( c J it ii returned to the . Prince Oeorge this ..! having torn aoulb. j i.e convention o( the mmand of the Cana. a'. Kamtoops. L-r nee. agent of the Telegraphs at Stew .... been on a vacation , , uuver and Victoria, la rr aboard the Prince returning aouth. BRINGS INSTANT IASI 1 x ..k'' iTTTlffTTTii 1 Mnctr Sewing Machine A' I tntlhh pram A " IiUI DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOKLET Hotel Arrivals ELIO'S FURNITURE rwiKD avilm'i: 1 01) la (Tit Mitkt ImK vtUt JrUt 1 Ootr l iiwUsy A . 1 ObJv Gumev-iJiiurd 5 A I - - - f- - - 1 OiUf .Mi jrUc 1 Only MwnarrU A 1 nlr Canada Pride 1 Ob't .Monarch A 1 On! Monarch A 1 Co itlorle 1 m l Aimter Csrprt-uiefJxMJ'.i. r. m li i 1 Axnlnter Carprt Bile cVxfi. 1 ( M.anirr With five drawers, walnut finish A ...... 1 Urease r -With targe mirror. . Prince lUiprrt Used Furniture $20.00 S22.50 S22.50 S22.50 S25.50 S31.50 $32.50 840.00 S10.00 S15.00 S11.50 S8.50 S10.00 S20.00 6.50 ,v,r- S5.50, S12.00, S25.00 W" t Cra-ph. 65() and J1Q.00 WestMhouse Undlo 11 tabes $30.50 A - 1 Bed Coil Sprlngs-SUe 48. S5.00 w Each 1 4 Woven Springs-Size 4-0 and 3-0. S2 00 v Each . Hied Cable Sprlng-8Ue 3-3. $5.00 Wd CheMerfleld- 18.00 A J'Piece Chesterfield Sulte- g25 a"d 36 Sft ;f 4 ciutaZTT r" 6.50 Sft f upboUtered leather ieat light oak. 10 Round I)lnlnC Room Tables From iin S18.00 $5.00 All These Tables Have Extra Leaves t,luup $6.00 1 WWh, Cabinets- 12.50 " $14.00 1 k-t of 20 volumes Encyclopedia Brlttanlca- 45.00 At 24. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Orange Bridge, Thursday. Mr. J. W. Bond will tail Satur-I day evening on the Prince George for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Alex MarOonald. who have been on a vacation trip south, xrUinu-d borne from Vancouver on the Prince George thU morning. i Following the marriage ol Uls Edna Dickens and Percy Bond on Saturday, the couple will aall aboard the Prince George zor a honeymoon trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. i Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sawle t i ..... "- New uazelton who have been on C Marshall. John I rank. Leo a holiday trip p to to Vancouver Vancouver ana and Oognon. William Wilson and L C. elsewhere in Matthews, city; C. KJetorud. Ter- the city on the the Prince Prince Georp Ceorte, race; llelmer Anderson, city; Eun- this morning and proceeded name ice Woods Salvus; C. H. Teytor. to the interior br train. Vancouver , Prince Rupert Miss Sheila Blackstock. who has Mrs. Arthur 3 Smith. Salmon ben "Pending several weeks here Arm; O. P Sleigh. D. J. Lawm. H. T,,mnK u1ln Mr A- R Nlcho,J at R. MacMUlan. 3. M. Buchanan and Salt al1 bv the M. Barr. Vancouver: A. E. Lawson, Princ 0wre tomorrow evening sunnww n J?mithr- r. her return to Vancouver Her na MessercbmldL Victoria; Si "ther. Mrs. W M. Blackstock, will Clarke Jasper Park; J. II. Cope- remaining for a while longer, man. Montreal; S. M. Capon. Fort . . 1 William A Campbell: Tort Qtf-appelle Royal L. Oarfln. CJKR4 A. M. Turner. Tor on la 1 l 1 It's the cumulative effect of ad vertlsing thai counts. inwDCMrcct OLD An tKTIIMATTOKAX I1WTI hr mikmi to Snui tj Gm k piM J rqautxa tor VTW M Hal iimU. Notice 1 Aug.. For prompt and courteous ser- .IM. tu Mima IV Tari tf 80 ThU advertisement is not published t displayed by the li-Quor Oontrci Board or by the Government of British Columbia MUSIC Vcnetia Fccro A.T.C.M. Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Classes Commencing Sept. 1 Phone BLUE OS TAKE NOTICE that alter the 1st day of August 1939 I shall not be responsible for any debts contracted In my name otherwise than by mTself personally. C. M. McINTYRE. Announcements All advertlaemenu in this column will be charged for a full month at 23c a word. Hospital Baraar, October 4. q.CF Bazaar, October 7. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 13. -Crescent Canadian ShowSy Big ger and Better. r ' MISS TOM Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Phone GREEN S80 727 FRASER ST. i CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI For Dest Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK wanga. ITCH tut. STfiPPCO aUICKLY Aft "DUTIES OF . . rw . the south, arrived in PARFNTS TO 1 XX&VlxLl lu 1 J OFFSPRING Three-Fold Development Required In Order to Bring About Better Conditions Parental obligation to youth is to provide youth with opportunities (Qkncdk THE SALVATION ARMY Special Fall Concrete Meetings Friday. 