THE DAILY NEWS. “SPLENDID RECOGNITION OF FOLLOW CANADA'S EXAMPLE = sau Ua ky BANKRUPT” NEW REPUBLIC AND MAKE PANAMA CUT FREE "===" f i } J i | | | H. Gordon Munro W. Nichelson Lailey I Ernest Terah Hooley, Notorious | President Yuan Shi Kai of China| New York, Feb. 20.—Th World prot tolls where they could be MUNRO & LAILEY 1 i “Crook” Financier, Now in) Sends a Note to All the Powers advocates a free Panama Canal.|so easily collected. It adopts tl i Prison for Compartively trif-| That a, Be Recognized.| Hditorially is says today | ; ¢ a aeE mn " Architects, OF F 74°) ; ling Offense in London. | “Canadu has expended movetens y of making its artificial Stork Building, Second Avenue. . 4 | Pekin, Feb. 19 Yuan Shi Kaijthan $100,000,000 to provide ship! waterways as free as the high -—————---—- - - --___—- + P. coD = ” if Canadian Press Despatch. jhas prepared a notification to the|eanals from the Atlantic Ocean|seas. The United States does the LIVER Ol eo }! eae Feb. : 22. eeeee inet es ee on election as presi-/to nae Lakes It 1 largvrjsaine with its canal at the Soo ARCEna a rea tie ig erat ooley, who was one of{dent o 1¢@ Chinese republic and| expenditure relative to population Os " ‘ ‘ oj nis s ani a poni h ? i iB the leading men in the financialjat the same time has requestadine resources” than the. United] to eee ah ovat ae yaaa oan tee oa o‘s | world of London a few years ago,|their recognition of the republic.| States will make at Panama. The] jess atineiads ‘“ Gieahas 6; i‘ : ee ae gee er ae jwas sentenced at the Old Bailey|It is not expected, however, that}cost of maintenance and improve-| nations than this Canadian serial re ca a {to one year’s imprisonment on|recognition by the powers will be| ments are relatively larger poliey is to the United Stat .Y ALFRED CARSS, C. V, BENNETT, B.A. {she bhhene of obtaining money by}accorded until a cabinet has been “Nevertheless, American ves-|Protests are being aite stn the ond Manitobe Bare Tatoos ant ae | fraudulently representing as free jappointed. The adoption of the} sels are allowed to go toll free| Dominion Parliament against 7 lot encumbrances some property|western calendar has been given|{hrough these costly Canadian| preferential tolls for the ‘Amen CARSS & BENNETT C jhe had sold to the complainant.|to the public by formal manifesto] waterways. The American ton-|can ships in the Panama Canal. Meda ures oug S Hooley was one of the leading|which replaced the imperial edict) nage through the Welland Canal| Canada has the right to protest. rae *Enkcans baie ee financiers in England from 1890/of the former regime is larger than the Canadian. The/It has an equal right to ask for Mathieu's Syrup of Tar & Cod Liver Oil lie cod when he pe declared | a tonnage of both countries through canal without tolls, and this! WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., UD. D.8. is a great Tonic.and not: obly. stops-e cough ee oe oe Hooley | SIR WILFRID UPSET the American and Canadian canals|country will perform a _ world) DENTIST. £ P ug jlaunched a_ tire company and| cs at the Soo is larger than that of|service of greater profit to itself| Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. but enables the systerm to throw it off. |made a profit of $12,500,000. Hej Sleigh in Which He Was Riding)ih. Suez and larger than that will| jthan can be computed in money| Ait contel operations siaicany 3 Large size bottle 35¢ Sold everywhere. jer ty of King Edward ,and he pos-| way to the railway station to take eee ee SS | Alex.M.M B.4., W.E. Williams,B.A., LL.D J. L. MATHIRU CO., Prep, - SHERBROOKE }sessed also several historical|the train for Eganville, where he WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, ‘Solicitors, etc. }country stables. addressed a meeting in connec- . e | After his bankruptey he was/|tion with South Renfrew by-elec- C f L b ] | I ’ | hs j}known as the “splendid bank- | tion, Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s sleigh onvention Oo 1 era s | rupt, as he continued to live in| was overturned and the leader of Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C |princely style on money which|the opposition was thrown into P.10, BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT Yihad been placed in his wife’s|the street. He was not injured A convention of British Columbia Liberals will be held at | JOHN E. DAVEY $ | name. |and roceeded to the station. ’Brien’ stings rae : , , y , , When in ‘Vancouver ‘You “Should Stay. at. the 3 f d pre e ee on Oo Brien’s