f.dty Xwif 20,-1 W ft Hot? It Will Cool You SALADA" 'arewell To liss Deacon i in Leaving .ill the residents of gathered on Batur-. ii ihe Y.PILA. Hall to VL L M. Deacon of Girl-' Home who ha re-33 yean of faithful P Price, chairman of the Orare United Chnrch. ,d had charge of all the i rsrnUUoni were made to one from the chofr ' ,-rti another from the f the school and an-h present pupil, all of .-. re acknowledged by the viho said she felt deeply i n from a community a served to long .-.: ii'.i were served at mkJ- .s rr'arniMg to he Hill Sixty Chapter In Final Meet Last evening at the home of Mr Oeorge Abbott, Fifth Avenue East. Hill Sixty Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughter of the Emplie. held IU final meeting of the sea son. Great satisfaction was expressed by the Regent. Mrs. O. E. Moore, at the amount realized on Saturday at the annual Rose Tag Day. The hospital committee reported that the beds and cot had been painted in the children's ward' m readiness for their removal to the new hospital, also that new mattresses were being ordered. Arrangements were made for the Chapter to hold a picnic on June 26 at Cloyah Bay. I Daily advertising m the Dall News is sure to bring dally DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOKLET ZJf SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS PICNIC BASKETS Large Sizes S1.25, S1.S0 nd $2.00 I'icnk Hate -Smoil, per down Medium, package of 10 Large dozen I'apcr Napkin--Large package 1'sper Cups- Dozen Itetty Brlte Baking Cup Pkg of 100 China Gloss Shelf Taper Ftold I'urex Toilet Tissue 3 rolls SPECIAL Westminster Wax Wraj 100-foot roll .Sun Glasses Visor 10c 10c 15c 15c 15c 15 c 10c 25c 25c 15c; 25c and' 50c 25 c and 35c jpBBjiSMfBSMffBfMB UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. steamer Leav ritnce itupcn u f.K.K. Catala kver tucs- t.s.s. cakdena hiiday. AY. 1:30 p.m. 10:38 p.m. u. Vt.nu.uver. thurs. a.m. Que Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Pleaw Purchase Tickets at Office ".her Informatlori Rewrdlnu Reservations and Tickets From UtANK J, BKINNElt, Prince KuperrArt Third Ave, rhone aw Mrs. R. Bordeaux; who has- been visiting at Skagway with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Hahn. was a passenger aboard the Prince George yesterday returning to her home in Olympta, Washington. Robert Brasell, proprietor of the Knox Hotel, who underwent a major operation three week ago, waa able to leave the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital on Saturday for heme. ANNUAL PICNIC Canadian Legion, B RSL-. Dlgby Island. Sunday. June 25th. Boats leave Cow Bay 10:00 ajn. tin 1:30 pjn. Adults 50c. Children accompanying parents free. ti. Mr. and Mrs. W. If. T'obey and D. O. Borland will be leaving on Friday evening's train for Jasper Park to attend the Gyro international and district convention, Mr. Tobey in his capacity as district governor and Mr. Borland as district Announcements All advertisement In t&lfcol-emn will be charged for a full month at 2& word. Eagle's Straight Bridge June 21. United Tea Mrs. Armour June 22. i Sons of Norway Mid-Summer Dance June 23 Oddfellows' Halt Ketchikan Baseball Dance. Moose Hall. June 23. Joint Sunday School Picnic June Band Parent's Strawberry Tea, Mrs. Husoy, June 29. Dominion Day Dance; June 30. C.N.R.A. Excursion to Terrace July 1. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. "Crescent Canadian Shows" ger and Better. Big- Dance every Thursday, East End Hail. iv mi: m ntCMtc cm kt or iihitimi (oiTMnn IV rttOltVTI' In the Mallrr of the Ait ml nM ration Art And In the Mallrr of the IXat of Jnhannr Mlwn llundliammrr. othrml Knon X John Nllwft Mamtnrr. Ierraed. Intestate TAKE NOTICE OmX toy order of Hit ltonor. W. E Fbher. lie lOUi day o.' June. A, O. 1939. I was aacxxntrg Ah- mtntNtrator ot the tte of Johannes NUwn Hundhaminer. cr"herwU known a John KUaon Hammer, decraoed. and alt parries baring ctalnw mgtinn ttw a id rotate air hmsijy mfuimt to fur-nUfi wii. ptrtyrrlj vrrtfd to me on or before Hi 21at Ujr of July. A. I 1939. fcml aU fwrttva lndptited to thr are mjutml to pay ih( amount of their mfeMffdnrm to mr forttowrth. DATED June 19th. A. D. 1939. NORMAN A WATT OlTIcUI Admlntstrator rrliare Rupfrt. B.C notice or Ktm:rrTiov or ito.vtis T' Ih lloldrm of J'lit Morttaf'r. Miiklii( I una, frm-iit, IS Vnir IUiiifl f mnrr Ririt' Amn-nirnt Ciiiuny, Utnllril