PAOE TWO .THE DAILY XYWB CLARIDGE SHOE FOR MEN WHO CARE .We Carry a Wide Range of Styles and Weights iu the Finest SIhk; at its Price in Canada Finest Fitting Lasts Dependability Plus Style. Priced $5.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue IL P. POLLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance Paid m advance, per week Paid In advance, per month By man to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance : By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion ' News Department Telephone H6 Advertisinf and Circulation Telephone 9S ' ! Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION The Daily News is a member oi the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audjt Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership inbiese.arganizationfl. . 4 SI 9J0O J12 Thursday. July 20, 1939. Footloose Pro Looks For More , PepuUr Forward, Released Br Canadians Sees IWrnrr Now Best Urt MONTREAL. July id: fCT) -Jimmy Ward, given his outright release by iioatxeal Canadlens .f-ler 12 years of continuous service in the National Hoockcy league still believes he lias a few more years left in the to? time but as a defenretnan, rather than as forward. "I've .made up my mind that If 1 Zulu Giants, Colored Boys From Detroit, Cheer Crowd With Funny Baseball Show SKKIKSCl'TSIIOItT In urder to fill jlxx euiragement at Wells, it will le necessary for the Detroit Zulu Giants to leave Prince ItimtTt no later than Friday evening's train, thereby necessitating the cancelling of a third game of the series which was to have been jjlaml here tomorrow evenimr. The second game tonight w ill, therefore, Im? ti r last Tin? COJoivd 1)0VS from tlie hom town nf hrnwn hnmlu i can hook on with -some team mi rs and automobile strikes put on their act at Acropolis a? a aerencema one of the most who ever played n" said Ward UIII trroi'nn.s m Prinpp Kmwrt Inct nmK) T mo inow defunct Montreal Mareom. orning. That means that all the big crowd which turn and last year with Canadians, he Wfc "6"i. oespne ine mens. has beeri a . hero to all hnrkwr. """cast evening, will once that whenever I wanted to of go oact 10 aeience i could. ! XIEJIOELLKK IIS f KISUIS :n was a natural position for tar babies are undoubtedly a wno 'hroughout the game lived -tfr Martin MipmfIlpr i; ranidlv develODincr into 3-" huncIToTx'AalljjUym Posaiblv UP 10 ht reputation as being "the J ill- - ucu uu ' 1 ! - ... . 4 - .- - . 1 . .. .. hero and possibly in a few years after his death will be flmtPTttPri ns a saint He is ficrhtine for the right of free dom to worship in Germany and for that he is being kept , in a wwirpntration eamu with onlv his Bible to read- He! has already served two years in the camp but his wife and j family have eontmued to occupy the church home ana to draw the regular stipend. Now the Herman government is threatening to punish the preacher by turning his family out of their home and stopping their allowance. ' v BRITAIN GAINING TIME It seems evident to those who are watching the proceedings at Tokio that Britain has been trying to delay a definite decision in order to better prepare for what might follow a hostile decision. Nobody knows just what! is the position of Britain from a naval and military point of view but it seems ouite probable that, while all this talk : is going forward at Tokio. lintiffi preparations ior resist ance are also being pushed f orward. GERMANY KNOWS NOW Both Poland and Great Britain and France make it quite clear to Germany that if it attempts to interfere with Danzig, it will mean war and war is something German i'. does not want No country really wants war just now for all people know about what it wquld mean. It ii . 7 t i ... i j.ift a -I'; would oe a ternoie tning ana any person aeiiDerateiy starting it will have a lot to answer for. 