. ma AAA Tuesday. February v, ii. JOIZ IUILX NEW - page three o o 0 engine took pivn i rnn-mr good FisiiLn FAST C'UVELAND. Eng.. Feb. 7: , AUCKLAND. N. Z.. Feb. 7: (CP) iCT When ft locomouve enginp - a mnie weighing iflHZ pounds j( l " -r j . ....... . -vuir ndl f(., , u kiin Driver Jam Pear- caught by a vlxltlnR American on : iktu with u and sui- un ordinary deep-sea line and THERE'SiN0NE5BETTER' Bella (O..U PO- Q-f Off FINEST TtltMPS ft(- TATOES P ick -l" 10 lbs for &Q KoberlMn ltttIL.l OCp IHXTS- Tender nuar- (); tfV 3 fur anteed 10 11m. ,V 1 iu it cakes onion's fto . 1. Qr0 F. t,lv XOKj i lbs for fjdy MADEIRA CAKES -I Cp GltAI'EnttllT- Nice ' AUV' Earn 0 for ONrtiS" TuTry. sweet 2 dozen f..r iOV COPELAND'S FRUIT MARKET ess run: delivery Phone 872 Sharp's Assortwl Toffee 30G Love Creams and Jellies . !'. & S. Assorted Chocolates 75(J 1 jh Ctemes Ltd. Pioneer Druqtf ists The Itexall Slore Phone 81 A K Open lially from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sunday and Holidays from It noon till 2 p.m. " p.m. till 9 p.m. s OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOf 000OOOOO0Op0fS00p9OOOO To Om I Love There's a Wp,rd of S.pntiipQ!t Ut !qosc oit St. Valentines Day We liae a fine lot of cards specially Milted for the occasion, some sane. ome Itmane hut everyone a Valentine KrrrliiiK for someone. Card for friend or foe. Cards for Sweethearts, .Mother. Slsler am Hrother, Cii;l-rcn's cards, cards for Everyone. 4 for 5c tj) 50c each Its an Ideal Party Time Too You'll rind all the necessary Valentine trimmings. Paper Napkln-'Pkg. of 40 Seals, Cut-Outs. Pkg. Tally Cards-Dozen Drciiralrd Crepe 10 ft. Heart Streamers Colored Gtavlt Pkff. "l ull for Everjone" Party Hook 15 2 for 15e 25c 23c 25c 15c 15c 15c A. O. Rlx, local manager of the Imperial Oil Co., returned on tfie Catala this morning from a bu'sA " " ' ness trip to Stewart. John Hamley. for being h keep 05 Taxi Offers You a 1939 Healed "-Passenger Car at Your Service Phone 35 TAXI Try a Daliv c. ci"wried ad 10. Announcements All advertlseinepts In this col-amn will be charged for s. full month at 25c a word. Eagles' Bridge, February 8. SOU. 'bridge February 9. .1 Toe II. Valentine Dance bruary Toe II pridgerjiarj 15. ncjc February . 10 , Recreation nry 17. entfe Dance FebrU' Masonic Ball February 17. pambral Vale.ntjne Tea Mrs. & c. Tiiomson's, 'February 18. March 1st Jch, Nrs. pert Morgan's. Legion Women's Auxiliary Brldga March 2. I Scout Concert larch 3. ' rrlnce Rupcr OpjraJ.lc Society presents "TheIJka'dor'April'u, 13 j Capitol Hieatre? Anglican Spring Sale Arll 13. St: "Peter's 'Sale May'M S V. Canadian Legion B.E5J. Monthly ' eetlrt Wednesday. at Initiation". b) Address':' "My Trip to Botith America." 8. C. Thomson. (31. er of a eam'ine house, was ffnefflM Allan M. Davles sailed by Magttirate Mtcivmont 'in' city! noon on the' Catala fir police court' yTTerda'y,'aftcrnwn. attend the funeral of Six $10. frequenters were each John E. Fliher arrived In the city on the Catala Sunday evening from New Westminster Join the local Following the report of the Peace River, Committee the Chamber of Commerce at Its meeting last night passed a resb lutlon commending the Monkman fined the late Capt. A. i i nea on sunaay. M. this after- Vtctoria to his father. Davles. who Mrs. H. . Rochester sailed this afternoon on he Catala for a trip to Vancouver, ne plans to visit In branch of iW'Bank pflltontreai In (Seattle and San Francisco and will succession (o l&epri' iJaiidry who 1 visit the World' Fair at the latter has been transferred sbuln. iclty. L W. Patmore K.C. sailed this afternoon on the Catala for victoria where he will take up future residence as a member of the new provincial public utilities board. Before leaving a number of local 'business-men called at his office to wish him farewell. Ulde With Service and Comfort fn a "-Passenger Heated Car Phone 35 TAXI Andrew Scott of Premier was a passenger aboard the