F Anglican Church Radio Club Is Tea Yesterday At Organized At 'Booth School 1Y1155 Lavica aauhic 0 o 0 o o o o o Ellison presid-Those serving j The first meeting of tbe Club in Booth Manorial Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Drue&ists The lleiall Store Wionei 81 & 8: Open Dally from 8 .m. till 10 pjn. SuixUrn and Jlolidaj from It Mm till 2 pjn. 7 p.ro. till 9 p.". Radio High The Women' Auxiliary pf fit School took place on Wednesday Andrew's Cathedral held a qcce- afternoon. Officers were etoeted as ful tea and sale of home cooking fHa: yeaterday afternoon at the home of nrenrfdent -Ken Schubert. Ml K. M. Davlea M.U.R. lth Twwrw-Harold Nofdan. many ladle calling during the af-. Soreary-Cbfftin& Opok. fair. The meeting opnd with Pitncl- MbM Davlw recelred along with . pal Arthur Button etcplaloioc what Mr. H- T. Meadows, the newjueM-jwa to be done at this club. The dent of the Auxiliary, who was ln-.memben were given the code to traduced to thecaller by Mr. J B. learn. ! .Glbm. Mr. V. J. Nr Uon wo con-1 vener of the tea room and lrt. C. V. Evltt and Mr. C ed at the tea table. WU. Mrs. R L. MclnUwh was convener of the home cooking as-, uoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo RCA Victor Sets The Standard Of Radio Performance and Value ' For 1939 Let us ahoV you the ouUtandlng polnU of the finest radio ever produced. Performance and value that no other radio can match. Unless you are getting ALL the features and advantages of RCA victor itaaio you uc m.i.i mm 31ia 51.9.50 ) 50 the value that you should. with the Rrealest deeree Only R.C.A. Victor maintains tl.U policy of permanence In prformance and value. It Actually Cts Less to Own the Host-See .U,CA. Victor at " , i . '. .i . ' ' - Fresh .Icnl Raw And J fl. BULGER Pasteurized Alilk . .. Optometrist Valentin dairy HIONE-U1 Hoj Bank Bldg. Ladies' Music Club Meeting Miscellaneous ,1,'rocram Arrange By Mrs. Cmlckihank At Her Home The fortnightly meeting of the Ladle' Music Club was held on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Crulckshank In thei crashed Into the rear of a station-a' ary train In .Hertfordshire. 8 Scandinavian IjCompetUion !,In Shipping eh In handling Canadian products out of the Great Lakes system of , Canada and across he.AtianUc. For Sale Prince Rupert. DC Auction Sale NORMAN A WATT, Administrator estate Harold Jac- obvn. Deceased. Announcements AU adTertlaement ln.thu.col-nmn Fill be charged for a .full month at 25c a word. ' . Junior Chamber of Commerce Snowball Frolic. Moose Hall, Hospital Ball, February 3, Eagles' Bridge, February 8. Toe H. Valentine Dance February 10. Toe H Bridge February 15. United Missionary Tea Mrs. Jen- ner's February 16. Masonic Ball February 17. .! Cambral Valentine Tea Mrs. 8. C. Thomson's, February 18. Anglican Spring Sale Anrll 13. TTrenAn,Y:Ni;w8 1" LOCALS j TCMjipurs the night of the j.c. Snowball Frolic! Let's all go! Pun and favors! Moose Hall 10 p.m. It Lynn Valley Pears, Lynn Valley Apricots 2 tin for 25c at the Thrift Cah.& Carry. (22) punsajow jCourt on McBrlde Street' Mr. and Mrs. Shelford Darton with the president. Mr. Shelford called -last night on the Prlncs Darton. n the chair. The meetlngJOeorge for a trip to Vancouver. took the form of a miscellaneous ' program under the direction ol' C 13. Flewln and O. E. Brown of Mrs. Cruicksnanlc who read a very i Port 81mpson sailed last night on instructive and Interesting papqt on "Occult Forces In Music" and also arranged the following program: Vocal solo, "Lullaby Baby" (Bertram -Brown), Mrs. J. H. Carson. Piano Piano solo solo. "I.tillnhv" "Lullaby" (Robert (Rhprti the .Prince George for Vancouver. Baby's Cold Help end it quicker J without "dosing". tiir lC -A fr v va ponue J:f.VH.BH-rT:H:fHM.'H ilitedhv Mrs W .It. Tobev and Mrs. I Mrs M. C Madlll alled last ttre Mr. JarvU McLeod. Mrs. L.,n P Tlnkw Mn P A Maftallum.A.htim-inni Ml P1l 1fi!in lnleht on the Prinrp C.mitup tr.r n'beiOW. OoopooooooooPooooooopooggoowjooooowoooovooQwooooooowui pjano soj0i yislon Insernall,' 6 g Ed ward Poldlnl . Mrs. H. O, John. o o 8 0 0 o s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o g o 0 o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 Candy Specials Sharp's Assorted 'Tpffcc 30C Jli Jelly reaks,- -fl ffn hb. I Creams and Jellies 15C Lb I & S. Assorted Chocolates 77tp tlib p sen Vocal solo. elScotti. Mr. S "Lullaby" (Cyril. D. Johnston I o Tlie meeting concluded with the $ , serving of tea by the hostess. Two Killed And I Eight Injured I In Rail Smash I 9 1 LONDON. Jan. 27: (CP- Two o periom were killed apd eight In a lured when a passenger train : -,r . NINCTY-TWO