DAILY EDITION IIH II JACK & JILL ::'r SPECIAL As sole agents for this famous line of misses and children's footwear we are pleased to announce that we have received iermis-sion to give 10, , discount on this nationally - controlled line for 6 days only. Have Your Children Fitted With Our X-Ray Fitting System and T Avoid -Mistakes oooooooooooooooo Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid m advance $54, Paid in advance, per week .1 Paid In advance, per month j, By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance . 3.0 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.0. ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per tosertam : a Local readers, per line, per insertion 2, News Department Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Thursday. March 16. 1934 THE GREAT OUTDOORS h This is the season of the year when people turn to )the 'great-outdoors lor their Tecreawon and enjoymen.. During the winter the tendency is to stay in the house or attend indoors events often lasting through half the night. The result is a lowering vitality with tendency to colds. One of the tendencies of life in our climate is that we do not spend enough time outside. We like to sit around the fire when we should be inhaling fresh air. Excercise oui 01 aoors is almost essential to health. 1 Now we turn to our favorite outdoor pursuits. Some I like boating and swimming. Others Kke walking or outdoor games. Of late years there has been a tendency to-i ward gardening, an occupation that gives a reward in. health and in beauty. The great thing is to get outside for at least an houror two each day. IMPROVED CONDITION'S tBftstfrrp highway have been improved dur- ast levrweeKs. borne of the bad turns hnvp hPPn made les? dangerous and drivinc is now much morp pn- joyable than it had been in the past. This is excellent and ve are glad to be able to congratulate the department of public works of the provincial government on the work' they are doing. We hope they will keep it up. ST. PATRICK'S DAY : Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day and Irishmen everywhere will celebrate more or less. Some will simply wear a sprig of shamrock in the buttonhole. On that day Irishmen everywhere stick out their chests, hold their heads high and let the world know they come from a great little island Where the grass is green and people are happy or quarrelsome or possibly happy while being quarrelsome. In Canada these same Irish people seem to lose their propensity to quarrel and are among the very best citizens. We are not much concerned with who St. Patrick was or. What he did. It is the results that count. We know the Irishman today and, doubtless, St. Patrick had something to do with making him what he is. ; VALUE OF AIRPLANES . What is the value of the airplane in war? that is a questioiUhat Is being asked by a great many people. The totalitarian nations are putting their faith in bombing! planes and are building them by the thousands; They un-! doUbtedly, do a great deal of damage but in the early'daysi of the Spanish war Franco had very few and the Chinese1 have had very few compared with their opponents. In each ease the war lasted two years and even yet is not elided. LattPrly Spain was well supplied with bombing planes and yet they have Jiot taken Madrid. V j it 16 jtiflt possible that the value of nlmln emphasized.. They have their place, undoubtedly, but whether sUch a tremendous number as Germany seems to be building will justify the outlay remains to be seen when and if War conies. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily New that the people of the whole district are doing the bame. BETA WINS HOOP GAME Take llitb Sflitxtl Senior league lty Deft-lting tianuua In the final mine nl the oauv- team sailed for home yesterday following the ending of the fifth test cricket match with South Africa in a draw. Of the five my.. mm Mlmi THAT SUPPLIES MANY NEEDED ELEMENTS SO OFTEN LACKING IN THE MODERN DIET Drink . . . LUCKV LAGER AGE AND PURITY GUARANTEED BY SI 0,000 BOND Alto atkjor IIUHTON type ALE SILVER SI'IUNG STOUT Cuaat llrewrrira Mil. Vaacoueer - New WeetmiMter Victoria J-I Tlii mlvei rifinent la not pulillahetf or displayed ly the Liquor Contro! Board or by the Government of liritUli Columbia. Tins DAILY XEW.1 The Letter Box wheat ami silyvkk almost mjret having