RAQE TW THE OAILT WTW1 WtSSlTLG WHEAT PRICES BAR GOLD WINNIPEG, August 18: CP- LONDON. August 18: CP Winnipeg wteeat prices were The Montreal price of bar geld to gc lower yesterday with Octabar was unchanged at $34.78 on Uk' Closing at Slc I London market yesterday 12 oz. .95 25 oz. $1.S0 10 oz. CILs dryoinJ This adTertisement Li not publUhec or displayed by the LWiuor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia If Your Feet Trouble you See Us We Carry a Full Range of Wizard Arch Supports Foot Appliances For Every Foot Ailment Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoe? SENIOR MATRICULATION Official List of Required TEXT BOOKS School AUebra Parts 2 and 3 mail's) $1.10 College Chemistry Revised 1935 (Kendall. Smith $3.80 Laboratory Outline for Abore (Kendall) -t $1.30 College Composition iRankln, Thorpe, Solve) $125 Writing and Thinking 8teadman) : $1.50 English Economic History ISouthgate) $1.65 An Anthology of Modern Verse . ... 0c A Century of .Short Stories ...i ...X 1- $1.50 The Doll's House 'Ibsent 20c Electra in G. Murray's Paraphrase (Euripides) 55c Julius Caesar 'Shakespeare) 30c A School for Scandal t Sheridan) ZOc Douze Pontes JMaupassant) 70c Free Composition In Franc h (Mills) .. . 55c Analytic Geometry (Richardson 6i Gage) ..; $1.20 Europe Sine 1914 (Binns) $1.00 Triple Alliance and Triple Entente $1.10 books are due about September lt Save yourself inconvenience or delay by placing your order Mitu us now MacKenzie's Furniture AUGUST FURNITURE SALE Chesterfield Suites in the very latest tailoring and materials Bed Room Suites beautifully designed and handsomely finished in select woods Carpets, all sizes Walnut End Tables $195 REPS ARE i TOO GOOD Defeated Select Team From Rest of Football League Last Eveulug By Five to Nil Score The local representative tean: which will Journey to Ocean Bl!s !soon In quest of the Northern British Columbia football chamnlon-jshlp showed iU superiority Ave a I select -eleven from the ft of the local Senior League last night In a game whirb resulted in a vnre at REALLY KILL One pd LilU file all day mod every dir for 2 or 3 crkt. 3 paU in rarh pat-irt. o tpraying, no tirkinr, no taad odor. Ak roar Drngglft, Crocrry or Cenrral Slorr. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? THE WILSON flY PAD CO , Hilw. W CONNECTIONS WANTED WEST African Importers and exporters seek connections with Canadian producers or manufacturers. Samples, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, principally fish products, and terrrc solicited. The Colonial Fisheries, Limited, Benyiwah House, Wln-neba, Gold Coast, British West Africa. tf. HELP WANTED WANTED Waitress, must be experienced and have good references. Apply Box 17, Daily News. (19G) SOFTBALL TONIGHT 6:30 Grotto vs. Linsetts .Moose vs. Acropolis COAL Grain Peed Seeds and Fertilizer PKINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones SI and 55S THE SEAL QUALITY GOLjD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by tbe only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll to Prince Rupert Baseball Scores j Yesterday's Big League scares!' 1 National League I St Louis, 4: Pittsburg. 2. New york, J; Brooklyn. 5. Chicago. 6; ClnclunaU, 7, American League Washington, i. Hew York. .9 (ten Innings). Detroit. 1; Chicago, 2. Boston. 7; Philadelphia. 1.. ' " Cleveland. 5! St Louis. 