PAGE- TWO TTTE DAILY 'NEWS a: ?7 . , ... "'I 1 ' I1" 11 I I. I I! U 1 HOLIDAYS ' TWO HUGH QUALITY ANNUAL STOCK ENDS S PO RT' IN CANADA SCOTCH WHISKIES ii Pairs Ladles' .Broken and Short lints in Straps. Pumps and Qx- fords Shoes of the finest quality. To Clear Short Lines, too Numerous to Mention To Clear 28 Pairs Men's C-Eyelet Rubber Boots Mostly large Izes. Regular $2.95 . .. COOOOOCKhJOOOOOOO 95c Here, Cut to the Limit $1.45 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published .Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City .delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 Paid in advance, per week 12 Long DAILY EDITION Friday, January 27, 1939, THE SHIP SUBSIDY T L . -1. 1.1 i... I t:. 4.1,- nn..Awnmnnf AWAY TO A GOOD START Jjt is near the end of January and it is evident to everyone that we are now away to a good start. An important thing is that the estimates for the defence department have been tabled and that the sum of $327,000 has been placed there in for the purpose of .establishing an air hase at Prince Rupert with other money for Queen Char- lotte islands, mis it is understood is tne ursi'instai ment. i i t . NORTH STAR lUague PJay MOVING UP Is Resuming Bottlers -Close on Heels .of Itupeit Motors For Leadership of Commercial Bowline League North Star went Into second place in the .Commercial JJowllr?, League .but one point behind tr- leading Rupert Motot5 as a resu'i Total 7C2 Canadian Legion 1 Menzies 155 155 .Paid In, advance, per month .50 Skellum 135 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and Royer - 127 United. States, yearly period, paid In advance .- 3.00, Dickens 179 By mail to all other countries, per year 9.00 Handicap 9 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 94 Total $60 News Department Telephone , 86 Pioneer Laundry 1 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations R. Smith 146 A Smith 120 Woods 124 Cook 182 A. Cqmadina J 65 I Total ,737 The League standing to am up 2 193 163" 104 153 183 789 2 103 163 121 115 188 24 804 2 159 143 160 136 137 9 744 2 144 145 160 197 135 is quite uiu natural uung iui me ywvci uiucmi. ui-i w k fjcials to say that it is still uncertain whether Prince Ru- RUpert Motors 8 i Dart irets a 'shin subsidv or not. Thev will not commit North star 7 2 A O 1 " . themselves until it is found that thev can eet a reason- Pyro able rate. It would not be good business to do so. They have taken the first step which is to call for tenders n t t it. i i a? ii Club Parker's Garage 1 'C rWlrirll Wnl-lcore .next step will be to consider the tenders and, if the bids Canadian Legion are anywhere around tne rate tney nave Been iea to ex- ,oyai uncn pect, they will let the contract. PR, GEORGE Stnithers Junior Hockey Superiority SMITHERS. January 27: 'Toronto 11 The Smlthers Junior .hockey team Detroit .10 ICtllUCt X XIAO lb I O lllVtVS. iJVWU j v oniy v va i w 4 w v m Ti,n nfi of r,t fi,n o.'v V.oco ic ovnoMwl f n ha af invaded .Prince George .5 ...4 .4 3 ,3 .2 territory Chicago least twice xnat amount, ine present government is com- . fhp fhnf ,nwn jnitted to ihis project so .it seems very probable that there uiat they vcouid play just .as well will be, other large expenditures here for this purpose, in- on strange ice p? they coujd in: suring;a good payroll in the city, not only during the con- .iheir own baiiiiwicH. ruction period Jut also a good payroll as soon as the SmW j)lanesjr,e looted .here permanently. It is estimated ihat sm,tner!; t0ok the precaution ofl tne ;n timber of permanent employees will be from 150 to bpistering .its Jjnerpp by calling in 200 nfter the hase is comnleted. from the country some ,of U121 Other projects announced or