PAfll TWO SUMMER SHOES In All Their Latest Colours And Styles v Wedge Heels, Dutch Boy, Box Heels ami Flange Heels in combination colors in brown and white, wine and white and green and white and raulti colors. The Snappiest Shoes on the Market Up From $1.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prinee Rapert Dally News. Lisuted, Third ATenne H. P. PULLEN Managtng-Edrtor SUBSCRIPTION K.TLS City dearery. by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance Paid in ad ranee, per week Paid In advance, per month By maU to al parts of British Colombia; the British Empire sco llnKed States, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to aH other countries, per year ADVERTISING- RATES Classified advertising, per word, per inserUon , Local readers, per line, per insertion News Department Telephone Advertising and CtrcnlaUon Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Burrau ml Cirrnlatiem 93 Tuesday. Jane 29. M39. TOCRIST MONEY According to the result of a surte made by the Hotel Association, the toarisl doHar has a Wide dis tTbutiorL Retail stores get 31 cents of it, hotels 26 cents, restaurants 18 cents, theatres eight cents, garages 10 cents and others lOeents. While this may vary m the ease of CLOSING OF SCHOOL It seems too bad that it became necessary tD rob the children of tRe Borden Street School of two weeks of their school year in order that university examinations might he held there; It seems like another case of subordination of the pnbTic schools to the university. Complaints have been made by parents that they are not well used in this matter and wetoo-feel that things might have been different. We cannot see why it was necessary to hold these examinations before July I. They might just as well have taken place after the school closed at the end of the month if it was necessary to have an empty school building' in which to conduct them. BRIBING EELCTORS Complaints are in order now that the proposed expenditure of forty thousand dollars in Prince Rupert for the f ishefmen's floats in buying them with their own money. The queer thing is that the announcement was not made by the member for the district and that, although preparations for the expenditure have been going on for DtfYonKndw? SCNDAV Ft IX COURSE CHICKEN DINNER At lhe Knox Hotel 50c All White Help Pbene 71 COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone SS and 5S8 best el PaHeM a The teagae Grotto Moose Lipsett's Prince Rupert, which is off the track of motor traffic But on the route of steamship travel, it gives some idea of j . the general distribution and the value of tlie traffic toj(jJLj l U1IV VUliliilUiiltrV In the case of Prince Rupert any money expended by tourists is just so much found money. If it not taker, on the day it is here it is taken and spent at some other place. It is a business that is capable of great development and may be of great benefit to any community, Mueh depends upon the attitude of the people of the community to the tourist. Tourist money is a net gain to the wealth of the community. The place gains a dolfar and loses nothing. The more tourists we can attract the more prosperous we become as a eitv. r tw. r - - niu uc no ri THE DAILY NEWS SOFTBALL Local Baseball Team Working DEADLOCK 'nto ine Shape or e"es Three Two and GrtrtU Tied Ft-Tint Place And .Moos And Upset tS For Third .,. With Ketchikan; Who Flays Morgan contributed consMerabry Walter JWunon- CvaJn and He has pef to bum. sfte and to the Grotto victory voattgest of the oldUmers. ViVttet ttrength a good htter and he's one Jack Unday made a home ran pfe jnort fof x nmrter of honored per cent a sportsmsn " ."" u"t rz He has compietety recovered !S VbXtmMTt frohis rtcent illness and In pra-ropott. boys. Every member of U ttees tooka aa good as new We were waterfront team made a ran tn the sixth frame. Again a big crowd witness d the I games. Teams were: 121 Upsett's JahBSon ss. Smttlt 3b. cUndsar a P Oomadtaa 5b La. mra 968 I We ef . Navter M.. stone lb. Hum " at the ntate 3ijo'rf, Pred Calderene e. 1 AeroposVs D. dark if- E. ef, H. :and e Landqiiist rf . L. OiMs 5b Taasie If . R. 0eW 3b i and e Bird lb, H. Setsaeffer as. ialR. Sehaeffer 3b Orotto Howe 2b . OflUa ef Ratehford lb. Santerbane aa, Ya ger p.. Scmonsen b. rf, Rona If, Morgan e. a Bftle afraid Walt woahtnt