—__\——— ouT OF Ve %K TODAY? fry The New, Want Ad. NEXT MAILS a For South * Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimi vol til, NO. 46 Prior RuPewt, BC. Fripay, PemRUARY 28, 1912 9 mp tages oe _ Paice Five = NEW REALTY FIRM Opening Offices in the Westholme Opera House Building. Baintet & Sloan is the TENDERS FOR CITY LUMBER Messrs, i name of a new firm in the real Three Hundred Thousand Feetjestate and insurance that is to Wanted for Streets and Ceme-joccupy one side of the entrance to the new opera house. Both of the partocrs are well known old timers, Mr. Bainter being assist- ant secretary of the Prince Ru- pert Club and Mr. Sloan of the firm of Sloan & Co., men’s fur- nishings. C. P, Ward of Chat- tanooga, Tenn.,, is expected to ar- rive shortly to take the manage- ment of the new business. tery Road—Tenders Referred to Engineer and Public Works. 300,000 feet in iired by the. eity for i for the cemetery road lenders were called pened last night in (he Swanson Bay’ For- mpany did not bid, as are closed down and open in time. The Lumber Company bid thousand for spruce Ocean Falls Company r thousand for rough delivered at the fered Weston’sscart-| » the city for deliver- The matter is Mo umber For row boats and launches telephone 320 green. Davis boat house, In Trouble Again. Margaret Johnson and Jane Wells, two Indian girls who were recently ordered to leave town as ber, ROSS OPENS THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE LIBERAL PARTY Energetic Bunch of Delegates Ele Elected Last Night to Attend Liberal Convention at Vancouver---Mr. Ross Points Out a Few of the Abuses Which Mark the Conduct of the Two-Man Government The campaign for the provin- cial elections may be said to have opened last night at a meeting of the Liberal held the hall of the Knights of Pythias. Dr. Kergin, the new president of the association was in the chair, and the feature of the evening was an able address by Duncan Ross, the candidate of the party at the last federal election. It was an address of wise counsel, f admonition that the party, Association in 1 the City Engineer We, sopentitiie “Ge ceaih va ee Works Uae oe tody. They did not take their eae Pes \chance and must now face the Leap Year Ball. pene \ ] Year ball will be given | ie of the Scandinavian | Indoor Baseball. halla in the K. of P.| Pirates vs. Teddy Bears at! . iry 24th at 8 p. m./Auditorium, Feb. 23rd. Game and refreshments. | called at 8:15 sharp. Admission 75 cents. 2t 25c. Skating after the Bame. 2t M'BRIDE BUDGET BROUGHT UP IN PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE ESTIMATES CALL FOR AN EXPENDITURE OF NEARLY THREE MILLIONS IN EXCESS OF LAST YEAR, BUT THE ESTI- MATED RECEIPTS ARE LARGER. works, contin- bridges, and roads, ferries ments of esti-| buildings, gencies, { il to Daily News. Feb, 23,—The nue and expenditure strong as it is in Prince Rupert, | should not enter the campaign} now upon with too confident tread, should carefully the ways of the enemy, some of whose ievious and crooked ways, especially in regard | to the railway Mr. Ross took pains to detail. The primary object of meeting was to select dele to the Liberal convention held in Vancouver the During the discussion it was| shown that the association had} already™several members in Van-|} couver and Victoria, and that in| addition among those who were | going below on business anyway, | | c.,| | us i but watch issue, the} gates | to be} on 29th. DUNCAN ROSS. or could conveniently make the trip as delegates were H. ae bell, John Piercy, J. Sloan, Peck, Dr. Kergin, George Frizzell, lk cal year ending March ist evening introduced AUDITORS WANT MORE | iture by Finance Min- _ I They show the| Messrs Stewart & ‘Stuart Think |} ipts for the year to $40 Per Too Little. | $10,387,830.06, as est vith the estimate of| Messrs. Stewart & Stuart, city! 8,1 06 for 1914-1912. The} hall