Bo Tomorrow sT ides furiier toll in the vast area of CT muM FAREWELL Uit Mikl In Honor of former frfmler Itennttt EAINT JOHN. Nil.. Jn 27 CP I. t .- in D.lnt Inhn th rllv hr.t I i a renturr a to he began . f tiie law snd the career n i;:s ;.,' 'if Minister R. B. Bennett dc ed hU final farewell C-ti be' re leaving for England : r.ikn L. future home. Bcts: lie ro$e to speak a hand- use prestation was made to Mr. T?.t dLstinguUhed company at- 1 Detcrt fUnks of Party t-iin-; the Saint John banquet ln- LUlTlDer Ae"i tVa iia.ftMtt itnvurnnr - . . . n a I II MM sT ' II . - 1 I... 1 1. . V. a ft I'n. f Ei:nt John and other cities. ' A Brt Hanson, nostmaatcr at Oona uver coming In with his boat May- fundi un n i.inuL i:iiiik.& - .unuuut aunit nun a " or white Cliff Island off the loum of the Skeena River. A fesh herring and bass were found me bottom of the boat, the fish .UL rutin, - 1 1 i . .u -- .n6 more man a oay oiu, uu "tic nanoinir over me siac. naa a sauare siem, iwi- tupper nainiea. siaca grey "iiiurunas areen. Eiions are "'"ue 10 laenmy tne owner. She whole Canadian tariff policy needed revision and contended that the ner United Slates trade agreement will add to distress and discontent In Canada. ' Snow Removal In t u a ( m 10 ne nignest nwiun 1 wt . n h" fLT.MVlontreal last Not 00 Costly This Year MONTREAL Jan 27: CP Output tr.;r: a a uvftari: lion. J n. if k i i Aiiror Weather Forecast Oeneral Synopsis Pressure re from Barcelona, captured the vl lage of Badalona, six mile north west, ln their offensive which h OTTAWA. Jan. 27. CP-Durtng immediately designed to conquet the debate in reply to the 8peech aU Catalonia. ' CANADIANS COME HOME Three Hundred Volunteers in Span-I hh Civil War Sail lire Hundred Left In Graves LONDON. Jan. 27: CP Near ly 300 Canadian volunteers who' fought ln Spain In the loyalist cause, sailed today for home Efforts are hundred other Canadians who be- this was the least they could do In showing their appreciation for their 1- Montreal authorities are not com- Mmp detached from the main body, plaining at the cost of snow re- he Franco-Swinlsh frontier. I , it.! rmui of the recepuon was moval so far this winter whici The SpalnUh government has ln-n f-.. keenlna with the tributes h mounted In onlv 1195.000 as h Usd been paid to Mr Bennett compared with J500.000 last winter atkm 0f tne Canadians, stating that hrcjshout Canada before leaving 'services. Five hundred Canadians, were left behind In Spanish graves. ase of good wishes was sent by v . ,,. Vtr Ctni shown. Uvcrpool. numbered 272. A spokes -Tie Minister W. L. Mackenzie, 7 ... L.n UM' We are leavlns SDaln Mr Bennett was born near Saint -si lie paiv ui 11 teers, which landed at New Haven from France and embarked irom as soldiers obeying orders, not because we wanted to." VICTORIA, Jan. 27: lCP-Lum-. F,.ht hundred International vol- He tailed from this port today ber production of British Columbia are csumated"to have been or Errand to make his future showed a fifteen per cent decrease, k,jled ln ralds north 0f Barcel-rae in Surrey Hills.1 A host of:in 1938. It amounted to some two ona DrCcedlng the fall of the pro- "tr.aa Daae mm goaspeea. ana a nan minon ooaru irv uu.i. vjsjonaj capital. ne former Premier (ccalled that the year Just enaea as comparca ' had been 52 years since he had . with three billion board feet In 1937. lrl Bain) Inkn mnA It VOOT .! I n nil ni ft ! V ft II e tO hP3 V V until 1. vwilll j 4 in; uiw...v " " , 4 ' F--t ne had left here for the west, ho d over stocxs irom me year jrcy- In his speech.Mr. Bennett left a.jous. decreased shipments to the rlt r .J I I . V. - tlnlUn CtdlAS nlrt "iig message aeciannp wmiu prairies anu mc uimm uv..