under way include sthe to 6 victory. building of he fortifications at the mouth of the harbor, op ycdnesday tha ciilioifliyinfr rf sViincs nlvino nut nf fhis harbor, rnntinn- repeated repeated the the perfc performance and withi 6 Old Country Soccer Interest .Centre .In .Derby vs. Stake-Waisal Advances in Cup Play Will LONDON. Jail. 27: QP) Walsall defeated Notts County four to nothing yesterday In a replayed NEW YORK, Jan. 27: (CP) New Yprk Americans and Ney; York Rangers are now In a tie foi second place to the Boston Bruins in the National Hockey League. This Is the result of the Americans 155 defeating the Rangers last night 153 at Madison Square Garden, Tommy 184 Andersons goal for the Americans 193 was all that was required to turn 173 the trick. In the second scheduled game In the League last night Detroit Red Wings blanked the Chicago Black C Hawks . at. them Trom Chicago and fifth place deposed In the 5 standing. 4 Tomorrow night Detroit Red 4 . Wings will be at Toronto to play 3 'the Maple Leafs. A victory for the 3 Red Wings would place them on 2 even terms with the Maple Leaf for fourth place. Sunday night Canadlens will 'play at Chicago, Toronto at Detroit and Boston at New York agalns'. the Americans. The league standing to date: I W U L. F A PIS Team Boston .20 Rangers 16 I Americans 14 .im.tu it i " tuot a Ui mi ""'"T i lJ l - on Tuesday nleht and demon- Canadien? 7 79 36 41 8 74 49 35 9 74 85 35 14 64 61 26 15 58 75 24 15 56 71 23 6 18 61 99 18 Hockey Scores Pacific Coast League Spokane, 2; Portland, 4. Hockey Standings -The first step was placing the amount in the estl- smok ,Pp put this did not pre-. rtates,. The mtkeV will beUhpnassins of the estimates 2, WD.''.P 4 and the third tne carrying out piiine wpr,K. ttona rioht which cave them a 7 Peattie 16 6 12 111 112 Vancouver 8 night Smlther3 Spokane 8 7 17 6 19 82 130 00 110 - T ' " f . "t ... . A j i:u """.rl I. . the same score .until three minutes EGYPTIAN DELEGATES n T 1 r wi r y n iri-i i r r nr n mi iiitiii iiiii j t i i j r-jw--riiiir ill 11 ill I A A iir 1 't "',t -r-v i t O TT ' f . I 1 ulr miAl. nn I liihhniTvi AV Mnnann nflip mil rhnnF in ' ' AYum .ouun aft uic xjv una vii aiiouii M.-r uuimnis w the Prince George boys scored a jiii .1 ah 1 ; i 1 1 .' ... . -v . . . iniru Avenue jutau. .ue s iuuuuiji ux iv,w uu v.vy, . wx iva iciicwm - - - conference. for the Smlthers bovs at at- .wi.nalso prov? .an important work. . We are strongly of opinion that a warning should be ,Not being able to spare any mora s triven th thesis plenty of labor in. Prince Rupert to car- time .away ,from school the smi-j rv put all projects that are in sight. However wjth a there ,uim left .prince George on reasonable" amount of highway work iind iiome .building th? PWn;ht aln ox. home . hntsur to follow the .commencement M ! the projects youn,. prince Rupert people who have been .on relief should all ers ht win .probably hold its find Work" during the coming Season. ('on wth any lke team .in British i - Columbia. They take their game Royal VUU Means an Extra Ued-Letter Dale Comparison With With Old Land Pf 41 33 V 22 CAIRO. Jan. 27: (CP) The Egyp Other buildings are being planned and goat' with a Jong ranse back-hand flan Cabinet ha? accepted Britain's .changes .madej all o.f which indicate a healthy condition .shpt which sayed them from a i-if. mi." c ?innnn nn u.ntni.,i.nJ-r. second shut-out. the score Invitation to send renresentatlve? hoinj belna 10 ixmaon to aiiena me i-aiesime v CI AS 5 I H E 0 VDit KENT RISING TIDE OF DEFENCE seriously and put Jn lots of prac-1 clean, , Well - furnished modem Quebec, which for years was looked upon as -the &oJf ti ,tars' - -a-Ph ;I ."rtihlo- tblock to proner defence measures, is now said of the Elks ihockey team, had the Kingston rooms, furnished rr 1 1 P 1 1 If 1 ' L 1. .? i I i. r . . . .'