Tuesday. May 23, 1939. Local Commandant Of Salvation Army TIIIIU) AVKNUE a member of the Vancouver Citadel Silver Dand of the Army which will go to.the Golden Qate International Expoltloh u San Franclco from July 20 to 27. Capt. r-- - HaUey -' 1 a j p Tp 'p-Jev talented cornetlat and ha had pre-(jOinH 10 rriSCO viuus experience In Army band I .tn Halnry, local cqm-i .i.aii or the Salvation Army, Keep up to date. Advertise retu-j,-Mi notified of his selection ai larly. ffin I THAT REMINDS ME-' A, A OGDEN'S ,s COOL VH SMOKING r. " you haven't yot tried rolling 3iit own with Ogden's Fine tut, do it now and set your expectations high. There's a jarctto tobacco that's as r as a snow covered hjll- in tho fmo cut you've always wanted, the tobacco that ; Ji a tot of frttra pleasure into rr 'ttng your own", tho realy cooler, better cigarette tp- -.xo Oflden'sl " course you'll roll them with ;i best papers "Chantecler" cr "Voguo" SPECIALS For this week only. Buy Now And Save In FLOOR COVERING Dominion Ijilaid Linoleum The floor covering that ,last for years, g 1,26 G feet wide. Special, square yard n Dominion Printed Linplciim 71 C Square yard, special Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs Sizofix!) Off I SizeUxll Special price Size TJ .xO Special pric? Size 9x12 Special price $6.50 7 75. Special price sizefvlOi, $9.25 $10.25 o Sets Only 4 Piece Bedroom Suite Consisting of full size bed, chiffpniqr, vanity (lrcsser and upholstered bench. ' Sq nocially priced for quick selling ' ELIO'S Phone GREEN 910 Miss Rose Smith Is Given Party Happy Affair Last Night In Salvation Army Young People' Halj In honor of Miss Rose Smith, whose marriage is to take place shortly, an enjoyable affair was held last night In the Salvation Army Young People's Hall. The evening was happily spent in games and singing. After refreshments had been served. Capt. HaUey, on behalf of those present, made the presentation of a beautiful gift to the guest of hqnor. Moose Memorial Service Sunday Impressive Annual Ceremony By Men and Women Churrh In livening Members of the men's and wp men's Moose Ledge joined on Sunday for annual memorial service In honor of the memory of deceased members. The rites took place in the afternoon at the Moose Hall, the men taking- tht ! firmt half snH f Vi vnmn (ha pn.d.. Past Dictator B. J. Bacon was In charge of the men's service and Mrs. H. Smith, senior regent, for the ladles' service which featured the flower service. There were vocal solos by Mrs. Bernard Lundahl and Mrs. J. II. McLeod. accompanied by Mrs. Jack Carr and violin solos by A. C. Cameron, accompanied by H. T. Lock. In the evening both ladles and men paraded frpm the Moose Hall to St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral for annual church service which was conducted Impressive) by the dean. Very Rev Jamej B ! Gibson , TENDER FOR CO.V3THl)CTIO.N OF. RBCEIV1NO STATION BUlUJUu. KOYAL CANADIAN CORPS Of SlO.NALa. AT WIUTJ5-HORal' T. T CI Al-ED Trntlm. wickxrd in iTlop. marked Tcwkr W JK!"o 6:r-:. n n hltctoorw. t T ." i udtlrrwsw; Vitrrtor ot comrnsu. Depr titcu- ot NtJ Defrtic. Otta. Or.-j , wtU b nrriml uUU 12 o'clock on (DS.TI. MratUy July 3. 1933. ir. ick- i form u?il-d by tM r; .rniei4 anl In oacWhO 1Ui Qnndlibiw torHl therein. Tbre ..n : te htr Up j?Jan and x. ;.uoi(i n7 be obtMnrd on p-, n ii u ti D'reotor of Ooutjrtcta Xyp:.rmrtA OS NjOomj DejMlt. Ot- .u . tie D-.rfc Oltlttr Owrimandlng MI. err Dt'rtot No 11. VJotorti. BC :r to 'tw Wwnunt Oittcer-ln-Oiarge n ri cmwUhi oon or signals EaJ ixlT mum bs ocompanlfd by a rrruOd otr)U cn oharterrt bank in CMMdt. pj(Hle o Ci" ord" o t UcnonbW tU MJBUtw of mtorl ixnitf. tor to txr m (" ' Ur mrnt of b ?or. rt vlll be fccfetl nhould b decline '.o f-ttw li o fnntrot for Mie wor. oi rhcld be UA. Ttr ttjeptlnj thr mntfvt. to Mxitntrte me In ccorJ- W,P. vm tbe P1 ?UlCAtlDin . . . t Klvta4 Itmrnl to Met Uir io- or nv ifoAer. U B. LAFLECirE. rxpvrty Mister Ot. Uv 1J. 1939 (HQ. M-30-11-1J). i tiik m tukmk roriiT or iiuitiii JOI.I'.MIUA in imumvti: lii Thr Matlrr of TIip ',!lmlnMralln Art" And , In lh Mailer of the KMale of im ivter IKilmrr Thomiiton, r DrrMwd, IntPftatp TAKE NOTICE tha.t by ordr of HU llouor. V. E. flshtr. the lSth day ct Mv A. D 1P39 I M tppolnted Ad mhiiBtrfttor' of