.1 7UST FOUK DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen We Hare a Larte Assortment of the Latest Designs in ENGAGEMENT RINGS, WEDDING RINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or. We will make to order, any deUjn that jou prefer, in rimes or any other piece of Jewelry. We have in stock rings from $1150 to 1 1204.00. W'r Invite Tour Inspection FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist F Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Landings Still Well Ahead of Year Ago Norman Freeman Here From Seattle Angling Season Opening DRY DOCK Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled .BSMaaaaHHSSMaajaaBaavaMauBHaUBBa Used Furniture 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite In shape. Special 6-Piece Cream Bedroom Suite To clear Golden Oak Dining Slightly used. From, up Dc Forest Washing Machine Siiecial . . ... .i Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the 1939 season up to and including yesterdav totalled 3,936,-900 pounds as compared with 3,149,650 pounds at a corresponding date last year. The Canadian landinrrs have aggregated 1,771,300 pounds this vear to date as against tron' 1,629,750 pounds last year while the American total for ?ereJ for iraa tunas at z.i&s.wo pounds in comparison with pounds a EsztnUa! for 9,000 pounds and the year ago. During the week ending to 6c and 5c received by the Con- Canadian vessels and 453.760 "f0 lwmto aad the low 7c pounds from American. Prices for nauoui continue 10 maintain a slight improvement over the average for the same period last year. For Canadian fish the top bid of tiu. r mrivca uy ute oiar. visitor and Kingfisher for catehes of 13-080. 6.506 and 13,000 pounds. MORE WIN I IN SWEEP Two Canadians Draw Residual rrires List of Canadians Who Get 1100 consolations DUBLIN. May 20: CP 'Canadian' drew two of the flfty cash residual prizes of tll J250 each In the Irish Hospitals sweepstake todajr. They were "Marianne" BB78S9S and "Lacky Strike LD521. Nom-de-prames of Canadian winning consolation prises of 1 100 each were: Lucky Tire. Who Me. Lacky Ham. Three LitU- Pitv Ooodtaet Bon. Rosedate. Wire Poll-r Two Clean. Ntr. Sh-tv. Olai'ola Nibs. Cube. Btetkhcssc. Duke. Lock? Jim. Popeye Illn at Lst. Ctme Oar Way. Nat. Miry rw H-i PI n-ecs. Just a Fish. Too Bad, The Fire Cis. Semper Paratus. Gloria. Syndicate, Sonette. Snoodie. I Want it Now. Waited Long Enough. Sarj. Pay Tay. Lucky. Sons of Erin. Kit-lie. Nothing. Shareholder, stay Put. Olttar Bag. Jast Once. Try Again. Eornum. No More. Two Old Chums. Nellie and Vide, Mine Now Honey Moon. Tall and Handsome Pat. So Coon. Sure Bet. Pharlan. Family Party "7187". Lucky Bill Texa? Jack. Third Time. Lucky Serena. Mah and Tommy. M.. Airmail. ' Sky High. Queen Victoria Day. Crazy Me. Bin. Douggie. What Ho. Cordon Richards. Jumper. Optical1 Nerve. I'm Alone. Derby Winner, j in the city for the past week, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night an her return to Victoria where she Is spending some tunc tn the course of a trip to Canada Norman L Freeman, formerly to- She U ster-ln-Uw of H. McN. caiea ai ranee Knnert a rmr. untatlVa of Ik. l...tu..l n.u ghieer. the week was 7.6c and 5c paid the conmiasion and now stationed . .. . at Seattle, arrived on the Princess C. V. Evltt and A R. Nichols with .,,, f 'JU ZT' AND SHIPYARD TT'Z? RZ7 ?TT?Ti and on their Initial trips of IMJ Omr I JlU R. M. Yerburgh left last nighty waMn . ta qucet of ,lwJ fV. w4u uit iinwua JJUcr CI uiicr I rout. Confidence for a week-end trip to: .Porcher Island to hunt out a atte w a Iarge crovd at ."f or ! Canadian National wharf last night Scouts. Other King's Birthday to 0,f the 102nd n week-end parties heading for Por-!of 4ixty or men, nnder ueuL .cher Island overnight were with T n Jrhn,tn -h good $39.00 4 Radios