auditors, suggested in a let- for the ensuing| ter to the Council last night that fis are forecasted at} in the event of their services be- 1.09, as compared with|}ing employed for the ensuing| of $411,035,360.75] financial year the sum of $40 per} " month is inadequate remunera- | | ites as brought down] tion. They propose disc RBIS expenditure for 1912-/the matter with the Finance cc record sum of $8,-| mittee should their services ba | £ almost $3,000,000} further required, Referred to} ‘ f last year, the in-} Finance committee. | made up in propor- require- Best room in lawn al t the Savoy. NADEN HARBOR THREE STOREY CANNERY PLANS BLOCK PLANNED the Plant t to Completion | M. M. Stephens Co. Will Build tanh ‘at It May Be in Operation| a Client on Corner Site at First inces for the | Aushiy 80 TI R. Morgan, G. R. Naden, Fred| — ne ae Stork, C.’ B. Lockhart and Dan|the Grand Trunk Pacific was willing reduced rates if the chairman decided all those Me Kinnon, Duff Pattullo, John} going to Vancouver should be em-|to give Rochester and Alex. Manson| powered as delegates, leaving the! adian Pacific would. are already there. ;convention to decided how many Mr. Ross then asked if a reso-} Secretary Anderson was unable|it would seat, lution should not be drawn up for to say how many delegates Prince} Questions were asked as to re-|the delegation to present to Rupert was entitled to, but on the|duced fares, and Secretary Ander-|the convention. rhe president} C. P. R. agent|thought this might be left to the Imotion of Mr. Stewart, seconded|s6n stated that the by Mr. MeRae, eight delegates|here had no knowledge of re-|delegates themselves, and par- |}were suggested, Those willing to|duced rates to delegates attend-|——- —. serve were asked to stand up, and|ing the convention, but that the Continued on Page 4.) GRAHAM'S OVERWHELMING VICTORY OVER — COMBINED FORCES OF CONSERVATIVES (SPECIAL TO DAILY NEWS.) RENFREW, ONT., FEB. 23.—HON. GEORGE E. GRAHAM, MINISTER OF RAILWAYS IN THE LAURIER CABINET, WHO WAS DEFEATED AT BROCKVILLE IN THE FEDERAL ELECTIONS, WAS RETURNED FOR SOUTH RENFREW YESTERDAY BY A SPLENDID MAJORITY. HE DE- FEATED DR. MALLORY, CONSERVATIVE, BY A MAJORITY OF 294. THE ELECTION WAS NE- CESSITATED BY THE RESIGNATION OF MR. LOW. LIBERAL. IT WAS THE MOST CRUCIAL CONTEST THAT HAS BEEN WAGED SINCE THE CONSERVATIVES WENT INTO POWER. EVERY POSSIBLE EFFORT WAS MADE TO PREVENT THE RETURN TO PARLIAMENT OF MR. GRAHAM, AND IN THE CAMPAIGN ITSELF MANY LEADING CONSERVATIVES TOOK PART. ALSO MANY LEADING LIBERALS, SIR WILFAID HIMSELF GOING DOWN TO SOUTH RENFREW AND DE- LIVERING TWO SPEECHES. HOSPITAL EXTENSION NOW WITHIN REACH Twenty Thousand Dollars Promised the Board by City and Gov- Govt. Grants of $10,000 Each---President’s Thanks Before the End of This Season.| Avenue and First Street. " ee | t gol in this morn- That a new three storey block, | ; Har 2 110 feet by 100 will shortly be en arbor, where tiny at ‘the: anenes uot First| } red a big cargo of avenue and First street is the in-| ‘her material for the | formation contained in a letter by| ff the large new|M. M. Stephens to the Council) She brought ags|last night The letter requested | Peter Wallace. the that further improvements be ef- rar 3, . fected by the city at this point. h canneryman, ~ and The letter was referred to the sublic Works department. ] Y will be one of the Public é ! he coas . ile long Une one THE WEATHER. , ‘ong time the boni- Premier, is the resi- lee ; i ' e Jwenty-four hours ending 5 a. m., February 23, 1912: Bar., p im Pioneer Cleaners.