YL XXVIH, No. 101. 1 DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. .Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen We Hare a Large Assortment of the Latest Desirns in ENGAGEMENT RINGS, WEDDING RINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or, We will make to order, any design that you prefer, in rings or any other piere of jewelry. We have in stock rings from $12.50 to $1200.00. We Invite Your Insjection FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist MacKenzie's Furniture RUPERTIA MATTRESS Containing hundreds of small coll springs. Beautifully finished Restmore Silver Slat Sprint- It's A Restmore Whifflets From The Waterfront ultra-violet rays. J at the bottom of a tln-llned cabi net had CapL Norman Brodhurst, well known Inverness cannery tender skipper 8nd pioneer of Prince Rupert, was here aboard the Cardena Saturday afternoon on his way from I Victoria, where he now resides, to For 20 Ultra-violet light, noted for Its thls task. Inverness where he will spend the ,?ers. summer. Annual overhaul work on the steamer Prince Charles Is bein3 $27.50 $13.50 month for Vancouver. She will operate again this summer on the) run between Prince Rupert and' Vancouver via the Queen Char lotte Islands. ' I The local fresh made Ice Cream 5 It is' good business to buy locally made SUMMIT ICE CREAM. Packed in ice if ordered. Valentin Dairy Phone 657 THE ANNUAL SELF - DENIAL EFFORT May 1 to May 20 In Aid of Our World-Wide Social Service I, When Called on Please Give Liberally To the Service That Succeeds : : .i The Letter Box ANTI-CAPITALIST Editor. Dally News: An rriltnrial Wmlne Thr Feder atlonlst an "antl-Brltlsh publica-' tlon" and declaring that "if there j were a dictator The Federatlonlst , would note be allowed to publish": appeared In a recent Issue of the; Prince Rupert Dally News. As the statements In the editorial may re fleet to the disadvantage of the C.OF BC. Section . of which The Federatlonlst is the official organ. we believe that you will extend to, '.us, the courtesy of space in which' to reply to the criticism you havej Mail Schedule With a fair-sized list of passen!r' tae Eait Union steamer, Caot. Jamei Flndlay, arrived ln prt at 10 o'clock last night from ,the south and sailed at midnight for Stew art, Anyox and other northern continued at the local dry dock points wljmce and the vessel is expected to here tomorrow leave about the middle of tire bound. she will return morning south; ' TRY SUMMIT ICE CREAM Monday, Wednesday, and rriday S p.m. From' (be East-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 11:00 p.m. For Vancouver- 1 Tuesday . .. .. 12:30 nooner. Thursday 10 pjn. Friday 9:30 pjr May 9, 20 and 31 5 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday 4 pjn TOT DAILY NCTT3 mm. LITERARY WINNERS made. '. Th Friratlnn!t I nnt an "antl- Recipients of British" nuhllpatlon It is loval to i "nors for Vottrj, Fiction and jthe working people of Great Bri-(taln, the vast majority of the popu General Literature Named (several years ago at Winnipeg lation today exploited by a Uny MONTREAL, MONTREAL, May May 1 1 CP minority mat owns mree Leslie, Nova Scotia quarters or ail the property in me nwethalyn Oraham. young Tor Profit. olbbon. author of many outstand- . when she was 23. It was published j in the spring of 1938, and achlev. ed Immediate recognition. .Mr. Gibbon's Work No Canadian writer has made a more significant contribution to .Interpretative literature than John Murray Olbbon, whose recentlj I published study of the racial origins of the Canadian people, "Ca nadlan Mosaic." received the gen-'eral literature award. The book has been widely acclaimed by Brl tlsh and Canadian critics for it compelling human Interest, sound scholarship, and as an Important contribution to the solution of a vital national problem the prob lem of Canadian unity. Mr. Olbbon has travelled extec slvely. visiting Japan, Russia. Nor way. Sweden. Denmark, and other countries. Since 1913 he has been Governor-General's resident In Montreal. Folk sore and handicraft festivals sponsored 'Quebec, and other Canadian cltlet itroro Mr ("llhhnn's Idea. The nrcan- CP-Kcn- ... . fta ln lu. country and operates it for Its own onlo no;eIlst, and 'jn "Murray rV)Cl Zr ' may be regarded as an Importanl Tor- . . l . . . i i j t , A Scot by birth, a citizen " of the It Is true that The Federatlonlst mj. on a Tarletv of subjects." T rienc C'T and Cana ! ?!:!:ri a I an f-ntl-Moltallst nublieation. 