mi t -!-Df:i rJ I. ' :7 '1 . ' r V L d E: r. Pn'riUA. August 18: 1 L . : d with roathlne guns. Wyninlnc Dank and ' prrmtses here yester-, ; ,) the staff and cus-: 1 made a clean aeU- i t r "noo The live oancm .td off shotguns In the jrban hold-up. j nin rnnro Kivpr T Intpett Government's Oil Drilling Operation CALOAUY August 18: (CP) : W J Aelstlne. British Col- - i...icr oi in i lira, iciw w J7 e rv'ane for the district In P' :c River Dlock west of, - t upc to Inspect progress : V :s . .jvmcial government's oil :' - operations. At least one (4 w i be under war this year, A: 'me said. I i ... . ""ra Substantial ...create In July This Year Over Year Ago JUNEAU Aueust 18:-Commod-l I shipments from Alaska to the She DEFENCE HELP iwH V fi iimdrfd French Manes Stage Ag reement lor Co.()p .... ,x f I r.n fit If.- - . m L tinarv Air iiaia wvcr ., ui mr ria i w I l(..n tt.a.l I Ai.ust 18: CP) - uekun. Augunst 18: (CPl , r fighting plane Chancellor Adolf Hitler and the - a ,:. iaft of France yes Hungarian foreign minister had a a rikmg demonstration conference yesterday. Although -': ,h of two hours the discussions were guarded witn . ht more than two the utmost secrecy. It Is reported h bombers oyer Lon- int agreement Is being rcaeh-xuvres. It was the d whereby Hungary would co a' Frpnch plane had operate with Oermany In the event ,Yrod in mass fUghU 01 day visit in Oermany. UU C PL . Dlenst aus Deutschland observed! JTCCH. Ull VIldl HC that Chaky's visit made It evident ff VW HJ! ithat Hungary and Oermany "see (Jj IVlllinff Mafl ! complete! eye to eye as regards & their conception ot co-opcrattnp pollUcally. TODAY'S STOCKS (Qxirvof 8. O. Jotmiton Oo.) Vancouver Dig Missouri. .12. Dralorne. 11 DO. Cariboo OoJd. 2.10. Dentonla, J02. Falrvlew. J02k. Oold Ddt, JO. Hedley Mascot, .70. Mlnto. .01 Vi. Noble Five, .01?;. Pacific Nickel, .15 (ask). Pend Oreille. Ul. Pioneer, 2.50. Premier. 1.76. Privateer. 1.05. Reno. Relief Arlington, .I2H. Reward, .01 t. Salmon Oo!d, ,03 Vi. Sheep Cirtk. 1.15. Cariboo Hudson. .03 Vi. Hedley Amalgamated, JDl. OIH A. P. Con .13. Calmont, 2&. C. As E 1.72. Freehold. .05 Vi. Home Paoalta, 1.95. Royal Canadian, .17. Okalta, .90. Mercury. M. Prairie Royalties, .181i. Pacalta, .04V. Toronto Aldermac. .23. Ueattle. 1.15. Central Patricia, 2.40. Con. Smelters, 42.50. East Malartlc. 2iS. Fenrland, .03 Vi. Francoeur, J4. Oods Lake, J7. Hardrock, .98. Inter! Nickel. 4830. Kerr Addison, 1.91. Little Long Lac. 2.90. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.85. Mad5cn Red Lake, J5. McKenxie Red Lake. 1.23. Moneta Porcupine, .98. Noranda, 90.75. Pickle Crow, 4.60. Preston E. Dome. 1.47. San Antonio, 1.80. Sherrltt Oordon, .97.. Stadacona, .44. Uchl Oold, 1.00. Douscadlllac, .04. Mosher, .10. Oklend. .07. Smelters Oold. .02. Dom. Drldgc. 27.00. Ketchikan Site For Fish Lab o-atos mis July amounted Ground Next To rcaerai nunum 73,000 In the snmi month lait car iinu . . uuiu ana canned salmon lea - new in IK. I r i tn . M.a...... u Total On Record Wneau ..,., ... , rx.ni, u.i io. ine scai ?la"on. ot Prlblloff Islands hiPh . !: have reached a new Ill First City To Be ravored For Research Plant consideration by R. H. Fiedler and R. W. Harrison, Bureau of Fisheries engineers, who have Decn ncio this week. Charles E. Jackson, act-in., rnmmLIoncr of flslierics since h resignation of Frank T. Bell, arrived today In connection with I the selection of the site. spectlvely MINISTER WILL BE DEVELOPED AS STEADY SHIPPING PORT j H. R. McMillan, Here Today, Tells of Preparations Being Made to Utilize Port With Three Ships Coming This Year H. R. McMillan, prominent Vancouver