September 1 next year. number of students they send for training j Premier King revealed that Can-j das war effort was now costing the Dominion $1,000,000 dally. JAP Force. SHIP IS SEIZED CrMs Averted Orer Sciiure By Brlllsh of Vessel I-adcn With German Cargo LONDON, Dec. 18: A crisis loomed between Oreat Britain and Japan as a result of the taking Into a British port for contraband control examination of the Japanese steamer Sanjo Maru having on board Oerman potash and machinery loaded at Rotterdam, Holland, Ihe vessel, however, was released when the British authorities were satisfied that the cargo had been purchased before the export blockade went into effect November 27. Wilkins Offers His Services To Canada For War OTTAWA. Dec. 16. Sir Hubert ennrrllrt nlnni for an Antarctic ex pedltlon and Instead Is offering his services to Canada In war effort In any capacjiy; In the First Oreat war he served in tne Ausiranau Che OTTAWA, December 18: (CP) Agreement was reach-j ed Sunday on a three-year $000,000,000 Empire air training scheme which Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King, in an address last night, said was destined to provide Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand with war forces "whose co-ordinated strength t Jd be overwhelms i." The. . , 1 sjreement runs until March 31. 1943. and may be extended by rau-' oi: agreement. The great majority of the stu-cVs. the Prime Minister stated, trTjld be Canadians with other INFANTRY IN ACTION rrjntrtes sending some for advane- , " , , , , , 1 "nfh Successful In Driving Back rd training although most of the ,,erfe of '" 0n -s nlng will be carried out them- Vt"k Western Front V!? T !?.r??fJ! PARIS. Dec. 18 CP,-bne of r.rme and Its share of the cost . ,he mm ,.i,.lMI SI be M50,OOOJOOO-H8W)JOOO up lJJ Front resulted in the driving back: , 7rr f Oerman attack east of the - - of Can- hed m various parts Mwll WM nnsldcnbltt srasnd exuung fields . twenty seme h d h d hu , ,.4 or 7'i; -' oermans had attempted ,:z shools of all Itjpe. will be pro- fonk.afd under h Tided for pilots, obiervers. gunner. f,re T.releM operators and ground and ci'enanee crews, rit of many thousands of pilots tnnusitty artut three-fifths as man ah observers, a sttghUy larger number of gunners than pilot. The rsci figures were not yet svsJIable Mr. Mackentie King said. fansda will provide all the factll-lr as well as the most of the stu dent. Forty thousand men will be em-plnrd In the scheme Including 2700 cffl fM and 6.000 civilians. Oreat Britain will provide most of the aire raft engines Australia and New Zealand will share In the cost according to thtj to move , covering Bulletins JUGOSLAV LEADER KILLED BELGRADE Dr. Edo Marko-vltch, director general of Jugoslav SUte Export Society, was killed In a pistol duel with police attempting to search his apartment In a series of raids for evidence of foreign sponsorship of Communist demonstrations. GARNER CANDIDATE WASHINGTON Vice-President John Nance Garner officially announces that he will accept the presidential nomination If It is offered to him. OPENING YANGTSE RIVER TOKYO Japanese forces In China have decided to reopen the Yangtse River to third power commerce under military restrictions, the Foreign Office announces. A spokesman however, said that he did not know when the decision would take effect. War Brings Hopes To Hapsburg Heir Ex-Empress of Hungary Hopeful of Restoring Archduke Otto to Throne J CSA Vv M - w- I-' " to the throne of Hungary who lives In genteel poverty at the Chateau Steenockenzeel, 12 miles from Brussels, with his mother and seven brothers and sisters. In a setting like that of a ro mantic novel this erf-royal family has lived for 10 years, planning for thi rfnv when Otto could have a crown. TtIds by members of the family have taken them to many countries, Returning they report to ex-Em press Zlta, who in the family cnb-lnet fills the duties of foreign minuter and minister for home affairs Adelaide, Otto's 26-year-oia sis (BAD WEEK 0NWATER Losses In War at Sea Were Second Heaviest for Any Week Since Start of War LONDON. Dec 18: (CP) Tonnage of shipping destroyed In the war at sea last week totalled 84.uou. di.