'QUEBEC INFORMATION We have just received a copy of the year book of the province of Queliec which gives official information in regard to every department of government. From it we learn that Quebec comes second among Canadian provinces in the matter of national wealth with close to ?even billion dollars, 26 per cent of the total wealth of the Dominion. It is second to Ontario which has nearly nine billion while British Columbia has about two and a half billion. ' This is not .money but is land, buildings, stock, machinery, in fact everything which can be bought with money. In the matter of education the provincial government spends $G25,000 a year as contributions to public schools, $311,000 for Catholic Superior Schools, It grants to superior and technical schools $765,000, to Protestant ' superior schools $185,000, to Normal schools $363,000, j schools for deaf mutes $105,000, pensions $360,000, inspec-tfon , of schools $285,000, and various other educational' grants, the total amountmgs to close to three and a half million dollars. THAT REMINDS ME- UJ , i 15 EASIER TO jfJI U ROLL fM It's such a smooth, silky cigarette tobacco, this Ooden's'Rne CuL The kind that's cut to roll right and to smoke right. Wise roll-your-owners choose Ogden's and they pick the best papers, too "Vogue "or"Chantecler". iuiuiirsi man in oavoau. was a lMe alow in brmgh'? down his parachute after leaping high into th- air for the toss from third. Then the Zulu second sacker fumbled Jrhnson's erounripr and' GIANTS IN BAD LUCK Another rUyer Cite To IMpital And KirU Uaeuiaii Ua To (iu IMrhiiif I the sacks were fulL Before Harttflst Louis NEW YORK, July 50 'CP' New Yrxt Oiauta uffend another eas , popular player" ieen miicn of ;i l ..MT.o Jnit if wfio ev.ii... . ... JT vpre still talking about it as thev came down to wm-k-this wrist whh amt him to hpna. Lewis and Benny Wlndle had I Chicago truck out. Dido got home on an New York overthrow end a pasted ball enabled Minor to cross the plate The Zulus clouted the pill a2 over jhe park on occasions but two-bathers were the limit of their bkrws la evening. They got tw runs in the first inning, three In he second, three in the sixth, two in th seventh, one in the eifhth and two In the ninth. The Ufe of the party was Albert Morehead 'Prince Jiastro to you;. IPs Royal Highness U what might be commonly known as a scream. " anuca ana contortions su convulsive How ht maintains his own equilibrium is a mystery bu he never seems to be eauht napping although he does succeed In keeping the crowd dizzy. The Prince, himself, to worth the prlc Another curiosity is the enonnom "Bolo" William Smith who was a centre of attraction for the kld tn MAMtMM. rl.ll an.i t . Knuckles. If.; Jokko (Albert Smith, rf.; Hoos (Charlie House), 3b.; Bolo (VTUliam Smith), cf Penu (Allan Moore 1. Jon (James Jones), 2b,: Lulu (Willie Jones), c: Rosto (Albert More-head), lb.; Dea (Dean Thomas), p. No less a person than "Hoodoo Daniel Webster may be the pitcher this evening. He did not show last night Prince Rupert Al Slmonsen cf Walter Johnson as.; Harley Lewis 3b.; Benny Wlndle 2b.; Oeorse Howe rf.; Alex Mitchell If.; Johnny Comadlna lb.; Dldo Ourvlch c Sonny Stiles p. -and lb.; Andre Letourneau p. All KIghtl Shoot "Era Hawdl AS HORSES. SO DOGS CANBERRA, July 20: (CP) Dog racUvj in the state of Victoria Is to be brought under as strict surveillance as horse racing as a result of the srowtnc popularity of the sport. LONDON. July 20: (CP) Fulk? WoJwyn, outstanding Sncllsh Jockey will take out a. trainer licence, following a doctor's order to stop riding. He will be trainer at the Marsh stables at Lambourn, Johuny M?0rthy. first bxv man. goinc m to pitch in the em be climbing Wore the series te over they will. "KWKJ That maitea mree ua: lmtnUwi irM tK the hill acain tnniirht nnd win h apart from the elownine iow Pteyers now in hospital Brooklyn PlUabuxf BoKon 3 1 irr J "I sUll think that 1 have at klng the rest of the family and the old ball game Is really 0ts lost the baU ame to Pitts two more good years left and Id thelr ends wiUi them. played. There were only Ilash,"rK Pirate 10 to 3 and arumped be willing -t ouit then. Heck. I u . of nint ximf being fourtfa P1 Tne Sf lou dont Uke betag X caunt?' ut "" now J," to to the CardlnaU defeated the PhUUes T. , L . . somrthlng new m Prince Rupert CUSt0me"" .rtm o nteht aame at l Phttadelnhla nuacepma a.i ar.i If legs were oing back "t if lR my on me .7 bu uul it " went weni over over b DE. MaVDe Mavbe H IS , t i nnu rviicl! irr- Ward, one of the few players enthusiasm 1ST necessity for having donated the who have scored 100 goals or nTcauht tlS W ! XL 10 Prt,(" -Lulu" Wll- u'e spirit nf of the thln more during an N. H. l! career. ,7 2? u,. Jon 2uhl hurlr said he would nmhihlv writ nM n "K"1- Bv tnla evenm -wn to have much on the ban but i Dutton, manager of New York evcn Dldo Ounrich tia; realise it he had the Rupert boys gueasine. Americans and a former teammate ' all Just a lot inn Msrmni ahnnt ph.niu nf Hn. w. i . . COBffmM. concerned, (FmiMl seemed to tn h be able nhl tnlli lng up with the New York team. -I'm big enough to hit a good bodv-check and fast enoueh to iget off on plenty of good break- jaways from the defence." said Ward, always rated one of the fastest skaters In the league. "Why. entertataime folk, and wfM be that Stan Morin of humor. PMUburs. 