| 30.167; max, temp., 40.0; min, temp., 34,0; precipitation, 15, pereces ‘ PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO ‘d music admirer comes up for election. : interest directed toward Dramatic Society meeting ’ word from the missing mayor, ‘rom South Renfrew inspire Prince Rupert. Beatty is busier than ever, de. sing Agent Brooksbank acknowledges congratula~ sal Vickers Hotel do not order yenison for “lal Committees of privy council reserved in Frewen London special, Gan-| PRICE OF VENISON | Six Foreigners Prefer Going Prison for Deer Shooting. é | to Following foreigners are all in durance vile today as a result of having shot deer and eaten veni- }son out of season: Mike Milu, | Vie de Milu, Pete Barovich, Nick Gesovich, Mike Gesoyich and D. Menich, The last three were j fined $25 and costs each today by Magistrate MeMullin. They could not pay. The first three were jeach ordered to pay $100 and {costs or serve a month in gaol. They chose the month's holiday. For sale—Soda fountain and all appurtenances. CG. H. Orme. tf Pugilist Is Killed. comes EXTRA SMART POLICE WORK Dennis Jeremy, Who Skipped Out With a Can of Music Belonging to Pete Donelly, Was Swiftly | Located at Simpson. This afternoon Dennis Jeremy up for eleetion before Magistrate MeMullin on a charge of having stolen a gramophone from Peter Donelly, committeed this morning by Mag- istrate Carss after the evidence had been gone into at the pre- Jeremy was iminary hearing of his ease, From the point of view of po- : lice rce icienocy ig jj Kaukegan, Tll., Feb. 19.—Fol- ; ao . es em are ss ‘ 7 : specially interesting case. Ac- lowing a five round mill with s ; ‘ Billy Walters, Joe Ketchel puacd was: eubupoted: of: taveiiE 7 pe © » prize taken the gramaphone and infor- | fighter, died here today. Ketchel jcollapsed after the bout and was taken to the. naval hospital. He ; Was unconscious until his death. I Furniture ne" Vickers at At was son, was laid with Chief 3:30 in the afternoon. the same day Jeremy apprehended at Port Simp- where he had skipped with he canned music machine. Chief nation 5 p. m. On Saturday next at 2 p. m. at| Vickers has reason to be proud the residence of Mr. T. McC lay,}of such swift work in this coun- jcorner 9th avenue and McBride|try of inaccessible places and j Street, the whole of the house-|splendid distances. The prison- hold furnishings and effects. Seeler was brought down last night jhandbills. Frank A. Ellis, aue-|on the steamer Prince John by tioneer 2t Constable Deane. . Over the area of ground pro- posed to be granted for the Earl | Gre ‘y Rifles to be used as a site }for drill hall and parade grounds | there was a good deal of discus- sion last night in the council} | meeting, | That 400 feet square be grant- led was the motion of Alderman Maitland. That the area be at| least 200 feet square was Alder- man Clayton's amendment. The |; amendment was lost. During the discussion views of} bates aldermen were freely ex-| ssed, Alderman Bullock-Web- being of opinion that as | large an area as possible should lbe granted so that the militia de- }partment at Ottawa can erect the }best possible class of building, a | _| ne lenough for FINE SITE FOR EARL GREY'S NEW DRILL HALL AND PARADE | CITY AGREES LAST NIGHT TO GRANT TO GRANT AREA 400 FEET SQUARE IN ORDER THAT MILITIA DEPARTMENT AT OTTAWA MAY BUILD A HANDSOME ARMORY. building likely to be of great ad- vantage to Prince Rupert in hold- ing gatherings. Alderman in- clined to delay the ground that it is doubtful whether Morrissey was decision on the city can grant any but fee simple land. for this purpose, | while apparently the only suitable area is on Acropolis Hill, which is 999-year leased land. “That doesn’t matter,” said Al- lerman Maitland. “It’s long us§” Laughter.) The reason for this discussion was in order that the area of land to be granted might be reported to the Minister of Militia at Ot- tawa through the sitting member, H. 8. Clements, so that the de- partment might consider plans at once for the new hall. J. SCOTT MAKES FINE SCORING In Play for Victorious | Men at Morrison's yi He) Piles Up Average of 263'2 } a aan The bowling match brought off | the other night between the Busi- Men and the Centrals at | Morrison's bowling alley resulted| in a decisive victory for the former. This was largely due to | the magnificent bowling of J.