jnfu- V July 20. 163d. TRy IT THE "SAL AD A" WAY , ..t 6 h4pn lwpon ft SU6 BUtk T in 4 pint ol bo.U. 4t., AM " "'" '"' -",t conunwf, wfcil kot, dd 1 to I K cum w rd tutc ol 2 ltmon, Uttintd, it.i wil.l u.)it mfiuolMd; Ml tcnUinii Donot.llU.to.lUlvj.-,, eW J STld SALADA EES TEA Announcements All averUarRtiU. U Uttr i tma U1 be charged tor Iu4 aioatb at v "Ora 12- IIlCl'. COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Plumes 58 and 551 Exam At St. Results Josephs innma uavu itobert uibson Medal for speed In typewriting Leg-JT Women's Auxiliary Bazaar won by Bertha Vuckovtch speed NVTrmtr: i m woros a minute' WAGONS FOR HARD USAGE Sturdy Construction of Canadian Hardwood, Well lioltcd and Ilraci'd, Disc Wheels Rublnr Tin-H, $3.50 -r"- $5.50 JM-incli At Monarch Tricycles $5.50 Child's Wheelbarrow StH'cial Slioofly Itochens At Size $7.00 $7.50 $6.50 S2.95 Good Quality at a Low Price See I s for Childrcn'K Wheelcoods )f Every Description. MacKenzie's Furniture JCST AHKIVED Corfee Tables and End Tables, Various Prices Very Special A Front Room Ensemble. Specially Priced for July 7 TIIIKI) AVKNUi: Plwne 775 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates SI. W up 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 T.O. Box 19 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leavi rrlnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.8. C ATA LA EVER TUES T.8.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:10 P-m. Due Vancouver, Than. a.m. Du Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, riease Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From PRANK J. BKINNEK, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 ; Donald Sinclair, pioneer Wrang-JeM merchant, was a pasiienger Hotel Arrivals ltyal J D. SaUrtaad. Kelowna; M; and Mrs. Vic Grant, Balmoral, rrinr liuiiert Oeorge P Mom. Blatr. Ont.: H M Stevensan. O. W. La Idler C P er. Crutral Stan Llvintwtaue. Edmonton: J. O'Onrnun and J. Peters, city: Mr and Mrs. W Farley. Edmonton. ACKSItS CONFIDENT CANBERRA, July 20: CPi Australian Davis Cup players leaving Melbourne for America were confident of victory. Jack Crawford "had a hunch' the Aossle? would win John Bromwicu claimed onhr war or sickness -could prevent victory II the cumulative eltect of arl-rrtismg that eauntx. Phone C First gradt lbs Lb Rolled Pot Rst. Reef Lb. Pork Eggs riione C3 STEItLINR SCfiGESTIOXS Butter 79c Your Sunday Roast Rolled Sho, QQn Rolled Rst Veal 28c 15c 35c Shoulder Pork 22C Lean and Meaty Hrookfield in 7Q Cartons. 3 doz 1 U Swift's Lard- 2 lbs. . Rakcasy 1 lbs 25c 25c Sausage Meat OCTfa lbs AUK KjFmA 25c DrJlaflards CatOCp Food 3 tins Uf9V Diamond 'A Hacon Lb. Ayrshire Bacon JJU. Swifts Cottage Rolls Lb. . 28c 28c Fresh Cottage Cheese and Whipping Cream Fresh Fish for Friday Remember! You Can Get It at The Sterling i THl DAILY KIWI PAd,THKE4 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mr and kin. Mike Budinlch will 'For prompt and courteous ser-leave by torn arrow morning's train vice Phone 13 Taxi. it tor a trip to Edmonton. Returning, . . they will travel via Vancouver. Tonight' trail, dw i nun ai ii shock. Mtat, N Bird, auplntendent of the I this afternoou to be on Urn. iMMoe, sauea yesteraay ai trnioon on the PrttMesx Alice fori a trtp to Vancouver. from tt reporteo W. H. Tbbcy, CNJi. divisional superintendent, returned to the city on Tuesday night's train from a trip along the line on Impaction duties. aDoard the Princess Alice yester-. day afternoon going through to! Mrs. R. L. Pox and child, who Seattle. i arrived in the city on the Catala ' 'Tuesday afternoon from Stewart. Col. J. W. Ntcholls and daueh-iare leaving cm tomorrow mnrnlna' fter. Patricia, left on last evening's train lor a trip t Saskatoon. rain rain Inr tor Bm Bmlthrrit thera to tn Inln loin Mm The results of the final exam-41"10" and sou, John, -who ar Mrs. II. S. Meadows has been ad-lnations of St Joseph's Acadenw'r'ady -hoUdaylnr at Lake Kath- mltted as a natlent to the Prlru p Kuperi Itegatu aKl D-me romnerc11 w tot the yefr vn Rupert General Hospital. Many are. In tdr of merit. a friends will hope that her stay in fnllaws: E. Oawthorn. manager of the the Institution may not be unduly iu ..ran Tea Inland's August 4. Ho-iita Uazaar. October i. Csthuiir Uaxaur October 11, 12. Crescent Canadlun .Shows- Ulg (fer ant! Wetter FTtH Vtox. nannrn rso pat- wwn Theatre at Ketchikan long, rtcla Tlmmermet-ter. IVrths Vuck- h" written t tteit Wondln of this avlch. Helen Valentine. Alma Dyb- cltJr ""reusing anprwrUtlon of the Mrs. Robert Dlance and daugh-hsvn Broce Wood iE,Jt a Canadian flag which was ter. Mrs.