51 I 1 THZ DAILY NIV78 v it jiniuj - This year... of All Years, give them Short -Wave Reception at its Best on a NEW At tirrilrai U rfor. WOOf l A -I - aK mi hrth Vw t win it imirt ImAina la fTam-- It RCA Vtrtnr tittnn. lmeen-4 rK1fk Tuoini (4 MHMXMt i IUpS Sf4 (Onmil Ial to hort 511)1.00 LOW Down pflvmenT COnUEniEllT TER1T1S rWATKH NOTICK ' IMi Moil ami l TAKE rJOTtCE Urn Joxl K J1 tKo is M( fml Nh. P. C L 8. l.Jricr. a m CJ ' ikntre to1 ntxl line foar eiM'L "? prr encurnl or wli f c r O CtTT wbteh 1w trly ikI ttniliia U-Kioains&ihun. k in oun Thf vmttr tallt be '- ab m '.2 tt juth Mid ,is 14t0. of Uw Nr-ot i twr 1- awl tvr rrr Jm "fT" "J! land rlncrUM) mN.E OhmU nvd c4ntr) wcr convcyM to N. e. vniartnr hut H3fl. Thto nnllre w.ia ptwtotl on podoa on tfs 7li oy (A UrcMiibM-. 1939. A ixvt or hn n-lco raid an arPr-tJon t,iumtaiA Jirco wd to " "Wartw Art" will bp fllxl In 48 .Ofllco the Wwlr noarrtlrr t,rrUiCP Burprt. ObJwf.liii i Jill pllctWi ny IIW w'4h Uw Mid Writ Pmrdcr or wnis Uio Orwnpirullt of wtr Hlitw. nutWina. VlflUrla. HO-. wit.-Jn ihlHy ya tt tl tint P" pparawe of s!s iik In rw-iixr. . JOSEPH K. HART, Applicwvt. By m NBh. ASnt. Tlfe cWti of tlvn flint rniM!rAl of Uktt nollrw la Deocnipr 11. 1939. N 223 Even ibouch your radio may be fairly modem, thi. ytar Rite your family the advantage of new 19-10 RCA Victor Radio to bring in direct all the newt, while it i newt, broadcatt from all over the world. See and bear the new RCAVictnrt we have on display now! You'll know you've reived the family gift problem. MOOU.A-1 VirT ufclt mndrl (hit txrtomn flmdttSlf rnooth to fx lm !lr iMinMBcnt, it rranpKt mnuih for t prrtmil tn mo. Pxitd with Irirarrt Prrrimnlr loand nnlf ia alahrf prtr4 xt. IIm aw Vivoa Surutln tXu (or tinMHint bort-wtf fing , Advertising is an irrestinent. COAL Gr'aHr Feed Seeds and Fertilizer I'KlNC'ti KUIMCKT FKKI) ('(). rhnnrni 5R and Si SaSvasaBHBSaBaBSHBMakWaBBaBt.. ,aaapBBVaaalF Iluy Your Xtnas BAKING SUPPLIES Now At Mussallem's Hconomy Store NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zariill Proprietor -A HOMK AWAY FROM HOMK" IUtM 51.00 up 50 Rooms Hot to Cold Water prince Rupert, U.C. Phnna 21 T.O. not 1M BREEZY PICTURE Jkl)tlrry and Action in lloUlcUii(t Comedy SUrrine CUtideUe ! Colbert and James Stewart With breey romanee. gHpping' 'mystery and tplrtted actloii. in aj 'story which hai many novel ;., "It's a Wonderful World.' starring Claudrtte Colbert and James fHcw- art. cornea a the feature picture for the first half of this wk. It li a rolllfkinc comedy said to be re-1 pletc with entertainment values, i Stewart Is cast as a young private detective hired to kP an Irrea-sonxlble Broadway playboy out of trouble. When the millionaire l charged with murder. Stewart becomes Involved. While attempting to vrk a solution of the murder he escapes and is caught in the act by Mis Colbert, !crt. playing playing the the part pari oi of nootPM. He He enlists enlists her her aW aid and and twiner thry track down the real murdrrrr after a series of daring rxi)loltS. Is Married Others In the cast Include Ouy nfJ Miss Lois McRae on Saturday Be came Bride of Vancouver Businessman tv, morHatrc took place on Bat .,rrin. i9t in Central Presbyterian uiua; w - rhnfi.h Vancouver, of Miss Lois Agnes XlcRae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McRae of Prince Rupert to Maurice Fitzgerald. aTadlo engineer In business for himself in Vancouver. They will live In Vancouver. I Mlw McRae was educated and lived moat of her.Hfe In Prince Ru- pert, latterly working in ner lain two two er'n store. Nearly yrai s Oeor?e H. Mowat and his bride, th- former Mrs! Edythe Fitzgerald, uh(J wfre marrled rcccnUy In the ... nrrlvp nn th Prlnce WKM 4 Rupert Wednesday morning to snend a honeymoon here, visiting the bride's mother. Mrs. H. Olske. Second Avenue West. Mr. Mowat is in the employ of the invariably suspects the wrong man; -aian National Railways. Franre Droke, the srhemliw fifth bride of the playboy; Edgar Kennedy. Klbbce's dumb assistant; Ernest Truex. the millionaire play boy; Sidney Blockmcr and Andy Clyde HORIZON l ELUSIVE she went to live In Vancouver. She ..,,, .nuadron of the i known to most people here who ininn-. lon.s air r aitnada. armada. B will wish her felicitations. TODAY'S STOCKS (CVurtmv H Tl JMirwton f3o.) Vancouver Dig Missouri, .13. Brakime, 11.00. Cariboo QuarU, 2.10. Den Ion la. DlVi-Falrvlew, J02. Ooldnelt, .18. Hedley MAseot. 