Catala to- aay gomg tnrougn to Vancouver L " . Pass hlhwav work and nromUln erenu 0 I 0 1 f.anflv Snpriak S " mv-u'"lii tw" drew Scott of Premier are sons of, gp,etKm- the" late Mrs. Scott. o C. A. Wllkle, who came north to o instal 1 Following " the report r of a com- the the'new new electric electric orron . . . r 2 which wis r-l. dutf AIM njniA presented Inhe m !? s ..h!" 3ut;in7 tr vicior; ; 2 ir! hi. Li' f' '"is inai viciona uay ana 5- SPia.5,lLftttef;inr Birthday be celebrated I'rt bTlhe CaSta jSfS, yWr but not o on hL rcturri to Vancouver. ' u o P meeting L..r'l last nlgh't' tL-.'ii.i.-j asked that In g connection with the appropria- g Hons for hlgh.v.-ay construction un- o dr the Jlnt arraigemer(t wth g the Federal 'government the sec'- g tkm between Vsk and Ccarvale o be Included. o ' o Or- O o o o o o o o o o o o a At a i i n - on g Chamber of Commerce at Its Rupert chr r Po?"ce last Inlcht a letter was received from the 'provincial Department of Labor drawing attention to chanpes m me Apprentice aci maKmg me matter of apprentices more string ent In order to correct abuses. The ' letter was accompanied by a copy of the new amendment- At the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce meeting last night a letter was recFTvetl fifm Otof Han- owning of the new1 federal building wus aesirra. n wouiu naye o uc oil nureir local Tills was 1 Chamber when D. G. Borland sue M. 11. Dahlquist. Ccdarvale po!e6ested that a celebrapori' be held operator, after a week-end busj-jn connection with tnfe'bperflnB; """ evening's train on his return to the Interior. On Wednesday night's train he will leave Ccdarvale for a bustnem trip to Concord. New Hampshire. Ten members were present at the regular fortnightly meeting of the flpnon Young People's Association at St. Andrew's Japanese MIlon. Ml$s Elsie Heaps took the chair, in the absence of the president and general business was discussed. After Uie meeting the members enjoyed themselves with card playing, match tricks, etc. When a suggestion was made at the Chamber' of "commerce meeting last night tha an excursion train might be rtiif to Jasper' to enable local people to see the King and Royal Claus Helland, 'Digby. ' "Central S. Dzapka, 'C.!: ,A. Rusanko. Burns aLk'e; p. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. '.Mori, Vancouver. 'Knox ' A. Martel mi' W. H. Ruffcll. Blllmor: Mrs. M. Noble and H. Ness, clty;"j. MacKay! 'Humpback """ -"''" Bay. If you wish to svm .mething Try a ClasMfled. f Opening of New "S'uniUer (ar i ....... ....... IS iaxi t- m m tt it PAT MAZ25IE Opp. Post ptfice, 4th St. CENTRAL Phone ROOM'S a 5iFor HOTEIT hdcXris iest Household Coal MKS. & E. BLACK . ' .... - - I I ICCn A DTin B6 I Prices Marked Down For Quick Selling Sjngpr S.ewing Machine Now you have an opportunity to own a drophead Sewing Machine in fine condition and cpst so little, the benefit so great. Marked QOA AA down price V.VV Size ftxl0.6 Yesterday &mm uM' "P Mr Jit In answer to a' letter sent him fol-i The Prince Rupert Ministerial At the meeting lowing a previous meeting ot vDe'-t-'ociauuu. ai i& rcKur iiicL..i tmpers namoer yssicraay, freight and passenger 'agent.' Can-'apfe. The tendency had been fcr it. Interior Railway Man Found Dead Mrs. Range Aryith Oil Burner This outstanding semi-enamel range with oil burner ready for use. You will have no bother cleaning up ashes and save consid- Q C C AA erably in your purse JrHt Trade-In Allowance for Your Stove Axminster Rug This is your opportunity to buy that carpet you have wanted for a long time for me itving room, uome eany apu see inisime rug. iiii ; ?ioo.oo Tpledo Counter Scale Q Off A A Capacity 20 lbs. ..... ???PVV Xff km m v r Large Showcase The very tiling for "rig,;;; $24.00 We Take in'Txchahgc Any Articles You Have No Use For BOOKS Encyclopaedia IJritannica What do you want to do most? The Encyclopaedia y0Ullpit: :. 