MacKenzie's Furniture Christmas Gifts 24 .END TABLES S1.95 Each 12 PULL-UP CHAIRS 812.50 Covered in tapestry. Each Phone 775 THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCK KUFEKT - BRITISU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunaay, by Prlnre Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third ATenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per week ....... - - Paid In advance, per month - By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mail to all other countries, per year .r Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion - Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone - M Member of Audit Bureau ot Clreulattens . DAILY EDITION Monday. December 18, 1939. IGNOMINIOUS END The sinkinir of the pocket battleship Graf Sps 4? .50 3D0 9.00 02 .25) was an ignominious end for a vessel that was the pride of a country boasting: of its superior ancestry and aiming to rule the world. The Germans will never rule the waves in that way. As an American commentator said yesterday, the British would have made a dash for liberty and, before be-! ing sunk, would have done at least a little damage to tnejAn AVTHTA enemy. Had he attacked one of the smaller enemy ships' VlvUIl 1 U he might have sunk her or at least done considerable damage. There are contradictory reports as to the condition of the German guns. Much depended upon it as to the course of action to be taken. It is said that Hitler ordered the scuttling of the ship in order to prevent further loss of life but when did Hitler ever show any solicitude for the loss of life, either German . or any other nationality? Possibly . : : it. i -ai i t COMPLIMENT TO GERMAN COMMANDER , in his treatment of the war prisoners he had taken, the commander of the Graf Spee showed himself to be a pretty good sort. Later on reaching Montevideo he gave credit to the British for their excellent markmanship and strategy. These are two traits which are in his favor. He have knew conditions on the Graf Spee better than we do, so we must give him credit for using his best judgment, even if it does seem diffferent from what a British commander would have done. It has been the British method to turn what looked like sure defeat into victory or die in the attempt That has been the secret of the Empire's DOUBLE-CROSSERS Europe seems to be a hotbed for double-crossers: Leaders among these are Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Neither ofthese men can trust the other and that is reasonable. We wonder that they can even trust themselves considering their career of lying and deceit. While Ger many is fighting against Great Britain and France she has to keep one eye on Russia for fear she may take more than ner snare of the spoils. Russia, too, is constantly watch ing Germany in no very friendly manner. It is not s pleasant combination. PINK-GENTRY One of the most interesting paragraphs appearing in the press of late is from the pen of that interesting writer Bruce Hutchison. He says: "The conscientious pink gentry still in our midst are having a prettv bad time. They could explain everything in the conduct of Comrade J oe but his rape of Finland. Even your loyal Communist has to admit that this is pretty raw and I think it safe to assume that the World Revolution in Victoria is now at an end. You can safely buy a new car. " must not feel contemptuous of the pink brethren. They have been no more wrong m their calcula tions than anybody else. It is merely that their dream has blown up in a more spectacular fashion than ours. We have all been just as wrong as the comrades in all our ma jor expectations but we put a better face on it and we denv n 10 ine lasu "I am ";oing to organize, as soon as the rush of Christ mas is over, a Grand Confession. Every statesman in the world is goinc to attend and confess that he was wrong about everything. The whole British and Canadian gov ernmen.ts will be present in sack cloth and ashes, beating il i ...ill. 1- - 1 : IV. T ineir ui easts wmi a leainsr-uouna copy in ine league oi Nation Ctyftnftfrfc All the Pink Comrades will be there borne down under the weight of the Nazi-Soviet Pact shall be a leading mourner and supplicant. You will be there. Hitler will be there. Mussolini will be there. The only person of prominence who. will be absent will be Com rade Stalin who knew what he was doing from the start, Anyway, by that time Comrade Stalin will probably have i i ii.; id. .i ii.. . i.i: it .t mugneu mniseii 10 aeam ai ine pmK Dreinren tnrougnou tne worm. and Sunday night at New York it was four to one in their favor. -In Saturday night's game at Toronto the Americans' goalie was rated the star of the evening. Had it not been for his great net guardianship the score would been even heavier against AiTTErrS WORK HAD BEEN DONE IN LEAD NEW YORK, Dec 18: CP) Toronto Maple Leafs took advantage of a double engagement at the week-end with the luckless New York Americans to score a couple of one-sided victories and nine iiictv jusmy ine itciiua ui me cunwnanuer ui uie snip. uorhv ,um. xcu.iv nosses It may be it was the opinion of the commander that the sion of first place in the National ship was not in condition to fight any engagement and that to .do so would have been sacrificing the lives of his