in 1 15 1939, SPZLL IT backwards;1 "And you I the word MILK", point out Bctien Cow. "And that's hut W KUM Is pure, freah, whole milk with all the cream left In, powdered by removing tbe natural nioiititfc contrnt. Simply add KUm to cold water whidc with beatcrand you have an initant supply of creamy part ear. ed whofc milk, I can't recommend anrthlne ttr better foe baby, borne or camp. KLiM B "if ff BoroWs If'j COf fo gocxr" IMi? H w i w ''' uuprciur ,. u. uaroer prov- (,,;.:,, :v wtio nas oeen inciai police, who has -been on a d, ,, the summer on the brief trip to Terrace on official , j R,vn will sail on the duties, returned to the city on last pooooooooooooouoooooovvoyoooooooeoooooooooooooooo MENTHOLATED FACE-ELLE AIDS DISPOSABLE HYGIENIC USE FOR HEAD COLDS NASAL INFECTIONS 1 5c Ormeslld. 7ii Pioneer Drtupfatji Hcaatl Store flittttc. II Jc K Otwu Hall) frwm tiro, till It avtu. uttUk ami MJdat front It wwn till X iJn 1 a.m. Illl M- )OnOOOOOOKOOOOOOr000HOOUUllMHJHMHkH CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-paciHc . Vancouver via Ocean Palls and Way PorU I'lilNCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUI8E ' St p'.ember 10th, SOth. October th, 7th, 27th c -e A u!.nttUan at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Service Ticket and Reservation from W 1. COATr.S. General AnL Mnce Rupert. B.C SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling it OCEAN FALLS and POWELL IIVEt Stvumerleavetv Prince Hupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Truliu leave Prince Rupert for the Eait Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketclilkan'!Vimd Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fares, etc., call or irrU City Tichet Office, 529 Jru ire. VI4M VteaarBBajBaajanavjaaBaaaMaaa 1 1 HON STEAMSHIPS LTD. steamers Leav rrlnce Rupert tor Vancouver; 8 .S. L'ATALA EVERY TUES T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, la.ta a mi p.m. "f r ' ncouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday Purtt, Coenleni, Please Purchase Tickets at Office tiffi ,InrormaUn Regarding ReservaUona and TlckeU From J. SKINNeu. irin,- m.T..i ..! Third Ave. Phene Ml Miss Pulmlra Astori Is sailing .tonight on the Princess Adelaide (for a vacation trip to Vancouver ana elsewhere m the south. FINED FOR OBSTRUCTING Harry Shlkitanl, Japanese, was nnrd 1100 lor obstructing a police officer at Port Esington. Shikltanl's young son was fined $20 lor a siml lar offence. MRS. PREVOST DIEft Mrs. Henry Prevost, one of the best knovn and highly respected native women of the neighboring village of Metlakatla. died last night at the Prince Rupert General Hospital fihe had reached an advanced age and bad been ill for several months. HOBART PARROT DIES Hobart Parrot, aged 75, passed away at the Prince Rupert Oeneral HorpltaJ after having been In failing health for aome time. He had been a resident of the city for some time, having come from the LUCKY CIRL HALIFAX, Sept 15: (CP) Two year old Marcla Newman escaped with bruises ind a shaking up when she fell from the second storey of her parents' residence to wave at a passer-by I If too. an suffer. iac from Asthma, Hay I Fevar or Bronchial trouble. lahalo the fumeo of Ke0ogs Asthma RellsLYou w0 get easy relief. For over 60 years this fazooos herbal reparation has E aaflUd thousands of anffertra. Taw aTrl 4nt Han IIjBO pa tla, trial fiutU. .l-.VJ. .1 - -if i KUIF . Xtftara Lfwm O. LtaaBcS Funeral Notice Funeral service for the late Nor man Clayton Miller will be held at the parlors of the U. C. Under- i takers, Saturday, September 18, a.! 2 p m. No flowers by request I Announcements AU MterUsementi In Uiu col-ma will be charged for a full mouth at 2X, a word. Eagles Bridge September 20. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Spencer's. .September 26. Ridley Home grocery shower, September 23, 5 to a pjn. Anglican Tea Mrs. September 27. Neal Garter's DANCING Hodgson Dancing Academy Classes Commencing Sept. 1 Specializing-Ballet, Mexican, Tap, Baby work Studio Ul 2nd Ave. Blue 898 Ti SWANA OLAFSON A.T.CJM. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Piano, Theory Harmony, Etc ' Enrolling Students for Fall Term PHONE 845 na oAirrr mnri PAoE TKPlt LOCAL NEWS NOTES Don Passmore, having been call- For prompt and courteous ser-ed back here for a few days as a' vice Phone 13 Taxi. tf member of the local unit of thei 102nd. Battery, sailed last night by Serenader's Dance. Boston Hall,' the Prince Rupert on his return to'.Saturday Nlte. till 12. (217) Nelson. 1 Rev. E. W. Slater of the mls- Off for active service as a cook Indian boat Northern Cross and Mrs. the Royal Canadian Navy, Reg. slater sailed last night on the Buck of the local unit of the Royal, prfnee Rupert for a trip to Vlc-Canadlan Naval Volunteer Re-Uoria and other points In the south, serve sailed last night by the Prince e. W. Scott, who has been asslst-yerbal defence, but the same ve-(ant on Northern Cross during Rupert for Esquimau. He was a- the summer, returned last night companled by Mrs. Buck. to his studies at the University of Judge "W. E. Fisher, T .W. Brown and W. O. Fulton, who have been for the past two or three week' at Atlln In connection with a ses-. slon of County Court, will be returning to the city from the north' on the Princess Louise tomorrow afternoon St. Peter's Tea And Sale Held A successful tea and sale of She had leaned from the window ?me coog was heW by the Woman's Auxiliary of St Peter's i Church yesterday afternoon at the. Parish Hall at Seal Cove. The hall as tastefully decorated for the occasion with fall flowers and foliage. Mrs. J, W Moorehouse. the president, received the guests. Mrs. A. iBarbe and Mrs Barber were in charge of refreshments Mrs. D. Sievert and Mrs. W. O. Vl?ar acted as senriteurs. Mrs. A. H. Hill-Tout was In charge of the home cooking table and Mrs. W. H. Ooodsell acted as cashier. I foooooooooooooooocaoooooo o o . I i i. Queen Mary Tea Mrs. Llnehara's. September 21. I Hospital Bazaar. October 4. ! C.tiF .Baiaar. October 1 Catholic. Uaiaar October 11, 12. Son Ja Bazaar .November 3. 215 Presbyteriart Bazaar. Nov. 10. Anglican Bazaar November 23: Country Fair November 24. EliSlE F. HEAPS Piano A.T.CJL .Th P( wwai ALL GRADES Private or Class instruction g Beginners from pre-school agi o ao Teachers Training Clas 2 Twelve Years' Experience 9 I'hone BLUE 997 MUSIC STOVE POLISH Cleans Hot Stoves In Perfect Safety At All B.C. Stores NOTICE Commencing September 11. IU Shaw, teacher of Violin and Hawaiian Guitar for the Western Academy will be in' the Prince Rupert Hotel, Venctia Fccro A;T.(j.M. Tencher of PIANO and THEORY , Classes Commencing Sept. I Phone BLUE 633 THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon g 1 CDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT- - CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAt t rhone SI For BeM lMu.tebuKI Coal MRS C K HUIIK 'JET' racked by the unly salmon canning company with an all th year round payroll to Prince Rupert British Columbia. -.1 APPEAL The Right Reverend Archimandrite Anthony Tereschenko, Administrator of the Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Mission of Canada for all Peace River Territory in the Province of Alberta and British Columbia, has great pleasure In advising you and all Oreeks. Syrian. Bulgarian. Serbian and all other Orthodox and Christian people who reside In the City of Prince Rupert or In the vicinity thereof that on Sunday the 24th day of September at the hour of 8 o'clock in the morning in the Cathedral Church of England