Notice at hereby glvm that pursuant to th trrma or a Dwd of Trust and Motttxngr tiuftU aa of Sfptmibfl- 1st 1928 fcniwmi ranop Jtuprrt Anuwwul Company. Limit 1 and Mocutrr Trust CooiMny aa Trusts; Prlhce' Ittjjxrt AmuMrnvrat Ctxncxury. LiirUtrtl has tl-fWrd to Nm and..wy off all the outstanding FVert Mortgage Sicking Fund. 7 prrrmt, IS rear Bonda lamed undrr aatt' Dree, ot Tru and Mort- gnsr. on- th lat dny at erplaiber 1839. E9 LOCAL NEWS NOTES J I Bert Bartlett. who has been on a trfp to Seattle and Portland after takint artillery training at EJul-malt. returned to the city on the Catala Sunday rrftht. Ketchikan Baseball Dance, Mocue Hall. Friday Dancing 10:30 to 2:30. f. Mia can McAfee, Civ&ittf ef MV. and Mrs. V7. it. McAfee. salted yesterday afternoon" cn the Prince Oeorge for a YisK In Vancouver. Lutheran Strawberry Shortcake tea and homecooking sale, P. Le-and's, 447 6th. Ave. E.. Wednesday. June 21, 2 to 10 pjn. (143 Mr. and Mrs. L. McCuUagh, who arrived in the city from Ketchikan on the Princess Charlotte Saturday afternoon, proceeded by last evening's tram to Chicago. Mrs. William Mlddleton. who arrived in the city last week from Massett. Is sailing this afternoon on the Citala for a trip to Portland, Oregon. Whlthln a day or so it is expected the customs department wfll be moving fr6m the old Dominion Block to the new Federal BiiUdlhg. It U the only" department that- so far has hot moved. The train, due from the East at . 11 o'clock tonight, Is bringing Jn a large party of natives from Hazel-ton and Kitwanga villages for Skeena River canneries and is ef-' pec ted to be a couple of hours or so late in arriving. Miss A. E. Mumford. having been here to attend the marriage of her brother, Leonard Mumford, to Miss Milllcent Osborne, sailed by the Prince Oeorgge' yesterday afternoon on her return to Powell River. HOTEL ARRIVALS Royal W. Woeff. C. Samson and J. P. Shaughnesy. Porcher Island; T. Brown. G. S. Wahlund and F. Cau-uen. city: F. Kristmansson. Osland. Prince Rupert W. F. Chlshalm. Porcher Island. Central Dan Morgan and J. D. McDonald, city: John Ordai. Vancouver J H Jones, city. J Garner. El Modesto FOK SALE PIANO $130, Dining, Kitchen, Chesterfield Suites, End Table. Book-, case. Curtains, Kitchenware, Pre-, serves, Plants, Chiffonier. Double Bed. Pugsley. Second Avenue.' Blue 53. U43) FOR QUICK CASH SALE LlghtJ Oak Piano. $85. Phone Margareti McCaffery. . .. Cl FOK SALE Household goods in-' eluding Piano, Singer Sewing Machine, 2 single beds, 1 doub bed complete. McClary Range, i Prices reasonable. Everything' must be sold before Friday.1 Phone Black 992. (143)' FOR SALE Modern House, 3 bed rooms, furniture, beds, dressers, China cabinet, chesterfield, etc. Phone Green 284. 148 WAfiTEfiT WANTED Girl for soda fountain and lunch. Dave's Confectionery. (133) "FOR KENT FURNISHED Apartment In Van couver for rent July and August. Everything found", linen, dishes, etc. Suitable for three adults only: For further particulars apply Box 14 Dally News. tf. FOR RENT Two rooms and bath, reliable people only. 411 7th Avenue West. t.f. ong aft HxKref paymnat 4aA. at FOR RENT For 3 months, fumlsh- 10S prrcmt of Ui principal ainount tfjwraf, with aocrwd tntrrrat on t! prtiiclpal of tb aaJd Bands to lat &rp- ipftUXT IV3U, m uve currency 01 toe Dominion of Oanada. Th nuld bends with coupons omUir- lug lat 6iptntw 1939 kind thereafter atiadtnd will be- neeml and' may ht cMlvered up aA the Montreal Trust Cbtnpany. 87 West Hastings Street, Vancouver. tf-C. or at the Hoyal Bank of Canodl, rrliVe Bttpcrt. B. C. on the sstd dote. And natU U lxsrtiby furtlier' riven thkt on sold 1st September 1939 thw will bnoome due jk1 ya.ble upon eiich of aald outstanding Buttds In the currency of the Dcoilavion of Canadt. 105 percent of tt principal thereo to-grthur tth accrued Interrst to sat J date, rmd that from and after fhe" aald dU Interest on nuch Bonds wUl ceaM td acmie, DATED W lh dsjr or June 1939. JR1!CE HUPERT AMOSEMENT OOMPANV LIMITED P. AIVAZOFT rrettdnt ed cottage, fully modem. Phone Red 168. ' (148) LOST LOST Red Kiddy Car' takerf from 120 5th Ave West. Finder please return. (144) I CONNECTIONS WANTED WEST African Importers and ex porters seek connections with Canadian producers or manufacturers. Sample, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, prin cipally fish products, and terms solicited. The' Colonial Fisheries, Limited.