PADS TWO TOT DAILY WHWB Friday MISS ATLANTA Walking Oxfords With all the zip of style trends plus comfort and dependability. iLaw heel to low cuban. Widths A to D. We can highly recommend these shoes. Priced From F Daily edition $ 395 AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H, F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Friday, October 20, 1939. THE TURKISH TREATY The mutual assistance agreement signed between Turkey, France and Great Britain, following the breakdown of the Turko-Russian negotiations in view of the drastic Soviet demands, may have a far-reaching effect upon the present European conflict. Whether the alliance will tend to localize the war or to extend its scope remains to be seen. All depends now upon Russia which, for the moment, appears to be headed off in its plan to expand past the Black Sea into the Mediterranean area which it has long coveted and which covetousness has been the direct cause of previous wars. The implications of the Scandinavian conference at Stockholm, called through the threat against Finland's independence, may also have the effect of bringing Rus sia into me open. Meantime, the Soviet continues the big puzzle in the international picture. Germany and Hitler, hemmed in now and more completely encircled than ever, are becoming a consideration of secondary importance. If Russia should precipitate a crisis in the Balkans, it will be interesting to see which way Italy will turn. The way events appear now to be moving, Italv's only salva tion would appear to be away from the Berlin axis and towards the Allies. THE WESTERN FRONT It looks as though Hitler, like it or not, will be forced into a major offensive on the Western Front which may well prove suicidal. Possibly, in his desperation, he may essay to early test the strength 'of the renutedlv imnretr- nable Maginot Line, to attack which, military experts say, will be a costly business. Failure to eet nast the Great French line may force the Nazis to some other course of action, possibly the violation of the neutrality of a smaller neighbor or neighbors in order to iret an outlet. Further air raids on the British Isles and on France as well may De expected and, although they may and probably will have ,more serious results than have attended them tn date, they are something which we should not feel too downhearted about vvhen they occur. Hitler has got to move and, the sooner he. does his wuna.unu geis u over and done with, the better. CITY MANAGERSHIP The principle of city managership, as expected, was strongly endorsed by the civic voters of Prince Rupert in plebiscite yesterday. The next step will be the devising of some suitable plan of effecting the decision of the people. In that connection the minister of municipalities has promised to pay Prince Rupert a visit to discuss the subject. the .question of special charter amendment be-fore the, Legislature at itsiorthcoming session will require speedy action. It is desirable, with the present commis sioner announcing his intention of retiring at the end of the year, that the local plan should be legally enacted by the end 'of the year. On the other hand, it is something that should jbe carefully considered, particularly since it is an experiment ,5 far as any British Columbia city is concerned. To rUsh something through with undesirable or ilKconsidered features mght be more costly in the long run than to wait a year. However, a full and free discussion will do much to clarify the situation and crystallize upon something that will adequately fill the bill. It mqy not be out of place at this time to comment that the people have realized the weakness of the old svs- tern of municipal government and want no more of it here in Prince Rupert. L f: CBRIISH TOMMIES ARRIVE IX FRANCE TO 'TAKE UP BATTLE POSITIONS 4 t the Eclipse Stakes this year. Not satisfied with his orowess, Jasper