exporter whose shipping and business activities include practically all the natural resources and important manufactures of Rritish Columbia, says he expects that, within the VAvrnirvPTt init is- tnv RESIGNING Canada, President Roosevelt Announces BAY OF ISLANDS, Newfound land. Aueust 18: (CP)-Danlel C Roper, first foreign envoy to Cana da to present his credentials dlr cctly to the King In the Dominion capital, has resigned, It was announced by President Franklin D Roosevelt here In the course of a cruise aboard U. S. S. Tuscaloosa. Roner was formerly secretary of; commerce. Angus MacPhee Tennis Champ The final of the men's singles In the Canadian National Recreation Association's Tennis Club's champ ionship tournament was completed with Angus MacPhee defeating Ru-Dert Fulton. The fourth set had been Interrupted on account qf.raln and was finished with MacPhee goes to the markets of the world. To change th; course of trade was always difficult, Mr. McMillan re- marked, but efforts were now being made to direct some shipments through this port and Mr. McMillan! annoared to havi pvprv hnrw that r - , , At 1 J . 1 . L- I -Nelson Maracle. aged 28, second Mr McMillan said tuat the Canad-j times worse than we hear about.' Drowning On :J Vancouver Id. Provincial Police Searching Body Of Charles Guest At Bowser Weather Forecast Ocneral Synopsis Pressure Is abnormally high on the British Columbia coast and southwestward but a storm Is centred northwest of the Queen Charlotte Islands. The weather has been fair and warm. West Coast of Vancouver Island winning 6 to a after having taken, Fresh northwest winds, fine and the first two sets while Fulton cap- warmer. tured the third. This leaves only the mixed KETCHIKAN, August 18: A site doubles to be decided. Miss E. immediately adjoining the federal building Is said to- be favored fo" the $50,000 fisheries research laboratory to be established In southeastern Alaska. This Is one ot sev-rmi ltrs that have been under Rlvett and Miss Edith Bothwell are to play Mrs. W. I. Miller and Miss Swana Olafson In a seml-flnal this evening, the winner to meet Mrs. S, J. West and Mrs. Bert Lowan In the final tomorrow. Dr. Frank Tceporten, alter a hricf visit here, left at the first of the week on his return to Van couver. He Ls a brother of Mrs 6c. Halibut Sales Summary American 54,000 pounds, 9t and 6 and 9.5c and 6c. Canadian None. American Rnrnv M Oftrt left fr Rout tie I Tomorrow sT ides Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte 4:00 a.m. 20.4 ft. Islands Fair and warmer today 16:21 p.m. 2U It but becoming unsettled with 10:10 ajn. 3.9 It. f ICS strong southeast winds tonight or 22:49 pjn. . 4.0 It. Saturday. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1939. PRICE: S CENTS L V V- JESTING HUNGA T0 'EXPECTS PRINCE RUPERT rxrTT'MnrV 171 n - V iTTi tittt t m tntit rrtw vnnn n aw n li ii ii i ACCIDENT rkr formidable Wa Too Grtal For Holding Block BEJA. T AUgusi io: ,ri . 'i of the runaway j sverdar of the great . Vf a mmi! f a -SM r - are stated offlctally to f entirely acklenlal I was stated that too i a.:; had been Imposed tt. 