5:23 am 8.4 ft. 17:46 p.m. 5.7 It. ! : -' JiK -win no. oo n URDERIN i HOLLYWOOD Mound In Canyon Hack Of Ilevtrly Mills try HILLS. Cal.. Marrh K ' like Hollywood has - ,. ..'iirfir mystery on Its rday the body of Mrs D ushrrty. wife of a v i was found In a can-z f Beverly Hills. Search Mtutwl far her fol-nlure to return after : a walk. A man who have been seen lolt-t hrr home, Is bcin? AS DOWN ON OCEAN . . . i , . - r.m un imancr i ucr. wn 17 to South America, Picked I p Off Atlantic Orean March 1: 'CP' -German lone dis-.r,m( a filiht from .i i was forced down ean ytUrday 136 i t of UraUl. Word ' the effect that .np mlo:is had been rm an steamer. The IV illn on Teday" 4 Verde Island. T I Ith ft. M rvv I U1UU1L. X Ul UH1DII T Cld Hll'hrtrin lrHW Tl.nirtm.nl Etto'.l Thrv f.avr I'n Canadian Citizenship By Enlisting March 16: CP The v. relief department not responsible for 'hr Spanish civil war. for that campaign. Uielr Canadian cltl- "2 it la held. 2 Months In sington Case I lew ill srnl noun I or Brraklnr ami I'ntrrlnr Willi Intent To Assault .v r - ....... i v imprisonment by Judgt, lict in County Court yes-: ' afternoon on a charge ot !- and entering with Intent ;mlf. an assault. Flcwln, ' i nillty to the charge which! ' at of a recent affray among ut Port Esslngton follow a Stinking bout. inister To Relieved M -1 . v... . . .it -v...ulan,d,, i.iivoj 1 (I Dlll- jiiu(uijn. li. c. Marcn iu r IM;I . 1 .... m ua vecnosiovaKian mims- n ihA i urODatilv tint, hp Innty fnUi 111 ine taking over of hi3 j w utriiii inv. ti is kiippuv "Mniii i.i n ii r ifirn i nrv iinrnn n ppn an outsnoken critic of man Nazism and. fnllnwlnt? his . us minisicr, ne win "ably remaln , the Unltcd l" in the interests of his per- M .:afetv Tomorrow sT ides Scttlt) 141 Capitol ., 11:19 ajn. 18.6 It. T TAXI 23:28 p.m. 185 ft. K United States Attorney Lanar Hardy and h.s tU "iiter. Michellne. are pictured on the S3 Normal..-' .c they sahed from New York for Europe The .un lady is goto to Europe (or a vacation, but the attorney u going to run down several "definite teids" in an Inquiry into the widespread ramifications of the Nasi spy ring oooooooooooooooioaoaoooooooMaoK)eoefioofliMKKMa to Carpatho-Ukraine Is Now European Danger Point As Invasion Being Resisted LONDON, March 16: (CP) Defyine Hunpiry whose militarv advance it is resisting and appealing to the nations to he accorded rights and protection as an independent state, the Carpatho-Ukraine. the narrow easternmost strip of former Czechoslovakia, today looms as a centre of international complications. Ruthenia. as the Carpatho-Ukraine is also known, has made it plain that it does not want to be annexed by Hungary which, in its campaign with that end in view, has the blessing of the German Npirh iind Chancellor Adolf Hitler. Up and down IS the mountain slopes the Ukraine Sitch Guards were g 'o fichtinc the Hungarian forces with heavy loses on o both sides reported. Meantime, Polish troops were o still massed on the frontier to the north. g Premier Volosin of Carpatho-Ukraine is still in n.,.v,oin lmvincT find before the advancinor armv. S g IVUlllMUIIMI, n J4 5 n..ti...lni.1t ft'nivn lrwt fiVhtiiur was renorted S tO 1 ,U UI.UIIIIIJ 4H,1VV. K...VV. ..B......n . g g today from Chust, tho capital of the Carpatho-Uk- S o 11 i lie Tplnkv told the Hungarian S Parliament that "the Carpatlio-UKraine nas oecome a part of the Kingdom of Hungary. Prime Minister Neville Chamborlain told the House of Commons today that the government was considering calling home Sir Neville Henderson, British ambassador to Germany, to report on the German annexation of Bohemia, Moravia and Slo- Vak,a' WILL BRITAIN PROTEST? Premier Chamberlain, asked whether the government contemplates protesting .to Germany against the invasion of Czechoslovakia, declined to answer immediately. Geoffrey Lloyd, Under Secretary for Home Affairs, told the House of Commons that Nazi organizations in Great Britain were being watched closely. The new German annexation will not destroy the scheme for the transport of three thousand Sudeten Germans to Canada but it will seriously reduce the number of the emigrants. IOFFENSIVE BY FRANCO Nationalist Commander-Li - Chief I'lans Speedy Capture Of Madrid and Valencia PARIS, March 16: 4 General Francisco Franco is reported to be massing his forces