Hall, Hastings street, Vancouver, on February 29th, TEACHER OF SINGING — 3) British Censor Resi ae | 1 n ‘ve? 4912. Upon purchasing a first-class ticket to Vancouver via Suttti ov-wit; HOuMNG obs AaLKANS dent cae CARLTON HOTEL utr cc here gy| mtttcmtuetecttn. || S2,8,ate ating oe on ot inn tame - 4 Behe seth kh ‘ Jillian Russell has been grant- i igni Patina. ¢ iA cnhs awa cket agent as certificate HO $ | oflice as lord chamberlain. His| oq a patent ona trunk for act- ticket agent a atancnee certificate, and upon the signing of | GEORGE LEEK & CO. ‘ein B.C. E Pls R: ac aera: is attributable to the wide-|ecces that combines a wardrobe, this certificate by the Secretary of the Convention, the holder astintidieeaes |: eaten Finest Cafe in B.C. uropean Flan, — Rates $1.00 to $2.50 perday. $/|spread criticism recently of his|qpegsing room and other con- will be entitled to a return ticket at one-third the usual fare. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Hot and Cold Water in each room. $\¢ onduet of the offee of censor Of] \aniences. The trunk is electric- Fire, Life and Accident Insurances 4 | plays. ally lig Tear ‘ . t ghted, Years ago, when a 8rd Avenue Phone 208 and Green 252 CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS $) ——_______—— io fairy Lillian was a burlesque pases eecenetteeneieres | PRINCE RUPERT Vancouver, B.C. 3), etna inesie, are re ing | actress, and had only been mar- j p ; Warder 0 ie Mexican boundary ed a fe t 1s he t or of 3 2 4 5 | 4 jr a few times, the matter ¢ SAMUEL HARRISON Vv. F. G. GAMBLE ww pjmerely to keep the line fence initrynks for her wardrobe was a (NOTARY PUBLIC) JOHN DYBHAVN |8 good repair. jsecondary consideration, and in Real Estate — Loans ——— case of emergency a pill box and Insurance a en S.S. Prince Rupert ——— Samuel Har r1son & Co. ee ey man is known to be the most “exact” person in the world and RUEF WINS VICTORY Real Estate and Stock Brokers THE IR OQUOIS un Still draw the long bow,"’ but our customers are so con THE GREENER IS THE WORLD’S BEST GUN Thirty Indictments “Against San APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED I . advertis ing this fact amo ngst their fellow FRI- Francisco Boss Dismissed. Sak Bic N RRs ee erchant ¢ ” Carbon i recently shot a ay * a1 1 he bas peor t hie satament tetore Mr WU "Geos > P. aaa San Francise Keb. 19.—Abra- Prings Rupert c anid . oemett | vee tata eee r new gun will be ar Killing” Greener, no other c e mM. a ; te Ca aaa Tw 5 ri anistent anootthe hoomibitedareiih bard tgee ans: “lasting — ham Ruef, San Francisco's former en care eo le lpolitical boss, summoned fromje Ss : = | catalog P 8 describing 38 grades will be mailed free on receipt San Quentin prison to testify in | FOR = ; ¥ i W. W. GREENER MONTREAL, P. Q. jthe case of former mayor, Eugene ; ,P.Q VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ||*he case of former mayor, Eugene Hotel Central £25 Fit Ars; phe ea aaa eas | gs. pmince sown Lac vicinus touas oe hicnese-|| Australian Government Curing | 3 sescsn snmcrru nn, heated, modern conveniences. Rates Maintains Bi-monthly service to Stewart | ‘ ‘i and Queen Charlotte Islands |tiations for the dismissal of thirty ri-W ee! rain Service Prince r | t iding again him D k H b Ad F $1.00 to $2.50 per day Tri-Weekly T Ss P. R t idictments pending g Ss to Van Arsdol es - rin a it opts amous Peter Black P iet las the result of the graft prose- A. E. MeMaster, Gen age G.T.P. Wharf | Sadge William | P. Lawler, in NEAL CURE Agency for all Atlantic Steamship Lines dismissing the indictments in the TTT | Supreme Court today, said he did Sending Sunshine and Happiness Inte Hundreds of | so “that the ends of justice might nn , E. L. FISHER Darkened Homes Instead of Inflicting Fines or » b, ) be furthered.” Eighty indict-| ; ments are still pending against} Prison Cells Upon Her Unfortunate Citizens Fe ee Ruef in Judge Lawler’s court.| : THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. Attorneys for Ruef said today OPEN DAY AND NIGHT The government of South Australia | selves of the Neal treatment in private ‘ has set an example worthy of imita- | sanitariums in Australia. jthat they would move for their| tion by the other nations of the world. Scientific research and investigation } dismissal Owing to the extent, enormity and the | of the centuries has recently culmin- | | awful consequences of the drink habit, | ated in the establishment of the fact | they have for years past been investi- that the drink habit, so called, is gating its cause, effect, treatment and | caused by the poison of alcohol stored SS | B.C. Coast service — Famous Princess ‘IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS onan aur. Fe aan oe ie in oe - om ae acta. | Lin n ie ea { ev. A. C. an 1e, | O excessive se Oo c OC ors, . commissioned = by that government, | and that the man or woman thus af- HAYNER BROS. | ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS |] vicitead the United States, and after a| flcted Is as much in need of and must || UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS e s J] | Pri cess eatrice } : ae rs atte have medical help as if suffering from Funeral Directors rin iH. R. Love, Prop., Prince Rupert}} thorough investigation of drink habit | typhoid fever ‘or other serious aliment. Up-t Date Equipment. Work and| treatments, returned to his government | Dr. Neal has solved this problem. He 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 p-to-it 4 1p . . e last September and gave a detailed and has not only ‘demonstrated the above, | Prices Right. Engine Work Se s | but he has found the drug which anti- 5 4 |] lengthy report recommending the adop- | gotes this poison, and, combining same and General Repairing. tion of the NEAL THREE-DAY DRINK | with other well known neutralizing and set cisnet epee Agr Neca ea SA a | ee ee ee Lanta | RAILWAY iThe Best Procurable. Saturday, February 24th, at 9 a.m. For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle | J. G. McNab - General Agent | HABIT CURE. The government of | ¢liminating drugs, he has originated the Neal treatment, which, in thousands of Shop, Hays Cove. Agents for Imperial Gasoline Motors. South Australia adopted his report, and | cases, has perfected absolute and satis- established the cure in a large govern- factory cures in the short space of | © O Phone Blue 259 - P. O. Box 957 ment sanitarium, where those addicted | time of only three days. to the drink habit are treated at gov- The Vancouver Neal Institute is one ernment expense, instead of being fined | of the many that is carrying on this — - rr sent to prison cells. good work, and grateful patients every During the first ninety days 182 per- | day attest to the eMciency of the Neal sons so affected were perfectly cured | Treatment (The Place With a Future.) by the Neal treatment at government If in need of help yourself o rif you expense and restored to citizenship. In | have a friend who is losing his grip TEN AGRE TRACTS AND addition to this, reports show that more | write for bookiet giving full informa- TOWN LOTS than double that number availed them- | tion T - \ | PANE LAS;| Choice Farming Lands in the Lakelse The Paper THE 1250 THE NEAL INSTITUTE = te eae wa 66 i a } for DAILY roa je = Your Home! NEWS DB icccanual eae oe gee ES meen er 7 with which a slight cold becomes Phone 8500. a serious cold leads to apalling | -~~wewrw consequences, A sagas cold ; ; as KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY gQ NARMS AA MAGA Og RATA GUC magn AR Sawmill Co. Ltd. Lumber Letterheads Stock Certificates Bill Heads Price Lists weer LLL AL | fi faa) F-°- Box 120 PHONE 156 GREEN | = a i ‘t gives you all the news of your own city and district as well as the principal happenings Q i | Second Avenue, near McBride “FROM HOME TO HOME." } one ae ate > | all parts of the world. The news is well edited, its news columns are clean and whole- ‘if 1 ‘ssumblaas Blea tna; Stnacsiehiniralil F It is a paper you need in your home.. The advertising columns of the News bring ak | HOTEL Y IU Sheet Metal Work ’ . . a 7 } Office: 3nd Ave, Workshop i ‘In touch with opportunities for getting the full value for your money, : ae SAT mt EL S M |] Phone 174 2nd Ave, bet. 7th and 8th Sts i * THE GRIM REAPER WORKS | oo geroneaiiee y : igs Oey THROUGH NEGLECTED COLDS The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. pe ee TT ek rn i isiti y j ai aubena oat : OSes oe > ar i ate Glass Mirrors ; : nish- “OF Society printing, we ensure correctness of style and taste in Visiting re Wedding el The pen is thenenies anes. Pigrabare Supplies HARDWARE aoeear oy tha ing lamber on hand. Boat ‘NVitations ¢ 2@ . ; rinting from the humble ‘‘dodger’’ |! The Cod Liver Oil the strength Oils eran lumber a specialty. Delivery ions and Danee Programmes. For any kind of p e . | ening element; combined properly Varnishes Graniteware made at short notice. i] ee hi News Building - Third Ave * PHONE PHONE 98 LAE i i i = eh) (ear 3 ORES ROLLED CRS thn PE SPM ODL MS CLR, 3