- Lee Oordon, together Paw Marguerite Menzle. Ted I em Khlkan reeently wttn Sea with the latter little daughter, Mills. Margaret McLochlan. Frcd!RcouU rrom the First Oty who left on last evening's train for . fialt Mario Buswnteh. MarybeJlei11"1 bere The flag win be teed Ilazelton.. They took then car fit He Berte Chaiwtler. Florence! " tfte theatre on patriotic occas- with them and will drive on lo Obuchlna. Qsle Hipp t Terrace i.;10" Mr Gawthorn says. Dane" rvery Thursday, East Knd Oorreen Eastment Colleynrount. Lake Kathlyn to go camping. Mr and Quarts Per doz. Quarts Per doz. BhJ "EMW 4M)saA SaylCwe your family all the Shredded Wheat they Miss Mildred Nelson, who hast been visiting here with friends, will sail by the Princess Adelaide Mr J n jnM nf tomorrow night on her return t Montreal and their daughters. Miss Nlson formerly re Mabel and Helen, are visiting at sUM heTe- Seal Cove with Mrs. Jones' mother. Mrs. Annie Taylor, and sister, Mr ' In connection with the presenta Mabel SkJnneT. They expect to b tlon of his report on recent district, here for a couple of weeks. convention at Jasper Park to the Prince Rupert Oyro Club yesterday, Harry Wanamaker of the Cana- Dr. R. O. Large turned over to Sloan and John S. Tait, Vancou- dlan National Railways staff here Frank Dtbb, for the bulletin corn- has returned to the city from a "e district bulletin cup trip to New Brunswick where he whlc,h w" awa.rd4!d t11 lub. . . . for turning out the district's best was called on account of the con- buUctin H M MorrUon u tne dltlon of the health of his mother Qther member of the bulletin com-who Is now Improved. mlttee with Mr. Dlbb Since 1857 S)imt ! b preduclnf Cndi' fmnt WhiLii which ktrt bComt woild-ftmeai fer ictllct 4d vlw. Seaarams CANADIAN RYE WHISKIES tr4cn i I S4rm A iom Umltrd. Vt'airrloo. Oat SEAGRAM'S KING'S PLATE 7 Years old SEAGRAM'S SPECIAL OLD 5 Years old RYE WHISKY 25 oz. $2.15 RYE WHISKY 25 oz. $1.85 This advertisement h not published or displayed by the Liquor Cr-itrol Board or by the Government uf British Columbia. Preserving Supplies Perfect Seal Jars $1.70 Jelly Jars Squats. Per dozen Pints Per doz. Economy Jars $1.65 Pints Per doz. WE DELIVER' 1.45 $1.40 75c Economy Caps and Clamps, Memba Seal, Jar Rings Parowax Preserving Kettles, Boilers, Preserving Backs Cold Pack Canners I GORDON'S HARDWARE McBRlDE STREET Phone .311 o g .8 B.C. FURNITURE CO. Remember the Day with a SNAPSHOT Complete Developing:, Printing: and Enlarging Service Agents for Kodak and Voigtlander Cameras Special While They Last Warwick box Cameras Taking Pictures Size 21-4x3 1-4 $1.95 OrmesLld. "3h Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 13 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon tlU Z p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. JacHJoaaooocrioooooooooaaittocroftionDoooooooio 4 Just Received Large Stock of Reconditioned Furni- jl ture Consisting of Chesterfields, Bedroom Suites, Dressers, Odd Dining Room Chairs, Carpets, Rugs, Etc. Used Furniture 1 Ten-tube Victor Radio and Gramaphone Combination 1 Woodstock Typewriter In extellent condition 13 Kitchen Chair At, each 1 Large Dresser At j 1 Sewing Machine At .. . 1 Chesterfield Table Just like ' new 1 Sessions Clock At $39.50 27.00 S1.00 $10.50 $7.50 $10.50 1 Studio Couch SllghUy used $27 50 $12.50 New Furniture 3-piece Tapestry Chesterfield Suite (Chesterfield bed. arm chair and occasional chair 2 Cast Iron Cabin Cook Stoves Special T"" $64.00 $13.95 UNPA1NTED FURNITURE Consisting f BUFFETS, CHESTS, NIGHT TABLES at Very Reasonable Prices ooooaooooDooonooooooooicruoooaajoooaQooaaoacooiooo .-si