43. Minto. mm. Nobis Five, JJl. Pend OreUIe, 252. Premier, 1.40. Privateer, M. . 4 Reeves McDonald. 20. Reno. 53. Relief Arlington. .10Vt. Salmon Gold. .02. Bheeo Creek. 1.18. Cariboo Hudson. .04. Oils A. P- Con, .15. i Calmont, 37. C. & E., 2.10. Freehokl. .02. Home, 20. IaealU,.i5, Royal Cnnadlan,. 184. Okalta, 150. , Mercury. Prairie Royalties, 50. Toronto Alder mac. .41. BeatUe. 1.05. Central PaU 235. Con. Smelters, 48.75. Bast Matartlc, 35. Ftmland. .02V4j. Frcneoeur.'.42. Oods Lake, .81. Hsrdrock. 158. Int. Nickel. 4550. Kerr Addison. 255. tittle Long Lac. 3.00. McLeod Cockshutt. 251. Madfrn Rrd Lake. 158. Moneta, i5. . Noranda. 78.00. Pikle Craw. 450. Preston Bast Dome, 2.17. San Antonio. 2.41. Sbwrltt Gordon, 1.21. Stfldacona, .10. Uehl. 81. Bouseadlllac, .03 ij. Mojher. .09. Oklend. .12. Dominion Bridge, 40.00. out and . her applied to bring thi sDlnning ceases, 7 niane la put Into a shallow dive m and finally levelled out. m Hard Going But Invariably there U a desire; .? rrrDTP for another epln and the ao-'j I V I 1 a I cnt soon feels he can ..yr IfS .. travels. However, Whole Universe Whirls ii"J u tnc ,uge in nis irain- When Younr "P. v. " uoc ,ng strjngent quaimcauon arc Into First Spin Just To necessary before he Is even accept- Learn How cd for training. He must have a junior matriculation, be between " 18 and 26 years old and be un- WITII THE ROYAL CANADIAN married. AIR FORCE AT A TRA1NINO nicdlcal examination U one .a. imtt At 22 it.. tn..nViot fnr anv branch Canadian airports, provisional pll- 0f the military forces and eye-ot officers of the Royal Canadian slgnt must be perfect. For eight element- trained in element Air Force are receiving he is ary training which may lead to ary flying and completes 50 hours iki.U MrlriiTC Q till a nlace In a in the air before he goes to Camp UICH mn-tv " ------ . . , uom- norden. onuno. ior intermeaiM: But the re- instruction ana irenvon, vmanu. crult's first task Is berell oi an for an aavancea course . S awrlrtlt O . glamor he must learn w -Ipropellor without losing an arm .or a leg. i . a After he has been assigned w 'an airport for his initial Instruc tion at a flying cluD seieciea oy the defence department, he keept both feet firmly on tne grouna for' long hours as he stands tn frnnt fti 9 iralnlne. dane and liuti wa " " " whirls the propellor ' hnnrta tn kick over blade with celery. 2F the motor, 2 tablespoons chopped onion the aerial equivalent to cranking a car. when properly executed, appear graceful and easy." he said. "But In the air the pupil finds It; simple to get too much or -too little rudder or bank and con sequently slip or skid. All the time-the instructor is talking and sug gesting. 'Hold a little more off hank; less right rudder there; watch your bank and turn lndl-. cator. I "My Instructor yelled once 'If you wanna commit suicide, go ahead; but not with mc in it,1 you don't.' " ! The students read and rr-rpad he little red flying manual where. Ihe flvlnci sequence are laid -i . .1 i - j i . . . , .uuwii aim it, is cuiisiaerca uie most 'important text. j Takeoffs and approaches are learned next but It Is the first Spin that brings a thrill. The re cruit described It this way: "The plane is deliberately spun In order to teach the flier how to react when this manoeuvre results unintentionally. The correction is one of the primary essentials of flying. "There are few fliers who don't get a real kick out of their first snln. The ship is stalled, the rud der kicked In the direction required and then she begins to 'wind up' rapidly. "The air pressure forces the Tnninht'n tmir. rnip from the nllot down Into the seat while Kast at 11 o'clock, was reported (the universe whirls dizzily. Oppo-thls afternoon to be on time. site rudder and neutral sticks are Timely Recipes BAKED FISH LOAF 2 cups flaked Canadian fish 3' nf ilnr KironH rnimh.f 4 vu " ..J7 3 tablespoons of finely chopped ? 