?t TAnr. two Summer Shoes F We Have the Finest Variety and Styles in Summer Footwear. In White and All Other Colors. New Shipment of Wedge Heel, Dutch Box Heels in Colors Just Arrived Agents for "Mosco" Wonder Gorri (Jure AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes DAILY JmON .m MAKING MONEY MOVE A HAPPY AUfiURY o THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - KRITIStl COLUMISIA Published Erery Afternon, Except Sunday, by Prlnre Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Arenue H. T PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ACXRTISINO RATES Classified adrertislng. per word, per insertion Loral readers, per line, per insertion subscription Rates Clty'deHrery, by carrier, yeany period, paid in advance Paid In advance; per week . Paid in advance, per month By4 mall UJ all parts ot British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year 9.09 News Department Telephone SC j Advertising and Circulation Telephone ..... i)t Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Saturday. May 38. 1939 The visit of the King and Queen to Canada is making Houses of Parliament at Ottawa it is probable that, in eluded among them, was the bill providing for tbe expenditure of monies on defences. That would include the air base at Sral Cove. Prince Rupert. If this supposition is correct it is a happy augury for the success of the air bage. THE MIOIITY RELAX LONDON, May 20: CP)-'A Parliamentary golf tournament brought onto .the links such figures' asSlr John Simon, playing AOED HUNTER DIES GUISBOROUOH. Ennland. May REAL CHESS FAN NORWICH. England, May 20! (CP) John Keeble, man of surprises, waited until he was a sep C3 wickets, arm bowler. Announcement Is Officially Made Of Rupert's Win Baseball S'andinns Natiomal St. Lbuis 14 Cincinnati . 15 Boston IS Chicago IS Brooklyn 11 M?w York 12 Pittsburg 11 Philadelphia 10 I American Lea cue .02 New York 19 as Boston 5 .Cleveland IS $5.0O'ftbtearo li .12 Washington 10 .50 'St. Louts 10 DetroH 10 3.00 Philadelphia 8 L. 9 10 12 13 12 14 14 15 5 11 13 14 16 18 15 320 .473 .462 .441 FOK RENT JTH DAILY NTW3. SPORT GHAT of catching a glimpse of Their Ma 1 1 Miles UAUiN truiser. z u. rare engine, 0f the money once. He finished electric lights, etc. $300 tint four Umes, second once and FOR SALE 1931 Bulek Sedan excellent condition. Phone 11. ln . third three times. Two victories were recorded in Juvenile test events, the Ctaredon Plate and Mrs. I aAMa SMM A wm Jk kU t) t - a - I ft 11201 Wlsc1 wuu Hiiu -nucjsTi. iie iau- t A a 1 . a a a a eu mj sweep uie lesi iriai Dy run- There has been prating in some quarters at different BOYS billiard table, electric train ning third in the Coronation Stak times about the lovaltv of the Ouebec neonle and the DOS-' transformer. Electric heater, es. beaten by Jelwell, a speedster -a. -a- - . tiUaH. nia.i. tie hioi sibility of that province separating itself from the rest of 'f-vi-rfi '-in Canada. The reception given the King and Queen there for sale English pram in ex should dissipate all thoughts in that respect. Quebec has; nt condition. JtS JJJ Ul-MCJlJS ttllU UltVil tJlU ctIC )U11C U11ICICIU. 1IUHI UU18 Prone 41181 from the Cosgrave Stable of Tor Black 119 onto. Seeking to retain the honors he won last year. Willie Morrisscy. hnhthP Onflrw rw.n1r hnvf nn this; nffntihn trnnp nllt nf FOR SALE Piano like new $150: Toronto sport'.man. nominated Oas a a .... . 9 - a a a . .. m tTAUCA t f f-S-W V I St eIr TV aa t DOINGS AROUND OTTAWA (Ooatloued lnn Page One) T-, iri o4 rwon or ill . . -,- nw, au1 tKa alra.ri Mn au.1 I enter the park at the eastern en (trance and circle the radon strip and four mtee reepers are beingi ' ... . J11 . censtructed Hi Canada. The mlfctla King ano wueen wm .mb . , nm o, . , and preparaUttn are been made to aeeonajnodate the Urfast throng .ever to vateh a harse rate In Can-.ad a. Mare than 160.000' persons are Ne- Unci of Attack1 The Minister pointed out thau new lifHM of attatk hare ' to b expected to jam the spate laa. JTT 1 J wttt be drawn to the track In hopes A fleet In the surface of thai li no kHkger a defence against HnctiU alia ft Tti ahm.riiv pan pw Uimva ra-a wmww jw over those walla of steel, potntlnr W . ft . ft . kauJWIa . . before nroceedina to the Cntbhoue "V.1.