Q-IQ CA To To clear clear ' yU9OV $59.00 Room Suites $29.00 $49.50 party paraded smartly from With the angng season legaDy Armory for embarkation B.C. FURNITURE Co. B.C. Furniture is Now Open for Business With a Large Stock of HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS New. and Jle-Conditioned Kitchen Ranges, Radios, Chesterfield and Bedroom Suites, Dinettes, Dining Room Suites, Washing Machines, Carpets, Rugs, Etc. New Furniture 4-Piece Walnut bedroom Suite Consisting of Bed, Vanity, Stool and Chiffonier. Qfi AA Special $UU.UU 6-Piece Dinette In cream and red. $30.00 snap , . 4 Walnut Dinette QOA AA Chairs-Leather seatsVV.UU 3-Piece Velour Chesterfield Mod- bkticBtyIe-pIeak'd $89.00 1938 Westinghouse Mantel set-Long and Bhort QCT6) AA wave. Reg. 79.00 . . . VO&.VV Phone Black 324 Next Door to B.C. Cloth'iers I Sergeant Major James Arm-, who has been stationed1 for some time as hist rue toi the 102nd. Battery, sailed his, nieht br the Cardena on hU re-1 turn to Victoria. yesterday landings were well over so 2,500 pounds. The high price average at a total of 743,400 pounds f the week for American fish was Urs- c E- Lwe of Bexley Ifeath 75c and 5Jc naid the FAin-nrr, England, who has been a vWUw TOT DAILT MZTTS Devout Moslems Mark End of Feast of Ramazan An impress plrot shewinj hundreds J Melons bowing to Mecca in the celebrate 3 f td-L Fihx be';re he Badshehi mosque in Lahore IntLa The relebraL taarkrd the tast day of Ramazan- the thirty-day fas: Mo&lem rc.ig.ous festival TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert -Clear, northerly wind, three mfles per hour: barorn eter. 3047 'falling; temperature. 45: sea smooth. Triple Island dear, northeast wind, six miles per hor; sea smooth. Langara Island Broken eJoucU. east southeast wind, ten mHes per hoar: barometer. 30JB4: tempera- ture. 45: sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Overcast. northwest wind, five rattes per hour; ! barometer. 3tJ; teaperature. 50; 1 1 Building .. A 1 riMIt nran1rtv rvci Vfav 91 rvT U'mvaac' Di.ll nnH ti-w-. X rW T)vnlrste nku slaaiMs 1 A FRINCE RIJPFRT ZtTtJTJT PartlM dy be-tnerly wind. n per houn X iVlML AU1 ILIA. I SeatUe for a visit on official duties. ,n ,,n n tv. nrnMrMtr n. Kar-. t. a-,. favorable weather, it would appear sea smooth. Alert Bay Clear, calm; barometer. 30.12: temperature. 42; sea smooth. Estevan Cloudy, easterly wind. four mile per hour: barometer. 30J00. Victoria Cloudy, southerly wind, four miles per hour; barometer. 30.04. Vancouver Cloudy, calm; bar- iDr. R. G. Large on the Neiris and . ..'.. . J . wiin r. A. MacCanum on the Ar- take training. The Cardena took on' Prince George-Clear, southwest .ranmore. v,. . ...i . r . n-n4 .n v. the "er. 30.04. " Police Chiefs Called South Gammon and Jacklin to do Special Duty in Victoria in Connection With Kings Visit , Summoned south for special duty in connection with the forthcoming visit of the King and Queen to Victoria. Staff Sergeant Ernest Gammon, district provincial police chief and Sergeant C. C. Jacklin. city chief, will leave on the Catala next Tuesday afternoon for the capltol Both officers are ex-service men. They expect to be away two" weeks and will take prisoners with them. THE SEAL i QUALITY 5 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red'Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Tacked by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert 4- 4" 4- 4- Up A Town Talk abot tt. Write about It Speak well of tt. Help to Improve It. Patronize Its merchants. Advertise in It newspaper 4 4. Elect good men to all offices Beautify the streets and gar- 4 Speak well of Its enterprising 4 public -spirited cHtzesu. If you are rich, invest In something, emptor somebody. be a -hustler." Remember, every dollar you Invest tn a permanent im provement Is that much on in- terest. Be courteous to strangers that come among you so that they go away with good Im- preastoM. . ' Ala-ays cheer ub the mfn who go tn for Improvement. Your portion of the cost win only be what is lust Don't kick about any neccs- , sary pubttc Improvement. Above all. never spend a do!