Uie tKtBte ot Jens Peter DolJiwr TlnmpHon dued. nd U pnrtlm hnvlnig dlm Jns.t the ad oiiAte re hereby requlmT to lurnlsn me. bronnrlv' verified to me on or before the 17th dy of June. 1939. and U parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay he amount of their indebtertiwa to me forthulth. DATED the lOUr day of May, AD. 1939. : Administratrix, ; PrinoB Jtupert, D C, IN TIIK SI TUKMK COMIT OF BHITlll mix MIU A in ritnimr. In The Mailer of The "AtlmlnMrntlttn In Hie Mailer of Hie K.lale of Albert i:rnet 1'errK lefeael take NOTICE that toy order of Illj Honor. W. K. Fisher, the 15th day ot May. A. D 1939 J woa appointed Ad mUUMrator of the estate of Albert Ernest TerrU. dereBbod. all parties lutvlng claims acnlnsit tjhe sold ftw re nefevuy reqim-ra o i"un nv prcrTry vmnrd to me on or Deiore tne ivui wy wvuits v im, iuj all portloB Indebted 'to the estate at required no pay u nmomis oi in-jr UKleWednees to me forthwith. DATED " tlie 16th day aTMa. AJ3. 1939 ORVWJ K. SPENCER, Executor, Alyanah, B. O. 22. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THKr LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. George Rodger Is sailing to- omen's Auxiliary Canadian night oii the Catala for a trip tolLegion special meeting Thursday Vancouver. ',2:30 pjn. tn Legion Hall. U20 Miss Ann "Vyinslow Is wiling tonight on the Catala for "a visit tn Vancouver. Miss K. Uilng of the Anglican Japanese mission left on last evening's train for a brief trip to Sunnyslde and oUier sleena River cannery points. Mr. and Mrs. William Millar are sailing this ev,enins on theCatala for a vacation trip tp Vancouver and ;toria in his" capacity as medical officer of the 102nd. Battery which Is now In training at Esquimau. Wlllam R. Sampson, Port Simpson fur dealer, aoneared before Stipendiary Magistrate Andrew Thompson In provincial police court yesterday and was fined $50, with option of thirty days imprisonment for buying otter skins during a clos ed season. He paid the fine. Staff Sergeant Ernest Gammon and Sergeant C. C. Jacklin. called " Victoria for special duty with he provincial police during th nslt of the King and Queen, are ailing tonight on the Catala for the south. They are taking south i-ith them a party of prisoner consisting of Lloyd Colin Mc-Kenzie, sentenced to five years' mprisonment for robbery und?r arms at Anyox: James Sangster Anderson, sentenced to one year's Imprisonment for manslaughter t Atlin, and Franlc Joseph, who will serve four months at Okalla or theft at Smlthcrs. Hotel Arrivals Royal Olof Steimo and 5. Brpwn, city. Prince .Kupert R. A. Miller. Vancouver. Central J. P. OOorman, CNJt.; Oscar Edwards. Jap Inlet; Joe Brown city; Ingvald Seines. Seatte. Knox E. Davies, city; Mr. and Mr? MacKay. Stewart. Announcements All advertisements In this col-amn wUl,be charged for a full month at 20 a word. Victoria Day Danqe, Moose Hall", May 24. Boys' Band bridge drive Legion Hall. May 23. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, "The Manse" Mayx26. i May Queen Festival, Dance. S' Peter's Halj May 29. Women's Auxiliary Canadian Legion Spring Sale "June 2. High School June 3. Tea and Display; Eagle's Dance Juhe 7. Anglican Tea Mrs. C. V. Evltt's, .June 8. Presbyterian Tea Mrs. J. R. chell's June 15. Mlt- United Tea Mrs. Armour June Music Uuth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and ' Harmony. PHONE GREEN S90 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household ,Coal MRS. .C E. RLACK FrcKh Local py and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIllY 4 vl " ' " THONU 657 Tonight's train, due frqm thej East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be half an hour late. I LONDON. May 23: (CP A Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fraser are ailing tonight on the Catala for Victoria where it is their Intention o cake up future residence. Mrs. G. B. Church and Mrs. H. L. A. Tarr were winners of souvenir King's visit cups and saucers which were prizes In the drawin; jf lucky admission tickets at the Navy League ball last Friday nlghl. Adjutant Coralle A. McKinnelJ, xho has been stationed here dur-ng the past winter with the Sal-atlon Army, sailed Saturday afternoon on the Princess Louise fipr Seattle where she will visit