10. New York 3 American Learue U'athinfctan 0 Detroit 11 IkMten. 1-0: Oiieago. 4-s New York at St LuU. rain The learue fUixMnw Vo dale NaUunaJ Cincinnati Boston Philad-lpnU . . America New York Boston Chkaso Cleveland Dtroi Washintoa Philndelpnia "t. Louis Leaeue 40 41 43 41 38 .38 38 . 34 Leacn 60 .41 . .48 41 41 04 31 24 29 37 40 39 3S 38 41 50 - L.I l a S3, j sure: xm an wasned wn. k . 4U . . ... wumu juuuauijr iuir oeen jusi - -r- , But rm in food sha.TSTskat 23 " !J" J M ' the Zulus to athi a.Ch Cub, w- tamf to Bos nil riov th t ioa . ,Rr . oul Ulr hundred kMtead of thirtn mncton Beea. The Cincinnati . FPie or this man's town are not a 7 " 1 " 1 of fun. meant far'The tora. so far as hitting whs)"0 t1 fnr twb iLh Dec to,on aerenth t.ux f tit at the towll ready lo admit Pce them when and where thev' tanir ana a nan oeiow tt- watued to.. Sonny StUes was start-.Phffltet are w deep tn the rc zr ' aK has a Bent? Inr ntrhr fr o4n. n.. jlaa tu nirwtnnJ Bm4 nrn r i Frog Letoumeau finished on the w top. Incidentally, if it la of interest mlmL J YeeTtJy Leaffne scores to anybody, liw swre f last u waa a re bunch of flukes N.tlunal Learue night's game w tfihteen to tw in hat yleidrd the locals their twot LeUw 4 phlladeiiihia S wKam -II a ... Mul wmm U 1 L 1 i i . muni muic uriu was auc ana iavor 01 m uius wno were awe ' unr "'' u tniung.r Cincinnati coaching the Maroons he told me o Dlay around without anv dansM- DkJo Ourvlch took a walk andin.nuui u . . ' ..... Smn su" ati!. fr. 1 .1 oi 1 -w- be oene ne Deal beaUsi or. In in fact iact tnt thk wro- irro- &onny " " fanned. 'hi. Al ni Simons ouinhmp-i. phiMm ne tesque assorunent of barnstorm mc rnucr jumro 4; Brooklyn 2 ven .m Alt jn 481 Ji4 23 723 Tbwsday Juh 2p ri II 1 ir . The Are HLRE BASEBALL Tonight 6:3U Acropolis Jlill Admission "0c DKTKOIT ZULU WANTS vs. ALL ST A Its COACHES POLISH soccxu WARSAW Poland J Alex Jamff. forme; 1ul r-iTn t Warsaw and' imtiunu; mcw vs the si rr.M. nn ut or hritivi IN riUIIUTK In lit Uttrr of th lU!r nf LnaU TAKE WniCI Uat bj OnXT of tt Oourt ut ilrtUah CulumbM fratmlr of tt CmmU of Louti ! tac of erlnc Rujm art. B. C ... 1m d4 at Prinn Huprrt tfommh ci ur aiwut Oie 3rd tUj nf ""y IBM wrr. pMlrd to Ala ( fcwior um Dm R Arnold at ... iirm. LHJto wm 03 man ItujwTt aformaild, U Kwcutora some home run hitting before th J nmJ a th. wui of ih mm local series Is over It Is announced. uV ZZ The line-UpS last nlfiht: n wrUnf. rwrly rrr'JIeO. to Zulus - Knockredl 'EereU w'n. - w u nun. nnrr. wtR the tMlutt win t DMUibitM our- niH to th mU WUI without rrrd to any auch Ctettna. AU prnmiu mdrtt-ed to Um Hie BMtoto are ivrrtrt r-qutrtd t jy tttr ammmt of Uwlr in 0i)Udia to Hit lutdmtcTMd forj-wlth. DATED at Prlno Rujxrt, B. C thU 73n4 day nf June 139. ALOIS OnXESOItO and NORA X. ARNOLD Box 883. Ttno Ruprrt, B C - ft. MOKEDniClOU GUARANTEED n you aerve QUAKER, RN FLAKES' - v mi n j"V. sWTiMRinTi CMtannmn Back a o VaW Coni 1 MMhtl Ctll I f Wim ft4r, OwW l Ri nit ikil lpil o?f t.: r Try QA Lo TUV. ;, rs iWf'r itUthmn. M run lnlr rUn to TW Qt put, tkutmrn. SmL A It mOI Kt proaipd, mnpvU sad uipUftU lot Q4r C VUi mrt mMIImh kMMM vnm kttfctl VII Cam fUfc 36 568 y7 Quaker $ 51 .400 WUmmUESmfJLSL 49 388 EaULffiSBL H BIT a-ami - "tr"W 1 t T1m Owlf Oan CoviMar, Satkatoon. SW. , t rtww lh my Irtt f tpr of V I J Ovtn hmiM UixM N. 1 1 ul I ; stn . ! c MISS YLKI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations .Moderate rrif Phone GREEN 880 727 FKASEK ST. CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trnns-Parific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Porta 8S. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pjn. To Vancouver Direct BJB. PRINCESS LOUISE 8.8. PRINCESS ALICE July 5th. 15th. 20th jujy 8th 19th. 29th BJB, PRINCESS CIURLOTTEWuly 22nd Aug. 2nd Direct ConnecUons at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Ticket mid Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Ajent. i.rjnfe Kupert, n.C