s ft 0 s r XT' r? .1 r ! . i. e A 1 1 r Friday. Mirrh PACE FOUR TIB DAILT NITT8 - r r a Beautiful DINNERWARE 30 different patterns to choose from. 32-piece Dinnersets at and up BRASSWARE and NOVELTIES Cheaper Glass Tumblers From, per dozen up GLASSWARE and NOVELTIES IMPROVED $2.75 50c Visit Our Wonderful Basement Store! Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist 11 THE LATEST AND BEST Kleen - Kook The Range That Has Everything You can't know the thnli of perfectly controlled heat, absolutely clean and safe, without waste, until you have used "Kleenkook" Let Us Show You the Latest Sold On Easy Terms .JM SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East ' Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 616 3rd Ave. V-17-29 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T .8.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, I;30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. II Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Partner information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 It's interesting to know when reading the Dailv New at the people of the whole district are doing the same. CONSIDER THE FARMER I report has it that the cost of la bor alone Is &5 percent of the cost of what we purchase. The poor capitalist is quoted as receiving only about 35c percent of the cost price. We wonder however. If that Is reckoned on a cash Investment or how.much of it is pure water. The manufacturer has also re ceived protection from high tariff whereas the farmer has had ti purcnase in a highly protectee market and to compete with the world in his sales. You have nc idea how many othe"r little racket-bleed him In about every turn hi makes. It Is not possoble to go Into tnat matter herein. If we were to allow our imagination to get the best of us we would Just do some wondering about what relation tht British Wheat Board has to do with so-called wheat, or world prices, li some of the reports we hear about grain stored in Brf- jtain are true we think the poor rubes have been taken for another buggy ride. which all bolls down to: why such a terrible case of the horrors over the farmer getting a farthing when practically every other business has succeeded In getting a fat rake-off out of the national J -V- 4. . I 1 . for a change or lslt? D. T. GREENE, Quick. CANADA'S ROYAL OUESTS (Continued from Page One) great central square on which the Dominion and the city have spent almost $1,000,000 in recent years. There, 'rising majestically before a backdrop formed by the Parlia ment buildings and the Laurentian Hills In the distance, is the memorial to those who laid down their lives for Canada, Ouardsmen In scarlet tunics holding banners 14 feet high will surround the memorial and, at the words of dedication from the King, will move aside to complete the unveiling. Arrangements to make the ceremony one of Impressive beauty are going ahead rapidly. The Garden Party at Rldeau Hall PRICE OF SILVER Editor, Daily News: I Editor, Dally News Aunougn we aia not get, mat in your Issue of March 7 you rain you promised the day we have an item statme that the subscribed for your paper we have prince Rupert Chamber of Com- never mentioned the matter. imerce had decided to endorse the We read your editorials with in- request of the New Denver Board terest and usually .are in agree-, of Trade asking the .Dominion ment with your views. In fact Government to purchase silver at other papers might use a little. 65c per ounce as is belne done In more Initiative. We have been kept in utter darkness about national affairs for a long time. Only recently have many of them come alive. In your issue of March 4 you mention a matter that is becoming chronic from a farmer's viewpoint. Your conclusions would seem to be more or less Justified In regard to the fishermen providing they are under the same restrictions as to wages and costs of production. We were not aware there were any morons, except farmers, who were not more or less organized and then again we believe there is a law that regulates minimum wages. We will not go Into that matter but wish to be .advised about the sudden case ot 'shivers, creeps and horrors Just the United States. In connection with the matter I would say that there is probably I long overdue and should have ,&een started