7. . iV i. Mnl(,i,, aIc.uwniMu. -- '-'- d an Dy ong residence and pre JLnu S-s SfS? Gen"ars Uterary AwardJ ll ".IV"- Mr Olbbon reputation governments, Britain s Included thel u was announced Saturday by one of crmdrt outstanding whose imperialistic policies have Canadian Authors' Association. The J? merary men men is is sure sccure. He lie U u an an olven rise to the dictatorships and i , - nhii. t,. ' ' "'",u'c- (juuiwivm , authority on folklore and mus.tr to their aggression. . If. as you say. Canada is to be- CanadUn writers. steel of Empire." a comprehensive Kenneth Leslie's By Stubborn and absorbmg htelorT of tne Ca COUeCUOH VI pacmc railway U One 0.' In K ik H 1 ilatAreWnf , Si " iHTittSmSa th.n,H,nt W" thC unanlmous chokc ot the his most recent publications. H mtoto judges in the poetry division ,ne faonder ,M1. of to set up a Canadian dictatorship .. now a re-jdmt of Boston. ..,,.. s-j under which not only The Feder- was ,,. , pjetou. ln 1892. Youth subsequently became IU first n" VETERAN WOMAN POSTIE -atlonlst but all progressive elements spent ln hls natlve' province lnduc-lUonaj president More recently he LONDON, May 1: (CP)-One of would suffer ruppresslon and regl- ! in tne futurc poet a love of the was partly instrumental in launch- me iew remaining posiwomcii n. ihu(mU i sea, ana a prQiouna repeci iur inc ng e new Canadian Poetry tngiana, miss f anny rung oi, mui hi?ihco ut traditions ol hw people, his is es- Magaxlne Edge, Gloucestershire, at 65 tramps Itallsts mUht be safeguarded. tentlally the Celtic outlook. A poef' -Canadian Mosaic." a volume nine miles every mornin.3 deliver- n anaaa una an uvrr uic vuU by choice, he has drawn the fun- OTPr 450 page, shows how each ing mail 10 isoiaiea larmsieaai mc aamenuis OI nis an irom a men- maior racial ernuD ln Canada ha years sne nas aiscnargro . n.iuu. ajr ing pot of strangely variea exper- made gome contribution U the body-buildlng propensities, finds a t new use in Improving the flavor I BUYING AT HOME of pickled fish. Experiments con-! OWEN SOUND, Ont.. May 1: ducted at the Pacific Fisheries' CP) Even If they have to ac-Experimental Station here show'cept two fire horses in a trade-in that an ultra-violet lamp instauea Owen ?ur cera'Ua"on 01 ? n Jences. 'cultural pattern of a new northern he state. 4 . Jf that is used I In power Leiir earlier books, especially s nation. Mr Olbbon does not br the InteresU of the minority that -Lowlands Low" and "Windward lleTe In the "standardUed" dtlr-n would benefit from the retention of Rock- were favorably received by holding that Canada has betr. the production for profit system discriminating critic. "By Flub- (immeasurably emtehrd by the then we shall have some form of bom starg for wnlcn he receive uith of tradition hmuoht intr. Sound automotive dealers f asclsm. the award, reveals the comoass and ' want the privilege of selling If, as lnour sister dominion. New vormtilltv of a memorable sonnet f hiv a particularly sterilizing ftre truck to the city, nrotestlna Zealand, a democratically elected , . . . , . .... . fcv-v..fcfc, - - - - - - ttllWC ailU UliUiOMtllUliiK, UMIU J4 effect on brines and pickles used against a proposal to buy from government used Its in curing fish. The fish, Inserted I an oUtslde firm, in a revolving basket Just above! the lamp, are Improved by the! washing action of the light-treat ed brine and by penetration of the power jower to to lev: lev:- Dieces" in many moods and varied ; cvmnaihrtw v-nnu-iui. of N. ,lslate in the Interests of the people- metres. and lyrics of poignant qual-Jand Old Canadians, will solve tht m a whole, then we snail move lor- lty Leslie sUnds revealed as a poet pr0blem of national unity. A fifty cent classified ad. will 7 P0nVratl disciplined In the richest traditions Arrangements for the annual often make, you many dollars. "7 T "SS? ot Acadlaa 8lnge"- I fnf ra, Ul"ar - - - . ' : V, ; i . .