ship's company which he valued highly. SHOOTING FOR BIRDS Annual Chrfctmas Turkey Competitions Yesterday On Canadian National Ranges Around fifty ambitious marks- men were on hand for the annual nocaey league, iuiu, """'Christmas .turkey ai ine Aiapie ieais uarucu w Toronto, Connie Smythes menisft.latton rtn saturdav af turned In a five to one victory j tprrinnn niimhpr nt ,.AS tftar mrt marlcsmnrv att ther l nis the weakened, tired and altogether bulls.eye or almlng mark The outclassed Americans. Sylvanus regulaUon 2o-yard target was also Apps and Gus Marker turned in used ,or those who wUhfd tfjt line piay ior ine Mapie ieais as tneir skill.' did Gordon Drillon who made two Following were winners' of the goals, one a Huky glance ln the varlouj competltionil one minute uia u accuuus uciuic in,i. t,.,.i me unai wmsue. nppa uau u ijrn possible 54 neaaea airecuy iur ine goai dui rvtt m-atrh It hit Drillon and glanced on In. q Lundahl 36 Drillon getting credit for the vt?vpraU io counter. The Boston Bruins defeated Chi- cago Black Hawks at Chicago but are no longer ln the tie with Tor onto Maple Leafs for first plac. New York Rangers, who have not been beaten ln nine straight games, played a scoreless draw with the Detroit Red Wings last night after defeating the Mont real Canadiens Saturday and moved Into third place in the standing ahead of the Canadiens. Tomorrow night the Canadiens' will play Rangers at New York and Toronto" Maple Leafs will play at Boston. Week-end scores were as fol lows: Saturday Americans f, Toronto' 5, Ranger 4, Canadiens 2. Sunday Toronto 4, Americans 1. Rangers 0, Detroit 0 (tie). Boston 4, Chicago 2. w Toronto ,..9 Boston ... 8. Rangers .5 Canadiens . 7 Chicago 6 Detroit 4 Americans .4 D 3 3 1 2 i 3 1 L F A 3 44 24 4 37 25 3 5 7 9 12 AIYANSH 31 40 28 27 33 21 33 44 35 48 P 21 19 17 13 13 11 9 I WON OUT AIYANSH, Dec. 18. Greenville basketball team lost the final game of a two game series at Alyansh by ft score of 24 to 14. The total score for the two games was: Greenville 36, Alyansh 5. ' The Greenville team left for home at the end of the week.' . ' i A fifty cent ciassineo ad. often make you many dollars. will Mo porctl loo imoll to th!p by Exprcsi scores , This picture, passed by the British" and French censors was snapped at the moment a well, vi voting hot. was ejected from the breech of a big gun a 1:ct ut bu.s.nrs end" of the implement had been sim Jti us a; w uie rnemy lines - Second match- high score. Miss May Marlon. 38; low score. Mrs. A C. Kloan, 5. 1 Third match high score, Ole Rollag. low score, Mrs. Tom Dahl. Fourth matchhigh score, Lee. Bdr. M. van Cooten, 31; low score. I Mrs. J .Currte. 14. Standard 0 Yard Bulh-eye , rossible 30 , Men's first competition first,! Lieut. C. Fitzgerald. 48. Second competition first. Peter Drass. SO. Ladles' first competition, first. shoot at thelvtr. nnn m Canadian National Recreation As-1 smnrf rnmnoiiiAn- n rt part, upholding the honor of the 'sex with some tery rine scores. At this shoot the new "luck" target was an InnovaUon, being used for the first time In Prince Rupert. This target gives the same chance to the green shot as to the ex- Fortune. 50. , W. Brass, chairman of Canadian National Recreation Association ' Rifle Club, was in charge, assisted by O. RolJag. T Fortune. Malcolm Lamb and Mrs. W. Brass. FOWLING SCHEDULE First Half o! Commercial League Time-Table 1 gus Apts. vs. Savoy. Low Possible 3 Jan. 4 C.N.R.A. VS Moos. Pan high score. Mrs. Scots, vs. Printers, low score, Mrs. C. Jan. 7 Can. Scots rs. Savoy. Gyro vs Imp. Oil SEND YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS FROM YOUR OWN DOOR Save Time Avoid Inconvenience To have vehicle call or for other information phone ft jtoEnsure Prompt zxyfitifiWk Keep this table for reference CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS CANADIAN PACIFIC EXPRESS A mm fWW 4 WA-mikW al Af su: Tin; iggest Stock Of Toys IN TOWN Hear lhat fanfare Here come Jumbo, bedecked in gy lrp-plnr . . . and in the lead, the guard of honor the WWrn Soldiers . . . H' the Toland Revue! Gordon Andmon patents hundred of Urn In hundred of hape and colors . . . U pirate hundred uf girls and boy. Old Ideas and new idea many that you've never seen before. Come In! Come in! At Gordon & Anderson "THE EXCLUSIVE" Ladies7 Ready to Wear Mrs. U.S. Parker Moving to New Store on Third Avenue Next to Daily News Office Give Lingerie The Gift Any Udy Will Appreciate" Chantllly lace-trimmed feminine tjle. pure Uli. ulln and Uk aheeTS. Gowm, pyjama, allps. teddle-pantien and danre tl featured at ipeclally reduced prices. I)rrslhr gown and housecoats. Watch Our Wlndowi for Spec'' A REAL TKKAT VOl CHRISTMAS Fresh Churned SKEENA BRAND CREAMERY BUTTER Made Locally In 7-lh. Boxes PHONK 037 Valentin Dairy Or Your Store HIP A 10-LR. IJOX OF NEW PROCESS Rupert Brand Kippen TO YOUR FRIENDS Far $1.30 we will deliver a box of Kippers to your friends hov lu any Kxpres point In I1.C. or any Canadian National Itallw Express point In Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Mall your order with the une or cash lo CANADIAN FISH & CO! STORAGE CO. LTD., Prince Rupert, IJ.C., with name and addr. f consignee. We will enclose card with name of sender. Canadian Fish & Cold Storag Prince Rupert ((). Jjlfj, British Columl