ijcacnt I" not puDllibea r lb Liquor control iy Ci norrnmDt or U Columbia Sew York 8 and M.. 53 V. T and T., 165,i. :ii 23 0-a LocomoUve. 20 V4. ! Rieel. 91. ar Tractor. 60. Ij 1 4 3j WCMl. MJ. c pper. 40i. k Central. 2 Hi. a Railroad, 2C. ... Steel 27n. .R.:rtui:t 81 r'.ri Oil of Cat.. 281 i. vr l O:; of U. J.. 47!k ; j r:;M Rubber. 43 Halibut Sales American r r aJO pounds. Cold Stor- 6c f'JOO pounds. Royal, -it ciAsslfifO ad. rt i-su many dollars. '"laid IJn,oleum Jef sq. yard. Printed Linoleum- Sq. yard f'nn.r.1- r .. . , fcw HOTtU lr TETBCt' rat win xm f w.U TENDER IS SALVAGED AUnka Cannery Boat violet, Sunk At Herbert Reef, Refloated By I Local Sadrate Operator! A couple of hours before the height of yesterday afternoon's gale, the Armour . Salvage Co. tugs r. - t rcurwM ana racnena were successful in refloating with the assistance of pontoons the Ameri can cannery tender. Violet, which suuck Herbert Reef across from Lewis Island, down the coast from Prince Rupert, a few days ago While southbound from Alntlrn in Seattle being subsequently, aband onee me salvage company was advised of the derelict by Capt. H, neaaen ni the steamer Prince Rupert and proceeded to the scene to find only the pilot house of the Violet visible at hleh -water Thp salvage boaU Immediately went to woric and, after refloating, tool- son which broke down off Lewis Island but was picked up before .SPing Wbve and brought Into port by the rullbut boat Cape lieale. A gasboat belonging to Lee Wing of Port Esslngton- was reported ashore last night at Blllmor near the entrance of Prince uupert Harbor. The aorm interfered with ervlcs In parts of Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon by blowing down wires. Telegraph wires l,n the Interior were also down overnight and until late this morning. Since (tmotii foi cltc nd lc. Scatjrom 1857 Siikii ti bttn piolcln c4' CANADIAN RYE WHISKIES Tli EdvrTtiuirnfnt 1 not nuoliihec. or dlsnlayed by the Liquor Cwtrol Boarl or by Ihe Government nf BrltUh ColumbU MacKpnzie's Furniture L, J. ft" .40 90c 70c fontolcum Rugs and Linoleum Rugs A large tock carried at all 'a meet PUf tequremcnw. rilONE 175 CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Transpacific y H. BULGER Optometrist Pnlt nnd Wav Ports iu vuutuuvci i - , 8.3. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10pjn( To Vancoiver Ijr??t r n tnTMnpsci t nuiSE" October 27th SB, PRINCESS HQRAlf" Noveniher 6lh. l0h. Wlpter Excursion rare ypcvMvcr ' "! icne's op jae Nov. st, 1039 to Feb. xqw vw Finn ra,..n Ti-.it Hit 104(1 Cunnections at Vancpuver with Canadian Pacific Services tickets and Reservations from W U CTE8. General Agent, Prince Rupert) B.C. Fresh Local Uuw and Pasteurized MiHc VALENTIN V DAY PHONE S57 Flywheel Breaks; Chinaman Killed WAR NEWS (Continued from Page One) been advised Jba.t the mutual ajtanrc Pact with Poland, Vh'ch brought about the declaration of war by Great Britain and France on Germany, did not apply to Russia. NFfl) ALLI-VLp YiCORV WASHINGTON Ma Allied -u-ii . victory li necessary for the h- h.rh.rf th, i. J .KW Wl WVrUy of the L'M- .l, (A SUtetf declared Senator i . . .f. . . terdav In lunnort of arms em uupen tomorrow. Aiier me salvage " k , . . , ,t , ol r- Jttta MM"?" Ijob, capt. Armour will proceed' p?n Iwtth a large local party on a th? ca J" .. i j .V- was no reason to conceal the Allies, it would be a real menace to the hitd State. ANG1.Q..JAFAN.F.SP PACT LONPO. Great Britain and Japan may mmd negotiate a pact to Mtle auUtapdloc problems. Both sides teem ready to - - make i would leies. be ready t crant prlvl- ECONOMICS Subject Topic of Address To Rotary Club By Majdr Foorje teripr points to Vancouver. Announcements rU advertisements in this col-amo will be charged for a full month at Ify f worp Plays, Presbyterian Hall, Oct. 27. 