:V HAZELTON IK '-.8 I fee -t ; ut New Hatelton with Mr. k'3c :"i Deiore leaving ur runcr if,-' u-Iiere they will make their ? idence. nm hn returned to tier m 1 i TI1IM) AVKNUK m m Q. C. CITY p Parent, far the last Mrs. John R. Morgan was a reee pi; ..' .entury agent for the visitor at the Dunes, Hell. She-Natianl Railways ,at came up Irom the Morgan Imaging m will soon be retiring camp on the Prince John and was railway service on super- met at Queen Charlotte by.Jamt Hi- olani to retire to Denholme who drove her on to Ne IUzelton which for TlelL Since then Mrs. Morgan has been developing, (left for Prince Rupert enroute to' . I Vancouver. 1 udlan National Railways v...,t- . ik i William Stroasman and 8am Dou- MnZtownVta at Char" v k near Mor IcetOwn sta- .m ( frQm p AUbon lower nulWejr Valley. . Mmp at Cumsnewa Inlet Mr: Li idxe. construction of , noUdcn will later be coming on to been contemplated for, prince Rupert Early In the New . TO-rtrd to save a fairly Yr It 1 expected the Allison, will resume operations on a , r.nAlm camp u.U ..n.n expenditure on repairs . te company logging . t A -1111 nnil f.Wltlt, T railroad now runs Into Bkldegatrl on Moresby Island. I Provincial Constable T A. ha returned to Queen Chan-lotte City alter a trip icy on escort duty. Telkwa after having been Moat people r-o in classUtrfl m the Haielton HosplUL ad. Do you? s mm 2 Give Fine SILVER S fine aMrtment of takle plerei In many attriciUe dtvlfiu , . . pattern to marh a already tarted. Don't (ail to Inspect gui stock. S3 to 45 John Bulger Ltd, . .. 1 j' Bulkley Valley Turkey s Direct From The Farm If jou want a god Turkey from the Bulkley Valley piste your order now. The supply 1 limited but the "price. U rljht Tlrt CUm Number 1 birds at, 10c a pouiid. ?. Bulkley Market Phone 17t Coal Coal Coal Nanainio-WelliiiKton Philp riione C51 Foothills Bulkley Valley "We KTiOW OUr J For warm comfortable bomt CCAMfS&fisfjA stoke up with our jcra fYCSyaea. seieciea coai- all purposes 1'uruace Coo Stove Heaters. vur.riu the highest heat content so start enjoying Its comforts by filling jour bin now. ott Evitt & Co. Ltd. rhone 65J Five Pin League W 5 Bankers Malkliu Home OH DBS. and T-O. FOUND LOST A ...2 I Miird Leatue pioneer Laundry - 6 Franka . - Overwaltea .... -2 Alley Cat - - 1 Ladies Leatue Blue Birds 1 Maple Leafs 13 nex 13 Rangers 9 Annette's 8 Big Sisters o Merchantettea o Knox Hotel 3 FOR SALE 4 3 7 8 9 3 7 13 2 4 5 0 3 4 5 2 S 5 9 10 12 12 15 11 9 8! 71 6 6 FOUND Pair of glasses In blue rate Owner may have same oy Identifying and paying for this advertisement. LOST Ladles navy blue felt nai, Third Ave. West between 7tn and 8th streets. Finder please nhnne Oreen 896. (294) nhnne Oreen 896 or le'ave Dally News. (294) FOR SALE Cary Safe in gooa condition. Apply Dally News. u. THE SEAL QUALITY t GOLD SEAL Fancy Red -Soekeye. PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Tacked by tho only almon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert THE DAtlT NEWS PLEASED "WITH BRITISH T '.OOPS BR1TIII WAR MINISTER HIGHLY Mr Leslie Hore-Bellsha, British war minister is Zj ?.?SnE the British lines during a visit of inspection to t ne nmisn ironi m .... pressed himself as highly pleased with the health and spirits of the troops. Bowling Standing Ladies' Music ON.R.A. Printers Oyro Club Commercial League W Imperial Oil Angus Apartments Moose Lodge Savoy Hotel 11 9 8 .7 6 .6 5 Canadian Scottish 2 L Pts Club Meeting Works at Wagner Studied By Ladles And Cups Presented MAKE USE OF CRAPS Red Cross Women Make Wonders ! With -Odd Bits" To HU . , .1 Christmas Boxes a mMino of the Ladies Music) Club was held last week at the Mar!d Adams hnmr of Mrs. Bernard Lundahll ..