| | Scott, who piled up the splendid | of 263%. Tomorrow} evening the Quill Drivers and Premiers will try conclusions, | Appended are the Business Men. j/ ness average scores: feat cetih tke By, Baott. vs car 257 278 266 President D, G, Stewart of the\way of raising money in this eity | heart and soul with the grant. lr Hawley i men 156 997 | Prinee Rupert General Hospital |even for so popular a purpose as} On behalf of the Couneil Act-| (;" Youngman. 4a 246 160 | Board, who is nothing if not the this a8, and the eppreestation of ing Mayor Douglas TORO to the} \ Wark...:. 135 159 194) rs s the board for this grant, whie h| occasion, “IT might state, he rica. MoNab,:. 1408 189 208 | soul of courtesy, last night at- has strengthened the» hands of|said amidst cheers, “that every|)" i, t Bai: i ee | tended the City Couneil meeting| Mp, Manson at Victoria in his ef- siugle member of the council is wiasa te + 4Odas 1ORe aban in order to conyey personally his}fort to raise an equal sum from/now in favor of this grant, and Woapah averaite. 206 1-3. thanks and the thanks of the|the government, is the more in-|so far I have not heard one soli-| 3) si, average, 263 2-3. board to the Gity Council for their tense,” tary opinion against if from any Centrals. generous grant of $10,000 to- O. H, Nelson, as a member of/eitizen,” (Cheers.) ie Moiass vate {74 193 165 ward the hospital extension, the board, added his appreciation Late last night Preside nt D. G, $s H. Hemmel. 4189 136 117 After mentioning the struggles|of the grant, mentioning that the} stewart was informed that the D Diab 213 149 475 jof the board last year to keep|board planned a very wise @X-/ government has granted a fur- ER. Merghen... 4142 168 257 things ranning in good shape in|penditure of the money to the/ther $10,000 through Mr. Man-/4, §, Shepard. 192 209 45 ithe face of a debt of $4,000 to the| very best advantage of the city! son’s approach, and that the} aii ' Union Bank, payment of whiech|as a whole. money is, now available, There | Totale’..... 910 849 859 |debt.the members of the board Opportunity was taken by Al-jis accordingly the certainty now; Team average, 174 1-2. /personally guaranteed, President|derman Morrissey and Alderman|that the general hospital will be Next match Saturday. Stewart warmly expressed the|Bullock - Webster, who fayored/extended adequately and sub- : atm ethno ah ; thanks of his colleagues on the/delay over this grant at last/stentially in an up-to-date man- Tenders wanted for grading board, “It is not easy,” he said, council meeting, to assure. the|ner as befits the city of Prince portion of lot 12, block 34. H.S8. | “to realize the diMficulties in the press and public that they were| Rupert, Wallace Go,, Ltd, it FREWEN CASE AGAIN. Special to Daily News.) London, Feb. 23,—The judicial committee of the Privy Council yesterday made its report to the council on the cease of Mortimer Frewen versus C., M. Hays et al. The case was heard before the Su- preme Court of British Co- lumbia, which deeided against Frewen. It was then appealed to this court. Frewen claims certain dam- for non-fulfillment of alleged contract with Grand Trunk Pacifie to over to him certain Prince Rupert at a figure to be fixed, and a certain number of acres across the bay at $500 per The decision of reserved, izes an the hand town lots in acre, council is Eagles, Attention. visitors are in the erie room at 14:30 p. m., Saturday, Feb, 24th, to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Olga Rosang, wife All and requested members to meet of Brother E, Rosang. GEORGE LEEK, Pres, G, G, Cameron, See, it St. Andrew’s Society. A meeting of St. Andrew's’ So- ciety will be held in the Garpen- ters’ Hall tonight at 8 o'clock. Important business,