Walker back In 1926. to make himself a perfect man." After 13 years of ef The one big chance for Canadian sk'ers to shoot for a Dominion Mtle the national ski champlon-shlDS at Banff may vanish on account of the war. month. With the declaration of war, rifle tournpment In Australia were cancelled by the Department of Defence. One being held a Sydney was into the final round when can celled European skiers who- visited Mpunt Hood for Jhe United States national championships last year have made their homes In North America Jn many cAes apd Han Swlnton, Austrian expert, will in Vancouver. A sporting tour acrpss Iran and Afghanistan to. India In- a. lorry driven .with, a charcoal. engine five years ago has. Iejl to the development of the engine by ,Bosworth Monck and John len(Jerson Into a practical power unit, using low grade coke. . , Canadian dollar and bear little reference to the purchaslnu Dower boxing of the w'ar aowance. High prices decided. tfnd sc"city of foodstuffs in the ncicn jessen me value of the money. . TH .1 n . . ... fort he was awafded that title for " "'e naaian Active Benrlcc tc"lc mui,mum allowance for Victoria. Australia; this year. , n j a momn ana tne soldier must also assign to dependents not less than 15 days pay each month). TODAY'S WEATHER "The single game system of ten-' PrInce Rupert-Overcast competition Is resoonsible for east wind. 29 5 hou? south-nls tal leclining the standard of the game rometer, .5 Uin: temped in Aunmlla." officials have com- ture. 52; sea choppy trained. They assert the system Is Triple Islandvmast. south- unralr east wind. 28 miles per hour; sea moderately rough. All racine has been stopped in J Langara Island-Showery. south-France but it I. hoped a means will; west wind. 25 miles per hour- babe fpund to maintain the breeding 'rometer, 29.43; temperature 51- sea Industry. During the First Great 'modetately rough War many thoroughbreds were. Dead Tree Point High scattered commandeered but pedigrees were clouds, southerly wind, five miles inviolate. jper hour; barometer, 29.59; tem- 'perature. 53; moderate swell. j Track star and ski champion, I Bull Harbor Overcast, southerly Mush Lmon, of the Tyee Ski Run-iwlnd. two miles per hour; baro- ners, wi)l.marry Emily McKenzie of, meter, 29.88 falling rapidly); tern the Vancouver Ski Club nextiPerture, 58; moderate swell. Aiert Bay - Hazy, light rain, southeast wind. 21 miles per hour; oaromeier. 29.02; temperature, 48; sea choppy. Estevan Raining, southwest, wind, ten miles per hour; haro-i meter, 30.01. i Victoria - Ranng, southeast wind, five miles per hour; barometer, 30.11. Vancouver - Rapine, easterly wina, ten miles per hour; barometer, 30.11. Prince George Raining, south- llveleast wind, fifteen miles per hour; uurumeier, 29.65. Hotel Arrival$ Prince Rqpert P. c Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mljiburn, II, ,M. ptevenson and F. Henderson, Vancouver; D. W, Webster, VIctorfa. something like this: Voice Mnterruptln-Ti "' r' BBaBBBBBSalBflHE 5Jlafcfcaw i . BBBBH IBlB "VnSBBBBBBJBBBBSEjbiKZ.SE?t BB bbbbW JHHrB HHBIHBMrsvHHBHSkirvT' A B 1 BBBBBBV " 1 jBWL'P BSIVffBfl MfclWBMJWHKMiy I B1 Arriving In France ta aid their French ally. British Tommies a re shown, In this pi "ure passed by the British and French censors, disembarking from a British troop-ship at some unnamed French p ort The exact number f British troops now in France ha not been divulged by the British or French governments, but It has b ten announced that jcjr numbers far exceed those of the early days of the last war SPORT CHAT Just to make competition for Gertie Wepsala, queen of Canadian women skiers, comes Erna Redlich, from Saint Anton, Switzerland, to Cloverdale in the Fraser Valley. Warring Nations' Allowances Vary Plain Language War's Necessity Provision Made For Soldiers De- Talks on Telephone pendents But Uuying Power , And France Mut Changes