St. Andrews Church) there will be held a special service of holy high mass with confession and holy communion for all orthodox and other Christian people. If extra services and sermons are conducted they will be In three languages Greek, English and Slav. I appeal to all Christian peo-pie whether they are orthodox or , not. and sincerely invite them to be present at this service to our Almighty God. All Christians of any other denomination are cordially invited to be present. For further information In reference to the service or for any other Information concerning matters of the church (baptism, confession, first communion) j please make an appointment ad-J dressed to me in care of Mr. N. Mussallem, 319 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. j RT. REV. ARCHIMANDRITE; ANTHONY TERESCHENKO; Administrator Russian Ortho-! dox Creek Catholic Mission or Canada for all Peace River Ter-' rltory In the Provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. i Advertising is ar divestment. Catholic Laflies' Aid Tea And Sale Successful Affair Yesterday Afternoon at Home of Mrs. C. P. Balagno, President A very successful tea and sale of home cooking was held yesterday afternoon by the Catholic -Ladies' Aid at the home of Mrs. C. P. Ba-lagno. Fifth Avenue West. The rooms were tastefully decorated with fall flowers and foliage and many ladles who called were received by Mrs. Balagno who is president of the Aid. Mrs. J. Arthur Smith and Mrs. James McNulty poured. .Servlteurs were Mrs. William Brass, Mrs. J. L. Blaln. Mrs. F. St. Amour. Mrs. O. P. Dloron. In charge of refreshments were Mrs. W. I. Miller and Mrs. Leo Dolron. ' Mrs. E. J. Fitzpatrkk and Mrs. j Louis Amadlo were in charge of the 'home cooking table. ! In the raffle of three sounds of Each pad will LIU flies aU da? a ad eirry dtj for three weeka. 3 pad in arh park el. 10 CENTS PE PACKET mt Drutgittt, C-rmtrrt, Central Sutra. WHY PAY 3IORE? THE WILSON FLY PAD CO, lUmilum, Omu Naval Historical Lyons, Mrs L. Griffith and Miss P. C nm-sxll-l- T? ' J Astorl Cashier was Mrs. Henry LOmHMtee rOrmed War Service Activities of Local R.ON.VJL Division Recorded An historical committee in con- I coffee the winner was little Ann ntion with the loal division of iFitzpatrick. e Royal Canadian Naval Volun- leer neserve nas oeen iormed tor SUNNY MONTH particular purpose of keeping nhe activities of the mem--August V AMHERST. S., Sept. 15: (CP) sunSlest unlt tlve service was the month J"! oftJhe fon d the present war ng com- smce 1911 according to officials Jhj at the " 5 ' Dominion Experimental f9rr, H9nmn h.r. tv,,i A- Hunter, F. A. . MacCallum, w Ben and William Robb. To All Greek Orthodox and to All sunshine was 275.4 hours. 60 above rgun Other Christian People Who Re- tne average, while the 1.67 - Inch side in Prince Rupert In British rainfall was 50 percent of the 3G- Most people resa the classified Columbia or in the Mcinity ycar average. ads. Do you? Thereof A ROUND the world men handle j $raij 1 Grant's with the unqualified approval i f ' Q V L H. of th. veteran smoker with his cherished Vyl pipe. Universally, men take Grant's for J Grants LIQUEUR , K scotch whisky glgF vfllUj wHc It? MM " Unquestionably the . 09 hljHeit valve la TMKC ayjv quality Scotch . . . This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board onby the Government of British Columbia B. C. FURNITURE Real Values In Reconditioned Furniture Consisting of CHESTERFIELD SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, DINING ROOM SUITES, BEDS, DRESSERS, TABLES, CHAIRS, BABY CRIBS, BUGGIES, KITCHEN RANGES and RANGES WITH OIL BURNERS, ETC. Larue stock of Remington and Underwo6d typewriters in first class condition at the lowest possible prices. PHONE BLACK 324 3rd. Ave NEXT DOOR TO B. C. CLOTHIERS