'US weight of the Uie wooden blocks t tiding her in place. was killed and several rd by flying Umber' and ' r."a. but the vessel tt- damaged. i. ni i l-I 1 17wvi Irr r i 1 u II 1111 I lllll Mn1 r Tm sC n i Ml N uiiik in mw course of the next couple of years, the port of Prince Ru The demonstrations in Hungarian loreign minister i pert may be developed as a regular shipper of mixed car-! ago. v night ana aay. uc- urr- Miere were mock raids 1 Hly specula-1 . n 1 l n jp . itirg such as Liver- tlon n"nued to spread as to the I c Remanded V OY :ram. Mancneucr ana rr.. - M4C I I I MB I Alberta Finances In Better Shape Net Surplus and Reduction In Provincial Debt Reported By Government EDMONTON, August 18: (CP), An over all cash surplus and a re- i ductlon in the public debt for the in a statement Issued yesterday by the provincial government. The surplus for the three months ending June 30 was $316,000 as com-: pared with $751,000 last year. The net debt at June 30 was $149,000 - 000 or $5,000,000 less than a year BUSINESS PICKS UP u.cj uu.a wun succe. lUr In United SUtes , Today Under the federal subsidy which Slnce ReceMon SUrted had been granted Prince Rupert,' T vMr. im 'engineer of Uie tug Clayburn. war ian tampon co one oi nis own WASHINOTON. August 18: remanded for a week In citv nolle concerns, was committed to handle Business In the United States, ac- court yesterday on a charge that thre sh,Ps trough Prince Rupert cording to an Index Issued br th he murdered Kenneth Cassldy. tnU par and arrangements had government yesterday, has reached first endneer of the same boat. bcen already made to meet the the hlehest -'nt slnre the reces- ICasskly was Uken from the wattr commitment, the ships having been Si0n 0f the fall of 19J7 and the of Burrard Inlet early Wednesday alre-.dy fixed. Wheat. Mr. Mc.ni- next fCw months are expected to morning by a wharf watehman ,an 'xpected, would consUtute the be marked with further improvc-jand was found to have bruises on largest bulk of the cargoes but ment. Steel mills department the head. there might also be lumber and stores and mall order houses all I canned salmon. Effort? were now report Increased volume of bust- STANDINGS ARE A D 17 SAME C A lVfE i- B dciih manr w organize ne laiier ness. carioaaings are aiso up. two commodities for shipment. The lumber would have to come from 1 c Packers, of which concern he president, might contribute some ot the canned salmon, Mr. McMll- TitUhurg Lors Ninth Stral(ht ian admitted In answer to a ques- (lame With Defeat Hy St. LouU tlon. J . Mr McMillan was in the city CINCINNATI. August 18: (CP) overnight In the course of an aerial SOAP BOX DERBY WAS EXCITING pae setting and running up visit of Inspection. to. BJ3. Packers .. z eTubs Ih both .National and Am,- canning-plants along the'eoast. He cliff Sihersides Won With Whls ertean Leagues won their games was accompanied b)' J. M. Buchan- Bang; Ted Araey Came Second yesMerdar. Clnrlnnatl took a :Iose an. general manager of the com- .7 to 6 victory from Chicago Cuns puny. In a Waco seaolane of Oln- here. St. Louis Cardinals won 4 to ger Coote Alnavs piloted br D. J. Even the weather man smiled 2 over Pittsburg Pirates whose Law son they left Vancouver last happily on the Gyro playgrounds ninth straight defeat It was. Tuesday morning and have visited Soap Box Derby yesterday after-In the American League New various canneries along the coast. ' - A" enthusiastic crowd or York Yankees and Boston Red They came In from Pacofl. Queen about 600 Jammed the finish line Sox won over Washington Sena- Charlotte Islands, and yesterday K see Cliff S.lversldes ofMcCjy trr and PhUadelohla Athletics re- visited the Skeena River. This mont Park flash across 200 yards . A T -S rT ll'AI momlng about 11 oc'.ork the party in 1CU """ hopped off for Klldonan on the view. Before the race a motley col lee -route West Coast of Vancouver Island en- back to Vancouver. tlon r home-made cars rallied Mr MrMiiinn Stat that n4nir about the starUng line. There were I to the Sino-Japanese war. business lare cars and sma11 m??leU' with the Orient conUnued "dead." euHB1 rirpntiv vtsttM