- --hould have a strong central gov-1 being a factor. rnrncnt and not nine soverelgn- c He declared democracy was on rial and Canadians must be pre- rcd to pay a price for It. nw Rnnt Fniinr. luuii, vara mc iangmg in water GOVT WINS IN NORWICH Held Seat In England by Reducing) Majority, Critic of Foreign and Agricultural Policy Losing Out mains low off Vancouver Island NORWICH,' Eng.; Jan. 27!'CP) and unsettled weather continues 1 Medllcott retained East Nor-on the coast. It Is somewhat mlld-'fgjjj scat for the government ln a er over the Interior 0f British Col- Dy-clection by a reduced majority. umbla. I Norman Tillett unsuccessfully op Prince RuDcrt and Queen Char lotte Islands Moderate to fresh north winds, part cloudy and somewhat colder, probably some light rain or sleet. Vcst Coast of Vancouver Island Fresh to strong southwest winds cloudy and somewhat milder with showers. WINNIPEG WHEAT UP WINNIPEQ, Jan. 27: (CP) -Wheat futures in Winnipeg contln ue a slow upward movement. They Were lie lower to kc higher yes tcrday with May closing at 64,i. posed the government's foreign and agricultural policy. New Airport At Calgary Will Be Ready Next Week OTTAWA, Jan. 27: (CP Commander C. P. Edwards, chief of air services of the Department of Transport, announces that the new Calgary airport ready for use by February 1. cations Paralyzed LONDON. Jan. 27: and floods have paralyzed trans- I from the Throne. Hon. H. H. Stev-- , many. Barcelona citizens celc-.riL. .,.., ,, Wai m ens assured the House of Commons brali lne nmgent victory, bund- fnlc nomM have uiav nt wouiu remain iwyai mv ttG of demonslrauons marxec wt, . A A T rnrfr nt I hi. nv rrnniirvatlirf . . i ... .ti ' r1"1 - - cnu 01 itutigcr. jjubuuii niiu Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Dr. , bombings. R. J. Manlon. 1 . Mr. Stevens declared that the There ls flood water to a depth of five feet there. TODAt'i) Oouimi N It. Bljj Miseauri! 25. STOCKS Vancouver Pa-jlttc Nickel, 3S zik. Bralorne. 9.90. Aztec. J5 ask. Cariboo Quartz. 2.15. Dcntonla, .O,. Oolconda. .04. Minto, .024-Falrvlcw. .02 1. Noble Five. .02 1. Pcnd Oreille. 1.40. Pioneer. 2.50. Porter Idaho. .03 ark. Reeves McDonald, .26. Reno. 25. Reward, M. Salmon Gold, .094. TtJEJglt Taylor Bridge. .05. Hedley Amal.. .06 ask. Premier Border, .01. Sllbak Premier. 1.80 aik. Congress. .00a. Home Gold, .00,. Grandvlew, .05. f Indian, .OH,. Quatslno, .03 Vi ask. . Oils C A. P. Con.. .16. f Calmont, .35. C. it E 1.95. jfc Freehold, .03 Vi. m McDougal Scgur, .12. 4 Mercury, .06. if, Okalta, 1.05. '$1 Pacalta, .05 Va- k. Home OU, 2.16. X Toronto Beattle. 1.18. CenUal Pat.. 27. ; Gods Lake, .21. Little Long Lac, 2.95. :f McKenzle Red Lake,, 1.13. Pickle Crow. 4.75. San Antonio, 1.20. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.05. Smelters Gold, .02. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.30?' Oklcnd, .17. Mosher. .16. Madsen Red Lake, .40 Stadacona, .47. Francoeur, .19. Moneta, 1.20. BouscadUlac, .08. Bankfteld, 26. East Malartlc, 2.15. Preston E. Dome, 1.33. Aldermac. .37. Kerr Addison, 1.70. Uchl Gold. 1.25. Int. Nickel, 4725. Noranda, 72.00. Con. Smelters, 48.25. Athona, .06. Hardrock, 1.35. Barber Larder, .10. . Fcrnland, .08i. Dom. Bridge, 29. Chesterfield, 1.09. gun Inquiry and demanded a Par llamentary investigation. Mr. McNeill launched a bitter at SOCIALISM 1 tack upon the Department of National Defence and its minister. Hon. Ian Mackenzie, and declared. that the Toronto contract had been' a urank and bare-faced political patronage deal." ( The North Vancouver member de-' CONDEMNED Premier of Saskatchewan Not Impressed by C. C. F. Theories Some Plans of Government summer. , Premier Patterson said that it' would be Impossible for the prov ince of Saskatchewan to under-! DOCTOR UP FISHERIES Washington Legislature Asked To! Approve More Intensive Methods j Charlotte Islands remains unchanged at $12,000 ln the estimates which have been tabled In the House of Commons. Regular provision for mainten ance of Prince Rupert dry dock is included in the public works estl- mates. UNITY IS . 141 a1 . Macey's Cofee House High 6:19' kjn. 18.9 ;ft 19:05 15 4 ft. 12- Low NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXV11I . No. 22 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1939. TRICE: 4 CENTS Vol European Crisis Is Looming Again DEAD LIE Dim' IN HEAPS IN CHILI M 4 1 1. - TLM.t.n. FvllonInK Tf triple Mnnquane ,Cold Weather ,Is Being Felt Sub-Zero Temperature General In Ontario Victor! Hat Its Coolest Day TORONTO. Jen. 27: CP Subzero temperatures are general In ' On t rl n aa tn msutl awr rv14 LOYALISTS HOLD OUT:: i Declare They Will StiU Resist In- surgents In Spain Franco's forces Driving On KANTIAOO, Chill. Jan. 27: (CP) T V. IT,...": stinging defeat and serious dlaor ,.W:th great mounds of unburled 8ome -ganUatton wnsequept upon the fall ced lying on the urecu ana ou - Virtually cut off by snow drUU. brnt 01 seriow - Cool n Victoria " nct immwiciu. cuuiiw VICTORIA, Jan. lion oi unman. wus v..