around Madrid for a final offensive against those two cities with a viev'to bringing a speedy conclusion to the civil war. They are. thej only two points of Importance still held by the republicans. jMANY ARE i IN FIELD rifly-Ehht Are Nominated For Civic Office In Ketchikan List Will Re Reduced ' KETCHIKAN. March 18: No less than fifty-eight names - for civic jcfflce at the elections In April were presented at a caucus ves-jterday. Many of these will be cltra- mated before the ballot papers are prepared. One mavor three councillors and other lesser offices are to be filled. ' (VOoerative Plan For Importing Of Farm Implements NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 16; 1939 Bulletins TWEEDSMUIRS ARRIVS VANCOUVER Lord and Lady Tweedsmuir arrived here by special train for an extended holiday in British Columbia while Rideau Hall 'is being reconditioned for the visit of the King and Queen. His Excellency formally inspected Jericho Beach air base, seeing the planes and the new building. ATTEMPTED PEN BREAK VANCOUVER The Vancouver Sun says it was reliably informed that three prisoners sawed their way throu;h cell ban and brutally beat the guard in an attempted break from the British Columbia Penitentiary at New Westminster this week. The attempted escape is said to have been frustrated by heroc action of the guard and an unidentified person with'n the prison who spread the alarm. -13, Maccy's Coffee House PRICE: & CENTS Britain Still Rules Waves STILL PURSUL(J THE SPY RING BAR 001.1) LONDON. March 16: (CP) The Montreal price of bar gold In London yesterday was up 4c at $34.92 per fine ounce. BAR SILVER NEW YORK Bar silver Is unchanged at 42c per fine, ounce on the New York metal market today, REGINA, March 16: CP The Saskatchewan Legislature has under consideration a co-operative plan for the Importation of farm implements. ICold Weather iOiroi Pfnivlne A 1UU1VO gSTWt Unseasonable Sub-Zero Temperatures General With Low Points In Saskatchewan WINNIPEO. March 16: (CP j Frigid north winds yesterday held March weather across the prairies to unseasonable sub-zero levels. North Battleford In Saskatchewan, I with 24 below, reported the lowest; temperature. In Reglna and Sas-1 katoon It was 22 below: at Edmonton, sixteen below, Calgary, fifteen ' below, and Winnipeg, five below. ; t CC.F. Quitting Alberta For This Province OTTAWA, March 16: Tom 10m Reldl neidi Unless unless the me (By ejec bright. Each party Is showing TODAY'S STOCKS - n lnhfwtn V Vanrouver Big Mtosjrl. .21. Bralorne. 11.10. Cariboo Quartz, 220. Oentonia, .03 1. Falrview. A3. Cold Belt, .56. Hedley Mascot. U6. Mlnto. .83. Noble Five, j&i. Perid OrelH li,. -if. Pioneer. 2i0. ? Premier. 2.13. Privateer. 1.13. Reno. 22. Relief Arlington, J2. Reward, .05 ask. , Salmon Gold, .11.' Sheep Creek. 1.11. Cariboo Hudson. J51 ask. Oils A. P. Con.. .20. Calmont. .43. 4 C. & E.. 2J8, Freehold. .04. Home, 258. . Royal Canadian, 20. Toronto Aldermac, .40. Beattle, UO. Central Pat.. 252. Con. Smelters, 5550. East Malartic, 252. Ferriland, .09. : Francoeur, 52. Gods Lake. 20 V. ' Hardrock, 1.42. Int. Nickel, 51.00. Kerr Addison. 1.87. LltUe Long Lac, 3.20. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.40." Madsen Red Lake, .45. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.20. Moneta, 1.19. Noranda, 79.00. Pickle Crow, 5.30. Preston E. Dome, 151. San Antonio, 157. Sherrltt Gordon,. 1.16. Stadacona, .72; Ucht Gold, 158. BouscadiUac, .06. Mosher, 2i. Oklend, .14. Smelters Gold, .OlVi- Dominion Bridge, 31.75. it ejec- t ., -k tlon Is going to be delayed ,0 KClUgeCS i prospects of an early adjourn- i ' ment of the House are not very 1 L. A L.Un niir i . - a a certain amount of activity in j preparation for the expected i , forthcoming Plprtlmi hattl 1 European Immigrants Mill Not He this year. , The CC.F. are evl- dently feeling more hopeful about the results which may Coining to Territory, Juneau is Advised warts leaving Alberta with In- .we u nn intention of having tentlon of running In some of European refugee Immigrants sent the constituencies in British to Aiaska. n is realized by the Columbia. at this time is not more people but tmore capital for development. Britannia Is Ready To Accept Any Challenge For Battle With Navy Largest Fleet Building Program in Any Peacetime Year is Provided For in