- "T-"' " 1, .r . . nmutc aiferaii u vane on irom V , VT 1 k. .kIVIT. r . V Cel ral Europe, fly to Canada, drop r''lJ2'JS ther boabTand fly back again .009 .000 without landing." The task con- Xh mlnisrfser tnAVft fit ftasn ne4l a P at art. ywr.v Via w HIIU SS Q naif hotrn and it Is worth netlnr that never before hss any mtnister eiven ar miich statlstleal data and information in connection with anv department as did the Hon Ian Mackenzie that day. .Mr. Dunninr's Kudcct It was Mr Dunning's fourth budget providing for a total expenditure of $157200000. Mr Dunning was very critical cf the bl businesses in Cnnada deprecating the fart that they were not spending their way to let the world know they are loyal subjects of) a",.?"!L,QrnT.rBe: failed to ton; Vh hu l3-1 cod'" on the continent the Empire no matter what tnem; , local problems may worry ... and uin given only oniyi" 'r1 horse 7 h" aTy 10 pre" WANTED an outside chance by turf experts. Bunty Lawless, a son Qf Ladder' LOCAL AIRPORT PARTY from Vancouver who has Mlntwlna. romped to victory hut The defence estimates were passed this week so now it is probable active sieps will be taken to commence work I on the local airport. It was intimated on several occasions i Uiat tHe work would be likely to commence early in June i so we should be hearing something very soon. Doubtless j whfin .Timo u.'fja coi. frf tlio sir civic tci ccimmonpo if vao cnnL sirlered that the mdnev would not be voted until about that wanted Woman to do cook- ?!aed Pd. ,n P"limlnary..wor,t on Che way' to a busy .season pare a for a major engage ment. Other horses expected to start Include Mrs. R. E Webster's home there with every modern year. Mona! Belle, owned by the m, c Hatrh-, Z Tr 7 ' convenience and spending sum- Cosgrave Stable, was second and'.JSlfv ' mer In Rupert would like to ex- Harry Olddlng's Cabin Oal third. ff!h,f,M j n ' n ? "i Cv Fairs McMark change home with reliable party lhtfuUX and from Rupert spending summer in Sea General, a sturdy brown geld-,. 8tablts Ddnedria. Vancouver. Apply Box 8, Dally Ing, 1 being prepared by Olddlng'sl News. 120 for the classic. The gelding has dts- ACCORfll.NT. TO AOF. uikminoham, England. Mav . . OUtS and Lit ranlmv rnnnrtlntr tn 7C- ICPl A nan. m-m -v. : on boat to Vancouver for r. . , transportation. Leaving Monda. o". .oursomet-. Aonlv Home Oas mrlne Service. ,catu"'s v""a".u iui""b inr aveTaw did opportunity. Apply Room C8 Prince Rupert Hotel, 1 to 9 p.m. U18) PERSONAL the first section of which it is proposed to construct this be ready for examinations. year at a cost of nearly half a million dollars. Sport Briefs We have helped hundreds to oo-Liin positions as Letter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examln ers, Clerics and Stenographers etc Flee booklet of Information M. C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. if. tuagenarian before entering chess- 1 ' ' ,,. tournaments outside Norwich Now YOU can n a Home Kindergar- M he ... .u- has r died, n.j a 83, 1 leavjng 1 $1,410, I Kindercarten n.,wlth. ourT Institute. "fjf, Canfadla.n Wlnnl- vu n ic iyiicn rcucittiiuii. i " . . . peg. Manitoba. tf.l Sir WUliam Pultenay, aentlemar M. Drummed, South African crick-' SITUAXI0N wanted out of town U umv.. vvv vw er. WOK JOU WlCKelS OUring IhC ,nw l.l rWall. onH rf. o Lords, and Lady Astor. STAILS AS BOWLER papp Tnwu Mo tn- mat WORK WANTETl pait .season at an average cost of nP nn ntlniiraMnn Annlv He is a slow left-; 10f( Dauy News. EDUCATING NATIVES SUMMER CAMPS jYj racing form under the handling of jage of the 188 entrants, then (123) 20'. ' (CPi Sir- Alfred Pease, bar"- NAIROBI, Kenya, May 20! (CP) ANY school children wishing toi onet of Plnchlnthorpe House, who The Legislative Council has Join the Ridley Home Summer.' rode ln the Cleveland Hunt Club voted $235,000 to the Makere (Kam- Camp at Metlakatla please .com-! point-to-point at the age of 72. pala) University College for High- munlcate with Miss Bird before lids died here at 81. tr Education of Natives. ; . 