! "j 1 IL. imfiif..lVia1 unfurnished rnnmi nit,, also house hnuen. IP De iailing in,Jine anu la J1451. as neuii uii ueitnce as it iui ooys unaer nis care ijrmu ine merly was against militarism of any kind. This is largely 'ip and ne'ne,mpch to help iiie result ofMunich." Today, although no forpaj vpte.has erfame loc'n' ,ortbe past teu rooms, keeping. Phone 673. 23 oeen t,aKen, tne government .01 uttawa ieeis jit nas a inau- ,zr OAT . .lino. . defend the country to the limit. The idea is e.weep- fire hose froze JZtZZri int the country from end to end. Parliament, evidently, ; u at Massett, Queen charlotte is- jvjU vvote almost any amount of money for the purpose iZ App,y K tnat tne government asns. rnty minion oouars tnis year farm nre nere ana equipment was in thawed by placing it on burning FOR SALE la H, eiitv. currnaetarl If ia o tvomonlmio .Vinnfra fnnn to uic duiii u 10 u bi V111V.11UUUU vuuiiu in v table model for a country like Canada but it is in line with world thought and particularly with other countries of the Bri- " you to swv jmething- Try a Clas.fled. tish Empire. . , 1933 9-tube Phllco Radio. A-l conc'l- tion. Guaranteed 12 months. Phone Red 787 or call 217 1st St (21) PiMence p.f the King and Queen 'In Canada when His Majes ty's birthday u celGflrjuea -May 20 will undoubtedly resujt In a much wider observance of the holiday, hitherto confined to government departments, banks and other financial Institutions. Trie extra .day will mein eight holidays for jnost Canadians this year. Canada doe3 not U behind the urttun isie in tne ma.uer oi no)i- -J?,.. one one more than England. t.nnrt fit,, nf thP Pvenlne Plo- r,i wV. - , " ncgUIOf JJlftiiOil WU WVUI(W I v rr T n linHrv j - jutrUKut- guinea nili uc psajreu Legion two games to one. High morrow. Interest In the English average scorer for the evening was League will centre In the match Cook of Pioneer Laundry with 191. between leading Derby Countj Individual scoring was as fol- wnich jj expected to have a tight lows: Parkers 1 Bi Wick 114 Rood 13G F. McLeod .115 W. Smith 148 McMeekln 178 Total 727 North Star 1 B. Wick 114 Jlowe 201 Hill 146 J. McLeod 130 Samuelson - 147 Handicap 24 game with Stoke City Derby Is 3 two points ahead of Everton In the league standing. In Scottish lP League Glasgow Rangers, leading l2? the division by a long margin 183 should have no trouble with Fal-"I kirk. 743 3 119 168 ir 131 224 21 798 3 144 180 125 133 130 J 711 3 781 873 date: P NEW YORK DEADLOCK1 Rangers and Americans Now Tied .For Second Place in National Hockey League more than Scotland and tne same number as Eire and Northern Ireland. In Sootland. as in Canada, the round of 1939 holidays started January 2. celebration of New Years pay being put back when the year was ushered in on a Sunday But In other parts of the British Isles the first of the year passed without official recognition. Religious influences, fast declining in the determination of holidays, are seen In Christmas Day and Good Friday, common to each country. Easter Monday and Whit Monday, the latter associated with the feast of Pentecost, are observed only in England, Northern Ireland and Eire. August Bank Holiday (first Mon day In August), is generally observ- ed In the Day provides an extra day Christmas, except in Scotland, al ada but neither Is a statutory Eire's holidays would not be complete without an opportunity to Isles. Quebec's observance of Epiphany. Ascension Day, All Saints' Day and other great religious feaiU. In addition to the seven generally-ob-terved statutory holidays. Is unique In the