YI'.AIIS OLD Mrs. Annie McKay Stephens mother of ExMayor M. M. Steph ens, Is celebrating her ninety-second birthday and is the recipi ent of congratulations and best wishes for many happy -returns ol the day from her numerous admlr- j Ing friends. Despite h'er advanced Mr. Stephens Is still fine and Iage. fit. Her atclvttles and keen In-' terest rival those of many people who arc numerous years hei junior. Pioneer Sawmill I Operator Passes LONDON. Jan. jn: .urureav Robert Nlven ni ln Vancouver Britain is considering a cnange m At Aee of Seventy-two One ujc kjjjv- ui w .uv.w. - interested .at urean rails petition of small Scandinavian ves Canada's Royal Guests rUND Uf rlKK AINU dLVL Rideau Hall Slated fpr Doing Over in VieAV.af Xheir Majesties' Stay In npminiqn Capital in May OTTAWA, January 27: (CP) Pink .and blue, favorite colors of Queen Elizabeth, will be stressed in the furnishings of Lady Tweedsmuir's bedroom and sitting .room at Rideau Hall, her Majesty's home for lour days during tho rnvnl tnv in Ottawa in Mav. Mr. and Mr."" iaiy sailed! . King George will ocQupy .the bedroom jiow used by Jast .night on the Prince George" uov"H.?T . fpr yancouver. " !z room aujouujiB uic puui w cupled by the Queen, on the floor Holtby. Mrs. F. M. Oood. Mr. C. C. acted m cashier Vocal solo, "Birds In ihe Night" 1 business trip to Vancouver and; From mid-March until mid-April 1 1 Arthur Ruiiivnnt Mn n n fiwhw- in th nnth 'Lord and Lady Tweedsmulr will ' ' " Larse. travel in western uanaaa wniis renovations are taking place .at Rideau Hall. Members of the!r i staff will accompany them. On their return they will occupy was prominent in the lumbering furniture ln tne room, over i.e. Win Again Swamped European Opponents Yes-' terday in Amsterdam by Ten to One Score AA'tSTERDAM, Jan. 27: CP - Trail Smoke Eaters, who have yet On Monday, January 30th, at to taste defeat In their European 2.30 pjn. at the Imperial Oil Dock tour, won over a team or Western I Ihe following items wM be offered European Canadians here yester-at public sale: worm drive anchor (jay by a score qf 10 to 1. Joe Ben- winch, gurdles, tools, water .and 0u and Johnny M:Cready were res-l gas tanks and considerable other j pcnsible for nine of Trail's goals. trolling equipment. SEALED TENDERS will also bcl CAHI) OF THANKS received up to noon of the samai date for purchase of 20 h.p. Regal I Mr. and Mrs. A. Ivarson and engine with or without shaft and family wifh to convey sincere propellot. Tills engine new two thanks and appreciation to a.l years ago. Highest or any tender friends Tor tneir Kind expressions not necassarlly accepted. of sympathy and beautiful floral Above articles open for lnspec- tributes and especially the nurs- Uon from 1 to 2:30 on day of sale, ing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital and tnose wno donated cars, at the time of their sad bereavement. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE .Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. a E. BLACK Walker's Music Store; Large Stock Music llelntiman, Nordhelmer and Lesate rianos Piano Tuning with "Resonwcope Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 rug in front of the low dresslni table. Directly across the corridor A private staircase cut off fronyj the rest of the house leads from their own rooms until the arrival' the royai bedrooms to the oak iof their Majetles May 17 when panelled sltUng rooms on the first Ithey will move to other quarters .floor. Adjoining their Majesties. tin Government House. Staff mem-,slulng rooms Is a .smaller drawing bers who will travel with the royal .room arranged for the ladles-ln party from England will De ac-ujyng the royal entourage. comodated In Rideau Hall or mi Buff unholsterv has , been chosen Rideau Cottafic, residence of A. S Uor deep chairs and sofa In the Redfern. secretary to tne uover-nor-General. In Government House grounds. New Color Scheme Wall of the room and the clotet rhned dressing room off one side, now a pale yellow, will b done ln oastel pink shade. New chintzes nowered in pink and blue will cover the sofa and stuffed chain in the room and a blue taf feta frill will replace the deep ween covering around the dress ins table. Complementary plaut drape will take the place of the Ureen hangings now framing the I 1 I I lour-poKer manogany u w King's sitting room to harmonize with the deep blue carpet. Red silk damask hangings will frame the windows. One wall is lined with hoeany desk. White flowers on a deep blue background will form the cpverin? fqr the furniture Jn the .Queen sitting room. Originals of Umstra-, Hotel Arrivals Royal .in- v. 7.fir.ror nH white flre-clace and on the walls- p wezek. C. N. R.; S. McKenzie , at one time was Interested at Sealed Tenders for purchase of Ocean Falls. ujAMnini tr tt a t rf Jnhn i ! Hammer will be received by under- CmnKA Kafprc I'sisned uo to noon. Saturday. Jan-. 