1 June 16. urn, Aicxanaer oi ixnaon ine arawing a senior ana lunlnr fmtn ' r-a h a -I t 1 1 S f a a la A I C J a . L. a I All , UU, il T5.4. u: nt. i.:ii- ,.,i wuMtn wanvea Dy rename anu nauicr. ranncu among uie me rauiim? Division ... ., When the his bills King gave assent to passed by the, well EUarantetd ComDanv soien- m m m ... ----aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaMA,a(0aa-TB cAiau i ii ! h i iii n (45-day Limit) Rituni Fr from PRINCE RUPfcKT To: TOROMTO J OTTAWA J MONTREAL - QUEBEC HALIFAX Good la Tonrlit 8lnf en lirmntof rtrullr berth fart. Cl Tawritt $U.ir $03.50 $77.50 $9L15 $01.30 $78,15 $92.00 $07.95 $83.00 $97.95 $81.40 $99,10 $117.35 tGoo4 tn Statar4 Slttpart on pafmantof rtmlar Urth ftr. Ctrfipndlnl; ff fem MtnU (, Wllttrs CniUj ttlo t ihir ft,f. tntli ttMri allowt. it Winnlftl t. ChHre 5 jun tti unitt 12, hirt fart. tIMIUI UW-rMIl MIM tllT TO WlIT MO ItTUU F ull information row any A gent WJJ-299 ' - UnA Miriat that If they wwdd Utrtkum o nr- . not Jpend so that tadtry. aouM to the ntat IW ir. . go ahead the government would fee Kluf of Or. tt "7 ' wnprftod to do so. Km of Canada i- w lor Na-, per capita expcnd!M.t4 ,hU. ,,han.. wMt i t .r, , tional defence as eWr wlth j, the removal of the three per cant Uters r, . . . ,.. .traa. u ter lnla.nr .Z ....... HMine lever mt ui :s m - exclt Ux vmen u liim oil iihbh mm mwm . the crram o( ontarto-foUed!artt Britain and Northern Jrtand Unu suc and which re- Prime Mlatater MONTREAL. Mar : 'CPi - three-year-otd thorcmgwwwis " " ' CT Betes the consumers In Dnttfh Co- ThH reqaeat couk Announcement is made here that into the drive leading s the Mttt tted States S10. AaMraua ,s. New u, parehaae ed but even if , the Canadian National kal Recreation Recreation running running oi of the Kings h.inga mw mteoo,auanu """v-"" - OT:tQ)He " ftQHe m estec. exteeH. II llvH wttt fen fee-a iM law been been made made Association of Prince ce the winner for 1939 of of the the Dan- Dom- bones bones nominated nominated lor lor the the cbuwlc causae at at from iron il i l! to t 1& to w ij, . . . . ..j- ... ut , TV. forte MAnlfM required tA to mao; man the Ma!: fnlon Marksmen senior w SmaM 5man Bore uore pi-iuresque pittnreaqoe Wi&odbme wooaoaie Parte rant ram reanatn' The v- ... .1, J . con, Considerable Inters muroat has haa been been be be In In at atteadanrX lead nr.' . .1 . ,r mrt sir bww will number 145 olfk-eraV . . .. . . . Tr niiir Mifuci aiinmn iwn'" nmmir hmiti' y v k " -V . . UN1 in UW HWTC oy Mr uamoyfr iglOM WH bad compeuUon so tha- Rupert U Monday. About a score of the Mi fence expenditure hare increatfea ltnwy ot u mluton dol from the vartou- n the mku wiU 1 l! ' Baseball Scores Yesterday s Big League scores- National Leatue New York 11. Chicago 5. 1 Brooklyn-St Louis, postponed on account of rain. PhHd4wWa 3. ClmlwiaH twiie Iwrrtwyl. BosUm 5. PitUbure 2. American League nhlrr 5. New York? 4. , St. Louis 7. RtaM) 15. DetrOH ft Phttadiphla 11. rtevetand S. Washington 4. The league standings U date inr nwsexona ncia irainmc aiat. vninivtM- of Btiauaiiir hsrMtb The fkM wllf b cut further! W e h been lncrea.iaroun, four ce time butJi4 or 15 ik!Ki-t t4 daring the pa three' j-ear by t mon iNm .1, the post tc match speed and stam- ts per ceni tw new uu,ni tea in the grueHmg asHe-swMl-a- hae been purehaied from the ad-Ifurlonr nrnt ml rally One training schooner rfed. rcr wsaantr n.. Interna t Ion il tty. butter is surplus stock which has a bare po-tbi . . been depressing the market and serious rmii t ha keeping down the eriee I the fan dunnv the .. farmers The actkm of the govern- ties mlht be. went Ir hlghlv commendable dlf- of BrltKh co!un fertnt entirety from that of the Un- rassM deal wtth t. tied States whirh dMtroyed w- tanci afrtinv i phi farmtn producU when thee other than the good' could have been given to the other antir to poor and needy of that eoufltou Out th prime m When tt was aunooneed thtt the ter -f Extenisl Ai; , Prtme Min'tter would aecomoan nne h. r ould k-Their Maiesties the King and nested h : v Queen durin their sUy in Oas- in the coui.'