long ago. We all hope NEW HALL DEDICATED Interesting Ceremony Took Place at Tort Simpson Yesterday Afternoon councillor. Rev. T. C. Colwell the no single thing that the govern- ment could do that would buck up Northern British Columbia asj much as the paying- of 65c lor newly mined silver. There are many properties In the Omlneca Division and I am sure that the same thing applies to the Prince Rupert and Atlln mlnlns districts that would be working today and employing hundreds of. men If they could be assured of getting 65c an ounce for silver for some definite length of Jme that would Justify the prop-.rty owners going to the expense .t putting their properties in nape for production In addition to the larger prop as soon as the most down-trodden ertlea there would be Innumerable i section of the nation start to ge; lalms worked by the prospector n Mntt 1 !. T T I I I a onion uica.. uiniis you navp studied the farmers' position ovef the years you will have little ap preclation of what he Is uj against. However, we seem to have form led the opinion, that most of th !laboring classes are well organized land dictate to their employers as wen as to the government. One ;wners who . could ... ship a few tons f ore to the sampling plant at ?rince Rupert and make good aages all through the summer nonths which would enable them! n imnrnv Itial, nmn.tii - ii: 'ulred by the Mineral Act and V make a living for themselves while j 5 doing so. K The policy of paying 65c need -J inly apply to newly-mined silver ind might even go farther and 3 ipply only to those properties. here silver is the chief value In he ores mined. Why the agricultural Industry iiould be singled out year after; 5 ear to receive the largess of th; S iovernment which is denied to ther needy industries or branches il any primary Industry Is hard to -understand, especially so when It mould be realized that, if the other Industries are working full olast. the agricultural industry would have most of Its troubles jolved as the. demand for agricultural products would be Immeasurably increased right at home. n the government can see itsj? way clear to pay 80c for sixty cent i wheat why then, can It not pay,; 65 -cents for forty-five cent silver? ! f Why make fish of- one and flesh 5 of another? When the miner produces silver y he is producing real money but.ii when the farmer produces a sur- J p.u Wi fTili, lie 15 UiliJT duclng a headache for the eminent. The government doesn't1, Know where to get the money to pay for wheat that It does not ocih, wnicn costs us a million a i want while the miner has tAe; day for Interest? That and the C money in the ground and cannot! mattcr ml6ht possibly be get a little assistance from the worth our attention. It Is about government to extract It. w.c puur ruoes naa a DreaKl This atritat on for 6Sc xllver It that It can be. Impressed upon thel government strongly enough to produce some results. The future of the north Is linked up with the price of silver and the base metals. Irrespective of gold mines and the price of gold. Thanking you for this space,! I am I L. H. KENNEY I Manager Omlneca Branch B.C. Chamber of Mines, Smlthers. Such things as the seating ar-i? rangements, for the state dinner.! to be held at Rldeau Hall May 17. and the Parliamentary dinner atj the Chateau Laurler May 18 are oc- cupylng attention of officials each day while others check final ar-K on May 20 will be the most largely rangements for visits of their-Ma-attended that has ever been heldjjestles to other cities. Everything I f on the grounds of old Rldeau Hall. Is done on a precise schedule which Despite the fact 5,000 persons will, will determine. the activities of the.S be invited there" will be thousands of disappointed who cannot obtain tickets. royal couple for each day they are In Canada. And civic officials have their At viceregal garden parties the troubles. For Instance, an enter- governor-general and his wife greet 'prising circus manager has asked J eacn person attending. But the ( Ottawa officials whether they will, King and .Queen will not have a re- give him a permit to bring his show ceptlon line. They will greet a few to Ottawa during the royal stay, persons" Ty previous arrangement He Is sure his circus would draw as they stroll about the lawns. j even In competition with the var- Complete Details tious colorful events associated with S Alan Lacellcs, assistant secretary the royal visit. 