tried Ut PHI ui wurd lur the farmers. It is toe concerted attack upon dUier ahead by a slight marsh. cmnowmcr. In the first half there was pd Y th Weed checking and passing but not wnn the fishermen's statement much aheottne;. The half endi : Pvroidmg they were la the with Gamma in the lead by II to postn the farmers in 10. their eJaims. We wM Just mention In the second half Beta had goodit U farmers are net to blame, namlnt but their ahootine wawr I heir receiving 91 7ft a ton fo poor. Gamma's shooting was ahn nJe herring at Rupert nor do w off. Christian went off on per- wro the fishermen ecau? sonals around the pud of th's,w have had to pay as much as Bridge Cups Fot Season Are Awarded The executive of the Prince Rn- offs of the High School Senior th M' industries that Brklft lj. hiu trm fd Basketball League. Beu beat Own- n mBhkk of the award of the Johnson Oup to raa by a wore of It to 14 The QP 2' tlve Sons of Norway for leafut two trams haw timm close ah fcfC'"K UM,W r" ehampionalilt this seaxm. The year with Qmmmn winning the , runner up cup 4a iwi wanM thte first halt ami Beta th second J f'J .'Vj' J"?' year. The Tip Ttati Tmlters Oup The name was fa and eacitir.4 7orl 01 'f . . 7 go u the Itambfrea who defeated I Kes if a- lTb..MaaM,a luilA mlaiti h win nm one mm ana men me ' .Canadian National Recreation As aoclation in a play-off The sea son's play has been concluded Canadian Legion 'Women's Banquet half. S0 a ton for the same herring!, ... M uoiKesiaa ana ivtnare were new " r wj for Beta. ' Macdonald and Chris- Mil to use here, tian for Gamma. I We have always slated that the Individual scoring: miners were entitled Ut more than Beta Bussey 4. Hopkins 1. Kl-jSOc for stiver. We we no reason hara 2 Holkestad 10. Maoouver 2. why Bryan was not correct when Oamma Knutson 6. Macdonald 'he advocated a 16 to 1 ratio. In. lost night with about sixty mem- uaroer. tirown . unnsuan 1. any case we go nm see wnv silver Kp ittin Kn.n in Hinnr ik. Morin 1 English Cricket Team Sails Home Four Of snotMa oe practteaoy pegged at 1U 'present price. The greatest won der of them all is why no one has had a word to say about the fact that the government raised the price -of gold 100 percent and fixed the price at that level What iuatlfteation for so doine or whbt Ut does to our property values w Five Matches In South are 004 abte to say ott hand We Community Africa Were Drawn, England Winning One umber f Sixty In At' tentlaure at Affair Latl Mght The Wumen's AuxHiary to the Canadian Legion held its sixth an president. Mrs A. Murray, presid ing. After a delightful repast, th King's toast was duly honored. During the evening Mrs. Murray orrcrnted the retiring president Mrs. R. T Anderson, with a bouquet of flowers. Mrs. Fred Hunter sang two soles accompanied by Mrs. J. 8. Black smainc and brldte 1 merely reman upon the fact that 1 were enjoyed with Mrs. W Roth- ,la w saw a single 1 wrU and Mrs, C Harmon prlxe iwuru sow mat maiier. ooes it winners. rTTOr A v? c? ..... l. i .have the ffMt nf ratthnv niir 16: CPi The English ericke . Property values hi half? Does it CTjnrtf unoer uiai nor n we iningi0' " ,uuc r st kj m eatied inflation? Some one please ar path. It is a long read that tell. us, has no turn and it may be peas- It seems to us that Mr Kennev lbI lt u only because of the pre matches played. England won thetpalc rather slitjhtsngiy of wheat paB&nda a,Ml herring thai third and the four others were In faet one mtaht wonder what m lub 004 wised p tied. Try a Dally New want-ad. the farmers wanted to raise sueh,DeIore w otUrCk wonor ho" useless staff for in the first place. much they ean be kapt Allow us to suggest that neither ta "Objection made the ser-gold nor silver would be much;rant of aU missed If it was sunk in the sea 5 We not tioned Urtff We wUl also suggest th- rHai-lmlnlnum Rd hours or bUlty that the governments of the man otnw relative to the n-orW would show better Judg- wbJel trouble? ment were wheat, instead of gold made the basis of their currency ' We also believe the present manipulated prices of wheat must be very interesting to Britain a. well as the other countries who are now storing up huge quantities of wheat for a ruiny day which recalls the farmers were skinned on wheat in the last war with fixed prices. We would also like to point out that the 20c a bush'!, on No. 1 