345.QQ Modern Business Correspondence and Practice laSalle Extension University. General plan of the course, getting 'results with letters, handling the business, credit and collection, office processes C-f A A and problems V-1"" Elio's Furniture Exchange Phone GREEN 916 Joint Meetings In. Lent Planned Prince Rupert .Ministerial Assoc la lion in urruiar session Objection Taken Will Address Chamber of Commerce Asks That President of Associated Hoards Of Government place Them On tralie of 'Centraf pTc. Comlnj " ' Actuarial Basis"" adian National Railways, stattd people to attend only the meet- The resolution had already been that It was not desired that there should be a treat crowd at Jasbcr so It could be"a rest $xy for Their Majesties. ''Mr. Lakle Intimated that there would be special steamship rates rd"yancouver (or those Hotel Arrivals incs that were held In their own consldereH 'by: the finance com-1 'tsrancn. O J.'S IFlrean, Rev. R. C. H. Durriford,,g Rev. K. H. Risberg and Rev. E. IJ.-g .a .o a 'a a a a s W- I. Miller Leaves City For o Prince C.eoree to Attend funeral ; o of'Her Husband Mrs. W. I. Mmer left on last evening's train for Prince George where'she will attend the funeral of her husband who was found dead In his bed on Monday morning at Lucerne where he was an opera-j tor for the Canadian National Rail-' ways. Mr. Miller wis about fifty I years of age and had long been in the service of the railway company. : Tn addition to the "widow, three I childrrn reside here. ' IN BONAPARTE SHADES CAPE TOWN, Feb. 7:' (CPI Five-day trip by sea, the South LAtlantic Island of St. Helena, Im mortalized for the exile of Napoleon, Is being developed as a holiday resort for tourists from South Africa. LIFE TOO SHOUT . STRATFORD. feng.i'Feb. 7: (CP) A Czech lion-tamer and German! horse-trainer from a circus, summoned after a fight, were, advised by Ihe magistrate t3' forget the International situation and keep in mind Uiey had to work and live together. It was announced at the the Prince Ins of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce of Commerce last night that Frank diseased the possibility last nlsht In' response to a request Dockrill. president of the Assocla- a fflS of unlott "ineet- frdm the Canadian' Chamber of ted ' Boards of Trade of Central i Lent and it was' de- tiommerce a rpsoiutJon tfiki nnsspd British Columbia, had accented an d'tF'W" 'n&tt tip (Ur- asicink the 'federal gbverament o'fnvitaUon' to 'address the Chamber tner at th' next' meUhg. " place the'annultles on an actuarial at one of -its regular meetings In Results of the recent Week of basis. At present it was stated, the hear future on the relation of Prayer campaign were dlicussed the government was losing several Prince Rupert to the interior com-Wfille it was relt that the results million dollars a year on its an- mUnlties Mr Dockrill is manage had been satisfactory, it was nUiUes and the people benefitting , en.'.-.. ,rn- iwtpd visit tter Lakle. district! tendance micht have been desir- of the countrv who did not neprt whlch Provides Prince Rupert 1 with part of its coal supply. churches, which was by no means mltte'e and was recommended by! Try a Daily News clu.wlfled ad-the object of the campaign. it. vertlsement for best results. ' Rev. J. C. Jackson, president. chair chair was in the at yesterday s .. meeting and other pastors present D oooooocKKKKKir jaoaootKo!OoKOOoeHooaeoooaocKjo w"hing to be there for the King's; were Very Rev. James B. Gibson,. Rev. TJpv It H. O G. Funston. Funston. Rev. Rev. W. V. J I MacKenzie's Furniture February Furniture Sale 6 Chesterfield Suites Covered in Mohair, Tapestry and Velour. New stock. Priced from Terms Can B Arranged $98.00 Phone 75 ooKHoK3ooo0oaooaa0ioocmoaocooeooooooHiootoooooo0aaoa Nanainio-WpHington A!icrb Fpotliills and Iiulklcy Valley Coal Philpott Evitt & Go. Ltd. Telephone 631 or C52 irr - Fmh local IJaw And I J.H.BULGER Pasteurized Mjlk Valentin dairy Optometrist rBONft 7 Royal Bank Bldf. 1