'Civic authorities 5 i L. V(Um tm I -.1 4 - I ... MMA IUI..I.I 1 L I MJ mc rwiiifc, u lit vHUiWii uiub uv- mc iimiiuiig n over. zCj urtfod Fine Program Is Presented Ladles' Guild at Terrace Puts on Excellent Entertainment TERRACE. March 10:. CP- A -program of outstanding merit .was PORT SIMPSON. March 10.- 1 i 4k. JU.1 t t i 1 r4 yf vrtnV Dedication of the foundation of the.pu on dj me iuk wu - n- Port Rmrwn Athletic Club UnitCO CnUrCn On TWay CTC... building was an event of intet'n Oddfellows' Hall in Port Simpson yesterday after- rsi pari oi mv, rrut th .nuw. relation 'ment was a play entitled Aunt Work Shirts Some Real Values In Well Made Shirts. Shirts That Will Give Months of Satisfactory Wear. CIIAMBARYS -In grey and fawn Each BLUE D E.M.MS Each KINOCOT FABRIC Fully shrunk. Each HEAVY nLL'E CIIAMMRAY Each SUEDE CLOTHS-In grey and fawn. Each . COVERT CLOTH-Zero Shrunk. Each . .... . ... COTTON FLANNELS Orey, fawn and blue. Qood weight OREY COTTON MILITARY FLANNELS Special Price of IMPORTED WOOLEN UNDERWEAR Britannia ombtnatlon Per suit . S1.25 S1.00 cl.25 S1.50 S1.50 S1.65 S1.65 Ma75c S5.95 Watts & Nickerson Phone 313 50 THIRD AVENUE I VWt " which was wcU play-) to wit- Suwn'a ot the village being present ness the proceedings. Chiefs of the V r T ' in the I Fnk. 1 SnJlth1" village participated ceremony , of driving a golden spike They Dudley Uttle. Mrs Floyd Frarnt. were E.F.Dudoward. Joseph Offutt.; Mr.. Stanley Brook. Mrs. Vernon William Kelly and Thomas OosnelllOl. Mrs. A. Stout. UIm C. Sshult-the last-mentioned being chief Miss Jennie King. MUs Enid United Church pastor, gave a brief address and other speakers were Ambrose Reid. on behalf ot the wane ana mim in oimu. play was directed by. Mrs. Peter Crocker. Between the acts selections were Port simnson Athltlc Club, and rendered on the puno-aecordlon by Charles Dudoward, on behalf of the Ml" Edna Bland and elocutionary community. numbers were given by Mr. R The new hall measures 44 by 85 Brooks. There was a quartette by ti.t nri whfn Nnailv mnlrtid Miss Lorraine Kenney. Mr Jack will be a real acquisition to the Sparkes. Mrs. A. 8tout and Mrs.; community i Omar Levesque who sang "The Rote of Tralee" and "When Irish Eyes C.PJl. steamer Princea Louise, 'Are Smiling." CapL Henry Anderson, taking over The second part of the program the run of the Princess Adelaide, comlttcd of a short operetta en- whlch has been withdrawn for titled "The Play Room at Nlnht" three weeks for annual overhaul, is directed by Mrs Adam Crtsp. Tht due In port at 5:30 this afternoon was performed by twenty-six mem- from the routh and will sail at 10 ben ot the Sunday Sebool who lm- pm on her return to Vancouver personated various toys to the treat and waypolnts. amusement of the lante audience Pro-, A,.VAVA,.WA".WMVAVVA,.VAVA'WA'.VAV.V COV-' . Crystal Diamonds are alright But they only glitter In the light King Coal Diamonds win the fight For they sparkle, In the night Black Diamond? A Ton Will Come to You If You Phone up 632 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. er final arrangements for the visit,: . ironing out betalls that could not be settled by cable or letter. Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or , -IIorH d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia LAST TIMES TOM(,T Truly a Good Show' "LETTER OF INTRODUCTION" With Adlphe Mcnjou, Andrea Lffljs Edrar Iterctn Charlie ' McCarthy (At 7:36 and 9 ,Q SPECIAL MARCH OF TIME Fealurinc "Inside the Majinot unt- FOX NEWS COMINO SATItRDAY ONLY Jane Withers in .n20r. Wildcat" Plus Sidney Tolrr In "Chan In Honolulu Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Beiner Block Phone 234 Music Uuth Nclaon A.T.WL Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony, PHONE OKEEN JM Soda Fountain Tea and Coffee. Hot Soup. Candles, Tobacco, Fresh IUk and Cream MussalleiiVs Confectionery A Hot Time Is What You Want Thli Winter You ran get It by mine of famous Edon, IJuUlej Valley or Nanalmo-WeUlnctoit rML PRINCE KUPKKT FEBI) CO. Phonrn 511 or W THE SEAL QUALITY mm 2 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeyo PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by th only canning company with an w the year round payroU l Prlnc Rupert