1U11 60 Hallowe'en Tea. Oct. 28. Eagles Bridge November 1 Canadian Legion Bazaar, Nov ember 3. Anglican Bazaar November 9. Presbyterian ;Bazaar. Nov. 16. St. Peter's Church bazaar Nov- 23, Country Fair November 2 1 1 ?Tf CHIMNEYS Furnaces an4 Stove Pipes pieaned Stcen's Limited (ot1 Hank llld. Phone a LOCALS Fatality Yesterday In Sawmill at Tor prompt and courteous lex Coutteaay, Vancouver Island vice Phone 13 Taxi t CQURTEfiAY, Vancouver Island. Bella Coola potatoei i 12.25 sack. Good ADDles ,? poXf Phone old Chinaman, was killed when Copland's Fruit Market, 872 struck by a breaking flywheel In a sawmill here yesterday. An Inquest Is being held. 4245) Thomas Ar(dersoK, manager of the Tucks Inlet reduction plant, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Dr. Robert H. Bedford, former ly of the scientific staff of the Hearing of evidence In a case In which Ivan Mahood and Fred Simpson are charged with supplying liquor to a minor was complet ed In city police court yesterday afternoon and adjournment taken for decision until this afternoon when a second charge of supplying to Indian boat 'ft SL ver Fndshlp. r 4 i turn A near casualty in yesterday af- - 11 A c I A ITU V lernoons ternoonstorm storm w was a a trolling trolling boatj boat. ' i., " S " ' . ' Z y " 1A manned by Henry and Oke Jack-! J tain fcltould be nubjucated by the FOR SPAIN Cath - and - Carry Refugees Aid Boom In Franco's Realm Under Reconstruction MADRID. Oct. 20: CP Neutral Wk44a J M Bwub W - concessions in view of the Euro- 'from the war in Europe. "Rivers of pean war and the Itusso-German leolcT are flowing over her fron- pact. Japan might be ready to 'tiers. assist Great Britain against an ' Many Canadians, Americans attack by Russia on India and Germans, English and French citl- l,wlnfti!t. f. TaLIa ilMtnt Hr.it . K llH.,) In CAiltttAm WonA umv-,.,,, v r . . Iiv.iii t j ACiia MIIU MIU 111 UUMWHIII m..vv Britain to abandon its supports 'during the Spanish civil war are f A. L. 1 1 I .1 . . . . r, I r Ul uiucrai i.iiuii; nai-aurK miiu seeKing rtlUSe jnSP4u. tteiugcca PATRIOTISM C.p.F. ,V.uM ?Ht All. RyvurceA ql Canada Into War on Non-profiieeripr Basis, leader Declares no individual and no organization t In Canada when It comes to a matter of real patriotism." declared Harold Winch, provincial leaaer oi that party. In addressing a public meeting In Prince Rupert Thursday nisht on the subject of -Wartime p'niirv Af the C.CF." Ours Is not a frinfim of flae wavine and line- mpni.il station and for the Dast.nlsm but true oatrlotlsm to the iwo or inrec year lucuwatcu mui ;an important Industrial concern In New York. Is back In the city ifor a visit, having arrived at the first of this week. principles of our flag liberty, freedom and democracy and to the people and the Dominion of Can ada. We refuse to surrender a single one of those principles. "The CCS", is determined to utilize every power and Influence, however, to see that not one citizen of Canada should die In Eur ope In order to make profits for in dustry in Canada. Air. Winch declared that his Darti' was In favor of Industry making sacrifices In war as well as. fit I . I 1,1. I.. . k. m vNn.A I The c.C.F. was prepared to accept Uhe declaration of Chamberlain,' iDaladler. King and Manlon that 'mtlerlsra must bp drlvejn Jrom Eu rope but. In driving principles of Hltlerlsm out of Europe, these principles should not be permitted to get a foothold here In Canada. In Canada there still must continue the fUht for maintenance of the freedom, rights and privileges that had been handed down by those nloneers who had talked. fought and died for them. Those rights must be maintained and extended. There was necessity for some one to fight within the coun try as well as outside. Mr. Winch saw In the wartime Defence of Canada Act infringe ments on the old Bill of Rights In Idaiiv are crowding the fronUer at "T i T I. . t , exDression and violation i 1 h of t the el- iirun. ana Dnngin-j wun uiem uugi 11. . 1.. stocks of currency that are sweH- fment P??1" BrltUh vsf He criticized the removal of fin. tlce: iho hanks of Soaln. . Some are tnroute to the south- Parliamentary Immunity for pro L. . oni a nx- vlncfal legislature members. rin huh 11 oiuiii ocvitic txiiu wm- ... - . The allies had not asked Canada vNfi im mntirv 1 1 uk Knr.tr t iu Krarr1 ohlna hqpV ttathl'lr na"tiveUor maDDOWeX as jet. Mr. Winch M.js jVJJM-tis . , ;nointed out. but for economic sup iiuuiruiiiua. , .... 