.rtew : ada. the C.C.P. outside of the tr dav Hook critiried this somewhat When one vm-. iMfer-v The Hatement made by tew ajftotttM h. 1 the Prime MlnKter In eonnecUen aecaVltfi could bf .. wtth this crltlehwi was made br Mr Pfrse Mtnlater r-. Klrw and howed how desirable and eorfipaay Their M n"-r-smry 11 was lor ir. iing 10 oe t roan and in '.. The classic. 0 de-t-conUnually run !A!.'?",wh them throughout their tour tc be incumbent race on the continent, is fashioned V"Tr ' . ! , 1 riAr m nn. cJerstood when It U pointed out FREE 1 - aria It;. goternment took of-Jrooowooooooooooooocot3MoonotKooooooeoooocoeM tario which have never won a raeel"Swh 193 there not a Ungle other than those euaively (or .12. two-j ear-old. Owner of the win J . t in 4.i..a Ji-.S nrr will iXtc w Kutnrsu, uwt modem anti-alrcralt gun in Can-.o ada. The stock of field gun am o I tsMgniftaVaM An Hatw4 taj a c sa 1a that . , ed by the King. and. a gold cup. and w " w" J g 'ted minutes JJ the major portion of a 31OJ00O add- Hr ninety g "J ed purse. The Klng-wW present the LI V , J. o 1 guineas after the race They were (?.ln ordwvto g SOU III nf th ran Va nanvWimt KaH O A,l donated first m 1859 by Queen vie- " r v.T TX. . g! torla. During her reign the raeejfde "P1 T, f0f In was known as the Queen's Plate and 'f1 tr"5xrtJ,&r dt(T S aiKr her death the rtame was , '.th J!1. . itB ' lan changed and the donation contin- ""1 hdJwt .l " ard lh ued by succeeding monarch. The"Vh N1r a,r about $2501 has been awarded in,00 ualreraU ?? frTkc trpe aUg wWth 0MolHc ,nd of past years, but this year the guineas'0' n0,g rlt )v nrMMtHl In a mnUlivr .aCCOSHK UnHS W UatfVtng DUr- 0 Prp-rare aentlmMit tvitr Ar-h mnnev muvp into thm miintrv trnm thp ilnitiMi StntGS all or urAn . et ArrhttMAtrri tarnes1 th rteht ti r jpos. I The minister made It dear that worth a bg chestnut ceK owned, Cmnd m P her,g lrrlnd 10 ln by C George MtOotta.h. Toronto 0 nnwuhr Th. . of Wnrthmnr.. Bseaswe of defence. He felt that-2 ncr iiiusa presans; neeo was com ..v..v t a, wm... - - ' - " vkAri.vU, ntn tusiiioiivu tuvuviu I along the route they travel. In Victoria hundreds of hotel', apartments. Phone Red 444. tr. tire to winter quarters as favorite Irly -.la-j nr i Pavl " f ! fin.f rPPrV;,ffnn hV Ua tn hp r-pfn-M nnd liiHMintf in nri-.' 1 ability to snrint and trlvrt " yate homeis had to be resorted to in order to accommodate FOK HALF niwX.es Hlvemie. Hen'SIt'10 mrUte ty tne iai-ge numoer wno wisn to oe pregeni lor me occasion. A similar condition exists at Vancouver. Many thousands of-dollars are being left in the country by visitors from the south. LOYALTY OF QUEBEC stove, Phone Red 557. Special... A Beautiful Decorated Tumbler With Every Purchase of Effervescent Fruit Saline Both for 39c Regular 25c Plate Brush Free With a Tin of DENTAL FIX POWDER Both for 50c FREE With Every Purchase of BRITEN TOOTH PASTE 1 A Decorated Fruit Juice Tumbler Both for 29c Ormes Ltd. 31 Ptonecr Druqfjists The Retail Store Phones: II K Open Daily from 8 a.m. till It p.m. Sunn's- and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pra. 1 p.rrv. HI 9 p.m. oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooo tooooooooo NEW AND BITTTER a I "4 im ooooooooooca vw.wawav.v.vcv. .vrw.vv.v.v''yV COLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Saimon Fleetf Following the investigations of the Fisheries Reea: the Company has Just completed extensive changes a- f. ' on, 'T3Vf menu in ice storage and ire delivery methods. Ire for the boat will all be old Ire. thoroughly rurrd or aged at new 6w temperatures. It will be delivered Inline hold, even In the hottest weather, as cold a the storage room. Fishermen are Invited to Inspect the new syrtem Better Ice than ever before, at no Increase ln cost, mea to the boat and Improved quality In fish delivery jrsoniy I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert ff) fl BHtlah CoUma ?. .uuUIAASAAVWV a - . - MJ.J a a a a . - a a a a a a a a . a NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOMir , Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms ' Hot A Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IDG COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 sndMJ