th Orient him- was the longest model In the race. I . ... mamnrintr CPVPn flnrl & half feet I seu ana commentea mat "wnai me , " , . ,. ... .. . i- i. J . ... j., . , j uhpel base but Ted Arney piloting lianiei iioprr tfuus js liiiuj i", Japanese are uonij; is a nunarea ... . . .u i No. 7, proved, that a long wheel- base Is not all that Is necessary by bringing In his snub-nosed Job with a four and a half-foot wheel base right on the tall of the WhU Bang. Carl Johnson's Bluebird, which followed the No. 7 across the line heat and was forced to ... t.ii- ri . . -1 .J .. rwle n Bulletins RUSSELL SMITH DIES VANCOUVER Russell M. Smith, 58, Vancouver freight agent for Union Steamships Ltd died in hospital here after having been ill for some time. He was in the service of the com- pany for more than thirty years. second quarter of 1939 are shown; hating come to Vancouver from Prince Rupert where he was agent for some time. Prior to that he had been for a long time purser of company ships on the coast. He was widely known and highly esteemed for his fine personality and courtesy and efficiency as an official. He is survived by a widow. NEW HEAD OF BANK MONTREAL Huntley R. Drummond, vice - president for the last twelve years, was elected president of the Bank of Montreal today, succeeding the late Sir Charles Blair Gordon who died recently. JAPS IN CONTROL HONG KONG The Japanese Army announced today it had gained complete control of Chi-nee territory along the boundary of this British crown colony. British naval forces and troops maintained a close watch from precautionary position? they took. Meantime the Britkh government today at London rejected Japanese demands that economic questions be included in discussions now going on at Tokyo in the Tientsin dispute. TOURIST PASSES AWAY Preston H. Leslie of Los Angeles, member of the California State hallway Commission, succumbed v sVMBUwai vs j mm a . i ing in Prince Rupert General ' DIES TRAGICALLY Mrs. Anna Group, who has been In ill health for some three years, died under tragic circumstances shortly before noon at her home at 3t3 Ninth Avenue West. Despondent over her condition of illness, she evidently strangled herself. She was some 45 or 50 years of age. Her husband, Erik Group, a fisherman, who has ministered to her faithfully during the illness, left the home at 11 a.m. On his return at noon, he discovered the tragedy. For for the third prize, was a very p i fJT good looking job with us battle- general lvlanager ship grey body and bright red and blue trimmings. This entry aiso ill; H lAVHtftl K l v rVMIPTPVlV VonrniiVAr Ttlan.; WOn Uie Special prize lor mc ucat. August 18: (CP)-Provinclal police built entry. i f Jlcl ln C,l v are searching for the body of Every one of the five cars In Un Y ISll IO Vll J Charles Ouest who was drowned) the final race finished but Harry, Astori lost a wheel in the first trr Yyi n Aintt frv-t mint nor TA-TV a. I AllmlnfiHnn elimination ser yesterday. wunaraw wnue ouuuj .ui.u the third heat, also cast a tire general manager oi .anaaian gov-and was unable to finish. ernment elevators, arrived In the eliminations' Is" to be expected for the next rac. Detailed results: First heatl, Cliff Sllvcrsldes; 2, Pete Halde. Second heat 1, Ted Araey; i, Carl Johnson. Third heat 1, John Thompson (only finisher In this heat). Flnal-1. Cliff Sllversldes, riding Whiz Bang; 2, Ted Arney, rtdinj; Urania, 25.000, Royal, 9.5c and No. 7; 3. Carl. Johnson, riding the ivv I Bluebird. Sherman. 14.000. Booth. 