- c,ff wrttw 1 who read a splendid paper on the 2 lif and works of Richard Wagner. TORONTO, Dec 18. (CPX iMrs. Lundahl Ulustrated her pap-Mention "scraps to one oi ine ... . .i 1?iyi wnmm who sDena an aiterr discussed. The program noon or mondnc at the genera 1 is 0 operas U-rtrkrnnm nf the Red CroS! SOr 2 5 .... !l fmB, rlPtv and she's "off to the races 2 .. . . - - tr. v t Itt-ith a hew idea to add to the 1 r J thousands of cannents, shoes, hi i itnilJM PVNMie ln!it and tovs made from odds t w . ... r a f,wQtr Und ends which fill the Const ,r ,rtt -PVuvpr" (Tann-'.mas boxes for outpost hospitals . if-, d o inro. lof the society. li Vocal solo. -Evening Star." Scraps irom family rag bags 1.- . i a r - inVin. Inn. converted into natch work .., IquIIU. manufacturers' samplea of 16. (last vear's latest men's suitings 13 tersineer). Mrs. Oeorge Madill andlare made Into small boys shorts. 13 Mrs. J C Ollker. " - woolen samples are bound to mate 9 Piano solo, "March of the sleeveless children's pull-overs. 8 Knights," iParslfal), Mrs. H. L. A. bits of felt and a sole are turned 6 Tarr. - lnt0 bedroom slippers with odd 8 After the program the presl- lengths of yarns worked In era-3 a fr. oioiforrt nartrt . on broldered designs to brighten t Utliti iU) WVW vrt - behalf of the club, presented cupsithcm. Latest brain wave or one oi to the two students winning mgn- me workers l3 w uc iuuiSS 10u4 Ht marks in the Toronto Con-1 blue and white flannelette of crtnrv tmm!natinn!i: Thfl Sen-tsoldlers' pneumonia Jackets to ... . . I.LII. . . . f. lor cup was presented tn ttancis .maice sou. wasiiauic rauwu, um.j Moore who responded by playing ?ana omer wys ior cnuaren 'Rhapsodle" (Brahms). The Junior cup was presented to Miss Hilda PotUnger who played "Two Little FroeEles." The senior cun will be retained by Frances Moore as she has succeeded In winning it three times. Mrs. Darton, on behalf of the club.accepted a new cup donated and presented by Frances Moore for the senior students In the future. At the conclusion refreshments were served by the hostess. 1 Indian Woman Is Left Big Fortune Department Tryinr to Find Family In Saskatchewan to Advise Them of $100,000 Legacy MINERAL ACT Vntk T livllnaurnt Ca-tvmrr Tn Johiv W. AWfn nd Ounder nirkr- Und of ftrattle, Hashintton, v, tt. A. WHEREAS thr r awnr oliier than mjwlf to th rtwt ot more than nn muirUir inttratt In acli. kJld all ot Uw Star No. 1, Star No. 3. Star No. 3. 6tr No. 4, star no. s. star ho. 8, Star No. V. star to. o. oir no. j and Star No. 10 Mineral CJalma altuat rm tum. tuwth taido oT Ftorcbrr Xaland to ClUmo rtvwwse about 600 feet dun tha boaoh In the Slrrna Mlnloj DlTlalon, HrpvlWM of BrlUah Columbia: rT wltWn 90 days from the dAl hr or in rum ua ttiNiu jwi proportion of the expenditure mivureq. for th ywira 1937. 