be-'ore proceeding to Alaska where he will spend the summer engaged In travelling duties for t(ie Army. Saiyation Army Tag Day Success um.of $825 Realized as Result of Camay on Saturday The gratifying sum of $825 was ealized as a result of tbe Salvation rmy's tag day Saturday In connection with the annual Self De nial campaign. Capt. and Mrs. Ivan Halsey and Adjutant C.. A. McKinnell were in charge and taggers were Misses Ruth Jpnes, Mary Of Queen Mother Mary Ai Jjuchess of York Toured .Canada Vith Royal 'jlubi) . In Xs01 white-haired woman who will b,e 72 on Friday is a most interested distant "spectator" of Their Maj esties' Canadian tour. As Queen Mary sits knitting or busy wltn her needlework In her, quiet sittlnr room at Marlborough .House or as she keeps an eye pn her tvoj young granddaughters at winaso: or Sandringham her thoughts pre j with her royal son and his w'.fej as they speed west across ttjej American Continent. Queen Mary made a similar trip In 1901. Her journey was, perhaps not auite as easily made nor as luxurious. With her husband, a-' terwards Georse V. they wer,5 then the Duke and Duchess dl York) they crossed Canada pn a special train in the course of n world tour. The Duke and Duchess viewed the Rockies from the qpw-catche of the engine of their train. special platform was arranged in the front of the engine so that they missed nothing of the scenery. There were no state dinne.i parties but they dined, or rather teaed with all the Indian chleffi in the West at a great gathering outside Calgary. It was a magnlfl cent sight all the tribes In fun regalia. The chiefs made verba- speeches of welcome. .Onto Queen Mary's shoulders ' fall the thousand and jone tasks that the Royal Family usuallj Pierce, Brennol Sorensen. Gloria shate. ror .tne weeKs ine rung 3wanson, Velma Stacey and Mil- and Suen awa? ,u P ireA Hunt nd Herbert Pierce. Har--even more busy than he has been old pierce, Buddy Plercei' Allan Ed-; for some months. The English jar and Eefre.t Jerce. .puoiic eivi w w mc vj--. A Ilfty cent classified ad. will will turn to .her. .knqwing they iften make you many dollars. have never neen aisappointea. Inner Spring Mattress gee Them n Ctur Window Bargain Fares To The Prairies ,Frorn Vancouver, .yicqrja. 'ew JVesi-minster, Nanaimp, P.rinre .Runert ? .Calgary, Edmonton and points east to Armstrong and Port Arthur inclusive. June 1 to 4 Inclusive 30-DAY RETURN LIMIT From Prince Rupert to Calgary (via Edmonton) Edmonton Retina Saskatoon Winnipeg Port Arthur ROYAL .VISIT Coach Tour. Stan'd S31.75 ;C35 34.10 40.60 Tickets, Reservations and Information Prince Rupert'Ageiit 31.1? 45,65 403'0 47J3 ,61.5 $43.10 35.85 2.50 46.33 55.15 71,00 Good In tourist sleepers on payment ot regular berth rate. tOood in standard sleepers and parlor ear on payment pf accommodation .occupied. Proportionately Iqwer fares from Interior IJ.C. points Prince George, Kamloops and West Children 5 years and under 12, half fare. Stopover privileges at Jasper on return Journey only withhi final limit Full Particulars From Your Nearest Ticket Agent MacKenzie's Furniture Special For Royal Visit Royal Crown JJed Stead, Rpjal. Crown Spring, Qdd 0 Royal Crown Inner Spring Mattress p1tJU Royal .Crest Bed, Royal Crest Spring, Royal Crest CCJd ?fk PIJONE 775 Special Round Trip Excursion Fare apd One Half All Meals and Berth ncluded Tickets Good Going on .S. .C.arjlena Reaving Pfince Jtupert J'riday.May 2640:30 p.m. Returning qn JS. Catena -Tuesday " " v "v " (9 p.m.) May 30tH ENUE, Phone 568 See the New 'Queen' Oil-Burning Range Wicks No Cleaning JS'p forced Draft i 167 .50; Complete Install The "QUEEN" BURNER Iu Ypur Otyn Kange $79.50 Installed KAIEN HARDWARE CO. PHONE 3 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. LOCKWOOD'S FUR STORE Spring Jackets and Coats Prices Reasonable. Call and Look Them Over Highest Prices Paid for Beaver Pelts NOTICE ! Commencing Saturday, April 15th, our CONFECTIONERY STORE Will Open Until 10:00 p.m. Mussallem's Confectionery Opposite Canadian Legion BEDDING PLANTS Dwarf Dahlias, Gladioli g Cut Flowers for AH Occasions Wm. GAIR S Florist, Seedsman g Box 276 Phone BLUE 974 Five thousand Prince Rupett people read the Dally News'. "It pays to let uiem kuuw wnat jruu have to sell.