- toria had 1U coldest ordered. With upwards or we d d 29! bove hflusand esumaica u( vm- ln and fifty thousand homeless. HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Frontier. Jan. 27: (CP Despite the t of Barcelona to the insurgents. Spanish government ministers In Ls being that ....... the , strength ,u u.. has been iirthauake disaster area. . t.r tth,n ,h ,,mm,. loyalist OUI I Jt 1 EilV ed Some anxiety Is felt for a Mont- ml woman wno was a reaiuenv tbne . I Latest estimates place me aeaai 1 rfai' of the dluter at lifiOQ. underestimated. Oeneral Francisco Franco's troops, cheered by wearied and starving inhabitants as they entered Barcelona yesterday, are not tarrying tarrying there ujcic but uut are mc pushing (jumiuis on uu. J DpT Jg L()cal Subsi(Jies United States t i ATTACKED n onnue(l Is Supplying French Planes A 1 A suit w 4. 4. WASHINOTON, D.C Jan. 27: (CP-PTOlJ,nt Franklin D. 4- Roosevelt announced today that United States alrcratt i- manufacturers had agreed 4- with the eovemment's knowl- planes. Snow And Floods Vf-I mm a is OF IVIANlONiSWri'SESiiIii Old Country i RUef measure are being rushed lUnr Stevens Informs Commons at about an early end of the civil war.' rir. r.,t nn In Imwlrh hnd m inis re directing the Iign; Ottawa That he Will Not Acln Today the insurgents, pusning or. Trj,n,prtiition and Communi tend oil disease wmcn tnreaiens North Vancouver C. C. F. Member Not Satisfied With Bren Gun Inquiry and Demands House Probe OTTAWA, Jan. 27: CP Grant Throne Speech debate In the House 27 CP.-Vlc--1111 tnat are UU ln a Hon edge to supply France with an Commons yesterday. expressed far;10 mA out 8a,nit the rebcU and undesignated number of air- dissatisfaction with the reoovt of v. weather earner so so iar ' B . Ti,h,-. m m niriiimthRrm n,. Mr. Justice H. H. DavU on the Bren Payments for Queen Charlotte Island Mails and Prince Rupert Dry Dock Included in Ottawa Estimates OTTAWA, Jan. 27: CP The aih!ritr fnr ttMtnthln spr(" hp. I McNeill. Co-Operative Common-;. n . ' .. M , r for tnr Vn Van I " 1 - - --v.. wealth Federation member couver North, speaking In ' the ESSENTIAL' me arms manuiaciuring industry. . TO SEEK COLONIES I General Opinion is That Germany Ana naiy win .Make concerted Demands Daladier Endorsed Concessions Are Opposed By Deputies Hitler to Speak Soon Romans Shout "Tunisia" PARIS, Jan. 27: (CP) The Chamber of Deputies voted con fidence in Daladier foreign policy yesterday by refusing concessions to Italy. PARIS, Jan. 27: (CP) The opin- ilon among International observers ls that Germany and Italy, following the victory of General Francisco Franco In the Spanish civil war. will start a concerted cam- manded a reorganization of the De- ..... 'fa gn f0r co.Ion,al concessions. It ruiPn nr partment of National Defence 1n Ma'I?fel V0 U" Persistently reported that Oer-the interests of efflclehcv. He also Kr,tish at.,on Ai T,me' many mllitary Iorces are- being es- (rpi Rnnv urged complete nationalization of ueciares tuen jtabllshed on a large scale in the. CP - SnOW .,. Ratnnc nrifimH of Riuln olnu fn l i Piwtvr.Tnv rv.rr Enz.. T-n T7- tne txencn rjoraer. '.cpiNattonai Tinttv u not onlv rt considered probable that ChanceUor Adolf Hitler, when he a necessity but may become vital mounts the rostrum to the in thP nation very existence at open Eden. German Reichstag on Monday, th-former any time. Rt. Hon. Anthony sMh of his accession Foreign Secretary, said in anniversary speaking here. Party divisions do to Pwer make Importantde-not claratlons on future German ex-to. used count as much as they the who' population being ternal Pohcy. more Interested ln foreign affairs In Rome yterday Prernkr Benl- . (Kn -nur h.Kr. In viw nf h W AlMbOtUU, in an SUUITO, CXU1 W- ' 'TtSBiijrir -rmrtirnrftermrrtftrir