'xul' wartime boom. Every hotel, tribution." he asserted "can be tand pension la paeked. and daily j made not n sending an expedition- ireores of would-be guests are forced r.nmi, r.r.. of nrituh.Tmpi to sek a place to sleep and eat Fhiloso?hy were discussed by Major !Vfl8" , ' In San Sebastlon u alone, ,h the first Cove.' R. L. Foorte of Quathiaskl be-hree davs after France and Rig-fore Vancouver Island. In speaking Rotary.land declared war against Oer-. the Prince Rupert an ihc baoks handed a flood wekly luncheon club at its leeular yesteraay. efaomPIac . ".Hollars and 6.000 oounds sterling. relaxation oi inieresi raies uum .-. .. . eventually come, the speaker pre-jThe S-.f nM economic set-up Meantime be- J eroselves .mazcd and h,Ted ?r ,2fi 531 surprised at the peace .and tran- abundance of fop. and thanked the speaker. Snaln has made a remarlWPie . r. : j rnmeback after 32 months of the oressea n.s sreu.m u., i:r , p,irnn(, hftS n First Presbyterian Churcn. con- u.u.u.rSl " Dlblical'exer The harvest of known. tlnulng on the subject of ujeat, Potatoes, rice and lentils. In addl-Events" P onhecies and Present World The a"fendance was quRe Ulpn to fruits and vegetables, has o ti Tin7v nrodrtpnt df been excellent. the local Society, was In the chair "W1.M Government uu""H"u" agriculture - experts v; V and J. E. Davey presided at U orean. t Inn t-wA A IaAVAI nrl t Vl 1 nlng's train for Smlthers and will' there have been large exports of Droceed via Edmonton ana m- imve una i ,v I Holland. Germany. Italy and the Americas. Food Drlces are still above the nrewar levels, some items costing 100 to 30Q percent more, i ne government constantly is waging a rnmnalen S3 stamp out food pro- fiipprlnrf imoosine fines as high as. I . . a '-,' t $30,000. With ner lmmeqiaie 100a problems apparently pearly solved, neutral Spain Is pushing ahead with her own reconstruction with every Spaniard enjoined by General Franco to maintain the "strictest neutrality" in the Euro pean war. Keep up to da'e. Atiyuse regUrj lany COAL (Rram Feetl Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and 658 arv force but in utillzinz everv ma chine and device, every man and woman, in supplying economic aid on an absolute ponprofiteerlng basis."' Pro.fR Limit Lifted Mr. Winch deDlored the situation which had' already arisen In this war where, by the admission, of no less a person than the minister of trade and commerce. It had been Impossible to place a single con tract on a five per cent profit limit which hid to be lifted. Even In viar, although Unem ployment might be temporarily relieved and depression for the time being halted, there were domestic problems to be met. There must too be preparations for the prob lems that would come when war short or long, was over. "We can help the allies win this war bv mov lne ahead Drosressivelv and funda solve j' mentally, mentauy. by by endeavouring enaeavouring to to the say Spain should have enough food he blems of Cana,a, by - without 'parli at the end of the -wa war s eve-'mal demands this winter. Already permanent and Phone BLACK 32t Anglican Te ISCLAIMEDdS rme uiair pre Mrs. Fred Wesch Jr. and the second by Miss Margaret Sieveii. Manyt dainty cups and saucers we re pre sented to the bride-elect. About twenty young .ladles were present, i man shall be Illegal, Immoral and Impossible Here at home we must ' move ahead In war time even m6re rapidly Not again should we have to hear our men when they cojp? home say they had been cheated. fooled and lied to Jnstead tney should come home to a land In which security was guaranteed Such had not been the case at the end p.t the last war in wrwen men had felven eyerythhig while Industry had reaped great profits i "The Wtlrne policy of the C-CF. leads alone the road of a new soc ial order and e invite you to. volunteer now :n our fight." Mr. WlncF answered a number of, guestipns which were put to him. He admitted that tiere was not equality and dfunperacy