wheat alone, is but a very small item compared to the fixed prices paid farmers In most of the European countries for the past 15 years. And have these wise guys figured out Just who geU the 20c paid In Canada and what would have happened had It not been done? There are so many things about this matter that most people do not seem to have the least idea about but they Just take a crack at the simple minded rubes because they think they can bite them without getUng a sock in the Jaw. We wonder if they ever CLUlHED FOR SALE COMPLETE household goods for aale. evenings. Phone Red 413. WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED Girl wants housework Phone Red 444. C4 CLEAN, well - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. tf. ARTICLES FOR SALE RUBBER GOODS, SUNDRIES, etc., mailed postpaid In plain sealed wrapper 80 less than' retail. Write for mall-order cata logue NOV-RUBBER CO., Dept L, Box 9i, Hamilton, Ont. tf HELP WANTED WANTED Man with some knowledge of office routine and bookkeeping. Applications stating age and experience to Box 2. Dally News. (09) WANTED WANTED by young man, room and board la good home. Apply Dally News. (041 D T ORRENE. Quick. TAKE THE "LEAD" FEELING OUT OF YOUR LEGS CM Mn Oirtm I" Tm BImJ tni Get ttw ftp Uut SrnJt Ti BwM&nf Up lb SlUt hvopj wlw imoilwr la Satk iii Wium own bai bvra mmpUUif cut mS tram litem. Jwt u Mmtr X am Wljr (hmMu rUm if row Mood UcLa r4 onmarle. R4 mnrawlea ar your ajwa-eajTWrt. Their caerr the nnn r Wnv la ta -nrattitaf rmirOm WtUoirteiioucaaxr-tea-carryinc aaepoMlea. mr kMneya, Kr. alomaca ana alow do1 a. Toar akla Kta Jml. fUbbf. enea tlnplr. Toae an mar amiH Tr m ut anKM Wkat rM noxl U Dr WPMama flak TU. TV mtrW-ranoua piUt beta maka mn aad belter red nrpuxlet and lliua bntm the oaraa-carrrtna' - mt your Utart tiH ttr. -tMrnm tlak I'UU Utimf at your ilroscM lor fnmrffl horn OyWicsJr Ula liaie-priHiea hluwi-BuUdV kelp alt yu Latk uur bowa.IT reMfe.lK. NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" It ten Si. 00 up 60 Rooms Hot 6t Cold Water Prince Rupert B.C Phone 211 P.O. Hoi 196 THE SEAL ' QUALITY 5 mm M4Arvrei GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll la Ptlnca Rupert meai time after school bed time NAMING OF C0MMISI0N Twn riatiHlng Italy I Cunstt luted by Cily t'ommtadaner Alder With Pavu.ee Of II j law The Prtesee Rupert Tua-n Planting CintiBilaalan. which la beu set up in aasweeUon wilh the vatag at she eMy la connection vith buttdtog rastriceUit. will 000 A.-. .. f 1 I .m IBS. Jk3 Thurv1r vnnn sinner iii eeunei). waft bylaw pt . of the comm. Before the i ed. Mr. fun., pointed an h Bnasd whirl. a member n: As City tr.:: man of th t. tees. Mr Aki. member ..r 1 Building Bylaw the Parks Board: 3. 3. LltU 0 DG three year term; O. V. Bvttt two years 1 and Robert Oordoit city Comrr.i one year 1 as wetl at the com mi- sitting as a - wiener blmsetf gave notice ' The personnel of the cemmH- the DuiMint; P tion became known yesterday af- ment was h. v ternoon when the city eammis- changes jr. ; 1 1 . Amended WIN ONE OF THL D Norman Holland Scholarships 41 U OR ONE OF THE OTHER jl ICC EDUCATIONAL M rr? 10U PRIZES onercd to ichool itsdtnb oi all t Tht conleti it planned to tKit younftf itxdrra do not hjvt to compete with oldf itdnttf iMfthermorc, yoa only compete with itsdc" your own locality. Everyone hMntqwldu- ABSOLUTELY FREE - NatfascliM Nr j You don'l h.ve Io send" ia 1 -TSjr uoeli ot eoupom un mi ihort latter Ullinj ' why W to keep thinji winld. BRANDRAM-HCNDCRIOII a . . Laa rai Pin "d will Jfve ye ' entry blank and full p.rtic!i Get your entry blink now GORDON'S HARDWARE McnillDE STREET rhonf 311 'JtpaytbkcplhlnjipctAltJ SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEi Steamer IravcH I'rincc Ruport rry TIILHSDAV. 11.15 p.m. Train leave Prince Rupert fur the Eat Monday, WrtliifMlay, Friday, 6 p.. AIH-CONDITIOM-n SLEEPING CAR For farea, eic call or write City Ticket Office. C1C 3rd Ave if "1 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancoutfr T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUE8- T.3.S. CARUENA FBI"1' DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Hue Vancouver, Monday If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Ottkt Further Information Regarding Reaervatlons and TlcfceU W A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. rlione H