-x. n,t; Awaras competiuon are tupenrucq Award for Hct.on . . Earth, goodwill tort men" Canadian Authors' Associ- BAKKYMAiMtK, ..Swiss sonata,- a brilliantly con-' aUons. acting for Lord Tweeds-Editor. Cejved story of life In a Swiss. mulr. The committee of judges boarding school, la a first novel, the comprised the following: poetry, work of Owenthalyn Oraham, a Dr. Pelham Edgar. Sir Charles O young Toronto writer for whom Brl- D. Roberts, and Dr. Duncan Camp- tlsh and Canadian critics have pre-1 Wednesday 10:30 ajn-'velopment. At the age of 11 she Friday 4 pjn.' attended Saturday morning re-May 4, 15 and 27 a.m hearsals with Maurice Col borne For Anyox and Stewart i and Barry Jones, who at that time Sunday 7 p.m.'were playing stock ln Toronto. At Wednesday 3 pjn. 14 she was a confirmed and llberal- From Anyox and Stewart minded theatre-goer, having seen Tuesday ;il:30 a m , Peggy Wood ln "Candida," and the Thursday 8 p.m., great Pavlova. For Naas River and Port Simpson j Miss Graham had a year ot wan-Sunday 7 pjn jdering with her mother, through rtom Naas River and Port Simpson the Eastern and Southern states. Tuesday 11:30 ajn. broken by a sojourn on an Arizona J! Tor Queen, Charlotte Islands ranch, and returning through Call- May 5 and 19 9:30 p.m.jIomia ana tne Canadian Rockies. From Queen Charlotte Islands I The following year found the young May 3 and 17 a.m.iQUinor al school in Switzerland. For Alaska-May 4, 15 and 27 pjn. From Alaska-May 9, 20 and 31 a.m C, N. R. TRAINS . For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pjn. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 11 p.m. CHASER TRAPPED PORT STANLEY, Ont., May 1: (CP) Chaslns a cat across this town's new bridge, a hound wai neatly trapped by all four legs In the holes in the metal floor of the bridge while tabby made her escape. GOOD BUCKET BRIGADE ERIN, Ont,, May 1: (CP) A persistent fire that broke out three times caused $1,000 damage to the farm home, of Duncan McDougall neaj here Each .time It was subdued by the neighbors' bucket brl-Igade. ' w; frequently some of their handi work. Queen Mary was among the exhibitors, showing a cushion cover worked In gros point. Usually she . nrpfPM in unrlr ( nt .mli,AM..,. She endured the discipline of chalr or matcnln- cuahion3' the Penslonnat les Allleres for four months, then went to England. In the autumn of 1931. after trying the stiff competitive exam inations, she entered Smith Col but thU piece was in solt shades of paie blue and pink. Her work Is I very fine and she never uses an embroidery frame. lege, Nonnampton, Mass. Tnere rive thousand Prince Rupert ine oayssey oi youtn naa its end people read the Dally News. It "Swiss Sonata" was begun when ( pays to let them know wh.at you the author was 21. and finished have to sell. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEI Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. . Trains leave Prince Rupert for the Eat Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. AIR-CONDITIONKD SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, C16 3rd Avt. V-17-J9 ..I ? f S J HW 1 ADDI.I) Walt Dhnev'f ".Merbable" Sfenlc -I'orto Itlto" Sport 'Champion Air Mopo!' DURBIN IN FINE FILM Popular Slntlnc Star Head Cast of " Three Smart GlrW Grow Vp" at Capitol Theatre "Three Smart Olrls Grow Un. dieted a distinguished career. She'arnara, National president of Uie er. Nan Orav and Erneat CoaMrt U 26. C A. A.. Roderick S. Kennedy, and- with the addition of Helen Parrtth, Miss Oraham's antecedents, andjDr. W. T. Allison: general litem- Bob Cummings and William Lundl-the auspicious circumstances of her' ture. William Arthur Deacon. Prof 1 gan. home environments and education, have provided her with an admlr-jable background for a literary ear lier father's hobby Is painting: her mother finds relaxation ln translating "Alice ln Wonderland" V. B. Pratt. Rhodenlzer and Dr. E. J I Queen Mary Showj Into Greek. Mlas Graham's early I LJni. p'TV,U.r.lJf.w!r.r. passion for literature and the the-tl"I EiUlUrOIUcricS atre were allowed full scope for de I Deanna plays the part of a alight n her greatest picture. ..weaving spell ol enchant- ment rjoull remember all n0ur jjej ik ii. DEANM DURBIN NAN GREY HELEN PARRISH 3i$MART MfflS 6R6W Up L B0BE1T CHUUS Illfliu CUMMINGS WINNINGER LUNDIGAN (At 7 7 31 31 and and 9 311 TONIGHT TI ES. and WTD, 2 Sho Mrhtlf 7 M tni .M t tones- Invasion The Lait Rote of E Ca otnera" 'The W - " cue THROUGH WI.M'SiriU) MIDLAND. Ont Mi Hurled through h ju when hi ear skidd' 1 1 tf George Faoan. gaac t said to be the most pleating pe- t1 on road w ture In which Deanne Dutbto. high- 1 ull and other sr lv popular yourut Canadian ftrtfing film star, has jet appeared comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here for the first half of this week. The current offering is a reminder of "Three Smart Olrls" nr. actkd (jtiCKir St. CATHERINES O- Vr, (CTi- Traffic Pci s m Wendham U beui"? r. c for saving the life t a jrJ and presents approximately the holglrI wme cast Including. beMe4 Dean- lhc Ptn bell bell Sco Scott: fiction. Leslie Oordonlna CharlM Wlnnlnor VMla WalV. car. by drags !:r of a fa t:' 4 FAMILY DOG A IIEKO MITCHELL. Ont KL. Isobel Walker, daug' c ' J. E. Walker, eacapr ly older youngster who endeavours cation during a fire ' to stralnhten out the tangled love 'hen the fsmlly dg : affairs of her two staters with am- the smoke-filled using results. The picture to much her to escape by the v r 1 irii more of a comedy than any of the sixteen -yen r-old singing star's NOT TRUE TO FORM previous appearances She is the FERGUS. Ont May 1 . daughter of a multimillionaire and, Ice In the Orand Ri r i Mrs. Matey Open Unique Eshlblt 'or the first time, wears an cxten- turbulent at this seiu' t Of Handiwork In London iSive wardrobe out quietly and thrr? . " I In thU picture Deanna sings four a flooded cellar In i LONDON, May : (CP Mrs. -Vincent Massey. wife of Canada's!.......,,, ' m... nign commissioner, opened one of the most interesting exhibitions,' J recently held ln London. The Royal Amateur Art Society" show Is un- f lque for It usually contains not only treasures lent by Royalty, but i , . i . . .. ' NEW AND BirTTER COLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Salmon Fltet Following the Investigations of the Fisheries Resear C,f',, the Company has just completed extensive changes and In.p"' mcnls In Ice storage and Ice delivery methods. Ice for the boats will all be old Ice, Ihornailily lured or aced at new low temperatures. It will be delivered ln the' hold, even In the hottest weather, at cold a lh storage room. Fishermen are Invited to Inspect the new system. Better Ice than ever before, at no Increase ln cost, means er mimf to the boat and Improved quality In fish delivery Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Pq I tfj nrltlsh ColombU TIIK CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMKLTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITKD TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Krand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium I'lioipliatei, Sulphate of Ammonia, Supcrplos pliatcsj Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold. Silver, Lead, Zinc. Cadmium. nUmutli. Ant''""1!!