircraft attempting a raid overjthe part of Great Britain or France. rnues. Prussia the total for this year to date up yesterday by reports that twelve me j-nsian isianas. Tne latest peace overtures of to $71,650 ln comparison with Oerman submarines had bean sunk In further explanation of the Germany and Russia to dreat Brl- alr air raid raia $336,550 during the same month ."y tne Ainea iiecas in less man unusn over unxnaven iam came yesterday backed by jthe a year ago. when Its Independence claimed. was pro- modern Poland emerged with 101,-196 square miles obtained from Russia; 17,889 square miles, comprising Pomorze and Poznan, from Oermany; 30,194 square miles along the southern frontier, from Austria, and 6,973 square miles from After Prussia's defeat by Napol-, Prussia, eon in 1806, Napoleon reconstructed In 1921, after defeating an In a month and that bombing planes and Wllhelmshaven naval bases In threat that the two nation would were carrying out important attacks on German njllltary objec-tlves nightly. The Allies of the First Great Warl'T I recognized Poland's Independence! . 1 0 JUlliP mtO a a i m a vr. lit i In the Treaty of Versailles and Quebec Fight Federal Cabinet Ministers To Take Hand In Provincial Election Contest, It Is Announced the Prussian provinces of Poland a' vajion by Soviet Russia, It obtain- OTTAWA. September 30: (CP trance naa a i",'" ''ia nominally Independent state call-led additional territory near Minsk Hon. Ernest Lapolnte. minister of. In event of Russia becoming invoivi , ... t ' i tti,ri.,i j....... j ... ed In war Wim mc wcsicrn acmm. 1809 ,,...-. western nnllrla Oallcla nnrt and Crnrow Cracow Polesla. from Russia. In 10M if Mauris rimi.u nt Onh.' added 10.422 square miles ln the had Introduced federal Issues into Kiel Canal yesterday, it is stated consult each, other as to "necessary that the British planes flew low ln order to obtain more effective re-'sult from their bombing opera-itlons, thus becoming easier tar-!sets for anti-aircraft guns. A Oer-jman communique stated that the i six British planes were driven off by German pursuit planes which were successful in bringing five of them down. norm, wKeu irom lamuania, and the forthcoming provincial election; PARIS. - The Communist party ln 1938, ln the partitioning of campaign and Indicated that Que- has changed Its name to that of Czecho-SIovaklt, it obtained 405 bee ministers would take part In French Peasant and Workers Par. appeared as a state until 1918, square miles. the contest. Communist Party ,J Changes Its Name I t. ill Henceforth be Peasants and Workers Party measures" unless the western powers agreed to peace. Hitler Given Special Guard Members of Battalion Are Pledged To Protect Der Fuehrer With . Their Lives , BERLIN, September 30: A special battalion of Nazi troop 1 being organized to protect the headquarters of Chancellor Adolf Hitler. The troops are given special colors and are sworn tojprotect Der Fuehrer, if necessary, with their lives.