-000 of which was British. Lives lost totalled an estimated 215. It was the second heaviest week since the war began for sea casualties. Ten more ships were victims on caoture by the British, Is the forty first German ship to be scuttled or sunk since the beginning of the war, TODAY'S EXCHANGE spot. she holds doctorates in political and social sciences. Archduke Robert-Charles, 24, Is the English "ambassador" and Felix Frederic, 23. Is on a lecture tour through Canada and the United States and recently was a guest at Government House, Ottawa. Weather Forecast Tomorrow sT ides High 7:40 ajn. 18.0 ft. Trlnce Rupert and Queen Charlotte .20:00 p.m. 15.4 ft. Islands East winds, cooler Low 0:42 ajn. 8.0 ft. with showers at night. 13:50 pjn. 9.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRIT1S H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXVIII . No, 294. IMHNTK RUPERT. B.C.. MONDAY, DECEMBER IB, 1939. PRICE: i CENTS Brii'sh Sub Sinks Nazi Cruiser C. . 3 uST v-r Agreemetf'or Great Empire rir Training Scheme Now Signed Prime Minister Tells Details of $600,000,000 Program to Make Empire's Co-ordinated Air Strength Overwhelming Work All Over Canada 00000000000000000000000000030000000000000000000000000 a o War TNews VwMwuuuwv,wwvw Following ir luld Raid Yesterday Yesterday At LANDIMi Or UAiS ADIAiNo LONDON' "I tan announce," said Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, In an addres this afternoon "that a leading dirision of the Canadian Army has safely and smoothly been disembarked at a British port and will to into training in this country before Joining their British comrades on the Western Front." LOSSES AT SEA IN WAR LONDON Three British ships were lort and a fourth abandoned as a result of large scale German air raids on North . Sea shipping InvuN ing a least thirteen ships Utt night and early today. The trawler Pearl was abandoned after three of her crew had been wounded by German raiders. Two' trawlers. New Choice and Campagnus, and the 187-ton steamship Sernlty, operating as a mine sweeper, were sunk. The new phase of warfare pitting planes against small ships also sent the trawler Eileen Wray to port with a damaged hulL - FURIOUS RUT INACCURATE , LONDON In an address this afternoon. Rt. lion. Winston Churchill. First Lord of the Admiralty, charged Germany with outrageous tactics of attacking small fishing vessels and merchant ships by air bombers as a retaliation f of. heavy losses which had been Inflicted upon It by the British navy. The heat of their fury, however, has tar overreached the accuracy of thel.-aim," declared the First Lord. He charged the Germans with machine gunning sailors-on decks of sinking vessels. The Nails are now feeling the long arm of sea power on their shoulders," said ChurchilL He paid tribute to the personnel of the navy which was bearing the brunt of the war. NAZIS DRIVEN OFF LONDON Nail war planes appeared at several points off the British east coast today but were successfully driven off by anti-aircraft fire and pursuit planes. COMMODORE HONORED . LONDON Knight Commander pf the Order pf 4it Bath has been conferred' upon Commodore Henry llarwood, commander of the squadron In the Battle of Uruguay. He Is now a "Sir." Promotion to the rank of admiral has also been giren. Captains of the AJax, Achilles and Exeter Parry, Woodhouse and Bell are also to be decorated. GREAT BRITAIN AND ITALY LONDON Great Britain and France are reported to be negotiating with Italy whereby the latter country would get concessions In North Africa including a corridor across the Suden to connect Libya with Ethiopia and Somaliland. Italy would, in return, quit the Rome-Berlin axis. EXfcTtR AT FALKLANDS Seventy-two British Officers And Men Were Killed In L'ruguy-n Naval Engagement I medical supplies to assist In treat-1 ing the wounded. "Good Old Nev" British Troops Cry Greeting PARIS, Dec. 18: (CP) Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain don- The castle In exile Is owned by ned his salmon fishing outfit to the Marquis de Croix who donates trudge through the mud as he It rent tree to the family. Despite continued his visit to the western Its Jack of modern comforts, the front. Everywhere he was greeted chateau is a godsend for Hapsburg with cries of "Good Old Nev.w finances are at a low ebb. But ioj There were air raid alarms as far as It Is known, the Hapsburg Premier Chamberlain drove up In crown Jewels are still In the fam- his camouflaged car to Viscount .r nnrf like him n Graduate of the lly's possession. The ramtiy lives Oorfs headquarters yesterday but Louvaln University, Is the family quietly and sometimes appear labor and agricultural minister for mass at the vlllaBe church. at the all clear sounded.