1938 and 1939 byl Section 38 of the MLnerat Act, II. S.I B. O. 1938, Chapter 161, togettie wtUil all ocxAs of this notice, ta Vh vvatr-lStMxt th reylterl ownr of aoJd XUneral Claims, your Interest on aal4 Mineral Claims shall be forfeited, and bevenva vested In tha wderslued nha ha mada Uva roquuaa ea)aotuT DATED at Trliic Rupert, B C. Oils 8th day of July, 1939; E. B. BEHNET. There are -raggedy anns" made from gingham bits to stick In the parcels. Discarded Christmas cards have been folded to make needle cases and nictures from old maga- ' tines are pasted In empty sample I i - i. it. ooo ks ior scrapoooKs io amuse me Ihospltal patients. Cenverted Stable Last year more than 6500 ob jects were sent to the JS00 families and hosDltal patients 3,500 persons In all in the districts around the 32 outnost hospitals In north em Ontario. As well as the color ful sifts and clothing, hundreds of bandaze rolls, abdominal dress lngs and gauze sponges were cut, turned and finished by the women workers, sterilized and covered In plain cotton for hospital use. The workers take pride In their sewing room which was formerly the stable at the back of the Red ! . Cross - headquarters. t They V have wrr. 1 0 Tnftlnn T A 1 I iVA hhiIIb mw.N Vinf9 vol partmtnt authorities In Saskatche-llow curtains and painted window Wan arc 5CaivIllii& lUi au inumu i uuaco j chuw uiavii. woman and her children to advise Iternoon.jh-y-adjourn to -the loft" them that they have hmilvtC?tGffiSV&Z&:.kxy with chintz-covered 000 ifurnlsnings, and nave a cup oi itea. It takes 10 days' Dacklntr to get the boxes ready to go north. In addition to the clothing, Christ mas puddings, candles and "extras" sent In by Interested persons, are packed In with the parcels. five thousand rwnrlA rtorl the Kincolith Hoop Team In Rupert Hi-c Rupert Dally News. It pays to. let them know what yo& have to seU' K " NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot vate Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) along the coast, being , on their way to Kltklatla for eduple or games Tuesday night ; Before arrtving here. tht Sons of Klncotith played at Port Hri. they were beaten twice. and at Metlakatla. where tthey Already On n Way To KitkatU After t laying two ' At Port Slmx-on .won And kA MetUkatU Mikatla The team appears, to ne in p Mnditlon and has been playing clean games. . nK Aboard their own boat, Cohoe. , in the course of a playing tour ariy. . .. Timely Sueeestions For Your Xmas Gift Problems Silk Hosiery Makes the Ideal Gift We have them in .11 the lestest shades n creoe chiffons or service weights. From, per pair 8tC " 51.DU Clove-In fabric, kid or cape. Lined or HZo to 4.50 unllned. From, per pair - . , 1 . . .t-.j.t i.nk.r(.;r Tn a charming assortment Boxed or inuiTiuui - . vi for klddles-or adulte. 25C J1 , From : Handkerchiefs. Sox. Scarves. Arm-hands, For the Ien Folk-Boxed Ties, Carter Sets. Etc-All at Very Attractive Prices Sur Assortment of Christmas Cards. Wrappings, Crackers. Tags, Seals and Ribbons WALLACE Phono 9 THIRD and FULTON TO EVERYONE A Merry Christmas KEEP WARM WITH Bulkley Valley COAL if Ml rmSlO. SrtSlS. vs5 atr For your best man friend! ' your brain for something to RACKING give yourverybestman friendsome thing that he really will appreciate? Take a tip from old Santa! Give him a Waterman's Patrician writing . .t ...... .,-rfnr Incrniments that set uic vet y "" -- a human hands can proauce."2ur will Ua , . 1 . . ! P-it-nVirn hand X meaiaiciy rctwuiic .- crafted beauty and it will render him years and years of perfect writing service. Come in and let us show you this Water man's masterpiece. Made in six colors-each with a matching pencil. Ormes ltd. ZTht Ptonecr Vrttt&iats Tht Keaall Stwffi Phoneat tl Open Daily from S a.m. till 10 pan-Sunday mid Uoliday from 12 noon till 2 (MB. 1 p.m. till 9 P-ra. ( 1 IS II to t 1 4