8 pjn Welcome Meeting Saturday. 10:30 a jn. Devotional Service. Saturday. 8 pjn. Musical Program Rev. H. G. Funs ton .will preside Sunday, 11 ajn. Holiness Meeting Sunday. 2:30 pjn. Praise and Testimony Meeting Sunday 7:30 pjn. Oreat Salvation Meeting Special Music and Singing Right to the Point Gospel Messages A Welcome to All to Attend These Times of Spiritual Blessing I done soon to provide jack an institution. The intellectsttl development of the children wm pretty well provided for. Most children could at tend the public and high schoo.s of the city and many had the opportunity to go to the universities. Dean and Mrs. 3. B. Olbson re- Providing for physical wnd Intel -turned to the city on last evening's lectual development ai the young train after a month's visit at Kit- does not provide an all-round de velopment, aoeordina to Mr. Ftro-.ston. This was shown by the fact that so many ycung boys have been cenvicted of crime. To bring aboet 'complete development there must I be spiritual education. Also it was 'very desirable that parents should set a good example to the children, ille liked to see the old-fashioned family circle in church on the Sab-; ' jbath. j Concluding. Mr. Funston said 'that physical development without i intellectual was brute force. When . physical development was accom-jnanled by lntellertual it was ittle' 1 beiier. as was seen in Europe ut ,day The real nepd of the age was for spiritual development JONES FAMILY ' MEAT MARKET ,for all round development, accord-, Phone 95? 1 ib. Bacon - Phone 95: lng to Bev. H. O. Funsion who ad-1 1 PrSceTSt SATURDAY SPECIALS dressed the 0. Club at Its weekly luncheon yester-' BEEF day afternoon. Not only is physical ' and intellectual development de- 4 lbs. Prime lUb Rail and Q-l ft ft ment he said. '5 lbs. Rump Roast Beef Q4 ftft Speaking of the need of physical ; and 1 lb. Bacon development. Mr. Fa niton said this '.5 lbs. Roast off the was recognized by the department 1 Rund and 1 lb. Bacon of education and some provision jj lb. Hound Steak-made for it in the curriculum., for Prlner Hiirwrt In narUrnlar -a In ' need of a community centre because of the climatic - conditions. He hoped that something would be j t-lb. Liver and Bacon LAMB Shoulder of Lamb ' Per lb. ; Legs of Lamb 1 Per Ib. -lb. VEAL j6 lbs. Leg of Veal ' for . j Rump Roast of Veal Per lb. Fillet of Veal Roast Per lb. PORK Ler of Fork Per lb - Delico Bacon Slices Per lb Bacon by the Piece Per lb. Sunnybrook Butte? Per lb. 5 lbs. Good Corn Beef and I Cabbage si.oo 50c 25c 15c 28c S1.00 20c 25c 25c 25c 20c 25c 50c TBUT THANKS W to BLUE MAGIC" r f"WE USED TO 'ted MM r Llm r C ("THERE'S NOW taK tl -H'V NE'ER A TRACE lM , j OF THAT YELLOW" M vl TK "Rlu mpic" that restores white- . oess to white things is a swish or two of Reckitt's Blue in the last rinsing wstcr. No extra effort sod it costs only t cent or two a month. dJwrt, ft tf ttiirh it Mm. Tilittt Rtikitt't BUt, 4itt tUngi, ifltr rt f4tJ udip, turn H tjsinl jtlhw. Reckitt's BLUE Prevents Clothes Turning Yellow J. H. BOLGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 g o a '8 '1 lO la 'O a o a a a a o o a a 'o g g o o uulSKY t. I H Mill I I II I II I I I I ThlS advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Octroi Board or by th Govevment of British Columbia f 0000000 co 00300000000 oiooKKiCKKo&aaaooQ5O0OOO 0000a FREE 15c Ponds Cold Cream When you buy 35c boltle Drene Shampoo I I Both For 35c Ormes Lid. yft Pioneer Drttqejists The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Oslidays from 12 noon till 2 pan. 1 p.m. tiU 9 p.m. a a a : a 4 ; Doooooooooooooaooooooooooooooo iooooooooooooDooaoooooa UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leavi Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA FATERT TCES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAT, 1:30 pjn. 10:30 pjn. Due Vancouver, Thors. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pm To Vancouver Direct SJS. PRINCESS LOUISE SB. PRINCESS ALICE Aug. 5th, 16th, 26th, Sept 6th Aug. 9th, 19th S.S. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE Aug. 2nd, 12th, 23rd, Sept. 2nd Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services W. L. COATES. General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. Tickets and Reservations from 1 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily New that the people of the whole district are doing the Bapj,