British Empire. JSedstead, Vanity, Chiffonier and bench 5 QUII CUIFFONIKItS g Walnut finish 0 r x r r M i "hi v v 1 '11 WTM i W:T71 H j j d H 1 M 1 ? K vi'J I f : V I M Thu advertisement is not published or dispa by tK? I Control RnjrH n bv try Gf'?,r"rrtt of Bi j- - Learns Geography Sterilization Of SfSiSdSlSS From His Bicycle Crows Advocated though the old custom of delivering London JlomJnle Who .Pedalled Christmas boxes on December 26 Is dying out. These days are gain ing Increased recofnltlon In Can Panicky I'urupe lat Year No In America , MONTREAL. Jan. iCPi Af-tr cycling through Austria and the Sudetenland as they were be- lng taken over by the German celebrate St. PaWck's .Djiy, Mauh last year, Douglas C. Oeodwn f 17. and up In the north of the Em- London plant to pedal in mo.c erald Isle the victory of William of peaceful surroundings this summer Orange at the Boyne Is recognized on an 8.000-mlle trip across Ca on July 12. Scotland alone make nada and the United States May Day a public holiday. Ooodson, a school master spe cializing in geography, will Invest Some Canada's Own gatf Canadian and United State Victoria Day. Dominion Day. La- hol systems as he travel acroj bor Day and Thanksgiving Day, the tne continent Dominion's remainlnz holldavs. are Rchlng Halifax in a freighter without counterparts in the British atier a 10-day crowing, the young Londoner came tiere by train and will go to Washington. D. C. Oood-eon has arranged to have an English bicycle delivered to him In the United State capital and fmrn there he will pedal southwest to Memphis, Tenn. Then he will head OUhraMnn nf V.n, VMr'. n Wet 10 Dania ft. H, M.. ana If Oood Friday and Christmas Day te 'Angela before travelling north U general throughout other parts of the Empire but other holidajn I Continuing on the northern many commemorating hlttorl. rUleV Oopdn P,anL 10 cul events, are widely diversified. In throuf h ron nd Washtafton to Australia they vary in different BrUUn Columbia yhcre he ill iates with vUlt M" htl' same observing as many - a . dozen. The usual number of ov'r ,n, lht P'nf aPtal. he -bUr heydays in other dominions ?w,ne lwa,rd lh K,clt: id cQlonle ,L, from six t.o eight. " !-Ior Pi" Winnipeg and then southeast to Chicago. The last lap of the cycling BELFAST JIONOUS DUKE schoolmaster's trip will be from LONDON. Jan. 27: (CP)- The Chicago to Monlreal where he will .ike of Kept will visit Belfast. Ire- board a Uner bound for England, nd, next March'and he has been 3de an honorary burgess or cltl- " n of that city Try a Daliv n. wuta ad 'oa oooooooooocKi Goooooooooooooopooooooooooooooooooao- MacKenzie's Furniture i 4-Pjece Bedroom Suite 575,00 Si.3.00 g yPM 773 Terms Arranged 5 90lOOOOflOHOOOOCHMOOH30pOOOOOOOaOOOOOOOOOOpOOOpftOO' Nanarmo-Vellington and Ihilkley Alberta Valley Coal Telephone 031 or 052 Foothills Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Suggestion by Clr. M.emkrt i Tlirone Sjrerh Dttutr la Legislature REGINA. Jan. 27 CT slen of crows u ad Tftomas Johnson, a C C F In the Throne Speech dr : Saskatchewan Leg;at Bowling Alle For Health and a Slim Line Bowl TRAPPERS For Reservations fhonr CI Don't be foolish and se jw furs at the waterfronf Ft'i your stuff up town to Go& bloom s and get the bu- " t gcther to bid on their l-that wy you will nt'k H Per Cent .MOUE for Your& Goldblopm The Old Reliable .Phones 18 & 81 IMK oift FOR SEUV K K And SATISFACTION Try Mussallem's Economy Storf -Where Dollars Have Mo" Cents" Quality ' Groceries I rh I'ruils and Vegetable THE . SR A of QUALITY 'iT" air GOLD SEAL Fancy Jlcd Sockeye PIJSIK.SEA Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only ""j canning company with the year round pair0" prince Rupert