be there tBhyear bet (hanka to modern sdMsee. oar mnetf m Indeed be siroBC. Bensajr Wtodle BaUong Benny. popsUar Wttcheil bow Is a slated .for the second base spot. MonlrTinn ConsMantly a heavy hftsrr and in the Infield he 1 to worry w about - his How Play Went In Junior Football In Satorday'x Jpnlor High School foothaD pUy-off Beta started well wMh a rn by the forwards. O'Neal . u m - a. m. tv.i. ftlfttfl Ml tH kn fan-fit n. j. sUlU QKnVfttlOCl. Mil ft rTITC Clark tabanung Ue Vaneo.W h "l AM then AUI1MJP hanHMt KM tn ISfM by cracking a homer wttfl the score tied in the eleventh inning A less Mstoiel- Yolsuml of tiie took the offensive and displayed 'we clever combination among the forwards ewfentnaflnf in the (pen- ins; of the seme bf Lee In the fet lowing pertod the otay no and down the ftetd. Patersen was catted opon to save from Pie re A fmalt tosd ktek aDoavd DlmwsdaBii a mi vrc a -ucmt nrav ju iion " u-. -,ti .. 4w. aa, Mah 3b, Smith fcf, D. Gsrvtrh end or tut game . . . TT, e-. Domlnat H, Maffay U,Ommp- Albert frmnyt Styles atyles. the Z-T JZ, 1- American Chicago at New York, Cleveland at Washington. St. Louis at Boston, Detroit at Philadelphia LANCS GOURMETS MANCHESTER England. June 20: 1 CP Typically north country foods trout lamb, shrimps and asparagus were served at the first dinner of the Manchester Wine and Food Society FOOTBALL TONIGHT, G:45 Navy vs. Pioneer Laundry l WtU,!:i Pt BeU ahed Lee mode duty HJ on VIII first ill IH ba this U1B JTW year INH along' f- ll J - ... J to " T-."sJ: - n whow .j for swd was deflected 5 y 4 4 lt .svesen and he ean MHMr and. with w. m, a..t . ( Mte-run and. wHh a ji "n 7Ai.-,uini eTm nave 9,hard 5;i that. Senf asso does hfr part on long- ones and Is a 1 the classiest aetfteider ever see A Ladies' Softball League Is the " ly halls from somewhere blest innovation in sport for Prince aad at time the faM Rupert A four-team circuit eon- wish he wa baek there. Out of the sitting Annette's. Grotto. Velvet and fame Al is one of the nicest boys on Nurses has been organited. The the team but somehow he doesn't girls wffl start action with exhi- Wke tunptres anywhere at anytime, bltion games on Wednesdays ev- Johnny Coraadina Johnny is the Eey drive. agai eoctaltied the Bird and Perkins made- a ronir eomehiailon at baek aa did porta, will not -Ttl be ttaed this seaoon.'rw 1 n .iw. lr1 A penalty cans- for hooUng thww ed by ' BirtTi handnvvg w - w convert- rt AlVlirt ITT m nri MftiM n.i. 1 1 Uh 1 BALL --rri .- and Uke our word for' it he haant LadW League H Orcanhed and oflend teat Wm Into Action This week I Al Miner' Staaendsen -One score by Smroftdson and Holkestad I before the end of 0ie half, of In the second half Aloha was all oot to wtn but every run was Happed by the Beta defence. Lee's solo rune eame to nothing, hts supporting forwardr being too 8tht Cie-eene. at half, was neat and placed well 0"NeH! drove at goal, his shot was rtopoed by the goane bat SHn- andson scored from the rebound. A enirigs this week and next after chatterbox of the team and either , movement including Wong and wmca league ptay wta be started si s we ntta you win rind with a doubleheader every Wednes- be Is the peppier member of our some time, no mention was maae 01 it politically, liuttnatjiyn at Cincinnati. New York a? j will not affect the politicians who are in the habit of mak- jPittsburg, . ing recKiess- cnarges atwut election time, it anybody wishes to criticise this proposed expenditure, we suggest that this is a good time to do it so that the fishermen may know who is who. day evening. The captains of the teams are: Annette's Leah Ba-To-Bert Grotto Mrs. Ernfe Ratcfaford. Velvet-Mrs Casey Vtafc Nurses Miss Norma Morrison. Baseball Scores Yesterday s scores: American League Detroit 5 New York 8. St. Louis 3-1, Washington National League Brooklyn 3. Chicago 3 (tie-eight innings, ralnt. Only z&mts scheduled. The schedule changes today with games as follows: National Boston at Chicago Philadelphia at St Louis. Brook- aopefuK Always strong at the I plate this boy wttl no doubt be a , very decided asset when the going ; lets tough. j Jackie Lindsay Jack Is without a dotibc ah most Uleoted youth fai . the Ticfnlty as far as soart goes and fcs the mainstay of our potential pitching strength. With oienty of speed and control there should be no-worry