-. signal was soon HELIGOLAND the battle. AIRFIGHT Makes Elaborate Claim Mouth of Elbe River i BERLIN. Dec. 18: (CP "Thirty-four British bombers are -said by Several of the Britishers broke throuzh In the direction of Wll-helmshafen naval base and dropped bombs but the Germans reported no damage. Helieoland. a German naval has Is nn liand off the north coast of Germany. The raid was In connection with the n"v BritUh "security natrol" des'ined to deal with German mln layinir bas around the Ferlslan Islands and elsewhere. RUSSIANS REPULSED Says HEISINOFO-rS. Dec. IS: The Finns claim, ta have- reuUedthU Invading Russians all along- the fine except 1n the far north di .v In the week-end. On thi centril front two Soviet forces, totalling 20.000 ren rp claimed to have been surrounded. Soviet forces suffered heavily in casualties of men and in le-sses of mechanized equipment Including thirty tanks in the Lake La- riota .wtion. thre- of them be In of the huge e pride of Russia'; reds of dead were left in heaps. Finnish shor guns sunk a Russian patrol boat. The Finns have sailed out their last reserves men up to forty years and officers up to sixty. Bad weather Is preventing Rus- slan air activity. LONDON, Dec. 18: CP- It Is -, K'mn nf ,anH u. officially announced that seventy- 8upd anotner appeal to the WQrld LYt U OI 1LLM1 IlilVili UlILUPrS uiin n o.,, ,nr . Claims Uruguay Violated Interna' tinnal Law In Connection With Graf, Spee Daring Exploit Out Near M Elbe By Und Mutiny Reported Among Russians Invading Finland water five miles off shore outside Montevideo Harbor after having been scuttled early last evening by her erew on the personal orders of C hancellor Adolf Hitler. Three explosions of time bombs destroyed the shio. Two hundred and fifty members of the crew had been left ashore before she slipped out of this ! The remainder escaped billet I.. U ' c .rU ... CI.Krt8C: moral and economjc support ncu.u.vuajr u.ttn n. the nations in the M. S. Exeter. Achilles and AJax ,- inv,r. Carried outh Of ersea Craft German authorities to have been j shot down m a terrific air battle Relatively Small Craft Knifed Her Way Through Defen-off the north German coast m the ; sivo Fortifications 6000-ton Vessel of "K" Class vicinity of Hellgo'and. Forty-four j vjr :m British aircraft reportedly partlcl-j haved beerf chimin tacre'aed' LONDON, December 18: (CP) While Great Britain losses uoon the other ever since was still flushed with pride over the naval exploit leading to the scuttling of the Nazi pocket battleship Graf Spee, he Admiralty announced that a German cruiser had been jnk by a British submarine off the mouth of the Elbe fivp. in Heligoland Bight The Admiralty said that the ..". . . Ursula, a relatively small craft of 500 tons, had knifed through a (screen of destroyers and past fortifications, and sunk a 6,000-ton I cruiser of tha Koln class. The Press Association said it learned authoritatively that this stroke had no connection with the torpedoing and damaging of an- STOdCHOLM. Dec 18: Rerorts other large German cruiser last "enchlne here state that a Rus- week although both Incidents ot-'s'an reeiment in north of Finland rurred on Thursday last. The Ur-has mutlned, shot Its commander sula"s commander, Lieut G. C. Fin-and rone 0ver to the Finns. There nts R-N-. said he Identified the are also other rumors of dlssatls- sunken cruiser only by silhouette faction among Russian troops but so It might therefore be either the Military As Well As Moral And none of these reports are con-J Koln, Karlsruhe or Konigsberg Economic Support Needed To ; firmed. the three vessels of the class. I Hold tm Beds, Finland ADMIRAL GRAF SPEE ENDS CAREER MASS OF BROKEN JUNK IN RIVER BOTTOM Dramatic Conclusion of German Pocket Battleship Scuttled by Her Crew on Personal Order of Hitler MONTEVIDEO, December 