sftuatlbfl- ratrftrat4onut thefnr6f - reoin'a - rsr KEUlA. I3r .0.1. lil spras:- tho f?n4nlh p,rlnno Barcelona h by the Spanish insur notr. in th. Thmne Rnrh rivrnto ana me coniinuea imminence o. In the Srkatchewan Legislature. Premier W. J Patterson condemned Socialist theories as expressed by the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation onpositlon. Mr. Patterson 'said that he .found room for optimism In view of mining developments In the nmthern part of the province. . Speaklrr of 'he proposed industrial board for the province, designed to encnurage development of industries. Premier Patterson aid the body would consist of war. REG IN A, Jan. 27: (CP) tax arrears have more than Being Taken Against Recurrence of Slides From ' Stetnwinder Mountain ' ! .take unemployment relief public HEDLEY, Jan. 27: (CP) The works projects even ir tne teaerai Hedley Mascot Mining Co. has or 'government paw nan tne cost. dered Its employees to vacate homes around the base of Stem-winder Mountain as a precaution against further rockslldes follow- gents. It was a defeat, he said, for the forces of anti-Fascism. A crowd 01 or fifty miy uious thousand shouted "Tunisia" I rp SI a S Ka TC h PWa n I aX and Corsica Arrears Doubled During Ten Years lonaon u wonaenng 11 mussouiu will keep his word to Prime Minister NevUle Chamberlain In Rome to withdraw from Spain after the civil war. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain will review foreign affairs at Birmingham tomorrow. Concern is ever-Increasing over the ..w International . situation arising . "WUW.'VU 111 UUnWllV . u. .tj . UA mhva . n.. Thaw nrnp rt 0 1 frrtm mnttn iin Pronph-Itaiian dir- JLlnl.K. lr!rL:lU"teCr some $49X100.000 as compared with ferences and the Spanish civji war i.;;;; .n tkencV m 1929 1PS8. the Legislature was Informed amounted to $6,000,000. Ten years ago they had been twice that Hedley Homes . 1 1-1 - V The government of Saskatche- Ayn H vania iffi AI c JVai.uaLU wsn contemDlates transporting rural school children to the larger places to see the King and Queen when they pay their visit this Precautions Eighteen prominent Brltisn non- political leaders Issued an appeal to Chancellor Hitler and the Germans today "to Join with us In a supreme effort" to avert war1. . I In Paris Premier Edouard Daladier. in a pessimistic speech, declared that Franco-Italian relations were rapidly rushing to a climax. FATHER NOW BEING HELD Also Housekeeper Pending Inquest Into Strangling of Little Rose Eiler in W innipeg WINNIPEG. Jan. 27: (CP) Steve whno" w'kiiied ana Eiler and his peeper, Kay it.. Z., x, tm Renluk, are being held on a coron- BAR GOLD ers warrant pcuumj iiura. mv ,the death by strangulation of Ell-er's six year old daughter. Rose, In a boardlnz house on Tuesday. No LONDON, Jan. 27: (CP) The charge has been laid as yet against OLYMPIA, Jan. 27: (CP) The Montreal price of bar gold In Lon- Elleror the woman. Washington State Legislature has don was up lc at $35.01 per fine been asked to approve three bills ounce yesterday designated to doctor the fishing i (Industry by permitting purse seining, attempting to equalize the sockeye pack between Washington and British Columbia and permitting the return Sf all fixed gear to the Columbia River. Alberta Oil Production EDMONTON, Jan. 27: (CP) Al berta oil production reached a new all time production record ln 1938 , . Men !An krpAle Ihta Kplriff Ihrpp Socred Meeting On In Edmonton Provincial and Municipal Relief Authorities in Session in Alberta Capital EDMONTON, Jan. 27: (CP) The annual convention of the Alberta Social Credit League Is ln session here as Is also a conference of provincial and municipal relief au thorities. There were no announce .Canadian Cardinal Is Visitor In Rome Villeneuve to Confer With Tope-Will Address Canadians and Conduct Mass ! of flctate at a Pontifical Mass on times greater than the preceding ments following either meeting last year. night. 1 Sunday I a ROME, Jan. W: (CP) Cardinal J. M. R. Villeneuve of Quebec has arrived In Rome for audience and conference with the Pope. His Eminence will address a gathering ! of the Canadian Club here and will