In Russia. In fact there was a dictatorship there quite on & par with that pf Germany but it was a dlctatorsnip aimed at the cenef.lt of the masses and thereby differed from that of permany. Russia was. auer a new social order and was well on her way. Germany was now no long er a o;an.ger as far as whining the war was concerned. He did not think Great rimn and France could be "llcfced- but they ought be weakened. The way things s,topd today, It appeared that Russia, In any case, would win. In technoc racy, Mr. Winch saw a danger of fascism although it could be a great force for dpraocracy. Mr. winch would not be drawn into any committal on the subject of a counter-revolutionary movement. I J. S. Black presided over the fnr.meetlnsr which was well attended peace prosperity J and displayed much Interest in based on a new social order found-1 what the speaker had to say. Mr. ed on the principles of socialism, wincn maae irequeni reierence io whereby exploitation of man by the Dally News during the address. Whifflets From The Waterfront The only Canadian halibut boats In plte of Tfry unfavorable tlll unreported today from their weather, there was. a law jattejod- trips of the season to the hal- an?e at the tea and sale of home hut fishlnz wounds are the Vera Dip CC.P vacates first place to cooking held yesterday afternoon Eeatrice and Lois N. It li possible . (II M h0 A i . . f- by the Women's Auxiliary of St. An- the Vera Beatrice may haye heaoj-drews Cathedral at the, home of ed fox Vancouver. , Mrv wmiam Crulehshank. McBrlde. Street. The rooms were beautifully oNJl. steamer Prince John. Cap$. decorated with chrMnthejnums In James Watt, coming north from fall tints The guests were received Vancouver via the Queen Chirlotte by Mrs. Crulckshank and Mrs. H. 8. glands, is stormbound on the Isj Aieauows, wic pursiucm, y vv mnus aim u nut. ()cvu ...... 3- Auxiliary. (here before tomorrow morning. Mrs. Charier Ellison was general convenor of the affair. Mrs. Thorn- Five thousand ti.-c llupet$ as Andrew and Mrs. W. H. Sweeton people read the Dally News. It were In charee of the tea room. pays to let them know what yo Mrs, Q. A. Rlx and Mrf C. V. Eyltt have to sell. poured and servlteurs were Mrs. Robert Bartlett, Mrs. F. A. MacCal-lum, Mrs. C. E. CulUn and Mrs. J. p. Iphns. Miss, R. M. Da vies UBE. , was cashier. The .borne, cooking table was In1 charge of Mrs. W. H. Tobey and iIrs. O. P Tinker. 3hower For Alice Hallberg Is Held Mrs. Jack Armstrong Jr. was hostess In.hpnox flf AIUs Alice Hallberg at a delightful cup and saucer shower Monday night. The evening was spent pleasantly, playing J games, the first prize being won by - y v I torMai I PRESS A BUTTON -tiMrt' yw Model B-2 iiiiVr tlatlon tuning! tcmiurt and Kiccurr. this lundjofn Coo oi Model ha Impcored Battery Sar Cicmit for More tcooomical Operation! Ifflprored iuih-Button Tumnn : All-war reception; Piun-io (or Victrola Anacb-ment to plajr records through your radio. Complete ith til batteries. ann r- Ooljl 99.7o BETTER PERFORMANCE FINER TONE . . . MORE BEAUTIFUL CABINETS! Model B-3 Has new Super Bind-Spread Dial for JO-timesasier short win tuning: Improred Fjiy-lo-iet-up Push-Burton Toning; All-War Receptions Magic Brain and many other refinements in a cabinet of superb beauty. Complete with all batteries. CTO rn Only- . ifiC.tU moJtls sli ttdUMf iritb Prij ihttttr tar (rVtU tprttlit at il'ubtlj bitber ttttj Call or Write for Complete Catalogue Terras, Etc. RADIO HEADQUARTERS McRae Bros. LTD. B. C- Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 McClary Recondition ed Kitchen Range $28.50 2 3-piecc Chesterfield Suites 36.00 t0 $39.00 (-plcce Chetcrficlil Suites In tapestries and velqurs at jg(li).0A bargain prices. Each E?VV S-piece Dining Room Suite Light oak .and upholstered $36.50 chairs 3 Vacuum Cleaners-First plass cpndition, from 1 Connor Washing Machine tQpod condition 6 Cpttpn-FillcdMat-trusses at 1 English Pram Very goad cqndition Next Doer To JLO. Clothlttt $6.50 $27.50 Reconditioned Radios C-l IZfl 6f various makes, from 'V $10.50 $15.00 THIRD AVENUE