- Benylwah House. Win neba, Gold' Coast British West "Africa. tf Chateau Jacklih Nearly Emptied Two prisoners in the city Jail here have: benefitted from thei month's remission of sentences or dered following the King visit' for at prisoners in Canada serv ing sentences of three months or more. One of the prisoners gat the full month off a three month term and was released. Anothei had only a few days of the three months still to serve when the amnesty came so he was also given hi freedom. One was doing time for supplying an interdict and the other for supplying Indians. With two other prisoner-: overnight this afternoon saw only one guest still registered at Chateau Jacklln. SAUNDERS CONVICTED Johnny Saunders was convicted in city police court this morning by Magistrate McClymont on a 'charge of selling liquor and was fined $300 with option of three months imprisonment. He had not paid the fine up to noon and was still in JalL Office Supplied Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 NEW VISIBLE COOKING An Exceptionally Durable 3-Coat Enamelware Whiter with Red Trim Every Piece Has a Pyrex Glass Cover Come in and See Them on' Display 'NYLON' Fishing Leaders Stronger Than Cut-Uniform Elastic No Sheen Will straighten When Dry Will Not Split or Fray Will Not Become Sleazy Wc Have All Sizes KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver 13 TODAY'S, STOCKS courtesy . D. Joonataa Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .15. Bralorne, 11.75. Cariboo Quartz, 2201 Dentonia, .03. Falrriew. J03'4. ' . Gold Belt. Zt. Hedley Mascot, SA. Mlnto, .01i, Noble Five, XI Pend Orlelle. 21. Ploneef, 2.45. Premier, 15. Privateer, 2&. Reeves McDonald;. ,18; Reno, SA. Relief Arlington. .13 Vj. Reward, .02. Salmon Gold, .10. Sheep Creek, 1.15. Cariboo Hudson, J4vfasK). Hedley Amalg., .01., " Oil A. Y. Con, .14 Calmont. 22. C. St 2.15. Freehold, .03. ' Home, i20. Pacaltar, .05. ' " Royal Canadian, 20 Okalta, 1.05. Mercury, .Oti. Prairie Royalties; 2. Toronto Aldennac. BeatUe. 127. Ventral Paft, 22. Cons. Smelters, 42.00. East Malartie, 235. Fernland, .04. Francoeur, J20V2. Gods Lake. 21. Hardrock. f.06'. Int. Nickel, 4430. Kerr Addison. 2X1. Little Lohg Lac. 2X0. ; McLeod Cockshutt, 2.10. Madsen Red Lake, Jit. McKerizie Red Lake. 122. Moneta, 1.15. Norarida, 79.0a. Pickle Crow. 4.75. Preston E. Dome. 1J6. San Antonio, 1X4. Sherritt Gordon. X5. Stadaeona. X0i. I rrMSi 1 - v HOLDS YOU BACK You cannot make much of a success in life if 70a axe drags ed down by constipation. Your trouble may be due to nothing more than a diet deficiency of bulk . . . eatioc foods which do not provide the "bulk needed by the bowels for recuUr movement. If you suffer from this common type of constipation, trt at the c&use of your trouble by eating, crisp, crunchy KeHogz't ALL-BRAN every day for breakfast and' drinking plenty of water. ALL? BRAN contributes to the needed "bulk" and is a rich aource of nature's intestinal tonic Vitamin Bi. Try ALL-BRAN and see bow differently you feel. FORGE AHEAD. nsi WITH ALL' UUi ly Kinx la Imtt, taati It p"rcV Uchi Gold. 1.41 Bouscadillac. 04s8-Mosher. .15. Oklend. X8. Smelters Gold. .04 'A. B.C. FURNITURE CO. New And Used FURNITURE This is your opportunity fo secure all kinds of furniture at very low costs. We carry a large stock of full sets of all descriptions, also odd pieces such as TABLES, CHAIRS, CHESTERFIELDS, DRESSERS, DINETTES, BEDS, SPRINGS and MATTRESSES, GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUMS, KITCHEN STOVES, ETC. The biggest stock in the city from which to choose. It will pay you' fo come in and look over our stock Phone Black 324 3rd. Ave. NEXT DOOR TO B.C. CLOTHIERS BSBBSSSSBBSSSSSBS1 V-'" NnV AJflT BETTER COLD CURED ICE For" the Halibut and Sainton Fleets Following- the Investigations of the" Fisheries Research Station", the Company has Just completed extensive changes and Improvements in kfe storage and ice delivery methods. Ice' for' thY boat's wilf all' be old ice, thoroughly cured or a red at new low temperatures. It will be delivered Into the tioldl even in the hottest weather, as cold aw the storatV room.- Fishermen are Inrlted to inspect the new system. Bett'CfiW'tKan ever before, at" no increase in cost, means economy to the boat and Improved quality in fish delivery. Canadian Fish & Cold Storag e lfcnce'Ku- fj Jjf British CblrabS