Tongue I or Re Mrs. Redlich is a European champ- I Ion and will settle there rjEW YORK. October 20: CP ! BERNE. Switzerland. Oct. 20: i Government allowances in Great CP Language ha aaauraed a Ban on French racing has led to Britain. France and Oermany for .tremendous Importance In Europe speculation a& to whether French those who stay at home, while thelwhere everybody U pn the lookout hdrses may'run In Spain. During breadwinner' Is" oh war duty. are. for Spits Inducing the spies the First Great War. dusty Spanish roughiy. as follows: themselves. In France, you can tracks were open to French compe- 0reat Britain 55 cents a day for speak nothing but Freiieh on the titqrs under the aegis of King Al- tne wle: 184 cents for one child, telephone. In Germany. It s noth-fonso. France 25 cenU for the wife. Ing but German I There will be no Doncaster St. " ,0r " In the various countries are havlncr Uger this war year so Lord Rose- n" Ior one child. a terrlble (me puen lnter! bery is sending his Blue Peter to Thf "Bure to' Germany are national telenhon. converUftn. tturf ninp pptpr u.nn ih Tan oasea on a nominal rate of ex- tt k ... i " -w.Mimjr an an-, . ehaniro hP?u.n tv, .u. inousana uuineas, ine ueroy ana 7. . "u un- cnymous voice breaks In. It will you please talk French!" r-m. Htl..l . t tl. ' CbmDetiKvp Football To ' Start Again FOR SAO 'NEW Amrrii'in . I .one vid threes DuKfWi "umc . ru, -ru ! d goes 'M'sleu. I TAK' A PEG O' JOHN BECC IMPORTED OLD SCOTCH WHISKY Tills advertisement u not pub- i lLshed or displayed by the Ll- nnnr fVmfrnl HivirH nr hu tY Maybe hell get through ialo HOARD AND KO0V ana mayoe ne wonl NOW YOU CAN BREATHE! throat. Ncit time don'; wait for a cold to get a head tart. LHcd at tint tnirtle or sneeze, Va-tro-nol hlps kcrp a cold from developing. TVi Qukk Way Qear that tormenting stuff! net t brraibe more freely! Jui( a Urn drops of Vkks Va-ro-nolr- that's hatyounced. FeclitParijhttptrork bring real oomfort Thb tmtmrnt is tuccruful brauw Va-tro-nol U activ medication containing mv cral ciacntUI rcUf-givinji accnts phn ephedtlne exprcatly dtilgnfd for ana urrar M Ida tM VICKf J VATIOUfi H ... vrvwuff 20' irt, I - win or rr ' ,Uaiti umj . Old ml &l PftlUve basis after tSii H suspended since the war. On )im..j . . l ltri JU compete u,ZS -.fWH English and . J"! I - IFOR SALE-Whcyr bf, Ing outfit, cornice hrr.jiia. Imuniiv d..i.... . . particular apply Old tap, FOR 8 ALE- -J Hot Bed suhj large frame (in ckm Complete outfit for titcUfc to-bed, 4 Urge ciurapj fxd & phlnlums and r.rr Dftcrii 200 medium tile r..zfd frfrj bulbs, pompom dah.o t b. ply W W Way 7;h Ait Lt rnone oreen -482 1 - j FOR BALE- WuruUe.- Qtizifca 'WicKieodeon' Dave Ccrrtstt, " WANTED w... . ... .urHM.c.c. WANTED by bu. am talking French. . room , i Voice (coldly : "It doesn't sound' privilege, like French to me " I - - - - - mmm . . Other end: -listen. .-.ademoL VAr" bir -r r S selle. I'm not a nrofessor of' nwnf rown t.frmany tani!ua-rt, rm ,ust - . , Privileges Ikw a Da. Ken ttRST Class room cr.d bcarttl "Ui Ave W Apr t'tr- ( pi 1 LOST lit LOST Betwec L-T-' Prince Rupert qa wrn canoe, painted trrea slih M and black trim A rtwrdlj Mid for Ms rf.-oT-rt ia ftpu-able condiuti; O C Ycf, Prince Rupert DC M' EXPERIENCED grocrr kww'iijt of general store und bxit?lf Will go anywhere Oood refereae-es. oaj WORK WANTED Expri jjroccr knowledge of iom store and bookkp.:il anywhere Oood rtffrencet , Dally Kews W1 rrr oO(KiooooooQeoaooooooio1M.Ko00(,06eoo,00oooo901 The NEW Quick-way cold relief VAPURE A Wonderful Discovery. lust a drop or two n ywx hand kcrcliicf snuff II and feci the head clearing at once. 50c Ormes IW Zffui Pioneer Drua exist Tbt itciaii stora Phones: II M open Dally from S a.m. till If p.m. bundayi d UU t Holidays iio(iaayi from from .12 12 noon noon 1 f .ra. till 9 f .m. Government of British Columbia lBoo0aoQcoooaoq0ooaoaaoooonoiflioa0oiooa9'