01111) tC JUaLCIo lluary 28th. 1939. Boat may pe seen i I at Armour .salvage iu long. 8 ft beam and 15 h.p. Frlsby engine. Ofliclal Administrator, .will be hune water-colors done by Anyox; S. Arahawa and Mah yen. Canadian artists. city. A hooked rug in rose and blue Pince Rupert ..,, hmwht hv Ladv Tweedsr' H. F. SUverthoroe. Blllmor: 4 paoe niRriT' Maiy Pkas-es Of STRESS QUEEN'S FAVORED visit COLORS IN ROYAL ROOMS; m A't Luncheon n-TT rn rfctTkifr & tin Tf 11? -An 'enjoyable, racy description '.of his trip to Calgary and California was given the Prince Rupert Rotary Club yesterday at Its weekly luncheon In the Commodore Cafe by Roy Vandersluys. He told of stop ping off at Mcses Lake, about ninety miles from." Spokane, where the people In the next room worked all night at their accounts and moved out about four o'clock In the morning and began banging at ducks, it being the opening day of the duck shooting season. Proceeding from Spokane to Creston the next day he again. ran into the I opening of the duck season on the looking opt on the forest at Rock lBrlUsn Columbia side of the boun room, which has fuil-slzed buffaL. skins on the brown rug. Uew up holstery In llnen-damask will bt in cherry red shades. Flowers in .Pattern dary. The roadi around Creston were very bad, especially the shelves of books and In the centre jhu far Los lace aj a guest w oi tne room were w a wiuc iua- A--Ur nnv inrirfpntsnf the vis- Gi !muir at the Canadian National Woodall, city; Lillian j. MccoamicK irvr.thiinn tn Toronto last summer Asslnlbola, Sask.: Fred Nash and I AXVaa ava - In anticipation of the royal visit. Pred H. Nasn, Terrace will be used on the thick biege French, Vancouver. R. H. B. They visited Cranbrook. Winder mere, Radium Hot Springs wnere moose crossed the road right ln front of them At Calgary, where Frank Dibb. who went with them, had a large number of friends, he attended the Rotary luncheon, visited with Glen Gulick and had a very enjoyable time. The finest scenery on the trip was on the road from MacLeod on the Canadian side to Missoula Hot Springs where they drove around the tops of the mountain ranges on excellent roads. After reaching Vancouver, Mr. Dlbb stopped off and Jack Joy took Uons oi me aiomay . uM.h9f nnM the Canadian Drovlnclal Louis Hemon's French-Canadian . . d, . classic. "Marie Chapdelalne.' loan ed by theatrlst. Clarence Qagnon. will be hung about the room. Large bowls pf fresh flowers cut from the conservatory at .Riaeau r-.HlTv;, ith hioh naddedlHail will add color to their Majes back will also be re-covered ln pink and blue-flowered chintz. Off the bedroom i an all-white batn VANCOUVER. Jan. 27:: (CP) j001"- j Robert E. Nlven. pioneer sawmill A manogany wamrooe. -"j operator, is dead here at the age table, wrtung aeK ana a of seventy-two years. For years he 'chintz screen are other pieces of ties quarters uuriiig oujuum in Canada's capital. It were related, of particular Inter est being the large number of Prince Rupert people they met at different points. Concluding, Mr. Vandersluys said shape. . he thought just as fine a holiday could be spent without crossing the boundary line. A It was they travelled 6300 miles with out a puncture or anything to nar the enjoyment of the tour. ERMINE PRICES STRONG WINNIPEG. Jan. 27: (CP) The price of ermine pelts ranged from five to twenty per cent higher, according to grade at a sale here. Itching TORTURE (i A Minut ZZ HS DTD. a PBWCRIrTION. lu itl. Jk tuetWUi tmuurf tkii. Cnr, ttmui 2juSAUiab.aPBciuiTiON. JANUARY SALE Just 4 Days More Take Advantage of These Last Few Days of the Sale. Look in Newspaper, Ivtv s Window and in Store for Heal f,alues vc are Otfcxing. Size 4-0. Reg. $17.50. Sale Floor Covering 2 Only Seamless Axminster Carpets ssra. $3i.oo Dominion Printed Linoleum Six feet wide. Regular square 70i XJ' yard 85c. Sale Spring Filled Mattr esses $13.50 Red Complete with steel bend spring and spring filled mattress. Regular $40.00. $32.50 Sale w w rfr Vanity Dresser-Reg. $22.00 fl,vw $2S.OO. Sale Chiffonier Reg. $24.00. Sale . . . 19.00 Size 4-6. Reg. $20.00. Sale $15.50 Baby Buggy-Reg. 25.00 $32.00. Sale Sfeamer Trunk Reg. $10.00. Sale 8.00 Wardrp)QTrunk-Rcg. jj-iq ?J.VV ft ft $22.00. Sale Cooey Metal Folding Bridge Tables In variety of colors. $4.25 Sale ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE Prince Rupert