when he takes the mound agalnst'any outside competition Andre 'Frogi Letourneau A lo- i-everew anoweo toy to put in a centre which Lee drove Into goal Lee followed this-with another goal 1 few minutes later and again with high shot scored the equalizing toil HoikeMad arji Simurtdson got through but Pierce drove be hind. Puff time score was -. Beta went to pieces In the over time period and. as-a result Alpha very easily added three more goals to Its list making Ur final score 9 to 6 in its favor. The line-ups- Alphs HblkesUd: Perkins. Bird: cal product Frog learned his pitch- MeRae. Pierce. Slmundson. ONetll. Ing at St Remee Callege tri far off Beta Peterson" Dawes. Alexand- ELIO'S Fifth Anniversary SALE Great Savings in Home Furniture Chesterfield Suites, Bedroom Suites. Dinette Suite. Enterprise Ranees, Linoleum Floor Covering. Axmimter Carpetr. Barntc, Wheel Goodv Pianos, Folding Carriers; Boys' Warons, Trkytles Etc, Etc. All Prices MarVed Down to the Limit Huy Now Save Money ELIO'S FURNITURE Two Junior Ball Games Are Played Tx Junior Basrball lames aere played over the weer- f- end. On Friday night Fraaer Street o o o o o o o a o o o 0 o 2 !o In a Me to nine victory vr Health GUm Ilni the ftrtt gsav- for the hrttw ptt wp food fight against odds. On Sunday MeCtynvxH Park won otw won 18 to 1 aw Acropolis and pin fey the time of the 'opening " Itolkeotad. tolo a He w4th Moose for game. Here1 are ttisntbssail sketch- Montreal His ancle Owned a to- There are now three teams in the third ptaee. es of the personalities on the team farm where he employed our Junior Leai and good eorepetl- Theee- Tw0 took an Mly le4 Art MWfaj: tof f the the had tomatoes out Uor froof nW on ft antietpated with three rttn In the second In- inda Oorvleb Catfher stS nun- of nW and mlaiowtnily de- - , nin? and Orotte mad on each 1? onfe OvrrV-h ro born in oped hta strontr arm. ThU boy reeoiV WUn B Wona Km. In thrd and fourth before goir. Douglas. Alaska He i always the nas one of the finest hook seen p.' ,1 ilT " aw nu kiwi a mums rani sparK plug of our all-star nan nwOT ( Ref(fLj Clark In the fifth which netted foor rani Three Two added an urnium,, i MmnMrn hit m k f rtn nww. uim ire swurooa sn u nsoK or cwiuiimj it na Aloha Janim hnr rb,mnw,. other in the sbth bat Grot a a r .rtng wMIe trh- the bsh leao this W soothpsw LTim Rhe? I it on wre with three tn the ser- to, K M ter -to Dido' HfH csdl ithe proMea eh8d of the team sLS I enth. Heary hitting by HerMe (.; and wfll etther make as or break, tiaieSaltJtandinti Crnelrmati 004(01 : American learn. New Yttk . Dotton Tmim In Friday ivgM game- S1 were: Detroit r? uusfW nvai- trtA UOVumrl fafprfarM TlaiMnMtitor VTihr Philadelphia OroUo defeated Three Two Taxi with nraotipes for the forthcominff Ketchikan-Prince Ru- Orlmason. Davie. Knutson Joy Z"?? 9 to 4 in the Senior Softball Leagu. . 1... .:. u a . ..... f K,,e and Johnson tost night and. as a result, two teams an now m a league leaderahto. In the the pert senbutn spite of J"Pa w.or TraUt-BUi o. iur- -tie jot out Saturday raghL The team, embodying the pick p,lku. Arwy MonU. seaand of Prince Rupert s ivory talent, is rapidly rounding into no. poatuic. kuuj and Gurvteh I nature of the evesung unset s forw ami the management premises that it will be in the Umpires were Saterbane and at Loyu National Lt r 3 f BASEBALL AdmKtion 5e ActomIm H t International Strir KKTCIUKAN vs. PRJNCP, RtPKUT r rid ay and SatardaT C U x .Sunday Aflfrnai Lawn Mowers Canadian made S-btade bail bearing '.awn mowers Sevrral different models and sfce so crwrt from Prices OA nA Attrai '-and k.i. Pr i-ack.- Meta Slug Killer au part af the gar if Get Yoar Gardening Supplies at GORDON'S HARDWARE McRXIDE STREET 35c Phene 111 MacKenzie's Furniture U CHESTKltriKLD SUrTES Covered wRh Tape Cam-Doukln. CavM-Marrelle and Cavei-New CQQ ftfl Laaelle See them at our store Priced from OOiUU Terras Can Be Arranged Phone TtS 000000000 00000000000000 oooowwooooooooooooocoooooooooj Sun Goggles Protect Your Eyes 15c to $1 BATHING CAPS New Styles And" Shades tOc to 50c Ormes Ltd. tt JiontrDruqei3ts The Rexall Store Phones: 11 II Open Daily frenr S ajn. till II pjn. Sundays and Holidays from It noon till Z pjn. 1 p-ra. till 9 p.ra. Third Avenue Phone Green Jl ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooococoooooo 000000000 oooo4 i