18: (CP) The maraud- 30 ton type, the ing German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee, one of s mechanized for- the most modern and highly destructive type of fighting "Endeavouring to outflank the fra in the wr!d .h?s Jme to th. : end .of her career, a Manncrheim" Line, the Russians broken mass of jUIlk in the OOZy Silt of the mouth of RlO were pounded to pieces and hund- ue la I lata. Ihus she lies in a depth of twenty feet of mm - t a i - of Uruguay. Thirty-one l'"" " sent tne snip to the bottom . - u ,1 con 'in PI1" . -.... . were v nv fc-lnllnrl rofnefniv f AUA a a I - raFliiiehf CI vt U-ftfa rf (ha A a A five officers and fifty-six men were aboard H. M. S. Exeter iw-i Islands safelv. The extent of thp. damage to the Exeter is not yet dPaed rrom Buenos Aires' United States funds- Bu1ng,jn8 in KAnt nremlum: selllnc l" ",c t um-wra ana v - r 'soot. 11 per cent premium uec- to. 5.1 . i. n. war nas orousm new opc - .,, .,, tnnt .1 17. -nir ArrrinnkTA itiin. nrPLPiiurr 1 - - made known. A hospital ship Is be RMAN PROTEST Hying directly In the path of shallow draft shipping between Monte-viedo and Rio de Janeiro. Her , fighting tower still protrudes above i the surface of trie water. In scuttling the warship. n ... -. JUIn T .1 I . I fVjerniuii usiiiudii dttuiegic suicide" rather than "humiliating surrender" was followed. .Interment , would not be submitted to for the , ship. , Capt. Landgorff. in a statement j following the scuttling, declared BERLIN, Dec. 18: (CP) D. B. N.ithat the refusal of the Uruguayan News Agency (official Nazi) an- government to extend the seventy- nounced today that the German two hour period for making of re- Minister to Uruguay had pro- pairs to damage done in the battle tested against the order which last Wednesday with the British yesterday gave the pocket battle- cruisers Exeter, AJax and Achilles ship Admiral Graf- Spee the al- had made the action of scuttling ternatlve of quitting Montevideo, necessary. The Spee. he declared, where she had sought refuge, br was not In seaworthy condition for and assistance of the Uruguyan government In connection with disposal of the dead and wounded. Capt. Langdorff and a few of his officers were the last to leave the ship in a launch. New Explosions Today New exDlosinns shook lh twist. In . . .. . 'iy and . :. ;: .... "A : : ."VIZ. iea najK 01 ine Aanum orar spee- "V " L 1 """c wv.w.ti I today even as a high Argentina the explosions which was soon fol-1 .,.,. tha, fh. rPBMf struggle lowed the the flam-;of by sinking of 1039 wuW be lnterned. m5 cm:i. l.jjv. nans Liingaorii A Mma ... ,.,,M- wounaea senousiy ana o;ners jess mif fHof i .. Tne Admiral oral SDee went " " uc " uiaw iu.p. KArmnn I pnpiiLr. miulmlu lu a i v" .. auvit ail uuuci una urrii " . jdown with the Nazi swastika still iner hul1 arresting, four of the' crew for questioning. Most of the officers and crew, went to Buenos Aires by tugboat and barge in the hope that Ar gentlna would treat them as ship wrecked sailors rather than as bel-thejllgerents'but a high Argentine of flcial said they would be Interned. Officers may be granted freedom on personal pledges not to participate further In the war. Pan-American Nations Protest Violation of Self-Declared Neutrality Zones Objected To' BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 18: Pin- American nations will dispatch facing Internment. The action was the passage home across the Allan- notes to Germany and GreaUUri- termed a "flagrant breach of In- Uc-high seas much less for again' tain protesting at mtF f&ftlc pf ternatlonal law" and the possl-' engaging In another battle with the ; Uruguay last Wednesday and other blllty was seen that Germany j waiting British warships, in order naval activities as an Intrusion on might claim damages from Uru- to save his men, the only thing to(the 300-mlle neutrality zone. Prl-guay. It Is claimed that the vtsel do was to scuttle the ship. Every- mary responsibility Is placed oil was entitled to fifteen days under thing possible had been done to he pocket battleship Admiral Oraf the Hague convention to repair make repairs. Capt. Langd&tf ex-jSpee for having attacked shipping her damages. pressed gratitude for the sympathy In those waters.