Estimates Presented Today i Two Hundred Fighting Craft to be Built LONDON, March 16: (CP) The Royal Navy, Great Britain's first defence line, "can confidently accept a direct challenge in battle by any combination of foes," Geof-: frcy Shakespeare, financial secretary to the Admiralty, told the House of Commons today. Mr. Shakespeare presented estimates totalling 149,000,000 ($700,000,000) for . . tne fiscal year 1939-40, a record for New Route To Orient Is Planned Checking Up On Communists Special Investigation Into Their Activities in Ontario is Being . Instituted TORONTO, March 16: (CP) Announcement was made yesterday .that the provincial government Is, Instituting a special investigation Into communist activities In On-j tarlb. TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Light rain, calm; barometer. 30.42 (rising); temper-. lature, 37: sea smooth. I ometer. 3U.su; temperature, ; ea I moderate. Bull nun Harbor uarDor Overcast, overcast. southeast, uuuicdi. swell. Alert Bay Light rain, southeast wind, 21 miles per hour; barometer, 30.50; temperature, 40, sea moderately rough. Estevan Raining, southeast wind 12 miles per hour; barometer, 30.33. Victoria Cloudy, northerly wind, six miles" per hour; barometer, 30.44. Vancouver Foggy, calm; 30.46. Prince George Cloudy, northeast wind, four miles per hour; barom- be expected In BrlUsh Colum- 1 tttms-att tarrh ifiThe Juneauietcr, 3056. bla for their narty than In the 'r.,,w,, nnmrnprri. has reeelvedi Terrace Cloudy, north wind', oO00000000000006'0000000a000000000a0a600a000a00&:oot province of Alberta as evl- iword from the Committee on Jew-1 temperature 26. uciu-ea Dy some oi inejr stai- Kh ,sh Relations neiaHons In in New New York York tnatl Aiyansn iouay, cuim, i.. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 27. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 27. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 27. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 18. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 22. Burns Lake Cloudy, ciilm, 11., peace time, and outlined a vast naval building program Involving two hundred vessels, large and miall .to be built in dockyards and 4 shipyards this year and next. SEATTLE. March 16: (CP) The United States Coast and Geo- : NAZI LAWS naval operations in fog- JJ-JJ shrouded oVifniiHort AiPiiriJin Is- lands, LAID DOWN BY HITLER detic Survey discloses a Feuhr" t at Least Sounds J Ben- -. Der f n ivr e vnir ear 000 000 pro- oro- -o.uw.uoo -Autono. , t ta Talk About ject. to cnart a snorter mous Protectorate-Within and safer course to Asia t ueich -jthroueh -the-Korth Pa i - .. . -i-w.ja ni fin. and tn facilitate PRAGUE. March IS: (CP)- arms of his expanding Empire two hundred miles to the east, today laid down the law of Germany for Bohemia and Moravia and atreed to take Slovakia under his protection. The third part of broken Czechoslovakia, the Carpatho-Ukraine, is due to disappear from the map by Hungarian annexation. In a decree issued here. Hitler charted the future of the ancient lands of Bohemia and Moravia as that of an "autonomous protectorate" within Greater Germany. Later-, the Chancellor left Prague for an unannounced Delayed Twin Born At Last Indiana Woman Delivers Second Boy Just One Month After First Arrived 1 Triple Island Showery, norther- ly wind, eight miles per hour; light' JASPER, Indiana, March 16: chop. Mrs. Robert Sherrill of Jasper yes-. Langara Island Raining, easr-, terday gave birth to another twLn Jly wind, thirty miles per hour: bar- boy jUSt one month after the first jometer, 30.20; temperature, 38; sea had been born. The mother is do- moderately rough. lng well and the babies are re-I Dead Tree Point Raining, south- ported to be normal and thriving. .east wind, ten miles per hour; bar-( Cannery Tenders wind, ten miles per hour; barom- I plqvPfl Kv SfllKP p 1 eter, 3050; temperature, 42; light' LfCiaJrcu UJ Three Vessels Prevented From Leaving Seattle For Alaska SEATTLE. March 16: Owing to strike picketing activities In con nection with their loading, departure of three cannery tenders for False Pass, Alaska, with supplies for the season, has been First Death Of Scarlet Fever At Edmonton EDMONTON. March 16: (CP The first death In a scarlet fever epidemic here occurred yesterday there are eighteen cases.