6. New series commence tiday is follows: National Ledfne -New York at Philadelphia; St. Louis at Pitt$ five to nothing. The xeps turned ,Mir rrr.m a'a. !for the defenders to do Ssorws ,. a,iPhMan were uouj unnsuon i two vnmi, Dick Cameron and D. MeMekbt. Peter Doberty was referee and here was a eood -sized crowd of 'an in attendance. Another uje wtH be nlayed next Tuesday night. Keep up to date larly. AarwMse regu- WILSON'S WW baseball Standings J in a good brand of Jav k-nt Amery League- Phltfdeiplto! the game in the opportn territory t Nrw Yoxkt clfvd&nd at n.' almcst all the time. Invln? Jittle al wa.hlnton rv. National league i Cincinnati ... 09 30 ,639 St. Louis - 62 44 .53 Chicago 60 51 Ml New York 34 52 303 BrookrjH '. ..! 53 53 300 Pittsburg 49 55 .47; Boston .... 4S CO .434 Philadelphia ..... . 22 11 2l American League New York 7C 33 .697 Boston ... . . ffl 39 622 Chicago 60 50 .545 f ieveiand .. . 53 51 332 Detroit 37 54 314 Washington 48 63 .432 Philadelphia Z& 71 349 St L uis . 32 75 m nertion AAA 3 STRR RYE A special quality old rye of fine flavor, thoroughly matured in oak With (irand Matter's Visit U City Nanaimo. Orand Master of the Ma-1 Mrs. Thomas StOrrle. Who ha nnW nt HrltUh rVJlimh been on a trip south, returned home and F S. McKee of Vancouver, from Vancouver this morning on Orand Secretary, a lawn bowling the Princess Charlotte Her son. match will be played Sunday after-Jack Storrie. who has been taking noon at the Canadian National naval training at Esquimau, re- Recreation Association's greens be-turned home on the same boat tween rinks of past masters and BASEBALL Saturday 6:30 p.m. Sharp Hazelton Vs Prince Rupert ACROPOLIS HILL GROUNDS SATIN-GLO Varnish HICII GLOSSQUICK DRYING The best AU-Purpose Varnish Fbr interior and exterior surfaces) Reslsta hard wear, weather and boiling water Satin Finish Semi Gloss For AH Interior Decorating A distinctive finish for Walls, Ceilings, Woodwork, Furnl-ture.-Etc. Easy to apply and washable. Enamel HIGH GLOSS QUICK DRYING The best All-Purpdse Enamel iFor Interior and exterior surfaces) Resists hard wear, weather and water. Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. Phone 101 255 THIRD AVENUE Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Horsd'oeuvre One Package .Serves Four People Keps for Weeks In Refrigerator I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia 8100 I 13 OZ. 1"25 oz. 27'W Frtjljr, August AGE GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED Thla advertisement Is not puLushoi dspluye-a dv lU I-a Govenuuwat ol BiUuh CUuxuLta Match On Sunday fm I I till i Mil ML 33$'"lt$ master masons. The committee in Bmun cawwiiu attci t;.,- yi charge of arrangement for the wul arrHe tun on tiir n:, match consist of F S. Walton. 0.;A Sturtay alter roui. !rt, u P Tinker and I) O Borland. There alWl wiU 9 " " terlor on Monday night will be three rinks on either side- and the players are now being se- lected. The arand Master ana me me thoutri Vu.jc- RupJ i Dr. Hall and Mr McKee. follow- pays to let them t. .... .v. . ... Mng 8 a " vWt to w lodges in Northern have to In connection with the visit this,' week-end of Dr. O. A. B. Hall of! " v. Attention Smokers! 3 During the past ten years more I than 3,000 forest fires have resulted from smokers' carelessness. Be as care- ful in the woods as you are in your own home. See that your match and other smoking J materials are safely put out and you will be doing your part in Forest Fire Prevention. M V BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE SOUTH TO VAN30UVER! calling al OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Stcumer leaves Prince Rupert every SATURDAY, 7 p.m.; MONDAY, 3 p.m. TruiiiH leave Prince Rupert for the Kat iMoiulay, Wedneaday, Krulay, 6 p.m. A Passenger Express FRIDAYS, 11.00 a.m. For fares, etc.. call or tcrite City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave- T4