- lar out of town that you can I use for the same purpose In loa-n. A fifty cent classified ad. often make you many dollars. TEAM "NAE SAE BAD" Toarinr Scccr Sauad To PUy IS Matches In Canada and United Stales GLASGOW, May 30: CP -Shrewd Scottish critics have conceded a "nae sae Bad" to the grown of footballers who will plat ftweive games la Canada and the United State May and June ! And Una typical observation meant Jit is practically an an start aj . gregatton. I While the Seottath Football As jsociaUoa selectors included only i three of this yer's national team 'which has lost a clow 2-1 decision ;to England, they restricted the4! choke to players of knemn abltlt) This year's international 0n th; leam axe John Dawson. Rangers. James Cars tone. Third Lanark. and Alex MeNab. West Bromwleri Albion. Of the seventeen players, nine Toronto and duu have had previous experience on ,n return muy w representaUve teams Scots pre tfUn tne tourists yv t dominate on the roster but thy Inning 10-0. earn has a native of England. Wil. FMne the ooe-Ham Lyon, who hatk from Birk real this week, wh - In recent years. The last tour ww Mr. and Mrs A K jmsde In 1935 when a strong squad child sailed last - rk . maintained a clean sheet In 13 Princess Adelaide f..r 6c 4 games, scoring U goals against they plan on Uk j eitht Twentv matches mere play- residence They ey-, will Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing , . DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 MISS YUKI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Phone GREEN 880 7:7 PHASER ST. ! ea oy a touring team In 19X7 The early motor trip to TSx Scot were beaten by an alt-star elsewhere shi. ? M ls4 A Thrilling 5Uf7 Ad vent tut "THE STORM With rmt.n trr CUt 'larLa Ietine (At 1:11 an4 u And I Ta C At 7:M .M 3 l U'll.Mi MOV XI a Way -SHTtlll iq JT (in Technic!, enhead: trainer Bert Manderson Scots play at arm r -t former Rangers' back, a naUve of t-orrw. Drtrest u, j(' B Dubtth. and Ben EWs. a Welshman 1. Mo . May U jfrom Bangor. 31; Vancouver. June Speeubttlon regarding sUrs like 3uTie 5- Viotorta. Jm - - v i Alex Vaniers. Rangers: and T W Juie 10; Wtnn.per , Oimek. Everton. was killed whe. T""nt, Jun 17. New Y their dubs failed to nominate them for the trip. Tommy Walker turned In pfpb jaWy the best exeuse for not mak- ing the trip The famous Hearts - nlayer Is studying for the mlnlstr) .and he felt a break 'would hinder his summer Regular Execution ,Lr.S Of German Trailon wenna. rantcK Tniseil. wat .deprived of the opportunity of go- BERLIN. Msy 30 T ling to Canada because he had not executions of ' trai- jstgned up with his club for next state" are lAiog pi weekly U biuma L Tw0 representative 8 F. A. ouartefs. i .teams have crossed the Atlantic Fishing Tackle See our selection of Trout Finning Tackle bo fng on your fishing trip. We carry a nice h-W Rods Reels Spoons Lines Leaders Etc. GORDON'S HARDWARE McBRIDE STREET Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.RL Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. H10NE GREEN 190 AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 61 Ird V-17-I ? t Tbeae 111 SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! eiDffit it OCEAN FALLS tri POWELL RIVEI tier leaves) Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wedneaday, Friday, 6 p.m. tv vir.HT ira a ' Phone 1 TaYl t MAZZIE ? LTAT .p. roit Office. n St. If you have something to fell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if thern Is a buyer in the city. " J