9c and Winners of special prlzes-Bcst built entry, Carl Johnson on Blue W M. Blackitock who la spending Tuscan, 15.000, Cold,. Storage, 9c bird; Best ttccoraiea eniry, aacs the summer here. and 6c. Macey on Silver streas. with William Flnlayson, the pres-j cnt superintendent, continuing in charge. There will be certain men such as accountant TELFORD IS CHALLENGED Cornett Would Have Election Duel Over Police Issue Wilson Suggests He Resign VANCOUVER, August 18: (CP) During heated discussion at the meeting yesterday of the Vancouver city council which, by resolution, turned back to the police commission responsibility for Investigating Mayor Lyle Telford's charges of Inefficient police administration. Aid. J. W. Cornett challenged the mayor to an election duel and Aid. Halford Wilson said that the mayor should go to the public if his charges against Chief Constable W. W. Foster were not substantiated. DROP BARS TO ALASKA Secretary of Interior Ickcs Says Legislation Will Be Introduced To Permit Of Foreign Immigration WASHINGTON, D. O, August 18: (CP) Secretary of the Interior Ickes said Thursday that his department was working on legislation which would permit alien political refugees to enter Alaska. I He said that the legislation was 'still tentative and was Intended as a basis for discussion. It was I (proposed to ask the next session i of Congress to remove the bars against foreign Immigration into I R. Hetherlngton - of Fort William, Alaska. 'Hospital. He was taken ill while ff T H V I TA I loimnj north at the end of last I UI I VlLf IS 1630 week as a tourist aboard the steamer Prince Robert and was rushed here for hospital treat-menty His condition gradually became worse. Deceased's widow and son, Harry Leslie, were here with him. The remains will be forwarded to Los Angeles on the Trince Robert Sunday. Purchasing Agent John Williams, Aged 64. Passes Away In Vancouver Thursday VANCOUVER, August 18: (CP) -John Williams, aed 64, purchasing agent of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway, died yesterday. Vernon Carnival Ended Yesterday Novel Features At Big Two-Day ! Celebration In Okanagan Fruit Centre j VERNON, August 18: (CP) Ver-jnon's great two-day midsummer carnival closed yesterday with a j pioneer pageant which was along very realistic lines In recalling early days of the Okanagan district. There was a gay nineties ball and 'an apple box derby for children was another event of outstanding Interest. Larger Wheat . , Crop Results In More Work Despite the fact that this derbj'-clty on tne prince Oeorge this' was something entirely new to mommg from Vancouver, being j ft!?C?rR.KlLTSi!lrS here in connection with the reopen-l BLAIRMORE, Alberta, August lSl an . f A ,o it inv of the local elevator by the eov-' (CP) Coal miners here and ot a truly major event After seeing this year's prairie crop. L va hMn . .,, h1ast slllP, one the boys know what to e- Mr. Hetherlngton stated on ar- . . h . m bJ pect and an entry Ust ot sufficient uval that the government would; thTraUwa u? hauling numbers to necessitate a series t! be operating the elevator here;.. , ' . a. brougnt in. At icasi one nuiuor.; . . bushels enough to fill the house.) IJaWSOn UbSerVCQ will be brought In but no arrang?-, ments for export have yet been! 3 made. itii Mr. lletnerington wui De nere until Monday evening when he will proceed East by train. JS Discovery Day At Features And Enthusiasm Featured Event At Yukon Mining Centre S. M. Capon, government weight man from Fort William, arrived on. DAWSON, August 18; (CP) last night's train to test the eleva-' Discovery Day was celebrated In tor scales before the plant goe In-, Dawson yesterday with Ihe. usual to operation again, J enthusiasm and features.