2 tablcapoons melted butter 2 tablespoons lemon Juice I 1 clloVittv rwatn Then he climbs into the rear. cup of mk cockpit of the machjne for his 3J poon .first instructional trip aloft Ten SViTnYxz of pepper instructor yells back through the Combine the ilrst 6 Ingredients: car phones "You have control- add milk and seasonings to the land the student handles the stlsk. egg and combine with the other The aspiring pilot must fly the mixture. Bake In buttered loaf 'plane straight and level. The idea pan 3" by 8" Is a good size) at Is to keep the nose on the horizon 375 degrees F. foj 45 minutes, 'and the wines level ahd most of Slice and serve hot with egg or .hrr. fin nnt hnw oiinivc the tomato sauce or serve cold with k4 4 V 44 WhaV -- w horizon can be and how quickly tomato sections. a wing acquires a dangerous tilt, j Karlv Srnutions I aSSMBBaVaSaaaaaeaaaaaaBl A youth who has Just been through the elementary stage described for The Canadian Press what generally happens the next' time up when the officer learns .banks and turns. "From the ground these turns, -Build B. C. Payrolls" One of The Nice Troubles 111 nvtVfvyl One of the nice troubles about Christmas, the season Is all too short. We do not like to sec the good days pass so rapidly. This Is not because of Pacific Milk, which has a large part In so many fine dinners, but really.1 wouldn't you like to see Christmas last a little bit longer? PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.S.L. Daily at I p.m. TROTIEK'S DOCK BOB'S Beauty Parlor Next to Q. & S. Grocery Phone 3 IS Bob Ritchie IS OPEN AT Kaien Hardware PAGi TSRtl in .whirl at a solo nigm. 2? . ,.. . if. a hard road the P. P. O. M 2? II u M soici Jet us.help us.neip you you to wj keep from " repeating - this offeree. a -.Jm vrvrvr tii pvru uciuic ' ' Are You Guilty??? J 01 Having Committed "Gift Tic Atrocities"? We hi' 5 nave a complete line of Currie and Arrow neckwear , E good taste by giving him aOle that Is In good taste. Hell appreci ate one he can wear. 5? 51 5 sr fort $1.00 51-50 82.00 William F. Stone The Store With The Christmas Spirit B. C. Furniture Co. NEW AND USED FURNITURE For your household furnishings, we carry a large stock of Chesterfields. Bedroom Suites, Dinettes. Kitchen Ranees, Dressers, Beds, Springs and Mattresses, Etc., at Lowest Prices in the city. 3 -Piece Chesterfield In Dover Rust In the SQQ KA dtfO.OU latest style - 1 3-Piece Chesterfield Of very fine tapestry and Q4 J)ff mohair. Reg. price $200. Now 1 Tti-Lisht Lamp Regular price 515.00. $10 95 1 i-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite Consisting of Bed, QHO Cf) t AtO3 Vanity. Bench and Chiffonier - i9 1 Heavy Indian Rug 50 Inches by 72 inches. S 19 50 Special 1 Dressers From USED FURNITURE 1 Singer Sewing Machine At Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges At . Heater Good condition. At - Phone BLACK 321 (Next Door tc IL C. Clothiers) I Alt WAV I STtAt43irS I CCMMUNtCAllONS HOT ft 89.50 $14.50 $22 10 $24.50 $6.50 THIRD AVK CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Fai'inf To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports 8JS. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pjn. To Vancouver Direct S.S. "PRINCESS NORAIP December 7th, 18th, January 3rd, 18th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1839 to Feb. 28th 1940 fl (fi Final Return Limit March 31st 1940 VOUx v Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Paolflc Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COAXES. General Agent Prince Rupert, ll.ll, If you lose anythiiur, advertise for it. i t I i. ft I? I ? i nt 3 1